Unemployment falls to 8.3%

He's a boy and you're his Fulffer and all 57 states are in play

The term fluffer is demeaning. That's an erection maintenance assistant, Frank. Show some respect.

Demeaning? Did you think I coined it because I have so much respect for you ignorant fucks?

You tell us unemployment stimulate the economy, food stamps stimulate the economy and Failed Stimulus stumulates the economy and yet 3 years later we're 85% full employment and 1 credit downgrade already. If you're telling us Obama is doing anything other than willfuly and consciously dragging down the economy, then yes, you're his fullfer and you should have custom kneepads for your efforts


Thanks Frank, for making the recovery fun.
Wait... I'm confused.. you guys keep telling us what a bangup job the Boiking is doing, then you say his results are comparable to those of Reagan, then tell us how much Reagan sucked.


Was the economy shedding 800,000 jobs and losing an annualized 9% of income each quarter when Reagan took office?

You mean under Carter? Yeah.. it was horrible.. I was there... I remember gas lines, unemployment, inflation, the "misery index", etc. Reagan inherited a fucking MESS from Mr. Peanut.
12+% inflation, 20+% interest rates, hostages in Iran, malaise....

And remember that the "misery index" was created by Jimmah, to beat Ford over the head during the '76 campaign....Funny how that shit came back to bite his ass, innit?
The term fluffer is demeaning. That's an erection maintenance assistant, Frank. Show some respect.

Demeaning? Did you think I coined it because I have so much respect for you ignorant fucks?

You tell us unemployment stimulate the economy, food stamps stimulate the economy and Failed Stimulus stumulates the economy and yet 3 years later we're 85% full employment and 1 credit downgrade already. If you're telling us Obama is doing anything other than willfuly and consciously dragging down the economy, then yes, you're his fullfer and you should have custom kneepads for your efforts


Thanks Frank, for making the recovery fun.

Wait... I'm confused.. you guys keep telling us what a bangup job the Boiking is doing, then you say his results are comparable to those of Reagan, then tell us how much Reagan sucked.


Was the economy shedding 800,000 jobs and losing an annualized 9% of income each quarter when Reagan took office?

You mean under Carter? Yeah.. it was horrible.. I was there... I remember gas lines, unemployment, inflation, the "misery index", etc. Reagan inherited a fucking MESS from Mr. Peanut.

The answer to my question was "no". When Reagan took office, the economy was creating about 100K jobs per month and had grown at a 7.6% rate in the quarter prior to his inauguration.
t 3 years later we're 85% full employment and 1 credit downgrade already. If you're telling us Obama is doing anything other than willfuly and consciously dragging down the economy, then yes, you're his fullfer and you should have custom kneepads for your efforts

It's rare that armchair psychiatrists get to watch meltdowns.
Was the economy shedding 800,000 jobs and losing an annualized 9% of income each quarter when Reagan took office?

You mean under Carter? Yeah.. it was horrible.. I was there... I remember gas lines, unemployment, inflation, the "misery index", etc. Reagan inherited a fucking MESS from Mr. Peanut.
12+% inflation, 20+% interest rates

For those keeping score at home, both of those claims are wrong.

oh wait...I missed the plus signs!
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Was the economy shedding 800,000 jobs and losing an annualized 9% of income each quarter when Reagan took office?

You mean under Carter? Yeah.. it was horrible.. I was there... I remember gas lines, unemployment, inflation, the "misery index", etc. Reagan inherited a fucking MESS from Mr. Peanut.

The answer to my question was "no". When Reagan took office, the economy was creating about 100K jobs per month and had grown at a 7.6% rate in the quarter prior to his inauguration.

"He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts...for support rather than illumination." -- Andrew Lang
He's a boy and you're his Fulffer and all 57 states are in play

The term fluffer is demeaning. That's an erection maintenance assistant, Frank. Show some respect.

Demeaning? Did you think I coined it because I have so much respect for you ignorant fucks?

