Unbelievable how DUMB some people are!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Co-ops are no stranger to the insurance market, and lawmakers hoped the nonprofit insurance companies would help infuse competition and choice into markets where there were limited options.
How One Nebraska Woman Lost Her Health Insurance Three Times Under Obamacare

The above quote illustrates just how stupid people are when it comes to financial/business operations!

"nonprofit insurance companies would infuse competition"?????
"NONPROFIT" means NO profits right?
NO profits pay NO TAXES!!!

So any for profit company would immediately have two obstacles to overcome:
1) Profits are what is paid to stockholders who PUT UP the money to start the company. THEY expect a profit!
2) Profits are taxed therefore governments earn revenue.

Both activities are NOT part of a "nonprofit" requirements!
So how in the hell will THAT infuse "competition"???
Pure ignorance on the part of the people that Gruber defined as members of the "Stupidity of American voters"!
Non-profits pay huge salaries in order to remain unprofitable.
My sister used to work for one of those non profits that try to get you to sponsor a child in Brazil or Haiti. They had one of the most expensive rents in Fairfield County CT and the "Director" was salaried as much as the budget of some of the countries he travelled to to take pictures of kids and lay on the beach.

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