Un to subdue the mad, demented US doter with fire

. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.

Funny you blame President Trump when Kimmy started ramping shit up before the election...

North Korea War With US? 10 Times Kim Jong Un Threatened America

Then there was this one in 2015 Kim Jong Un Tells North Korean Army to Prepare for War With America and 'Tear to Pieces the Stars and Stripes' & North Korea says it will 'leave no Americans alive' if war breaks out in Korea again

Anyone remember Hollywood and Obama starting it in 2014? North Korea threatens US, claiming White House was involved in film plot LOL

Then there was 2013 North Korea war room photos show Kim Jong-Un plotting to attack America | Daily Mail Online
Nuclear B-52, US troops at their borders and drills are something you wouldn´t consider a threat?
----------------------------------------- here in the USA we say , hey 'kim' we got you by the NUTZ or the short hairs BP .
The US does not hesitate to make war. Trump should wonder why the US did not go to war with North Korea already! You too.
---------------------------------------------- because former 'presidents' both repub and dem preferred to kiss nork azz and feed them rice as they kicked the can down the road for 'hilary' to handle [aw haw] :afro:. Course that was the plan , only problem was that the 'nork' problem fell into Trumps hands and so the joke is on the 'dems' and YOU euros BP . [chuckle]
The little fat man can quite frankly kiss my ass..................

He keeps firing and threatening the United States and our allies.........firing cruise missiles over Japan.........and bragging about how he will Nuke America.................

He's gonna eventually get his ass kicked.

Now put some duct tape around his mouth and tell him to STFU.........OP propaganda artist.
Its 30000 against millions, moron. Is there a poll around that tells how those US troops feel about Phrump´s plans.
We have a much stronger military than the little Fat Man.................South Korea has a standing army of 650,000..............Not to mention we have been training for decades on how to take out the 10 k plus artillery and rocket positions on the DMZ...............

We are not the problem...........The little Fat Man firing missiles and threatening everyone is the problem.

If the little fat man had fired missiles over China they would kick his ass.

So he and you can kiss my ass.
You ignore that US military simulations end with North Korean victories.
Have a nice read, my friend.

N Korea Military Tactics In A War With US

...That "warning" link is from 2003 man, like seriously, that was written 14 years ago...

Lets see what was "new" in 2003 just so you can grasp how long ago it was: the birth of the first cloned horse Prometea (related and interesting: in 1996 Dolly the worlds first cloned mammal was born, she died in 2003), the Galileo probe was sent into Jupiter's atmosphere (the project to study Jupiter's make up started in 1996,) the last flight of the Concorde (and perhaps not so ironically, the first /privately/ funded supersonic flight was achieved late in 2003,) both Skype and iTunes were launched (the first iPhone didn't come out until 2007, BlackBerry was /the shit/ in 2002), wireless networking [aka wi-fi] was brand new (went mainstream in the US in 2003-2005ish - Japan & S. Korea started using it just a few years earlier in 2001, later on [I think it was 2011] we had the launch of 3G and 4G broadband), Bushnell unveiled "instant replay" (basically the forefather of TiVo,) HDTV was debuted and we had the worlds first OLED display was invented by Kodak, we found a new element: "moscovium," the inventor of the hydrogen bomb died, the first hurricane warning in the E. Pacific was issued (NOAA didn't even have the US fully covered yet,) China launched their first manned space mission (they were the third country in the world to be able to put a man in space), Intel launched the Pentium-M[obile] (which eventually brought us gaming laptops, at that time laptop speeds were measured in megahertz and were pretty much only useful for text - the Pentium-M ran at much faster speeds from 700MHz to a whopping 3GHz, was cooler, and used less energy - in 2005 or so we saw the first desktops that could legit handle game graphics in an affordable way,) Mastercard launched RFID (contact free payment, the forefather to cellphone payments of today.)

For further reference: Facebook launched in 2004, eReaders (digital book tech and computers) were introduced in 2004, YouTube launched in 2005, GPS for personal use came out in 2005, Blu-Ray came out in 2006. Just in the past 10 years we've seen the following become mainstream/affordable: 3D Printers, 3D graphics, 64bit computing, USB 3.0, Blu-ray, flatscreen TVs, landed on Mars, and much, much more.

Keep in mind we're talking about the US in 2017, we can put a rocket in the bathtub these days, and compare that with what we're looking at in NK:

Here's something from 2015 talking about the tech in NK - This is What Technology In North Korea Looks Like
And a 2017 review of NK forces that's interesting - 2017 North Korea Military Strength

Yeah, SK is in deep shit if Kimmy goes end game (kill em all), but they're so technologically retarded... I know we can shoot circles around them, could we wipe out all their artillery aimed at SK? I think we could. It's the bio/chemical and nukes we have to worry about, but what happens if we take out their network (their national internet) which is supposedly very limited? Are they gonna call up the bases and tell them to launch? What about if Kimmy and his top adviser folks are taken out quietly?

Nearly 51M in S. Korea, close to 10M in Seoul... Another 130M in Japan... What are we supposed to do? Kimmy's made it clear he wants to destroy them (and the US), the country has been threatening us all since what the 60s? We just ignored them until the got nukes in '09, then Obama bribed him - and yet he was still making the threats to destroy us, still testing nukes to use /on us/

Ya'll think we should just wait until the insane twit nukes S.Korea or Japan?? He's off his damn rocker, he needs to be taken out.
Its 30000 against millions, moron. Is there a poll around that tells how those US troops feel about Phrump´s plans.
We have a much stronger military than the little Fat Man.................South Korea has a standing army of 650,000..............Not to mention we have been training for decades on how to take out the 10 k plus artillery and rocket positions on the DMZ...............

We are not the problem...........The little Fat Man firing missiles and threatening everyone is the problem.

If the little fat man had fired missiles over China they would kick his ass.

So he and you can kiss my ass.
You ignore that US military simulations end with North Korean victories.
Have a nice read, my friend.

N Korea Military Tactics In A War With US

...That "warning" link is from 2003 man, like seriously, that was written 14 years ago...

