Under Legal Pressure, National Archives Locates 82,000 Pages of Joe Biden Pseudonym Emails, dwarfing Hillary Clinton Email Scandal

So you think 15 democratic senators are going to vote to impeach ByeDon on nothing. Good luck with that, what planet do you hail from?

No Democrats will break ranks, no matter what the evidence shows.
That is the one thing that you all excel at.
Yet you think the GOP has in some way "failed" because Biden hasn't been impeached? You're arguing against yourself, Aldo.
The failing GOP has failed because they have no evidence of any crimes by Joe Biden. Even their own witnesses have said so!

Lib loons really are no longer disputing this. Evidence is So Overwhelming.
Right now they are focused on their latest petty pet project which is putting All Thinkers here On Notice that our rebukes of them they consider to be threats and that’s illegal.
The failing GOP has failed because they have no evidence of any crimes by Joe Biden.

With all due respect, G5000? There is ample evidence of influence peddling by Joe Biden and that evidence grows by the week. Would you like to take a crack at explaining what product or service those 15 shell companies the Biden's used to transfer money from foreign entities to 9 Biden family members, provided for the $20,000,000 plus dollars that the Biden's received?
With all due respect, G5000? There is ample evidence of influence peddling by Joe Biden and that evidence grows by the week. Would you like to take a crack at explaining what product or service those 15 shell companies the Biden's used to transfer money from foreign entities to 9 Biden family members provided for the $20,000,000 plus dollars that the Biden's received?
He warrants no respect as a paid troll
With all due respect, G5000? There is ample evidence of influence peddling by Joe Biden and that evidence grows by the week. Would you like to take a crack at explaining what product or service those 15 shell companies the Biden's used to transfer money from foreign entities to 9 Biden family members provided for the $20,000,000 plus dollars that the Biden's received?
See, here's the thing. Your propagandists have conflated "The Bidens" with "Joe Biden" in your credulous minds. This is no mistake.

As for "shell companies", most people who conduct business overseas use "shell companies" to transfer money back and forth between the US and their overseas affiliates.

Trump himself has 500 shell companies, which makes "The Bidens" look like pikers.
If the failing GOP had any evidence, they would be impeaching Biden right now to distract from Trump's real crimes.

They certainly would before they lose the House next year.

"We don't have the evidence now, but we may find it later."

Textbook witch hunt. A fishing expedition. A snipe hunt.
See, here's the thing. Your propagandists have conflated "The Bidens" with "Joe Biden" in your credulous minds. This is no mistake.

As for "shell companies", most people who conduct business overseas use "shell companies" to transfer money back and forth between the US and their overseas affiliates.

Trump himself has 500 shell companies, which makes "The Bidens" look like pikers.
Trump had 500 LLC's. Each of those corporations either provided a good or a service in return for the money that they received. Name a Trump company and I'll tell you what business they were in and what they did to earn money. Can you do the same thing with a SINGLE Biden shell company? I'll answer that question FOR you, G5000 because I know you'll never even try to answer it yourself! You can't...because they aren't actual businesses that create products or provide services! Their ONLY reason for being is the laundering of money coming from foreign entities and ending up in Biden family bank accounts!
If the failing GOP had any evidence, they would be impeaching Biden right now to distract from Trump's real crimes.

They certainly would before they lose the House next year.

"We don't have the evidence now, but we may find it later."

Textbook witch hunt. A fishing expedition. A snipe hunt.
You're entertaining, if nothing else.

Why would we want to impeach Sponge Brains Shits Pants? He's the best thing we've got going right now. Every day that goes by, more and more people are tiring of dimocrap scum lies and betrayals. Then switching to the GOP.

You might WISH we'd impeach that creaky old fossil of an imposter, but I hope we don't until Jan of '25. Then prosecute him criminally and get him to roll or let hm rot in a prison cell. Like he'd know where he is anyway.
Trump had 500 LLC's. Each of those corporations either provided a good or a service in return for the money that they received. Name a Trump company and I'll tell you what business they were in and what they did to earn money. Can you do the same thing with a SINGLE Biden shell company?
Certainly! I can't help it if your propagandists have deliberately kept you in the dark. That's on you and your masters.

