United States President Surrenders Flag to Our Enemies!

I read here somewhere yesterday that Stephanie is a conservative. I've never seen a conservative like this. WTF.
Stephanie is an enemy of US. She is a racist, bigots like a maggots in this site. Why is so much hatred against your government?
Anything I can help you with Stephanie? A job or something? AC for your trailer? Year supply of any hard liquor of your choice? Email me a P.O. box and I will mail it to you. I'm VERY SERIOUS and hopefully this helps tone down your anti American propaganda but no swastika or confederate flags.
When she posted this lament, I guess there was no way she could have shielded it from the comments now given by the mentally challenged.

Apparently you will hold out until one million Americans are dead before you concern yourself with the roots of terrorism.
One million?...I wonder if that accounts for all those missing from Stephanie ' s American Spring.
Turning against Muslims won't 'save America', instead getting out of the Middle East will. It is all thanks to attempts to change the Middle East that ISIS and other extremist groups now thrive in the Middle East.

If we had never supported Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, then the Soviets would have likely defeated them and the Taliban; and Afghanistan would be more like other ex-soviet states.

If we had never supported Saddam Hussein, then the Iran-Iraq war, and Iraq's war on Kuwait wouldn't have happened. The earlier allowed the Iranian government to go on a killing spree of its own people.

If we kept out of Libya, then an American ambassador would still be alive, and Ghadaffi would have kept his country from falling to religious extremist groups.

If we had left Assad's dictatorship alone instead of trying to topple it, ISIS would have been quashed by Assad before it became a greater threat.

And then there is the fact that we fund and support theocratic governments throughout the middle east that kill and oppress their population on a regular basis, including killing 'gays', 'heretics' and woman for 'defying the state/Islam'.

If you want Muslims to stop hating America, and plotting violence against western nations. It is still going to happen within our lifetime, even if we invade every Middle Eastern country and raise our flag on it.

It took centuries alone for Christians to stop killing each other, and propping up theocracies to 'fight terror' won't convince Muslims to stop killing each other. They need to find reason their own way, just as a few countries like Tunisia are starting to do.
More liberal talk, blame America bullshit lies.

Nah. Just bullshit.
You sure are desperate to invade Iran, how many more Americans have to die in endless wars in the ME for your own ego?
The 60's are over. That hyperbolic anti-war rhetoric is old already. Progress a little.
The Bush years are over, and you won't get your Iranian crusade, but there is a lot of butthurt for neo cons like yourself.
Yeah right... Is Stephanie celebrating or mourning when something like this happened?

I'm not judging Stephanie or her earlier work which I am not familiar with, only the message here.

Apparently you had no opinion on the matter.

they are empty in their heart and souls and hate is all they have left. so that is all you'll get from them. hateful insults, put downs and pretty much nothing else

Stephanie look your self in the mirror. All your post are 100% hatred, racist, insult and just about everything you can imagine as a terrorist. I just read your other post where moonglow and others just blasted you. Why would I be any different? Are you even a human?
Keep your chin up steph, if all these retarded libs are blasting you, you are probably right.

eh, they don't bother me. If they want to look like nothing but hateful human beings, no skin off me. Mostly all my threads are about POLITICS and they get all bent over that. I pity them mostly. I have NEVER started a thread on anyone on the board calling them rednecks who lives in a trailer, lies about them being on welfare, etc etc. but they have a need HATE on someone: so be it. they look like what they are, small people who lives to hate others
You guys need to join Stephanie ' s Drinking Game...every time she says "hate" and "hateful"....drink up!
I read here somewhere yesterday that Stephanie is a conservative. I've never seen a conservative like this. WTF.
Stephanie is an enemy of US. She is a racist, bigots like a maggots in this site. Why is so much hatred against your government?
Anything I can help you with Stephanie? A job or something? AC for your trailer? Year supply of any hard liquor of your choice? Email me a P.O. box and I will mail it to you. I'm VERY SERIOUS and hopefully this helps tone down your anti American propaganda but no swastika or confederate flags.
When she posted this lament, I guess there was no way she could have shielded it from the comments now given by the mentally challenged.