Lets see what was "new" in 2003 just so you can grasp how long ago it was: the birth of the first cloned horse Prometea (related and interesting: in 1996 Dolly the worlds first cloned mammal was born, she died in 2003), the Galileo probe was sent into Jupiter's atmosphere (the project to study Jupiter's make up started in 1996,) the last flight of the Concorde (and perhaps not so ironically, the first /privately/ funded supersonic flight was achieved late in 2003,) both Skype and iTunes were launched (the first iPhone didn't come out until 2007, BlackBerry was /the shit/ in 2002), wireless networking [aka wi-fi] was brand new (went mainstream in the US in 2003-2005ish - Japan & S. Korea started using it just a few years earlier in 2001, later on [I think it was 2011] we had the launch of 3G and 4G broadband), Bushnell unveiled "instant replay" (basically the forefather of TiVo,) HDTV was debuted and we had the worlds first OLED display was invented by Kodak, we found a new element: "moscovium," the inventor of the hydrogen bomb died, the first hurricane warning in the E. Pacific was issued (NOAA didn't even have the US fully covered yet,) China launched their first manned space mission (they were the third country in the world to be able to put a man in space), Intel launched the Pentium-M[obile] (which eventually brought us gaming laptops, at that time laptop speeds were measured in megahertz and were pretty much only useful for text - the Pentium-M ran at much faster speeds from 700MHz to a whopping 3GHz, was cooler, and used less energy - in 2005 or so we saw the first desktops that could legit handle game graphics in an affordable way,) Mastercard launched RFID (contact free payment, the forefather to cellphone payments of today.)

For further reference: Facebook launched in 2004, eReaders (digital book tech and computers) were introduced in 2004, YouTube launched in 2005, GPS for personal use came out in 2005, Blu-Ray came out in 2006. Just in the past 10 years we've seen the following become mainstream/affordable: 3D Printers, 3D graphics, 64bit computing, USB 3.0, Blu-ray, flatscreen TVs, landed on Mars, and much, much more.

Keep in mind we're talking about the US in 2017, we can put a rocket in the bathtub these days, and compare that with what we're looking at in NK:

Here's something from 2015 talking about the tech in NK - This is What Technology In North Korea Looks Like
And a 2017 review of NK forces that's interesting - 2017 North Korea Military Strength

Yeah, SK is in deep shit if Kimmy goes end game (kill em all), but they're so technologically retarded... I know we can shoot circles around them, could we wipe out all their artillery aimed at SK? I think we could. It's the bio/chemical and nukes we have to worry about, but what happens if we take out their network (their national internet) which is supposedly very limited? Are they gonna call up the bases and tell them to launch? What about if Kimmy and his top adviser folks are taken out quietly?

Nearly 51M in S. Korea, close to 10M in Seoul... Another 130M in Japan... What are we supposed to do? Kimmy's made it clear he wants to destroy them (and the US), the country has been threatening us all since what the 60s? We just ignored them until the got nukes in '09, then Obama bribed him - and yet he was still making the threats to destroy us, still testing nukes to use /on us/

Ya'll think we should just wait until the insane twit nukes S.Korea or Japan?? He's off his damn rocker, he needs to be taken out.
North Korean military capabilities have significantly increased since 2003. Particularly the missile weaponry. Long range missiles, precision missiles, ect.
There´s also a new tank and who knows what else. The new tank was of course developed with the Korean geography in mind. It can get over large gaps, ect.
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.

Funny you blame President Trump when Kimmy started ramping shit up before the election...

North Korea War With US? 10 Times Kim Jong Un Threatened America

Then there was this one in 2015 Kim Jong Un Tells North Korean Army to Prepare for War With America and 'Tear to Pieces the Stars and Stripes' & North Korea says it will 'leave no Americans alive' if war breaks out in Korea again

Anyone remember Hollywood and Obama starting it in 2014? North Korea threatens US, claiming White House was involved in film plot LOL

Then there was 2013 North Korea war room photos show Kim Jong-Un plotting to attack America | Daily Mail Online
Nuclear B-52, US troops at their borders and drills are something you wouldn´t consider a threat?
----------------------------------------- here in the USA we say , hey 'kim' we got you by the NUTZ or the short hairs BP .
The US does not hesitate to make war. Trump should wonder why the US did not go to war with North Korea already! You too.
---------------------------------------------- because former 'presidents' both repub and dem preferred to kiss nork azz and feed them rice as they kicked the can down the road for 'hilary' to handle [aw haw] :afro:. Course that was the plan , only problem was that the 'nork' problem fell into Trumps hands and so the joke is on the 'dems' and YOU euros BP . [chuckle]
Nope, North Korea has never threatened us. We have a North Korean embassy and all.
We have a much stronger military than the little Fat Man.................South Korea has a standing army of 650,000..............Not to mention we have been training for decades on how to take out the 10 k plus artillery and rocket positions on the DMZ...............

We are not the problem...........The little Fat Man firing missiles and threatening everyone is the problem.

If the little fat man had fired missiles over China they would kick his ass.

So he and you can kiss my ass.
You ignore that US military simulations end with North Korean victories.
Have a nice read, my friend.

N Korea Military Tactics In A War With US

...That "warning" link is from 2003 man, like seriously, that was written 14 years ago...

Lets see what was "new" in 2003 just so you can grasp how long ago it was: the birth of the first cloned horse Prometea (related and interesting: in 1996 Dolly the worlds first cloned mammal was born, she died in 2003), the Galileo probe was sent into Jupiter's atmosphere (the project to study Jupiter's make up started in 1996,) the last flight of the Concorde (and perhaps not so ironically, the first /privately/ funded supersonic flight was achieved late in 2003,) both Skype and iTunes were launched (the first iPhone didn't come out until 2007, BlackBerry was /the shit/ in 2002), wireless networking [aka wi-fi] was brand new (went mainstream in the US in 2003-2005ish - Japan & S. Korea started using it just a few years earlier in 2001, later on [I think it was 2011] we had the launch of 3G and 4G broadband), Bushnell unveiled "instant replay" (basically the forefather of TiVo,) HDTV was debuted and we had the worlds first OLED display was invented by Kodak, we found a new element: "moscovium," the inventor of the hydrogen bomb died, the first hurricane warning in the E. Pacific was issued (NOAA didn't even have the US fully covered yet,) China launched their first manned space mission (they were the third country in the world to be able to put a man in space), Intel launched the Pentium-M[obile] (which eventually brought us gaming laptops, at that time laptop speeds were measured in megahertz and were pretty much only useful for text - the Pentium-M ran at much faster speeds from 700MHz to a whopping 3GHz, was cooler, and used less energy - in 2005 or so we saw the first desktops that could legit handle game graphics in an affordable way,) Mastercard launched RFID (contact free payment, the forefather to cellphone payments of today.)