Hunter Biden served as a consultant to a Chinese energy company. CEFC. That's where the money came from and it was paid to his shell company.

Despite 12,000 pages of bank records, the failing GOP has been unable to show so much as a single dime went to Joe Biden.

House GOP’s impeachment witnesses say there's no evidence yet that Biden committed a crime

What a clusterfuck. The failing GOP called witnesses who destroyed their own narrative!

What a shit show inside a clown car wrapped in a dumpster fire.

Biden Email Bombshell

Bigger than Clinton’s Scandal

31 OCT 2023 ~~ By Curt

2021 was the year that brought Hunter Biden’s laptop into the limelight. What it unveiled was not surprising knowing the level of corruption in the Biden family. It revealed that while Joe Biden held the position of vice president, he operated a network of private email accounts for official business. Among these accounts, the aliases [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] were responsible for a whopping 82,000 pages of email exchanges – that’s more than what Hillary Clinton deleted from her private server, as confirmed by the National Archives.
But the real twist in this tale? The Archives had been keeping this secret. It took the bold action of the Southeastern Legal Foundation, a conservative nonprofit, to file a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act to unearth this trove of emails, spanning eight years. Brace yourself; it’s going to be a time-consuming journey to sift through these records.
So far, they are claiming that no secret stuff has been found in Biden’s emails but Special Counsel Robert Hur is looking into how Biden handled classified documents back when he was Vice President. And on top of that, Republicans are searching for records about what the Biden family did overseas, so these 82,000 emails might spice up their investigations into corruption in Congress.
Republicans have asked NARA for an un-redacted document that indicates that then-Vice President Biden took a call with the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, on May 27, 2016.
Republicans say the document was emailed to ‘Robert L. Peters’ with Hunter Biden copied.
At the time, top Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was investigating oil company Burisma Holdings for corruption – the same company that Hunter was a sitting board member of.
Their demands come after Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Archer testified before the House Oversight Committee earlier this month that Joe Biden’s ‘brand’ protected Burisma because ‘people would be intimidated to mess with them.’
There is no statute of limitations on treason. There is no statute of limitations on a federal government employee for using other than issued email.
As usual, the Quisling Media is ignoring this issue, If for example Trump had used a secret E-mail they'd be all over it like flies on manure.
The people of America are entitled to see the contents of these messages.

Obviously they point to a diabolical treasonous criminal organization the specialized in money laundering.
Certainly! I can't help it if your propagandists have deliberately kept you in the dark. That's on you and your masters.

Hunter Biden served as a consultant to a Chinese energy company. That's where the money came from and it was paid to his shell company.

Despite 12,000 pages of bank records, the failing GOP has been unable to show so much as a single dime went to Joe Biden.

House GOP’s impeachment witnesses say there's no evidence yet that Biden committed a crime

What a clusterfuck. The failing GOP called witnesses who destroyed their own narrative!

What a shit show inside a clown car wrapped in a dumpster fire.
What is Hunter Biden's expertise in Chinese energy companies, G5000? At the time he was a raging drug addict who spent most of his time and energy smoking crack and sleeping with prostitutes. Why would ANY company spend millions on someone like that?
What is Hunter Biden's expertise in Chinese energy companies, G5000? At the time he was a raging drug addict who spent most of his time and energy smoking crack and sleeping with prostitutes. Why would ANY company spend millions on someone like that?
Hunter Biden is an experienced lawyer. He is a graduate of both Georgetown and Yale. He founded a hedge fund. He was vice chairman on the board of Amtrak for five years. He was the chairman of the board of the UN World Food Program. He was a lawyer for Boies Schiller Flexner, one of the most prestigious law firms in the world.

Your propagandists never told you this, did they. You should ask yourself why that is.

You are being massively hoaxed. Again.

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