Apparently you will hold out until one million Americans are dead before you concern yourself with the roots of terrorism.
One million?...I wonder if that accounts for all those missing from Stephanie ' s American Spring.
Stephanie wants us back in Iraq and Afghanistan, then to invade Iran and Syria. I think one million is too low an estimate, if you include civilian casualties. ;)
I read here somewhere yesterday that Stephanie is a conservative. I've never seen a conservative like this. WTF.
Stephanie is an enemy of US. She is a racist, bigots like a maggots in this site. Why is so much hatred against your government?
Anything I can help you with Stephanie? A job or something? AC for your trailer? Year supply of any hard liquor of your choice? Email me a P.O. box and I will mail it to you. I'm VERY SERIOUS and hopefully this helps tone down your anti American propaganda but no swastika or confederate flags.
When she posted this lament, I guess there was no way she could have shielded it from the comments now given by the mentally challenged.

Apparently you will hold out until one million Americans are dead before you concern yourself with the roots of terrorism.
One million?...I wonder if that accounts for all those missing from Stephanie ' s American Spring.
Stephanie wants us back in Iraq and Afghanistan, then to invade Iran and Syria. I think one million is too low an estimate, if you include civilian casualties. ;)

go diddle yourself. you don't know what the fuck I want. now go troll someone else
Stephanie look your self in the mirror. All your post are 100% hatred, racist, insult and just about everything you can imagine as a terrorist. I just read your other post where moonglow and others just blasted you. Why would I be any different? Are you even a human?
Keep your chin up steph, if all these retarded libs are blasting you, you are probably right.

eh, they don't bother me. If they want to look like nothing but hateful human beings, no skin off me. Mostly all my threads are about POLITICS and they get all bent over that. I pity them mostly. I have NEVER started a thread on anyone on the board calling them rednecks who lives in a trailer, lies about them being on welfare, etc etc. but they have a need HATE on someone: so be it. they look like what they are, small people who lives to hate others

Sure it bothers you Stephanie. Why would you bother with all these BS rants?
Show me a proof that we are hateful people and I will show yours. What made you people think I'm a liberal? I'm a republican but very disgusted because of people like you. This is one of the 3 reasons why I will never vote for a republican. You make me puke.
You talk like a liberal. Maybe Stephanie is tired of the lies and bs from the left. I don't consider her rants bs.

they post that rant and want to puke and then ask it be proved they are hateful people. Hey if this is what they think shows off their maturity, whatever blows their little immature/ childish skirt up. hurts no one but themselves

Hang in there Steph.

You're not alone.

Here's what one of the elitist idiots said about me on another thread.

:cuckoo: Your 'let them eat cake' rantings and over the top mean spiritedness, added to your repeated lack of articulation, lead me to believe your are either a troll, a drunk or quite uneducated yourself. You need to put more intellectual substance into your posts. Capisce?

Talk about an idiot. She and those like here don't realize they are the biggest patsy's in America.

Essyass doesn't bother me. In fact she isn't worth the bother. LOL
I read here somewhere yesterday that Stephanie is a conservative. I've never seen a conservative like this. WTF.
Stephanie is an enemy of US. She is a racist, bigots like a maggots in this site. Why is so much hatred against your government?
Anything I can help you with Stephanie? A job or something? AC for your trailer? Year supply of any hard liquor of your choice? Email me a P.O. box and I will mail it to you. I'm VERY SERIOUS and hopefully this helps tone down your anti American propaganda but no swastika or confederate flags.
When she posted this lament, I guess there was no way she could have shielded it from the comments now given by the mentally challenged.

Apparently you will hold out until one million Americans are dead before you concern yourself with the roots of terrorism.
One million?...I wonder if that accounts for all those missing from Stephanie ' s American Spring.
Stephanie wants us back in Iraq and Afghanistan, then to invade Iran and Syria. I think one million is too low an estimate, if you include civilian casualties. ;)

go diddle yourself. you don't know what the fuck I want. now go troll someone else
Sure I do. You want perpetual war in the ME, and can't stand anyone who disagrees with the logic of 'white man's burden' and manifest destiny.
Turning against Muslims won't 'save America', instead getting out of the Middle East will. It is all thanks to attempts to change the Middle East that ISIS and other extremist groups now thrive in the Middle East.