For further reference: Facebook launched in 2004, eReaders (digital book tech and computers) were introduced in 2004, YouTube launched in 2005, GPS for personal use came out in 2005, Blu-Ray came out in 2006. Just in the past 10 years we've seen the following become mainstream/affordable: 3D Printers, 3D graphics, 64bit computing, USB 3.0, Blu-ray, flatscreen TVs, landed on Mars, and much, much more.

Keep in mind we're talking about the US in 2017, we can put a rocket in the bathtub these days, and compare that with what we're looking at in NK:

Here's something from 2015 talking about the tech in NK - This is What Technology In North Korea Looks Like
And a 2017 review of NK forces that's interesting - 2017 North Korea Military Strength

Yeah, SK is in deep shit if Kimmy goes end game (kill em all), but they're so technologically retarded... I know we can shoot circles around them, could we wipe out all their artillery aimed at SK? I think we could. It's the bio/chemical and nukes we have to worry about, but what happens if we take out their network (their national internet) which is supposedly very limited? Are they gonna call up the bases and tell them to launch? What about if Kimmy and his top adviser folks are taken out quietly?

Nearly 51M in S. Korea, close to 10M in Seoul... Another 130M in Japan... What are we supposed to do? Kimmy's made it clear he wants to destroy them (and the US), the country has been threatening us all since what the 60s? We just ignored them until the got nukes in '09, then Obama bribed him - and yet he was still making the threats to destroy us, still testing nukes to use /on us/

Ya'll think we should just wait until the insane twit nukes S.Korea or Japan?? He's off his damn rocker, he needs to be taken out.
North Korean military capabilities have significantly increased since 2003. Particularly the missile weaponry. Long range missiles, precision missiles, ect.
There´s also a new tank and who knows what else. The new tank was of course developed with the Korean geography in mind. It can get over large gaps, ect.
---------------------------------------- leave the 'norks' alone and they just get stronger . I believe that the norks will need to be destroyed to carry out President Trumps ideas , imo BP .
----------------------------------------- here in the USA we say , hey 'kim' we got you by the NUTZ or the short hairs BP .
The US does not hesitate to make war. Trump should wonder why the US did not go to war with North Korea already! You too.
---------------------------------------------- because former 'presidents' both repub and dem preferred to kiss nork azz and feed them rice as they kicked the can down the road for 'hilary' to handle [aw haw] :afro:. Course that was the plan , only problem was that the 'nork' problem fell into Trumps hands and so the joke is on the 'dems' and YOU euros BP . [chuckle]
Nope, North Korea has never threatened us. We have a North Korean embassy and all.
---------------------------------------------------- you guys are azz kissers , see your muslim invasion BP .
We have a much stronger military than the little Fat Man.................South Korea has a standing army of 650,000..............Not to mention we have been training for decades on how to take out the 10 k plus artillery and rocket positions on the DMZ...............

We are not the problem...........The little Fat Man firing missiles and threatening everyone is the problem.

If the little fat man had fired missiles over China they would kick his ass.

So he and you can kiss my ass.
You ignore that US military simulations end with North Korean victories.
Have a nice read, my friend.

N Korea Military Tactics In A War With US

...That "warning" link is from 2003 man, like seriously, that was written 14 years ago...

Lets see what was "new" in 2003 just so you can grasp how long ago it was: the birth of the first cloned horse Prometea (related and interesting: in 1996 Dolly the worlds first cloned mammal was born, she died in 2003), the Galileo probe was sent into Jupiter's atmosphere (the project to study Jupiter's make up started in 1996,) the last flight of the Concorde (and perhaps not so ironically, the first /privately/ funded supersonic flight was achieved late in 2003,) both Skype and iTunes were launched (the first iPhone didn't come out until 2007, BlackBerry was /the shit/ in 2002), wireless networking [aka wi-fi] was brand new (went mainstream in the US in 2003-2005ish - Japan & S. Korea started using it just a few years earlier in 2001, later on [I think it was 2011] we had the launch of 3G and 4G broadband), Bushnell unveiled "instant replay" (basically the forefather of TiVo,) HDTV was debuted and we had the worlds first OLED display was invented by Kodak, we found a new element: "moscovium," the inventor of the hydrogen bomb died, the first hurricane warning in the E. Pacific was issued (NOAA didn't even have the US fully covered yet,) China launched their first manned space mission (they were the third country in the world to be able to put a man in space), Intel launched the Pentium-M[obile] (which eventually brought us gaming laptops, at that time laptop speeds were measured in megahertz and were pretty much only useful for text - the Pentium-M ran at much faster speeds from 700MHz to a whopping 3GHz, was cooler, and used less energy - in 2005 or so we saw the first desktops that could legit handle game graphics in an affordable way,) Mastercard launched RFID (contact free payment, the forefather to cellphone payments of today.)

For further reference: Facebook launched in 2004, eReaders (digital book tech and computers) were introduced in 2004, YouTube launched in 2005, GPS for personal use came out in 2005, Blu-Ray came out in 2006. Just in the past 10 years we've seen the following become mainstream/affordable: 3D Printers, 3D graphics, 64bit computing, USB 3.0, Blu-ray, flatscreen TVs, landed on Mars, and much, much more.

Keep in mind we're talking about the US in 2017, we can put a rocket in the bathtub these days, and compare that with what we're looking at in NK:

Here's something from 2015 talking about the tech in NK - This is What Technology In North Korea Looks Like
And a 2017 review of NK forces that's interesting - 2017 North Korea Military Strength

Yeah, SK is in deep shit if Kimmy goes end game (kill em all), but they're so technologically retarded... I know we can shoot circles around them, could we wipe out all their artillery aimed at SK? I think we could. It's the bio/chemical and nukes we have to worry about, but what happens if we take out their network (their national internet) which is supposedly very limited? Are they gonna call up the bases and tell them to launch? What about if Kimmy and his top adviser folks are taken out quietly?

