Should all future POTUS....


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
...have served in the military as a condition to BE potus?

I ask cuz I am watching Air Force One. Why haven't we had a president like Harrison Ford in that movie? Well..we did.....JFK. Any others I don't know about that could what that fictional character POTUS did in that movie? And wouldn't it be so nice if we did have one in future?

Imagine Bush, Clinton, Obama in that Hollywood scenario. They would have cried and wet their pants.
Both Bushes were military. And pretty much very good presidents. Carter was also military and sucked ass. I'm not sure service is the only qualifier for the job but it does seem to help in most cases.
It was a movie, and it's not real life. It wouldn't have happened that way. Good movie though.
Both Bushes were military. And pretty much very good presidents. Carter was also military and sucked ass. I'm not sure service is the only qualifier for the job but it does seem to help in most cases.
Bush the Elder was a decent president, Carter tried faithfully and failed, and Bush the Younger tried unfaithfully and failed.
It would require an Amendment to the Constitution and would probably be considered a no go even if Congress made the Amendment to be voted on.
Military service should not be a prerequisite, however, now that we are on the subject, how about a requirement they have actual private sector work experience, excluding that of being an attorney or community organizer, most important attribute, common sense.
Both Bushes were military. And pretty much very good presidents. Carter was also military and sucked ass. I'm not sure service is the only qualifier for the job but it does seem to help in most cases.
Bush the Elder was a decent president, Carter tried faithfully and failed, and Bush the Younger tried unfaithfully and failed.

And this far left post failed!
Military service should not be a prerequisite, however, now that we are on the subject, how about a requirement they have actual private sector work experience, excluding that of being an attorney or community organizer, most important attribute, common sense.

So being a lawyer is not a "real" job?

It's amazing to me the justifications you guys come up with for your nonsense.
Military service should not be a prerequisite, however, now that we are on the subject, how about a requirement they have actual private sector work experience, excluding that of being an attorney or community organizer, most important attribute, common sense.
Common sense is just a nice phrase for gut feelings people can't explain.

I'd rather have a rational president.

The rest of your post is nonsense
Should the POTUS have served in the military? No!

However they should be smart enough to listen to their generals and not run their far left religious agenda.

So obviously Obama was the wrong choice on many levels, especially this one..
Military service should not be a prerequisite, however, now that we are on the subject, how about a requirement they have actual private sector work experience, excluding that of being an attorney or community organizer, most important attribute, common sense.
Common sense is just a nice phrase for gut feelings people can't explain.

I'd rather have a rational president.

The rest of your post is nonsense
Military service should not be a prerequisite, however, now that we are on the subject, how about a requirement they have actual private sector work experience, excluding that of being an attorney or community organizer, most important attribute, common sense.
Common sense is just a nice phrase for gut feelings people can't explain.

I'd rather have a rational president.

The rest of your post is nonsense

"Common sense" = things that "feel" right, but can't be explained in a coherent and rational way.

I'm more interested in "uncommon sense" than "common sense".

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