Union mob protests at Scott Walker's parents' house


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
hat unions hate Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is well known. They campaigned against him in 2010 and 2014 and led a recall election against him in 2012. They lost all three times.

But their anger has not subsided. And with Walker eyeing a possible 2016 bid for the White House, union leadership’s anger has only grown.

After storming the Wisconsin State House and countless events featuring Governor Walker, the angry mob of union protesters employed a new tactic — protesting outside the home of the governor’s parents.

Union mob protests at Scott Walker s parents house Fox News

disgusting thugs
As I've always maintained, there is no level too low to which the left will stoop. I would not put it past them to use violence against Walker and his family.
I don't know how many of you remember August 5, 1981...but on that date President Ronald Reagan carried out his promise of the biggest mass firing of union labor the country had ever seen. Eleven thousand PATCO workers (air traffic controllers) were axed when they refused to follow the president's orders to return to work or face being fired. They didn't and HE DID. Dumb bastards were never re-hired in their lifetime. Best act by a President of the U.S.A. EVER.

Reagan fires 11 000 striking air traffic controllers Aug. 5 1981 - Andrew Glass - POLITICO.com
I don't know how many of you remember August 5, 1981...but on that date President Ronald Reagan carried out his promise of the biggest mass firing of union labor the country had ever seen. Eleven thousand PATCO workers (air traffic controllers) were axed when they refused to follow the president's orders to return to work or face being fired. They didn't and HE DID. Dumb bastards were never re-hired in their lifetime. Best act by a President of the U.S.A. EVER.

Reagan fires 11 000 striking air traffic controllers Aug. 5 1981 - Andrew Glass - POLITICO.com
I remember that. I thought to myself..."I think I'm gonna like this President". And I did!
So, the union is terrorizing Walker's parents. The union is nothing but a bunch of classless thugs. Previous leaders had promised them money that doesn't exist yet and they could care less how bankrupt the state is due to their unreasonable demands.

Yet another rent-a-mob doing what the addle-minded do best... absolutely nothing.

But how cool is it, that the Ideological Left molests perfectly innocent people for political advancement. Not at ALL distinct from their Islamic Comrades... they simply haven't started murdering those people, MUCH.

But in a deliciously ironic twist, we DID have the Leftist murdering those three Islamic kids the other day... so, we can count that as the indicator of the coming trend.

The BEST PART is that in this, they will release the Americans with the moral justification to ERASE THEM, in the coming open season on the enemy of Americans: OKA: The Ideological Left.
I don't know how many of you remember August 5, 1981...but on that date President Ronald Reagan carried out his promise of the biggest mass firing of union labor the country had ever seen. Eleven thousand PATCO workers (air traffic controllers) were axed when they refused to follow the president's orders to return to work or face being fired. They didn't and HE DID. Dumb bastards were never re-hired in their lifetime. Best act by a President of the U.S.A. EVER.

Actually, a lot of them were rehired by Bill Clinton, who lifted the ban in 1993.

To the point, though, the PATCO strike was the signal that employers could screw working folks, and it hasn't been good for the country in general. Some of us are old enough to remember what a middle class looks like...
Maybe they thought they were millionaires? demanded that they pay their fair share, just give them the money (pretty much how all democrats think).
I don't know how many of you remember August 5, 1981...but on that date President Ronald Reagan carried out his promise of the biggest mass firing of union labor the country had ever seen. Eleven thousand PATCO workers (air traffic controllers) were axed when they refused to follow the president's orders to return to work or face being fired. They didn't and HE DID. Dumb bastards were never re-hired in their lifetime. Best act by a President of the U.S.A. EVER.

Reagan fires 11 000 striking air traffic controllers Aug. 5 1981 - Andrew Glass - POLITICO.com
Certainly in the top five best acts, and the only thing that I remember Reagan ever doing that I liked.

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