Untaxed U.S. corporate profits held overseas top $2.1 trillion: study

Capitalism would not exist without a government to protect their interests
Capitalism existed prior to governments and can exist without government. The truth is, governments need capitalism for all the feel good oppression progressives wish to inflict upon the world.

Well not really.

Capitalism involves "capital" which is currency of some sort.

That currency must have value thats agreed upon by both sides of a trade.

Buyers and Sellers.

What you essentially had prior to capitalism, in the private sphere, was barter.
Capitalism is Ug trading one of his goats to Bruuagh for a bushel of seed in the spring. Capitalism is free and open trade between two willing partners.

It existed prior to governments, and it is government that need that exchange of goods, services, and labor in order to do business.
Eyah all you want.
Wall Street and corporations are doing extremely well. Extremely.
And all you can do is sit there and give me Obama lip service. Words are not actions.
Your buddy is a corporatist elitist.
And you bend over everyday to shine his shoes

Didn't read the links?

Couldn't answer my question?

Then you got personal?



DO you not understand the difference between talk and action?
DO you not understand that people say one thing and do another?
I don't give a flying f*ck what Obama or ANY politician says. NONE.
They are all full of shit. All of them. There is not an honest politician in Washington. Not one.
I don't care what they say they are going to do. I care WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DO OR NOT DO.
The facts are:
Earnings are critically down for 93% of the population.
Earnings for the wealthy have NEVER BEEN BETTER. Never Sallow.
Record earnings for Wall Street in 3 of the last 5 years.
Underemployment is a staggering problem that no one is even talking about.
It is a fantastic time to be wealthy in America.
For the other 93% of the population. Sucks to be us.
But you keep right on supporting your guy - that is what is important right?

Where do you think I sit daily?

I work for the financial sector..in IT.

I see the data, daily.

I also had a huge life change a couple of years ago. Spent over a year out of work and now am back to making what I was about 3 years ago. That's after draining my bank account, my 401K and having to spend more to get to another state because there wasn't any employment in my own.

I also saw first hand what the swindlers did up close and personal.

I also watched "my guy" pick up the pieces and put it back together, messy as it was.

So you are basically rehashing this crap over and over..to people who know full well whats going on.


What do we do about it?

Go your route and pick up your 2nd amendment gun and start a revolution?

Or my route of trying to affect change within the system?

My route is slow..I realize..but there's less breaking stuff.
Capitalism existed prior to governments and can exist without government. The truth is, governments need capitalism for all the feel good oppression progressives wish to inflict upon the world.

Well not really.

Capitalism involves "capital" which is currency of some sort.

That currency must have value thats agreed upon by both sides of a trade.

Buyers and Sellers.

What you essentially had prior to capitalism, in the private sphere, was barter.
Capitalism is Ug trading one of his goats to Bruuagh for a bushel of seed in the spring. Capitalism is free and open trade between two willing partners.

It existed prior to governments, and it is government that need that exchange of goods, services, and labor in order to do business.

That's not capitalism.

Capitalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Capitalism | Define Capitalism at Dictionary.com

What you describe is barter.
Didn't read the links?

Couldn't answer my question?

Then you got personal?



DO you not understand the difference between talk and action?
DO you not understand that people say one thing and do another?
I don't give a flying f*ck what Obama or ANY politician says. NONE.
They are all full of shit. All of them. There is not an honest politician in Washington. Not one.
I don't care what they say they are going to do. I care WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DO OR NOT DO.
The facts are:
Earnings are critically down for 93% of the population.
Earnings for the wealthy have NEVER BEEN BETTER. Never Sallow.
Record earnings for Wall Street in 3 of the last 5 years.
Underemployment is a staggering problem that no one is even talking about.
It is a fantastic time to be wealthy in America.
For the other 93% of the population. Sucks to be us.
But you keep right on supporting your guy - that is what is important right?

Where do you think I sit daily?

I work for the financial sector..in IT.

I see the data, daily.

I also had a huge life change a couple of years ago. Spent over a year out of work and now am back to making what I was about 3 years ago. That's after draining my bank account, my 401K and having to spend more to get to another state because there wasn't any employment in my own.

I also saw first hand what the swindlers did up close and personal.

I also watched "my guy" pick up the pieces and put it back together, messy as it was.

So you are basically rehashing this crap over and over..to people who know full well whats going on.


What do we do about it?

Go your route and pick up your 2nd amendment gun and start a revolution?

Or my route of trying to affect change within the system?

My route is slow..I realize..but there's less breaking stuff.
The problem is, "Your Guy" hasn't fixed anything and has made it much worse in terms of liberty for the individual.

What has "Your Guy" done to get people back to work? What has "Your Guy" done to get people off of government assistance and into being a productive member of society" What has "Your Guy" done to stop propping up Wall Street to prevent the coming crash? What has "Your Guy" done at all to make America a freer and better place? He signed Obamacare, a utter failure of a law making bad situations even worse.

