Unemployment rate may be really 14.6% !? not 10.2%!?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I hear the unemployment rate may really be 14.6 % not 10.2 % as news media states!
Are we the American public being given accurate figures from state Dept of labor?.
Or is Government adjusting the real figures.!?
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I hear the unemployment rate may really be 14.6 % not 10.2 % as news media states!
Are we the American public being given accurate figures from state Dept of labor?.
Or is Government adjusting the real figures.!?

I heard you may be a moron!
The anti-Obama crowd is on a mission to redefine the unemployment rate so they can use a bigger, worse looking number,

...not surprisingly.
I hear the unemployment rate may really be 14.6 % not 10.2 % as news media states!
Are we the American public being given accurate figures from state Dept of labor?.
Or is Government adjusting the real figures.!?

The unemployment rate of those actively seeking work is 10%. If you count people who have given up looking or have taken part-time jobs in the mean time, the rate is 17.2%

Unexpected drop in jobless rate sparks optimism - Yahoo! Finance
I hear the unemployment rate may really be 14.6 % not 10.2 % as news media states!
Are we the American public being given accurate figures from state Dept of labor?.
Or is Government adjusting the real figures.!?

I read the real unemployment is is somewhere btw 17-22%! The gov fluffs the numbers,

Side note: I heard unemployment of African Americans is around 30%!
how do they figure the unemployment rate? applications for unemployment? If that is true then add up those who don't apply or have run out of unemployment and are still unemployed or have ceased looking for employment. Now what do you think it is?
how do they figure the unemployment rate? applications for unemployment? If that is true then add up those who don't apply or have run out of unemployment and are still unemployed or have ceased looking for employment. Now what do you think it is?

Who is counted as unemployed?
Persons are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work. Actively looking for work may consist of any of the following activities:

An employer directly or having a job interview
A public or private employment agency
Friends or relatives
A school or university employment center
Sending out resumes or filling out applications
Placing or answering advertisements
Checking union or professional registers
Some other means of active job search
I hear the unemployment rate may really be 14.6 % not 10.2 % as news media states!
Are we the American public being given accurate figures from state Dept of labor?.
Or is Government adjusting the real figures.!?

The unemployment rate is figured the same way it always has been. If you want to monitor trends you have to measure the exact same variable.

Any way you measure it you are going to get questions of whether it reflects the true rate
10% is just a big lie. This White House has already been caught on several occasions for cooking the books. The 10% number is actually pretty laughable. The real number is of course much higher.
10% is just a big lie. This White House has already been caught on several occasions for cooking the books. The 10% number is actually pretty laughable. The real number is of course much higher.

Yet another thread libo pukes on without providing ANY evidence. What a dick.
10% is just a big lie. This White House has already been caught on several occasions for cooking the books. The 10% number is actually pretty laughable. The real number is of course much higher.

Is it as high as Ron Paul's approval rating??????????????????????

I read somewhere that is somewhere arround 99.3%.

I'll bet THAT'S it - yeah.....
Prediction time...Look for this White House along with Ben Bernanke to shave that number down to around 5 or 6% just in time for the Elections next year. Those numbers will be Bull Chit just like these current numbers are. It's all just a sad Hopey Changey scam at this point. We'll see if people buy into their B.S. in coming elections. Hmm?
prediction time - Libocal - is gonna soil his shorts straining to come up with some BS with absolutely no documentation or logic attached.
My prediction will be proven correct. I'm pretty confident of that. This White House along with Ben Bernanke already have their plan in the works. They will shave their Unemployment Numbers down to around 5 or 6% just in time for the Elections next year. They're already working on this sham as we speak. I don't believe any numbers coming from these guys at this point. They have already been caught cooking the books too many times. We'll just have to wait and see if Americans buy into their scam in the coming Elections. Hmm?
My prediction will be proven correct. I'm pretty confident of that. This White House along with Ben Bernanke already have their plan in the works. They will shave their Unemployment Numbers down to around 5 or 6% just in time for the Elections next year. They're already working on this sham as we speak. I don't believe any numbers coming from these guys at this point. They have already been caught cooking the books too many times. We'll just have to wait and see if Americans buy into their scam in the coming Elections. Hmm?

Most Americans are not quite as stupid as you, as evidenced by the election of Obama last year.

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