Nearly 51M in S. Korea, close to 10M in Seoul... Another 130M in Japan... What are we supposed to do? Kimmy's made it clear he wants to destroy them (and the US), the country has been threatening us all since what the 60s? We just ignored them until the got nukes in '09, then Obama bribed him - and yet he was still making the threats to destroy us, still testing nukes to use /on us/

Ya'll think we should just wait until the insane twit nukes S.Korea or Japan?? He's off his damn rocker, he needs to be taken out.
North Korean military capabilities have significantly increased since 2003. Particularly the missile weaponry. Long range missiles, precision missiles, ect.
There´s also a new tank and who knows what else. The new tank was of course developed with the Korean geography in mind. It can get over large gaps, ect.

I linked a military assessment from 2017, check it out...


Related note; have any of you ever looked at N. Korea satellite images? Like google mapped it?

First thing I noticed was there are no parking lots, like at all... These folks don't even have cars... How they gonna rustle up their supposed millions of soldiers? On buses? Train? Seriously, compare their capitol to other "modern" cities with cars parked /everywhere/... (Do note though that google overwrites the roads with "stock" empty pictures, you can see where they didn't edit them out if you follow roads around and find traffic.) I scanned around the country and the other cities are like tiny farming communities, like less populated than my city of 40k except without paved roads - no damn cars. That's just amazing to me...

I was reading about their supposed military and they require their citizens to become soldiers then send them home to whatever jobs (farming, manufacturing, etc.) but they award /military/ medals for shit like fishing, I find that amusing.

Not to mention every prediction presumes that the all the NK sheep will blindly fight. I'm not so sure that's the case though, keep in mind that Kimmy's brother was killed because he wanted to visit Disneyland... why would he want to do that, and more importantly, why was he exiled and /killed/ for it? They've got a 1965 non-military ship they captured on prominent display in their capitol (looks like a rust bucket steam cargo ship lol, they claim it's a "spy ship") Is that what their "soldiers" think we have? What would they say seeing even one of our modern cruise ships, much less an actual military ship?? Modern American's can't handle seeing an armored vehicle without pissing themselves, what would these folks think of our tanks rolling around? (Especially if they don't have cars?) IDK I don't think as many will fight if they find out their master is dead as these "simulations" presume... There's clearly some "less than loyal" shit going on when the brother of the supreme leader has to be offed over wanting to see the modern world ya know?
I linked a military assessment from 2017, check it out...
It sounds quite impressive but it does not include North Korean specials. Read that slightly biased rense article. Everything´s underground. And you don´t know where.
And in your first article, you can read that they make their own stuff.


Related note; have any of you ever looked at N. Korea satellite images? Like google mapped it?

First thing I noticed was there are no parking lots, like at all... These folks don't even have cars... How they gonna rustle up their supposed millions of soldiers? On buses? Train? Seriously, compare their capitol to other "modern" cities with cars parked /everywhere/... (Do note though that google overwrites the roads with "stock" empty pictures, you can see where they didn't edit them out if you follow roads around and find traffic.) I scanned around the country and the other cities are like tiny farming communities, like less populated than my city of 40k except without paved roads - no damn cars. That's just amazing to me...

I was reading about their supposed military and they require their citizens to become soldiers then send them home to whatever jobs (farming, manufacturing, etc.) but they award /military/ medals for shit like fishing, I find that amusing.

Not to mention every prediction presumes that the all the NK sheep will blindly fight. I'm not so sure that's the case though, keep in mind that Kimmy's brother was killed because he wanted to visit Disneyland... why would he want to do that, and more importantly, why was he exiled and /killed/ for it? They've got a 1965 non-military ship they captured on prominent display in their capitol (looks like a rust bucket steam cargo ship lol, they claim it's a "spy ship") Is that what their "soldiers" think we have? What would they say seeing even one of our modern cruise ships, much less an actual military ship?? Modern American's can't handle seeing an armored vehicle without pissing themselves, what would these folks think of our tanks rolling around? (Especially if they don't have cars?) IDK I don't think as many will fight if they find out their master is dead as these "simulations" presume... There's clearly some "less than loyal" shit going on when the brother of the supreme leader has to be offed over wanting to see the modern world ya know?
People do not drive in their cars to the front lines. However, more and more cars are in North Korea.

I linked a military assessment from 2017, check it out...
It sounds quite impressive but it does not include North Korean specials. Read that slightly biased rense article. Everything´s underground. And you don´t know where.
And in your first article, you can read that they make their own stuff.


Related note; have any of you ever looked at N. Korea satellite images? Like google mapped it?

First thing I noticed was there are no parking lots, like at all... These folks don't even have cars... How they gonna rustle up their supposed millions of soldiers? On buses? Train? Seriously, compare their capitol to other "modern" cities with cars parked /everywhere/... (Do note though that google overwrites the roads with "stock" empty pictures, you can see where they didn't edit them out if you follow roads around and find traffic.) I scanned around the country and the other cities are like tiny farming communities, like less populated than my city of 40k except without paved roads - no damn cars. That's just amazing to me...

I was reading about their supposed military and they require their citizens to become soldiers then send them home to whatever jobs (farming, manufacturing, etc.) but they award /military/ medals for shit like fishing, I find that amusing.

Not to mention every prediction presumes that the all the NK sheep will blindly fight. I'm not so sure that's the case though, keep in mind that Kimmy's brother was killed because he wanted to visit Disneyland... why would he want to do that, and more importantly, why was he exiled and /killed/ for it? They've got a 1965 non-military ship they captured on prominent display in their capitol (looks like a rust bucket steam cargo ship lol, they claim it's a "spy ship") Is that what their "soldiers" think we have? What would they say seeing even one of our modern cruise ships, much less an actual military ship?? Modern American's can't handle seeing an armored vehicle without pissing themselves, what would these folks think of our tanks rolling around? (Especially if they don't have cars?) IDK I don't think as many will fight if they find out their master is dead as these "simulations" presume... There's clearly some "less than loyal" shit going on when the brother of the supreme leader has to be offed over wanting to see the modern world ya know?
People do not drive in their cars to the front lines. However, more and more cars are in North Korea.

I'm not sure how to tell you this, but that looks like my small city in the middle of the day... There's maybe 100-110 cars there?