If we had never supported Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, then the Soviets would have likely defeated them and the Taliban; and Afghanistan would be more like other ex-soviet states.

If we had never supported Saddam Hussein, then the Iran-Iraq war, and Iraq's war on Kuwait wouldn't have happened. The earlier allowed the Iranian government to go on a killing spree of its own people.

If we kept out of Libya, then an American ambassador would still be alive, and Ghadaffi would have kept his country from falling to religious extremist groups.

If we had left Assad's dictatorship alone instead of trying to topple it, ISIS would have been quashed by Assad before it became a greater threat.

And then there is the fact that we fund and support theocratic governments throughout the middle east that kill and oppress their population on a regular basis, including killing 'gays', 'heretics' and woman for 'defying the state/Islam'.

If you want Muslims to stop hating America, and plotting violence against western nations. It is still going to happen within our lifetime, even if we invade every Middle Eastern country and raise our flag on it.

It took centuries alone for Christians to stop killing each other, and propping up theocracies to 'fight terror' won't convince Muslims to stop killing each other. They need to find reason their own way, just as a few countries like Tunisia are starting to do.
More liberal talk, blame America bullshit lies.

Nah. Just bullshit.
You sure are desperate to invade Iran, how many more Americans have to die in endless wars in the ME for your own ego?
The 60's are over. That hyperbolic anti-war rhetoric is old already. Progress a little.
The Bush years are over, and you won't get your Iranian crusade, but there is a lot of butthurt for neo cons like yourself.
You're using that dated 1960's stuff again. They brought that back in '04 to enhance election chances for Kerry.
Progress already.
More liberal talk, blame America bullshit lies.

Nah. Just bullshit.
You sure are desperate to invade Iran, how many more Americans have to die in endless wars in the ME for your own ego?
The 60's are over. That hyperbolic anti-war rhetoric is old already. Progress a little.
The Bush years are over, and you won't get your Iranian crusade, but there is a lot of butthurt for neo cons like yourself.
You're using that dated 1960's stuff again. They brought that back in '04 to enhance election chances for Kerry.
Progress already.
More liberal talk, blame America bullshit lies.

Nah. Just bullshit.
You sure are desperate to invade Iran, how many more Americans have to die in endless wars in the ME for your own ego?
The 60's are over. That hyperbolic anti-war rhetoric is old already. Progress a little.
The Bush years are over, and you won't get your Iranian crusade, but there is a lot of butthurt for neo cons like yourself.
You're using that dated 1960's stuff again. They brought that back in '04 to enhance election chances for Kerry.
Progress already.
Explain how you will defeat ISIS by destabilizing more countries in the Middle East.
Nah. Just bullshit.
You sure are desperate to invade Iran, how many more Americans have to die in endless wars in the ME for your own ego?
The 60's are over. That hyperbolic anti-war rhetoric is old already. Progress a little.
The Bush years are over, and you won't get your Iranian crusade, but there is a lot of butthurt for neo cons like yourself.
You're using that dated 1960's stuff again. They brought that back in '04 to enhance election chances for Kerry.
Progress already.
Nah. Just bullshit.
You sure are desperate to invade Iran, how many more Americans have to die in endless wars in the ME for your own ego?
The 60's are over. That hyperbolic anti-war rhetoric is old already. Progress a little.
The Bush years are over, and you won't get your Iranian crusade, but there is a lot of butthurt for neo cons like yourself.
You're using that dated 1960's stuff again. They brought that back in '04 to enhance election chances for Kerry.
Progress already.
Explain how you will defeat ISIS by destabilizing more countries in the Middle East.
Obama created the destabilization when he took office. Iraq and neighbors were under control until the not-so-secret muslim took office and removed our stabilizing military presence, all in the name of appeasing the outdated 1960's anti-war mindset of the left.
I read here somewhere yesterday that Stephanie is a conservative. I've never seen a conservative like this. WTF.
Stephanie is an enemy of US. She is a racist, bigots like a maggots in this site. Why is so much hatred against your government?
Anything I can help you with Stephanie? A job or something? AC for your trailer? Year supply of any hard liquor of your choice? Email me a P.O. box and I will mail it to you. I'm VERY SERIOUS and hopefully this helps tone down your anti American propaganda but no swastika or confederate flags.
When she posted this lament, I guess there was no way she could have shielded it from the comments now given by the mentally challenged.

