Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Obamacrats has yet to move the needle upward on jobs in this country after they destroyed so many when they took office in 2007.


I can't believe they made another chest thumping jobs thread when all they have managed is a ___Flat___Lined___Employment___Rate___. Fucking pathetic & reeks of desperation. :eusa_hand:

Don't waste our time until you asswipes actually do manage to improve the employment rate. :eusa_drool:
Obamacrats has yet to move the needle upward on jobs in this country after they destroyed so many when they took office in 2007.


I can't believe they made another chest thumping jobs thread when all they have managed is a ___Flat___Lined___Employment___Rate___. Fucking pathetic & reeks of desperation. :eusa_hand:

Don't waste our time until you asswipes actually do manage to improve the employment rate. :eusa_drool:

Give the Progressives a break
even the CBO predicted (1/31/12) the jobless rate would rise to 8.9 percent by the end of 2012, and to 9.2 percent in 2013.
(The Hill)

This was the "recovery" they were looking for from Papa Obama's Pork Bill

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Yes.......BOOOOOSH and Reagan and Daddy BOOOSH, and Clinton

You know, comparing apples to apples

What were the U-6 numbers under Reagan, Clintoon and the Bushes?

C'mon....Dazzle us.

There was no U6 under Reagan or Bush 1. Under Clinton, it ranged from a low of of 6.8 to a high of 11.8.

Under Bush it ranged from a low of 7.3 to a high of 14.2
Uh- huh....And what's the U-6 now?

And while we're doing that "comparing apples to apples" thingy, how'z the unemployment rate amongst inner city blacks and the <21 crowds?...Not so hot, I hear.
In jobs statistics, the truth about the overall jobs picture is hidden unless you look at the "why"...

Analyze why the U3 number went down and you will see it's not just because more jobs were added...

People can sit here and argue U3 or U6 numbers all day if you want, but if you don't peel back the layers of the onion you'll only get a media fed sound bite...
I can tell this good news is really bothering you.

I am delighted with the progress of DEVALUE my home has achieved over the last few years. It tickles me to death as it's worth drops - like every other home in America. I also enjoy it when my 401K tanks. It's a fantastic sensation.
I seem to recall you bitching about that 401K about a month ago. Haven't fixed that problem yet? Mine is fine.

What were the U-6 numbers under Reagan, Clintoon and the Bushes?

C'mon....Dazzle us.

There was no U6 under Reagan or Bush 1. Under Clinton, it ranged from a low of of 6.8 to a high of 11.8.

Under Bush it ranged from a low of 7.3 to a high of 14.2
Uh- huh....And what's the U-6 now?

It's 15.1

And while we're doing that "comparing apples to apples" thingy, how'z the unemployment rate amongst inner city blacks and the <21 crowds?...Not so hot, I hear.
If I thought you were on an honest search for information I'd be happy to provide it. But I know better.
Good grief... how old are you?

I see you've nothing left.

No, not at all.... you just keep regurgitating the tired old " we need more regulations" crap. It tells me you're either very young, or, not all that insightful. What's been going on for several decades is the choking off of true free markets.. and things just get more convoluted and markets DON'T work the way they are supposed to. Shit falls apart and the left starts stomping their feet and yelling " we need more regulations". We're buried under a pile of shit that only ensures the government has their hands in everything. Case in point:

I own a rental property. It was built in 1962, has had a cedar fence around the property since day one. It requires replacement every 15 years or so and I attempted doing so, again, in 2010. I was slapped with a "cease and desist" order by Jefferson Parish, had to get a $30 permit, pay a $100 fine, get the property surveyed ( they wouldn't accept the original survey from their own archives) which when done was identical to the one on record, apply for two variances because of two servitudes that have existed since inception, pay a $25 fee for each variance application for servitudes that have NEVER been used since 1962....

This makes fucking sense to you? This is government gone wild, and it extends to the markets as well.

And no, I don't think we need to abandon ALL regulations.
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There was no U6 under Reagan or Bush 1. Under Clinton, it ranged from a low of of 6.8 to a high of 11.8.

Under Bush it ranged from a low of 7.3 to a high of 14.2
Uh- huh....And what's the U-6 now?

It's 15.1

And while we're doing that "comparing apples to apples" thingy, how'z the unemployment rate amongst inner city blacks and the <21 crowds?...Not so hot, I hear.
If I thought you were on an honest search for information I'd be happy to provide it. But I know better.
So the U-6 is 15.1....Higher than under both Clintoon and Chimpola.....And we got there by having to shrink the total available job pool by about 1.5-2 million.

And the rate amongst inner city blacks and the <21 demographics is easily in excess of 25%, innit?

Some recovery.
When did Obama pass the 99 weeks for unemployment benefits. My guess that alot of peoples time is up and their benefits are gone . Hence they are not in the system any longer. How many more of those people are working part time or under employed.
There was no U6 under Reagan or Bush 1. Under Clinton, it ranged from a low of of 6.8 to a high of 11.8.

Under Bush it ranged from a low of 7.3 to a high of 14.2
Uh- huh....And what's the U-6 now?

It's 15.1

And while we're doing that "comparing apples to apples" thingy, how'z the unemployment rate amongst inner city blacks and the <21 crowds?...Not so hot, I hear.
If I thought you were on an honest search for information I'd be happy to provide it. But I know better.

15.1 that's good right? that means we're almost 85% fully employed!


and, so far, only been downgraded once!

Double WOOT!
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When did Obama pass the 99 weeks for unemployment benefits. My guess that alot of peoples time is up and their benefits are gone . Hence they are not in the system any longer. How many more of those people are working part time or under employed.

Today there are 12.8 million unemployed and 43 percent have been out of a job for more than six months. The average length of unemployment has increased dramatically since even the recovery started. Back in June 2009, &#8220;only&#8221; 29 percent of the unemployed had been unemployed longer than six months.​

The number of working age Americans "Not in Labor Force" soars by 1.2 million in January
Uh- huh....And what's the U-6 now?

It's 15.1

And while we're doing that "comparing apples to apples" thingy, how'z the unemployment rate amongst inner city blacks and the <21 crowds?...Not so hot, I hear.
If I thought you were on an honest search for information I'd be happy to provide it. But I know better.
So the U-6 is 15.1....Higher than under both Clintoon and Chimpola.....And we got there by having to shrink the total available job pool by about 1.5-2 million.

No, we didn't "shrink the total available job pool".

And the rate amongst inner city blacks and the <21 demographics is easily in excess of 25%, innit?

Yes. It's almost as high as 1984!
Uh- huh....And what's the U-6 now?

It's 15.1

And while we're doing that "comparing apples to apples" thingy, how'z the unemployment rate amongst inner city blacks and the <21 crowds?...Not so hot, I hear.
If I thought you were on an honest search for information I'd be happy to provide it. But I know better.

15.1 that's good right? that means we're almost 85% fully employed!


and, so far, only been downgrqaded once!

Double WOOT!

Hoopefully, another hundred thousand or so will say "fuck it" and drop out and we can lower the UE rate even further!
It's 15.1

If I thought you were on an honest search for information I'd be happy to provide it. But I know better.
So the U-6 is 15.1....Higher than under both Clintoon and Chimpola.....And we got there by having to shrink the total available job pool by about 1.5-2 million.

No, we didn't "shrink the total available job pool".

And the rate amongst inner city blacks and the <21 demographics is easily in excess of 25%, innit?

Yes. It's almost as high as 1984!

But today's is still higher than under Bush
Funny how that works

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