That's like nothing compared to most countries; I mean in America most "typical" families have at /least/ two cars, and probably some for the kids. I'm a bit better off than others but right now I have 8 cars in the driveway(s), that covered the four kidos and two for my husband and I (truck and car each basically)...

The video reminds me of how this place looks when the housewives of Eagle River wake up... (My cities population is 40k and we're well to do so most families have someone who doesn't work.) The roads around here when school lets out are a disaster, even with 4 lanes and a center turn off lane... Not only is our typical rush hour extended (from like 4:30pm to 7pm) because of all the wealthy folks getting off early, we also get spats of bumper to bumper at 10 am when the stores open, at noon for lunch, at 1:30 when the Jr. High's let out, 2:30 when the HS'ers run rampant, and at 4:00 when elementary gets out (worst of the "day rush" by far.) Then comes "rush hour" and all the adult dicks. Basically we have traffic like that video from 5-5:30am until 7pm... Then the place is a ghost town... Every once in a while I go to the gas station for a late night snack in the middle of the night and it's creepy dead/quiet lol
I linked a military assessment from 2017, check it out...
It sounds quite impressive but it does not include North Korean specials. Read that slightly biased rense article. Everything´s underground. And you don´t know where.
And in your first article, you can read that they make their own stuff.


Related note; have any of you ever looked at N. Korea satellite images? Like google mapped it?

First thing I noticed was there are no parking lots, like at all... These folks don't even have cars... How they gonna rustle up their supposed millions of soldiers? On buses? Train? Seriously, compare their capitol to other "modern" cities with cars parked /everywhere/... (Do note though that google overwrites the roads with "stock" empty pictures, you can see where they didn't edit them out if you follow roads around and find traffic.) I scanned around the country and the other cities are like tiny farming communities, like less populated than my city of 40k except without paved roads - no damn cars. That's just amazing to me...

I was reading about their supposed military and they require their citizens to become soldiers then send them home to whatever jobs (farming, manufacturing, etc.) but they award /military/ medals for shit like fishing, I find that amusing.

Not to mention every prediction presumes that the all the NK sheep will blindly fight. I'm not so sure that's the case though, keep in mind that Kimmy's brother was killed because he wanted to visit Disneyland... why would he want to do that, and more importantly, why was he exiled and /killed/ for it? They've got a 1965 non-military ship they captured on prominent display in their capitol (looks like a rust bucket steam cargo ship lol, they claim it's a "spy ship") Is that what their "soldiers" think we have? What would they say seeing even one of our modern cruise ships, much less an actual military ship?? Modern American's can't handle seeing an armored vehicle without pissing themselves, what would these folks think of our tanks rolling around? (Especially if they don't have cars?) IDK I don't think as many will fight if they find out their master is dead as these "simulations" presume... There's clearly some "less than loyal" shit going on when the brother of the supreme leader has to be offed over wanting to see the modern world ya know?
People do not drive in their cars to the front lines. However, more and more cars are in North Korea.

I'm not sure how to tell you this, but that looks like my small city in the middle of the day... There's maybe 100-110 cars there?

That's like nothing compared to most countries; I mean in America most "typical" families have at /least/ two cars, and probably some for the kids. I'm a bit better off than others but right now I have 8 cars in the driveway(s), that covered the four kidos and two for my husband and I (truck and car each basically)...

The video reminds me of how this place looks when the housewives of Eagle River wake up... (My cities population is 40k and we're well to do so most families have someone who doesn't work.) The roads around here when school lets out are a disaster, even with 4 lanes and a center turn off lane... Not only is our typical rush hour extended (from like 4:30pm to 7pm) because of all the wealthy folks getting off early, we also get spats of bumper to bumper at 10 am when the stores open, at noon for lunch, at 1:30 when the Jr. High's let out, 2:30 when the HS'ers run rampant, and at 4:00 when elementary gets out (worst of the "day rush" by far.) Then comes "rush hour" and all the adult dicks. Basically we have traffic like that video from 5-5:30am until 7pm... Then the place is a ghost town... Every once in a while I go to the gas station for a late night snack in the middle of the night and it's creepy dead/quiet lol

I am not comparing North Korean wealth with American wealth. I only made clear there is progress.
You ignore that US military simulations end with North Korean victories.
Have a nice read, my friend.

N Korea Military Tactics In A War With US

...That "warning" link is from 2003 man, like seriously, that was written 14 years ago...

Lets see what was "new" in 2003 just so you can grasp how long ago it was: the birth of the first cloned horse Prometea (related and interesting: in 1996 Dolly the worlds first cloned mammal was born, she died in 2003), the Galileo probe was sent into Jupiter's atmosphere (the project to study Jupiter's make up started in 1996,) the last flight of the Concorde (and perhaps not so ironically, the first /privately/ funded supersonic flight was achieved late in 2003,) both Skype and iTunes were launched (the first iPhone didn't come out until 2007, BlackBerry was /the shit/ in 2002), wireless networking [aka wi-fi] was brand new (went mainstream in the US in 2003-2005ish - Japan & S. Korea started using it just a few years earlier in 2001, later on [I think it was 2011] we had the launch of 3G and 4G broadband), Bushnell unveiled "instant replay" (basically the forefather of TiVo,) HDTV was debuted and we had the worlds first OLED display was invented by Kodak, we found a new element: "moscovium," the inventor of the hydrogen bomb died, the first hurricane warning in the E. Pacific was issued (NOAA didn't even have the US fully covered yet,) China launched their first manned space mission (they were the third country in the world to be able to put a man in space), Intel launched the Pentium-M[obile] (which eventually brought us gaming laptops, at that time laptop speeds were measured in megahertz and were pretty much only useful for text - the Pentium-M ran at much faster speeds from 700MHz to a whopping 3GHz, was cooler, and used less energy - in 2005 or so we saw the first desktops that could legit handle game graphics in an affordable way,) Mastercard launched RFID (contact free payment, the forefather to cellphone payments of today.)

For further reference: Facebook launched in 2004, eReaders (digital book tech and computers) were introduced in 2004, YouTube launched in 2005, GPS for personal use came out in 2005, Blu-Ray came out in 2006. Just in the past 10 years we've seen the following become mainstream/affordable: 3D Printers, 3D graphics, 64bit computing, USB 3.0, Blu-ray, flatscreen TVs, landed on Mars, and much, much more.