Apparently you will hold out until one million Americans are dead before you concern yourself with the roots of terrorism.
One million?...I wonder if that accounts for all those missing from Stephanie ' s American Spring.
Stephanie wants us back in Iraq and Afghanistan, then to invade Iran and Syria. I think one million is too low an estimate, if you include civilian casualties. ;)

go diddle yourself. you don't know what the fuck I want. now go troll someone else
Sure I do. You want perpetual war in the ME, and can't stand anyone who disagrees with the logic of 'white man's burden' and manifest destiny.
Really what is she thinking, Its much better to let the little sand monkeys build a nuclear device that can reach the U.S.
Almost like she is considering the safety of the U.S over that of the false God non bathing goat humping terrorists.
Keep your chin up steph, if all these retarded libs are blasting you, you are probably right.

eh, they don't bother me. If they want to look like nothing but hateful human beings, no skin off me. Mostly all my threads are about POLITICS and they get all bent over that. I pity them mostly. I have NEVER started a thread on anyone on the board calling them rednecks who lives in a trailer, lies about them being on welfare, etc etc. but they have a need HATE on someone: so be it. they look like what they are, small people who lives to hate others

Sure it bothers you Stephanie. Why would you bother with all these BS rants?
Show me a proof that we are hateful people and I will show yours. What made you people think I'm a liberal? I'm a republican but very disgusted because of people like you. This is one of the 3 reasons why I will never vote for a republican. You make me puke.
You talk like a liberal. Maybe Stephanie is tired of the lies and bs from the left. I don't consider her rants bs.

they post that rant and want to puke and then ask it be proved they are hateful people. Hey if this is what they think shows off their maturity, whatever blows their little immature/ childish skirt up. hurts no one but themselves

Hang in there Steph.

You're not alone.

Here's what one of the elitist idiots said about me on another thread.

:cuckoo: Your 'let them eat cake' rantings and over the top mean spiritedness, added to your repeated lack of articulation, lead me to believe your are either a troll, a drunk or quite uneducated yourself. You need to put more intellectual substance into your posts. Capisce?

Talk about an idiot. She and those like here don't realize they are the biggest patsy's in America.

Essyass doesn't bother me. In fact she isn't worth the bother. LOL

LOL, holy smokes that was a dumb rant.....
snobs and haters. two types of people I can't tolerate.
I don't let those people bother me in real life. they damn sure aren't going to do it on here. . It's their own insecurities with themselves is how I see it.

When she posted this lament, I guess there was no way she could have shielded it from the comments now given by the mentally challenged.

Apparently you will hold out until one million Americans are dead before you concern yourself with the roots of terrorism.
One million?...I wonder if that accounts for all those missing from Stephanie ' s American Spring.
Stephanie wants us back in Iraq and Afghanistan, then to invade Iran and Syria. I think one million is too low an estimate, if you include civilian casualties. ;)

go diddle yourself. you don't know what the fuck I want. now go troll someone else
Sure I do. You want perpetual war in the ME, and can't stand anyone who disagrees with the logic of 'white man's burden' and manifest destiny.
Really what is she thinking, Its much better to let the little sand monkeys build a nuclear device that can reach the U.S.
Almost like she is considering the safety of the U.S over that of the false God non bathing goat humping terrorists.
When she posted this lament, I guess there was no way she could have shielded it from the comments now given by the mentally challenged.