Never mind. I already know your answers.
Why is there an assumption that all profits made by US companies should be filtered thru the coffers of the federal gov't?

Yes, those companies made money. So? Why do some people assume it is either paid to Uncle Sam or they are doing something wrong?

It's government that allows business to flourish.

No government? No capitalism.

Government provides a vast array of services, infrastructure and resources that are mainly funded by the people WORKING for these private corporations.

They get money coming and going.

A little parity is not much to ask.

And it's part of the United States Constitution.

So a company earns the money outside the US. They put it in investments and banks outside the US. And somehow you think the US Gov't has earned a piece of that money??
Well not really.

Capitalism involves "capital" which is currency of some sort.

That currency must have value thats agreed upon by both sides of a trade.

Buyers and Sellers.

What you essentially had prior to capitalism, in the private sphere, was barter.
Capitalism is Ug trading one of his goats to Bruuagh for a bushel of seed in the spring. Capitalism is free and open trade between two willing partners.

It existed prior to governments, and it is government that need that exchange of goods, services, and labor in order to do business.

That's not capitalism.

Capitalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Capitalism | Define Capitalism at Dictionary.com

What you describe is barter.
Never mind. You appear to lack the ability to move beyond your blinders.

Barter is the foundational basis of capitalism. Modern capitalism is more sophisticated than its beginnings, but at its heart, it is someone paying for something they need, and someone supplying that need.

It can and does happen in the absence of government.
Why is there an assumption that all profits made by US companies should be filtered thru the coffers of the federal gov't?

Yes, those companies made money. So? Why do some people assume it is either paid to Uncle Sam or they are doing something wrong?

It's government that allows business to flourish.

No government? No capitalism.

Government provides a vast array of services, infrastructure and resources that are mainly funded by the people WORKING for these private corporations.

They get money coming and going.

A little parity is not much to ask.

And it's part of the United States Constitution.

So a company earns the money outside the US. They put it in investments and banks outside the US. And somehow you think the US Gov't has earned a piece of that money??

So said company has stopped using US government services and quit the US market?
Capitalism is Ug trading one of his goats to Bruuagh for a bushel of seed in the spring. Capitalism is free and open trade between two willing partners.

It existed prior to governments, and it is government that need that exchange of goods, services, and labor in order to do business.

That's not capitalism.

Capitalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Capitalism | Define Capitalism at Dictionary.com

What you describe is barter.
Never mind. You appear to lack the ability to move beyond your blinders.

Barter is the foundational basis of capitalism. Modern capitalism is more sophisticated than its beginnings, but at its heart, it is someone paying for something they need, and someone supplying that need.

It can and does happen in the absence of government.

No - you seemed confused. So I tried to help you.

And no..capitalism doesn't happen in any meaningful way without government.
DO you not understand the difference between talk and action?
DO you not understand that people say one thing and do another?
I don't give a flying f*ck what Obama or ANY politician says. NONE.
They are all full of shit. All of them. There is not an honest politician in Washington. Not one.
I don't care what they say they are going to do. I care WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DO OR NOT DO.
The facts are:
Earnings are critically down for 93% of the population.
Earnings for the wealthy have NEVER BEEN BETTER. Never Sallow.
Record earnings for Wall Street in 3 of the last 5 years.
Underemployment is a staggering problem that no one is even talking about.
It is a fantastic time to be wealthy in America.
For the other 93% of the population. Sucks to be us.
But you keep right on supporting your guy - that is what is important right?

Where do you think I sit daily?

I work for the financial sector..in IT.

I see the data, daily.

I also had a huge life change a couple of years ago. Spent over a year out of work and now am back to making what I was about 3 years ago. That's after draining my bank account, my 401K and having to spend more to get to another state because there wasn't any employment in my own.

I also saw first hand what the swindlers did up close and personal.

I also watched "my guy" pick up the pieces and put it back together, messy as it was.

So you are basically rehashing this crap over and over..to people who know full well whats going on.


What do we do about it?

Go your route and pick up your 2nd amendment gun and start a revolution?

Or my route of trying to affect change within the system?

My route is slow..I realize..but there's less breaking stuff.
The problem is, "Your Guy" hasn't fixed anything and has made it much worse in terms of liberty for the individual.

What has "Your Guy" done to get people back to work? What has "Your Guy" done to get people off of government assistance and into being a productive member of society" What has "Your Guy" done to stop propping up Wall Street to prevent the coming crash? What has "Your Guy" done at all to make America a freer and better place? He signed Obamacare, a utter failure of a law making bad situations even worse.

Never mind. I already know your answers.

Well first off..list all the "liberties" you've lost over the last 5 years. This ought to be good.

And second? You miss tarp? The Auto sector bailout? The stimulus package?

And did you miss all the misery of the last administration? Where the SAME NUMBER of people had to seek public assistance?