Keep in mind we're talking about the US in 2017, we can put a rocket in the bathtub these days, and compare that with what we're looking at in NK:

Here's something from 2015 talking about the tech in NK - This is What Technology In North Korea Looks Like
And a 2017 review of NK forces that's interesting - 2017 North Korea Military Strength

Yeah, SK is in deep shit if Kimmy goes end game (kill em all), but they're so technologically retarded... I know we can shoot circles around them, could we wipe out all their artillery aimed at SK? I think we could. It's the bio/chemical and nukes we have to worry about, but what happens if we take out their network (their national internet) which is supposedly very limited? Are they gonna call up the bases and tell them to launch? What about if Kimmy and his top adviser folks are taken out quietly?

Nearly 51M in S. Korea, close to 10M in Seoul... Another 130M in Japan... What are we supposed to do? Kimmy's made it clear he wants to destroy them (and the US), the country has been threatening us all since what the 60s? We just ignored them until the got nukes in '09, then Obama bribed him - and yet he was still making the threats to destroy us, still testing nukes to use /on us/

Ya'll think we should just wait until the insane twit nukes S.Korea or Japan?? He's off his damn rocker, he needs to be taken out.
North Korean military capabilities have significantly increased since 2003. Particularly the missile weaponry. Long range missiles, precision missiles, ect.
There´s also a new tank and who knows what else. The new tank was of course developed with the Korean geography in mind. It can get over large gaps, ect.
---------------------------------------- leave the 'norks' alone and they just get stronger . I believe that the norks will need to be destroyed to carry out President Trumps ideas , imo BP .
They get even more strong when they are threatened with total destruction. The only response to "total destruction" is the continuation of the nuclear program, that´s for sure.

I linked a military assessment from 2017, check it out...
It sounds quite impressive but it does not include North Korean specials. Read that slightly biased rense article. Everything´s underground. And you don´t know where.
And in your first article, you can read that they make their own stuff.


Related note; have any of you ever looked at N. Korea satellite images? Like google mapped it?

First thing I noticed was there are no parking lots, like at all... These folks don't even have cars... How they gonna rustle up their supposed millions of soldiers? On buses? Train? Seriously, compare their capitol to other "modern" cities with cars parked /everywhere/... (Do note though that google overwrites the roads with "stock" empty pictures, you can see where they didn't edit them out if you follow roads around and find traffic.) I scanned around the country and the other cities are like tiny farming communities, like less populated than my city of 40k except without paved roads - no damn cars. That's just amazing to me...

I was reading about their supposed military and they require their citizens to become soldiers then send them home to whatever jobs (farming, manufacturing, etc.) but they award /military/ medals for shit like fishing, I find that amusing.

Not to mention every prediction presumes that the all the NK sheep will blindly fight. I'm not so sure that's the case though, keep in mind that Kimmy's brother was killed because he wanted to visit Disneyland... why would he want to do that, and more importantly, why was he exiled and /killed/ for it? They've got a 1965 non-military ship they captured on prominent display in their capitol (looks like a rust bucket steam cargo ship lol, they claim it's a "spy ship") Is that what their "soldiers" think we have? What would they say seeing even one of our modern cruise ships, much less an actual military ship?? Modern American's can't handle seeing an armored vehicle without pissing themselves, what would these folks think of our tanks rolling around? (Especially if they don't have cars?) IDK I don't think as many will fight if they find out their master is dead as these "simulations" presume... There's clearly some "less than loyal" shit going on when the brother of the supreme leader has to be offed over wanting to see the modern world ya know?
People do not drive in their cars to the front lines. However, more and more cars are in North Korea.

I'm not sure how to tell you this, but that looks like my small city in the middle of the day... There's maybe 100-110 cars there?

That's like nothing compared to most countries; I mean in America most "typical" families have at /least/ two cars, and probably some for the kids. I'm a bit better off than others but right now I have 8 cars in the driveway(s), that covered the four kidos and two for my husband and I (truck and car each basically)...

The video reminds me of how this place looks when the housewives of Eagle River wake up... (My cities population is 40k and we're well to do so most families have someone who doesn't work.) The roads around here when school lets out are a disaster, even with 4 lanes and a center turn off lane... Not only is our typical rush hour extended (from like 4:30pm to 7pm) because of all the wealthy folks getting off early, we also get spats of bumper to bumper at 10 am when the stores open, at noon for lunch, at 1:30 when the Jr. High's let out, 2:30 when the HS'ers run rampant, and at 4:00 when elementary gets out (worst of the "day rush" by far.) Then comes "rush hour" and all the adult dicks. Basically we have traffic like that video from 5-5:30am until 7pm... Then the place is a ghost town... Every once in a while I go to the gas station for a late night snack in the middle of the night and it's creepy dead/quiet lol

I am not comparing North Korean wealth with American wealth. I only made clear there is progress.

Okay well my argument is that N. Korean's don't have cars...

Here, this is Anchorage, Alaska population around 200k:

vs the video you posted of N.Korea's capitol with a population of 2.5 Million... And it's not like Anchorage (our biggest city) has traffic either, I mean I bitch about it because I'm spoiled - but it's /nothing/ compared to any city in the lower 48.

There's no cars o_O I just find that fascinating...
Nuclear B-52, US troops at their borders and drills are something you wouldn´t consider a threat?
----------------------------------------- here in the USA we say , hey 'kim' we got you by the NUTZ or the short hairs BP .
The US does not hesitate to make war. Trump should wonder why the US did not go to war with North Korea already! You too.
---------------------------------------------- because former 'presidents' both repub and dem preferred to kiss nork azz and feed them rice as they kicked the can down the road for 'hilary' to handle [aw haw] :afro:. Course that was the plan , only problem was that the 'nork' problem fell into Trumps hands and so the joke is on the 'dems' and YOU euros BP . [chuckle]
Nope, North Korea has never threatened us. We have a North Korean embassy and all.
---------------------------------------------------- you guys are azz kissers , see your muslim invasion BP .
Not comparable.
I linked a military assessment from 2017, check it out...
It sounds quite impressive but it does not include North Korean specials. Read that slightly biased rense article. Everything´s underground. And you don´t know where.
And in your first article, you can read that they make their own stuff.