You tell us unemployment stimulates the economy, food stamps stimulates the economy and Failed Stimulus stumulates the economy and yet 3 years later we're 85% full employment and 1 credit downgrade already. If you're telling us Obama is doing anything other than willfuly and consciously dragging down the economy, then yes, you're his fullfer and you should have custom kneepads for your efforts

So again you call it a fullfer. Once is a mistake, twice is a little more telling. Should we add this to the list of terms you don't understand?
Despite the drop in the labor market, an addition of 243,000 jobs is better than losing any amount.

Though the usage of unemployment numbers is often abused by some on both sides for whatever political purpose.

Real Unemployment (U-6) is an important statistic to look at. It is currently 15.1%, the same as it was in February 2009. It hit a high of 17.2% in October 2009.

If this was happening under Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, or Paul I doubt we'd be hearing a peep out of most people in this thread.

As long as the number of job additions keep going up through November, I'd be surprised if the President lost.
t 3 years later we're 85% full employment and 1 credit downgrade already. If you're telling us Obama is doing anything other than willfuly and consciously dragging down the economy, then yes, you're his fullfer and you should have custom kneepads for your efforts

It's rare that armchair psychiatrists get to watch meltdowns.

"So on your knees you bum,
Just tell yourself its yum
and suck it till your numb..."

85% full employment...man that's sgood!
Yeah, sure it did. This Administration has cooked the books since day one. Their numbers are Bullshite. Let me guess, they're gonna get lower & lower the closer we get to November huh? His 'Jobs Czar' GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt has only created jobs in China. What a sad scam.
Despite the drop in the labor market, an addition of 243,000 jobs is better than losing any amount.

Though the usage of unemployment numbers is often abused by some on both sides for whatever political purpose.

Real Unemployment (U-6) is an important statistic to look at. It is currently 15.1%, the same as it was in February 2009. It hit a high of 17.2% in October 2009.

If this was happening under Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, or Paul I doubt we'd be hearing a peep out of most people in this thread.

As long as the number of job additions keep going up through November, I'd be surprised if the President lost.

In other words its as bad as when Obama was inaugerated and all we have is another $4 trillion in debt to show for it
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Demeaning? Did you think I coined it because I have so much respect for you ignorant fucks?

You tell us unemployment stimulates the economy, food stamps stimulates the economy and Failed Stimulus stumulates the economy and yet 3 years later we're 85% full employment and 1 credit downgrade already. If you're telling us Obama is doing anything other than willfuly and consciously dragging down the economy, then yes, you're his fullfer and you should have custom kneepads for your efforts

Food stamps and unemployment do stimulate the economy. In fact, they are the two biggest stimulators of the economy. Even more than the valued Bush Tax Cuts.

Moody's pointed this out back in January 2008:

Food stamps offer best stimulus - study - Jan. 29, 2008

In findings echoed by other economists and studies, he said the study shows the fastest way to infuse money into the economy is through expanding the food-stamp program. For every dollar spent on that program $1.73 is generated throughout the economy, he said.

The report pointed to expanding unemployment benefits as the program that gets the next biggest bang for the buck. That's because, although the unemployed are already getting checks, they need to spend the money. For every dollar spent here, the economy would see a return of $1.64, Zandi said.

It seems to me you don't understand the concept of the multiplier effect. Or just the fact that people who are getting food stamps and unemployment insurance are going to spend every dollar. Meanwhile, people who receive tax cuts are far more likely to save than reinvest that money back into the economy.
The term fluffer is demeaning. That's an erection maintenance assistant, Frank. Show some respect.

Demeaning? Did you think I coined it because I have so much respect for you ignorant fucks?

You tell us unemployment stimulates the economy, food stamps stimulates the economy and Failed Stimulus stumulates the economy and yet 3 years later we're 85% full employment and 1 credit downgrade already. If you're telling us Obama is doing anything other than willfuly and consciously dragging down the economy, then yes, you're his fullfer and you should have custom kneepads for your efforts

So again you call it a fullfer. Once is a mistake, twice is a little more telling. Should we add this to the list of terms you don't understand?