And did you miss the fact that the private sector has essentially hired the same number of people lost in the last administration? As in..in terms of private sector employment? We are back up to almost full.

Oh never mind. You aren't dealing with reality. It's a FOX/Alex Jones bubble.
Milton Freidman in 1980 during his outstanding PBS documentary series "Free to Choose"
Paraphrase - "Governments regulating the markets to enforce fair play and protect the public is a myth, a complete farce. Throughout history when governments get involved in the markets, corruption only increases. It is no different in the United States." (Keep in mind this was 1980) -- If the government continues to manipulate the markets in the Unites States like we are seeing today, the result will be a collusion of the central banks and the U.S. government. They will act as one."
It's government that allows business to flourish.

No government? No capitalism.

Government provides a vast array of services, infrastructure and resources that are mainly funded by the people WORKING for these private corporations.

They get money coming and going.

A little parity is not much to ask.

And it's part of the United States Constitution.

So a company earns the money outside the US. They put it in investments and banks outside the US. And somehow you think the US Gov't has earned a piece of that money??

So said company has stopped using US government services and quit the US market?

No. Said company still uses the gov't services and is in the US market. And said company is taxed on that basis. Said company pays taxes for what business is done in the US. The vast array of services and infrastructure provided by the US Gov't did not earn the profits overseas.
So a company earns the money outside the US. They put it in investments and banks outside the US. And somehow you think the US Gov't has earned a piece of that money??

So said company has stopped using US government services and quit the US market?

No. Said company still uses the gov't services and is in the US market. And said company is taxed on that basis. Said company pays taxes for what business is done in the US. The vast array of services and infrastructure provided by the US Gov't did not earn the profits overseas.

Lets go a little further down this bunny trail.

So when said company gets into trouble overseas and calls for US protection, say in the form of the military..or Diplomacy.. or the courts (Patents and such) which is paid for by tax payers..

Should said company expect help?

I mean..just sayin..those interests, "profits", weren't taxed..right?
Milton Freidman in 1980 during his outstanding PBS documentary series "Free to Choose"
Paraphrase - "Governments regulating the markets to enforce fair play and protect the public is a myth, a complete farce. Throughout history when governments get involved in the markets, corruption only increases. It is no different in the United States." (Keep in mind this was 1980) -- If the government continues to manipulate the markets in the Unites States like we are seeing today, the result will be a collusion of the central banks and the U.S. government. They will act as one."

Worth saying again...

Drop corporate tax rates to 10% with a 5% minimum.

Reverse the current hostile anti-business environment.

You'll see that money repatriated and new foreign capital flood in.

But our Great & Glorious Leaders In Central Planning say we can't have that.


No you won't.

A well thought-out argument, complete yet concise.

I must stand corrected.


Milton Freidman in 1980 during his outstanding PBS documentary series "Free to Choose"
Paraphrase - "Governments regulating the markets to enforce fair play and protect the public is a myth, a complete farce. Throughout history when governments get involved in the markets, corruption only increases. It is no different in the United States." (Keep in mind this was 1980) -- If the government continues to manipulate the markets in the Unites States like we are seeing today, the result will be a collusion of the central banks and the U.S. government. They will act as one."

Worth saying again...

Saying what again?

We had a slam-bang Friedman acolyte, Alan Greenspan, as Fed Chief for quite some time. And alot of Friedman style deregulation and tax cutting took place.

How'd that work out?

Additionally Friedman was all for government invention when markets were distressed.

He just had no clue as how to pay for it.
So said company has stopped using US government services and quit the US market?

No. Said company still uses the gov't services and is in the US market. And said company is taxed on that basis. Said company pays taxes for what business is done in the US. The vast array of services and infrastructure provided by the US Gov't did not earn the profits overseas.

Lets go a little further down this bunny trail.

So when said company gets into trouble overseas and calls for US protection, say in the form of the military..or Diplomacy.. or the courts (Patents and such) which is paid for by tax payers..

Should said company expect help?

I mean..just sayin..those interests, "profits", weren't taxed..right?

Did said company pay no taxes? Or did they pay taxes in the US for the business done in the US?

How about a French company doing business in the US? Does the US tax them on what they do in the US? Or does the IRS tax them for business done in other countries as well?

If you want companies to be in the US, taxing them because they have money is not the way to do it.
Imagine the job growth if this nation would abandon confiscatory tax policy as that money comes home yesterday if it would not be stolen by politicians to grow the moocher class.
The liberal is a dumb ass on fiscal issues.
NO TAX INCREASE EVER works as ALL folks have to do is invest their money in things that are exempt from taxation or leave their profits overseas in those companies.
But the dumb masses eat it up when their heroes scream "tax the evil and greedy rich" and then wonder with their thumbs up their ass when they raise taxes and revenues drop as people and their money leave.

The liberal is a dumb ass on fiscal issues. and that right there is what is called an axiom.

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