Related note; have any of you ever looked at N. Korea satellite images? Like google mapped it?

First thing I noticed was there are no parking lots, like at all... These folks don't even have cars... How they gonna rustle up their supposed millions of soldiers? On buses? Train? Seriously, compare their capitol to other "modern" cities with cars parked /everywhere/... (Do note though that google overwrites the roads with "stock" empty pictures, you can see where they didn't edit them out if you follow roads around and find traffic.) I scanned around the country and the other cities are like tiny farming communities, like less populated than my city of 40k except without paved roads - no damn cars. That's just amazing to me...

I was reading about their supposed military and they require their citizens to become soldiers then send them home to whatever jobs (farming, manufacturing, etc.) but they award /military/ medals for shit like fishing, I find that amusing.

Not to mention every prediction presumes that the all the NK sheep will blindly fight. I'm not so sure that's the case though, keep in mind that Kimmy's brother was killed because he wanted to visit Disneyland... why would he want to do that, and more importantly, why was he exiled and /killed/ for it? They've got a 1965 non-military ship they captured on prominent display in their capitol (looks like a rust bucket steam cargo ship lol, they claim it's a "spy ship") Is that what their "soldiers" think we have? What would they say seeing even one of our modern cruise ships, much less an actual military ship?? Modern American's can't handle seeing an armored vehicle without pissing themselves, what would these folks think of our tanks rolling around? (Especially if they don't have cars?) IDK I don't think as many will fight if they find out their master is dead as these "simulations" presume... There's clearly some "less than loyal" shit going on when the brother of the supreme leader has to be offed over wanting to see the modern world ya know?
People do not drive in their cars to the front lines. However, more and more cars are in North Korea.

I'm not sure how to tell you this, but that looks like my small city in the middle of the day... There's maybe 100-110 cars there?

That's like nothing compared to most countries; I mean in America most "typical" families have at /least/ two cars, and probably some for the kids. I'm a bit better off than others but right now I have 8 cars in the driveway(s), that covered the four kidos and two for my husband and I (truck and car each basically)...

The video reminds me of how this place looks when the housewives of Eagle River wake up... (My cities population is 40k and we're well to do so most families have someone who doesn't work.) The roads around here when school lets out are a disaster, even with 4 lanes and a center turn off lane... Not only is our typical rush hour extended (from like 4:30pm to 7pm) because of all the wealthy folks getting off early, we also get spats of bumper to bumper at 10 am when the stores open, at noon for lunch, at 1:30 when the Jr. High's let out, 2:30 when the HS'ers run rampant, and at 4:00 when elementary gets out (worst of the "day rush" by far.) Then comes "rush hour" and all the adult dicks. Basically we have traffic like that video from 5-5:30am until 7pm... Then the place is a ghost town... Every once in a while I go to the gas station for a late night snack in the middle of the night and it's creepy dead/quiet lol

I am not comparing North Korean wealth with American wealth. I only made clear there is progress.

Okay well my argument is that N. Korean's don't have cars...

Here, this is Anchorage, Alaska population around 200k:

vs the video you posted of N.Korea's capitol with a population of 2.5 Million... And it's not like Anchorage (our biggest city) has traffic either, I mean I bitch about it because I'm spoiled - but it's /nothing/ compared to any city in the lower 48.

There's no cars o_O I just find that fascinating...

It´s not comparable. Under the given circumstances, North Korea does even well.
the 'norks' MAY be cruisin for a bruising . Don't have a conniption but its all the decision of President Trump BP .
I linked a military assessment from 2017, check it out...
It sounds quite impressive but it does not include North Korean specials. Read that slightly biased rense article. Everything´s underground. And you don´t know where.
And in your first article, you can read that they make their own stuff.


Related note; have any of you ever looked at N. Korea satellite images? Like google mapped it?

First thing I noticed was there are no parking lots, like at all... These folks don't even have cars... How they gonna rustle up their supposed millions of soldiers? On buses? Train? Seriously, compare their capitol to other "modern" cities with cars parked /everywhere/... (Do note though that google overwrites the roads with "stock" empty pictures, you can see where they didn't edit them out if you follow roads around and find traffic.) I scanned around the country and the other cities are like tiny farming communities, like less populated than my city of 40k except without paved roads - no damn cars. That's just amazing to me...

I was reading about their supposed military and they require their citizens to become soldiers then send them home to whatever jobs (farming, manufacturing, etc.) but they award /military/ medals for shit like fishing, I find that amusing.

Not to mention every prediction presumes that the all the NK sheep will blindly fight. I'm not so sure that's the case though, keep in mind that Kimmy's brother was killed because he wanted to visit Disneyland... why would he want to do that, and more importantly, why was he exiled and /killed/ for it? They've got a 1965 non-military ship they captured on prominent display in their capitol (looks like a rust bucket steam cargo ship lol, they claim it's a "spy ship") Is that what their "soldiers" think we have? What would they say seeing even one of our modern cruise ships, much less an actual military ship?? Modern American's can't handle seeing an armored vehicle without pissing themselves, what would these folks think of our tanks rolling around? (Especially if they don't have cars?) IDK I don't think as many will fight if they find out their master is dead as these "simulations" presume... There's clearly some "less than loyal" shit going on when the brother of the supreme leader has to be offed over wanting to see the modern world ya know?
People do not drive in their cars to the front lines. However, more and more cars are in North Korea.

I'm not sure how to tell you this, but that looks like my small city in the middle of the day... There's maybe 100-110 cars there?

That's like nothing compared to most countries; I mean in America most "typical" families have at /least/ two cars, and probably some for the kids. I'm a bit better off than others but right now I have 8 cars in the driveway(s), that covered the four kidos and two for my husband and I (truck and car each basically)...

The video reminds me of how this place looks when the housewives of Eagle River wake up... (My cities population is 40k and we're well to do so most families have someone who doesn't work.) The roads around here when school lets out are a disaster, even with 4 lanes and a center turn off lane... Not only is our typical rush hour extended (from like 4:30pm to 7pm) because of all the wealthy folks getting off early, we also get spats of bumper to bumper at 10 am when the stores open, at noon for lunch, at 1:30 when the Jr. High's let out, 2:30 when the HS'ers run rampant, and at 4:00 when elementary gets out (worst of the "day rush" by far.) Then comes "rush hour" and all the adult dicks. Basically we have traffic like that video from 5-5:30am until 7pm... Then the place is a ghost town... Every once in a while I go to the gas station for a late night snack in the middle of the night and it's creepy dead/quiet lol

I am not comparing North Korean wealth with American wealth. I only made clear there is progress.