Apparently you will hold out until one million Americans are dead before you concern yourself with the roots of terrorism.
One million?...I wonder if that accounts for all those missing from Stephanie ' s American Spring.
Stephanie wants us back in Iraq and Afghanistan, then to invade Iran and Syria. I think one million is too low an estimate, if you include civilian casualties. ;)

go diddle yourself. you don't know what the fuck I want. now go troll someone else
Sure I do. You want perpetual war in the ME, and can't stand anyone who disagrees with the logic of 'white man's burden' and manifest destiny.
Really what is she thinking, Its much better to let the little sand monkeys build a nuclear device that can reach the U.S.
Almost like she is considering the safety of the U.S over that of the false God non bathing goat humping terrorists.
You believe we need to invade Iran just to stop a nuclear weapon.

Even Israel isn't prepared to commit to more than airstrikes.

But you want to invade Iran too?
I read here somewhere yesterday that Stephanie is a conservative. I've never seen a conservative like this. WTF.
Stephanie is an enemy of US. She is a racist, bigots like a maggots in this site. Why is so much hatred against your government?
Anything I can help you with Stephanie? A job or something? AC for your trailer? Year supply of any hard liquor of your choice? Email me a P.O. box and I will mail it to you. I'm VERY SERIOUS and hopefully this helps tone down your anti American propaganda but no swastika or confederate flags.
When she posted this lament, I guess there was no way she could have shielded it from the comments now given by the mentally challenged.

Apparently you will hold out until one million Americans are dead before you concern yourself with the roots of terrorism.

Yeah right... Is Stephanie celebrating or mourning when something like this happened?

I'm not judging Stephanie or her earlier work which I am not familiar with, only the message here.

Apparently you had no opinion on the matter.

they are empty in their heart and souls and hate is all they have left. so that is all you'll get from them. hateful insults, put downs and pretty much nothing else

Stephanie look your self in the mirror. All your post are 100% hatred, racist, insult and just about everything you can imagine as a terrorist. I just read your other post where moonglow and others just blasted you. Why would I be any different? Are you even a human?

There is literally not one word in anything Stephanie has posted which any reasonable person could potentially attribute to an irrational, intense dislike for someone or something, or an irrational belief that her race is superior over another's.

But you're hereby challenged to show such.

Naturally, after a reasonable period of time has passed and you've failed to do so, your failure will be recognized as your concession to that challenge, that you're completely full of shit... .

(Reader, remember... the key to defeating Leftists in debate, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!)
I read here somewhere yesterday that Stephanie is a conservative. I've never seen a conservative like this. WTF.
Stephanie is an enemy of US. She is a racist, bigots like a maggots in this site. Why is so much hatred against your government?
Anything I can help you with Stephanie? A job or something? AC for your trailer? Year supply of any hard liquor of your choice? Email me a P.O. box and I will mail it to you. I'm VERY SERIOUS and hopefully this helps tone down your anti American propaganda but no swastika or confederate flags.
When she posted this lament, I guess there was no way she could have shielded it from the comments now given by the mentally challenged.

Apparently you will hold out until one million Americans are dead before you concern yourself with the roots of terrorism.
One million?...I wonder if that accounts for all those missing from Stephanie ' s American Spring.

I see your six year USM anniversary was yesterday, sorry I missed the party. But I hope your 68,000 messages have done someone some good with all that effort? At least, they might have something more meaningful than this last one? actually, I did not even follow it?
Last edited:
One million?...I wonder if that accounts for all those missing from Stephanie ' s American Spring.
Stephanie wants us back in Iraq and Afghanistan, then to invade Iran and Syria. I think one million is too low an estimate, if you include civilian casualties. ;)

go diddle yourself. you don't know what the fuck I want. now go troll someone else
Sure I do. You want perpetual war in the ME, and can't stand anyone who disagrees with the logic of 'white man's burden' and manifest destiny.
Really what is she thinking, Its much better to let the little sand monkeys build a nuclear device that can reach the U.S.
Almost like she is considering the safety of the U.S over that of the false God non bathing goat humping terrorists.
You believe we need to invade Iran just to stop a nuclear weapon.

Even Israel isn't prepared to commit to more than airstrikes.

