University of Austin dedicated to free speech will counter colleges 'hijacked by maniacs,' founding prof says


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So he stands for what American (and other Western nations) schools USED to all stand for. How refreshing. It's like a time machine to the past. It should be a boon for innovation.

Hundreds of college professors pleaded to join a new university dedicated to free speech just hours after it was announced, a founding faculty member told Fox News on Monday.

The University of Austin – a newly founded college announced on Bari Weiss' substack Monday – is committed to "freedom of inquiry, freedom of conscience, and civil discourse," according to the school's website. Its primary founders are vocal critics of the direction traditional academic institutions have taken.

"One fellow even said ‘I’m caught in an insane asylum, everybody’s gone crazy, I will work for half," a founding faculty fellow and former Portland State University professor, Peter Boghossian, told Fox News in an exclusive interview. "They're desperate to get out. They can't stand the illiberalism."

"They can't stand the censoriousness, they can't stand the diversity statements," he continued. "They can't stand pretending to believe something that not only do they not believe, they just know it is false, but they can't do anything about it lest they receive accusations of bigotry or discrimination."

Boghossian said the new school is not conservative.

"The purpose of the university, it's based upon free speech, free inquiry, the open exchange of ideas. It is an on-ground campus," Boghossian told Fox News.

"This has people from all over the intellectual, political, moral spectrum," he said. "When I say intellectual spectrum, I mean they've published different things, scholarly outlooks, different epistemologies, different ways to approach problems, and it's needed because our institutions now have been hijacked by maniacs."

"It's not liberals who have taken over the institutions," Boghossian added. "It's authoritarians who have taken over the institutions–traditional academic institutions."
shockedcanadian My wife lets me read the email spew about microaggressions, diversity, equity, inclusion, racial sensitivity, and yadda yadda yadda. It isn't just that, the professors have to attend meeting after meeting on all this bullshit ON THEIR TIME with no reduction in their work load.
A counter to the sort of bastardization of education that we have learned to expect!

"The new University of Austin hopes to counter what its founders say is a culture of censorship at most colleges​

The university's mission is to create a “fiercely independent” school that offers an alternative to what founders see as a rise in “illiberalism” on college campuses.

"We're done waiting for America's universities to fix themselves," stated a promotional video for The University of Austin posted on Twitter Monday morning. "So we're starting a new one."

The announcement garnered national attention partially for its board of advisers — a who's who of higher education critics and iconoclasts such as former New York Times columnist Bari Weiss, Harvard academic Steven Pinker, former Harvard University president Lawrence H. Summers and playwright David Mamet.

The University of Austin’s mission is to create a “fiercely independent” school that offers an alternative to what founders see as a rise in “illiberalism” on college campuses and a waning dedication among universities to protect free speech and civil discourse.

...the proposed university has received a lot of financial support, raising $10 million in private donations in two months, allowing it to hire about seven staff members. Since publicly launching Monday morning, Kanelos told The Texas Tribune he has received more than 1,000 requests from professors to participate in the university, which he believes indicates the need for this type of school."
A counter to the sort of bastardization of education that we have learned to expect!

"The new University of Austin hopes to counter what its founders say is a culture of censorship at most colleges​

The university's mission is to create a “fiercely independent” school that offers an alternative to what founders see as a rise in “illiberalism” on college campuses.

"We're done waiting for America's universities to fix themselves," stated a promotional video for The University of Austin posted on Twitter Monday morning. "So we're starting a new one."

The announcement garnered national attention partially for its board of advisers — a who's who of higher education critics and iconoclasts such as former New York Times columnist Bari Weiss, Harvard academic Steven Pinker, former Harvard University president Lawrence H. Summers and playwright David Mamet.

The University of Austin’s mission is to create a “fiercely independent” school that offers an alternative to what founders see as a rise in “illiberalism” on college campuses and a waning dedication among universities to protect free speech and civil discourse.

...the proposed university has received a lot of financial support, raising $10 million in private donations in two months, allowing it to hire about seven staff members. Since publicly launching Monday morning, Kanelos told The Texas Tribune he has received more than 1,000 requests from professors to participate in the university, which he believes indicates the need for this type of school."

This is going to drive the authoritarian commies in Austin crazy!

A counter to the sort of bastardization of education that we have learned to expect!

"The new University of Austin hopes to counter what its founders say is a culture of censorship at most colleges​

The university's mission is to create a “fiercely independent” school that offers an alternative to what founders see as a rise in “illiberalism” on college campuses.

"We're done waiting for America's universities to fix themselves," stated a promotional video for The University of Austin posted on Twitter Monday morning. "So we're starting a new one."

The announcement garnered national attention partially for its board of advisers — a who's who of higher education critics and iconoclasts such as former New York Times columnist Bari Weiss, Harvard academic Steven Pinker, former Harvard University president Lawrence H. Summers and playwright David Mamet.

The University of Austin’s mission is to create a “fiercely independent” school that offers an alternative to what founders see as a rise in “illiberalism” on college campuses and a waning dedication among universities to protect free speech and civil discourse.

...the proposed university has received a lot of financial support, raising $10 million in private donations in two months, allowing it to hire about seven staff members. Since publicly launching Monday morning, Kanelos told The Texas Tribune he has received more than 1,000 requests from professors to participate in the university, which he believes indicates the need for this type of school."
Cool! A new scam to fleece the conservitard!

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