University socialist club incites young kids to KILL Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Days after the University of Central Florida faced national outrage over letting an unregistered student group hold an event promoting violence, the Knights for Socialism have taken their radical antics a step further.

On Friday, the group held an event where they allowed students to bash piñatas with the faces of President Donald J. Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and presidential advisor Steve Bannon.

East Orlando Post obtained exclusive footage from UCF College Republican Douglas Mactye, which includes disturbing content involving an elementary to middle school-aged student yelling, “Kill Trump!” The young children were being encouraged to hit the piñatas by members of the Knights for Socialism for the duration...... Continued......................................
University Socialist Club Incites Young Kids To ‘Kill Donald Trump’

Club indoctrinates elementary to middle school children, after caught hosting 'Leftist Fight Club'

It is amazing how the parents of these kids act just like the kids do. It is amazing they can stoop low enough to allow kids to kill, push abortions, yet turn around in the same breath claiming how love trumps hate.

They are often the first idiots who pick up that phone in a store and call CPS on some parent yelling at their kid . Yep typical nosey, snitching, hypocritical two face skans hard at work . They prove their self worth day in and day out. Never trust a trendy liberal they'll stab you in the back first chance they get.
If they are not willing to do the dirty work themselves, how they dare they ask anyone else to do it, let alone a kid?

God bless you and them kids always!!!


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