Okay well my argument is that N. Korean's don't have cars...

Here, this is Anchorage, Alaska population around 200k:

vs the video you posted of N.Korea's capitol with a population of 2.5 Million... And it's not like Anchorage (our biggest city) has traffic either, I mean I bitch about it because I'm spoiled - but it's /nothing/ compared to any city in the lower 48.

There's no cars o_O I just find that fascinating...

It´s not comparable. Under the given circumstances, North Korea does even well.

You're right, it's /not/ comparable, that's /my/ point. North Korean's are so technologically behind it's not even funny. Shit even our worst ghettos have modern stuff like cars, internet, etc... North Korean's have cellphones (not smart phones, just cell phones)... You're examples of how "advanced" they've become are... non-examples. Oooo they've got 100-150 cars that the elites drive, not impressed nor scared.

Again, how are the supposed millions of "soldiers" going to be transported around? Look at the road system there, we could cut off their entire S. Korean border from resupply with one plane... I just don't see how the N. Korean's could possibly win against us regardless of what your article's supposed simulations say.
It sounds quite impressive but it does not include North Korean specials. Read that slightly biased rense article. Everything´s underground. And you don´t know where.
And in your first article, you can read that they make their own stuff.

People do not drive in their cars to the front lines. However, more and more cars are in North Korea.

I'm not sure how to tell you this, but that looks like my small city in the middle of the day... There's maybe 100-110 cars there?

That's like nothing compared to most countries; I mean in America most "typical" families have at /least/ two cars, and probably some for the kids. I'm a bit better off than others but right now I have 8 cars in the driveway(s), that covered the four kidos and two for my husband and I (truck and car each basically)...

The video reminds me of how this place looks when the housewives of Eagle River wake up... (My cities population is 40k and we're well to do so most families have someone who doesn't work.) The roads around here when school lets out are a disaster, even with 4 lanes and a center turn off lane... Not only is our typical rush hour extended (from like 4:30pm to 7pm) because of all the wealthy folks getting off early, we also get spats of bumper to bumper at 10 am when the stores open, at noon for lunch, at 1:30 when the Jr. High's let out, 2:30 when the HS'ers run rampant, and at 4:00 when elementary gets out (worst of the "day rush" by far.) Then comes "rush hour" and all the adult dicks. Basically we have traffic like that video from 5-5:30am until 7pm... Then the place is a ghost town... Every once in a while I go to the gas station for a late night snack in the middle of the night and it's creepy dead/quiet lol

I am not comparing North Korean wealth with American wealth. I only made clear there is progress.

Okay well my argument is that N. Korean's don't have cars...

Here, this is Anchorage, Alaska population around 200k:

vs the video you posted of N.Korea's capitol with a population of 2.5 Million... And it's not like Anchorage (our biggest city) has traffic either, I mean I bitch about it because I'm spoiled - but it's /nothing/ compared to any city in the lower 48.

There's no cars o_O I just find that fascinating...

It´s not comparable. Under the given circumstances, North Korea does even well.

You're right, it's /not/ comparable, that's /my/ point. North Korean's are so technologically behind it's not even funny. Shit even our worst ghettos have modern stuff like cars, internet, etc... North Korean's have cellphones (not smart phones, just cell phones)... You're examples of how "advanced" they've become are... non-examples. Oooo they've got 100-150 cars that the elites drive, not impressed nor scared.

Again, how are the supposed millions of "soldiers" going to be transported around? Look at the road system there, we could cut off their entire S. Korean border from resupply with one plane... I just don't see how the N. Korean's could possibly win against us regardless of what your article's supposed simulations say.

They have. Even your own sources talk about tablets. The newest North Korean Smartphone is the Arirang 161, brandnew. You can see they have cars. They are technologically way beyond most other countries of similar size. They have own satellites transported to orbit with own rockets, have world class CNC machines, make their own trains and everything. A real strong country and wealth will follow.


North Korean Precision Manufacturing Develops Computer Numerical Control (CNC) | Korea IT Times

So how troops come to the frontier?

They have German style Autobahns, streets, railroads. But most important: Troops can be moved underground in giant underground networks, where stuff and electricity is produced, supplies are stored, and restrooms for soldiers exist. They are the architects of the tunnel networks in Vietnam, and their own are of other dimensions. You lost in Vietnam.
. Who started it ? Kimmy did, and the fact that his people can't replace his sorry ace should outrage you, but instead you are outraged by the U.S. president over the madman ?? You should be locked up for being a traitor to your country over a madman hell bent on making war with the United States.
Are you mad? Who sent carriers and started this round of confrontation? Its doter Trump who cannot remember he announced to talk to Un last year!
--------------------------------------------------------------- feck the 'un' , buncha whoremongers and dictators BP .
North Korea is not a classic democracy but that´s not of our concern and starving out and destroying the country doesn´t sound lucrative to them, right? Trump should simply fuck off, he puts the entire world at the risk of nuclear war. He is a mad old fuck, a dangerous dictator.
learn what a dictator is......
Correction: Wannabe dictator. He can´t enforce his rule in the US but those who oppose him everywhere are strangely silent when he is about to annihilate an entire country.
maybe because they want the chubby guy in N.Korea to get a missile up his ass....
Are you mad? Who sent carriers and started this round of confrontation? Its doter Trump who cannot remember he announced to talk to Un last year!
--------------------------------------------------------------- feck the 'un' , buncha whoremongers and dictators BP .
North Korea is not a classic democracy but that´s not of our concern and starving out and destroying the country doesn´t sound lucrative to them, right? Trump should simply fuck off, he puts the entire world at the risk of nuclear war. He is a mad old fuck, a dangerous dictator.
learn what a dictator is......
Correction: Wannabe dictator. He can´t enforce his rule in the US but those who oppose him everywhere are strangely silent when he is about to annihilate an entire country.
maybe because they want the chubby guy in N.Korea to get a missile up his ass....
Or maybe Soros is not funding protests against Trump`s warmongering.

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