Sorry I have a splint on my right ring finger, Fluffer and my typing blows to begin with (you know about blowing, right?) I try to respond quickly and occasionally I make typos.
Demeaning? Did you think I coined it because I have so much respect for you ignorant fucks?

You tell us unemployment stimulates the economy, food stamps stimulates the economy and Failed Stimulus stumulates the economy and yet 3 years later we're 85% full employment and 1 credit downgrade already. If you're telling us Obama is doing anything other than willfuly and consciously dragging down the economy, then yes, you're his fullfer and you should have custom kneepads for your efforts

Food stamps and unemployment do stimulate the economy. In fact, they are the two biggest stimulators of the economy. Even more than the valued Bush Tax Cuts.

Moody's pointed this out back in January 2008:

Food stamps offer best stimulus - study - Jan. 29, 2008

In findings echoed by other economists and studies, he said the study shows the fastest way to infuse money into the economy is through expanding the food-stamp program. For every dollar spent on that program $1.73 is generated throughout the economy, he said.

The report pointed to expanding unemployment benefits as the program that gets the next biggest bang for the buck. That's because, although the unemployed are already getting checks, they need to spend the money. For every dollar spent here, the economy would see a return of $1.64, Zandi said.

It seems to me you don't understand the concept of the multiplier effect. Or just the fact that people who are getting food stamps and unemployment insurance are going to spend every dollar. Meanwhile, people who receive tax cuts are far more likely to save than reinvest that money back into the economy.

Right, you're a fucking moron. I don't need for you to prove it to me every time you post. I'm sure you did that for the benefit of all the new people at USMB who haven't yet figure you for a total moron
In other words its as bad as when Obama was inaugerated and all we have is another 4$ trillion in debt to show for it

I'm unsure why you thought the worst was over when Obama was elected, even he didn't think that. In December 2008, the economy was still bleeding over 500,000 jobs lost.

Total 2008 job loss: 2.6 million - Jan. 9, 2009

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The hemorrhaging of American jobs accelerated at a record pace at the end of 2008, bringing the year's total job losses to 2.6 million or the highest level in more than six decades.

A sobering U.S. Labor Department jobs report Friday showed the economy lost 524,000 jobs in December and 1.9 million in the year's final four months, after the credit crisis began in September.

Though if you wanted to be honest, you wouldn't attribute the economy's numbers to Obama until at least April 2009. Same as if Obama loses in November that you wouldn't start Mitt (or whoever the GOP elects)'s attribution until April 2013.
Demeaning? Did you think I coined it because I have so much respect for you ignorant fucks?

You tell us unemployment stimulates the economy, food stamps stimulates the economy and Failed Stimulus stumulates the economy and yet 3 years later we're 85% full employment and 1 credit downgrade already. If you're telling us Obama is doing anything other than willfuly and consciously dragging down the economy, then yes, you're his fullfer and you should have custom kneepads for your efforts

Food stamps and unemployment do stimulate the economy. In fact, they are the two biggest stimulators of the economy. Even more than the valued Bush Tax Cuts.

Moody's pointed this out back in January 2008:

Food stamps offer best stimulus - study - Jan. 29, 2008

In findings echoed by other economists and studies, he said the study shows the fastest way to infuse money into the economy is through expanding the food-stamp program. For every dollar spent on that program $1.73 is generated throughout the economy, he said.

The report pointed to expanding unemployment benefits as the program that gets the next biggest bang for the buck. That's because, although the unemployed are already getting checks, they need to spend the money. For every dollar spent here, the economy would see a return of $1.64, Zandi said.

It seems to me you don't understand the concept of the multiplier effect. Or just the fact that people who are getting food stamps and unemployment insurance are going to spend every dollar. Meanwhile, people who receive tax cuts are far more likely to save than reinvest that money back into the economy.

And that, my Friends, is how you blow an annual trillion plus hole in the budget, get credit downgraded and terrify entreprenuers into sitting it out until your one miserably term ends by losing a majority of our 57 states
The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

January jobs report: Hiring ramps up, unemployment falls - Feb. 3, 2012


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