But you want to invade Iran too?
Better than kissing their ass like obuthole is doing.
One million?...I wonder if that accounts for all those missing from Stephanie ' s American Spring.
Stephanie wants us back in Iraq and Afghanistan, then to invade Iran and Syria. I think one million is too low an estimate, if you include civilian casualties. ;)

go diddle yourself. you don't know what the fuck I want. now go troll someone else
Sure I do. You want perpetual war in the ME, and can't stand anyone who disagrees with the logic of 'white man's burden' and manifest destiny.
Really what is she thinking, Its much better to let the little sand monkeys build a nuclear device that can reach the U.S.
Almost like she is considering the safety of the U.S over that of the false God non bathing goat humping terrorists.
You believe we need to invade Iran just to stop a nuclear weapon.

Even Israel isn't prepared to commit to more than airstrikes.

But you want to invade Iran too?
No, I agreed, its foolish not to pay them to build the nuclear device that they will send our way.
maybe if the shoe shine boy gives them enough money they will suddenly like us. We can be their sugar country or something. after all obama is already sucking their dicks.
as far as superior, I know enough to live where food grows, I don't hump sheep or kill women and gays I use toilet paper instead of my bare hand and I damn sure don't use dried up camel shit in place of charcoal.
and I don't worship a child molesting false prophet and his homo hating God.
When she posted this lament, I guess there was no way she could have shielded it from the comments now given by the mentally challenged.

Apparently you will hold out until one million Americans are dead before you concern yourself with the roots of terrorism.

Yeah right... Is Stephanie celebrating or mourning when something like this happened?

I'm not judging Stephanie or her earlier work which I am not familiar with, only the message here.

Apparently you had no opinion on the matter.

they are empty in their heart and souls and hate is all they have left. so that is all you'll get from them. hateful insults, put downs and pretty much nothing else

Stephanie look your self in the mirror. All your post are 100% hatred, racist, insult and just about everything you can imagine as a terrorist. I just read your other post where moonglow and others just blasted you. Why would I be any different? Are you even a human?

There is literally not one word in anything Stephanie has posted which any reasonable person could potentially attribute to an irrational, intense dislike for someone or something, or an irrational belief that her race is superior over another's.

But you're hereby challenged to show such.

Naturally, after a reasonable period of time has passed and you've failed to do so, your failure will be recognized as your concession to that challenge, that you're completely full of shit... .

(Reader, remember... the key to defeating Leftists in debate, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!)
>>Naturally, after a reasonable period of time has passed and you've failed to do so, your failure will be recognized as your concession to that challenge, that you're completely full of shit...<<

You may be selling him short. Because he may heed at least one Biblical proverb, that being ----

Proverbs 17:28 "Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues."
Keep your chin up steph, if all these retarded libs are blasting you, you are probably right.

eh, they don't bother me. If they want to look like nothing but hateful human beings, no skin off me. Mostly all my threads are about POLITICS and they get all bent over that. I pity them mostly. I have NEVER started a thread on anyone on the board calling them rednecks who lives in a trailer, lies about them being on welfare, etc etc. but they have a need HATE on someone: so be it. they look like what they are, small people who lives to hate others

Sure it bothers you Stephanie. Why would you bother with all these BS rants?
Show me a proof that we are hateful people and I will show yours. What made you people think I'm a liberal? I'm a republican but very disgusted because of people like you. This is one of the 3 reasons why I will never vote for a republican. You make me puke.
You talk like a liberal. Maybe Stephanie is tired of the lies and bs from the left. I don't consider her rants bs.

they post that rant and want to puke and then ask it be proved they are hateful people. Hey if this is what they think shows off their maturity, whatever blows their little immature/ childish skirt up. hurts no one but themselves

Hang in there Steph.

You're not alone.

Here's what one of the elitist idiots said about me on another thread.

:cuckoo: Your 'let them eat cake' rantings and over the top mean spiritedness, added to your repeated lack of articulation, lead me to believe your are either a troll, a drunk or quite uneducated yourself. You need to put more intellectual substance into your posts. Capisce?

Talk about an idiot. She and those like here don't realize they are the biggest patsy's in America.

Essyass doesn't bother me. In fact she isn't worth the bother. LOL

I thought you said Hang yourself Stephanie. You talk exactly like your sister.
You came here all the way showing your irritated. Then it doesn't bother you? Butt hurt eh!

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