UN refugee commission evacuates over 4,000 refugees from Libya during 2018-2019

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
UN refugee commission evacuates over 4,000 refugees from Libya during 2018-2019

TRIPOLI, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Higher Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) on Sunday said it evacuated more than 4,000 refugees from Libya from 2018 to the end of January 2019.

The commission said it resettled or evacuated 4,080 refugees from Libya and provided 34,505 medical consultations during last year up until the end of last month.

It also said that 6,219 families have received cash assistance, and 1,311 shelter kits have been distributed to internally displaced Libyans.

UNHCR confirmed that 56,643 refugees and asylum seekers have been registered in Libya so far.

Libya has become a preferred departure point for illegal immigrants hoping to cross the Mediterranean Sea into Europe because of insecurity and chaos in the North African country following the 2011 uprising that toppled former leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Shelters in Libya are crowded with thousands of illegal immigrants rescued at sea or arrested by the Libyan security services.

World Report 2019: Rights Trends in Libya
The United States continued to conduct what it calls “precision airstrikes” against purported ISIS and Al-Qaeda targets in the south and west of the country.

If Americans only knew.
Hillary’s War Crime | Foreign Policy Journal

October 20th, 2019 will be the 8th anniversary of the murder of Muammar Gaddafi by forces organized and unleashed by US President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Remember the killer bitch’s performance, with gleeful laughter, on CBS “News”: “We came, we saw, he died.”

Muammar Gaddafi was the most progressive political leader in the world. Gaddafi used Libya’s oil wealth for the benefit of the Libyan people. He lived in a tent—a nice tent, but not in a palace—and he did not have collections of European exotic cars or any of the other paraphernalia associated with the ruling families in Saudi Arabia and the oil emirates that are Washington’s Middle Eastern allies.

In Libya, education, medical treatment, and electricity were free. Gasoline was practically free, selling for 14 US cents per liter. Women who gave birth were supported with cash grants and couples received cash grants upon marriage. Libya’s state bank provided loans without interest and provided free startup capital to farmers.

Gaddafi’s independence from Washington is what brought him down. Earlier in life Gaddafi’s goal was to organize Arabs as a bloc that could withstand Western depredations. Frustrated, he turned to Pan-Africanism and refused to join the US Africa Command. He wanted to introduce a gold-based African currency that would free Africans from American financial hegemony.

Africans are being sold at Libyan slave markets. Thanks, Hillary Clinton.
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Americans never see what their government does around the world, and I'm beginning to believe wouldn't care even if they did, many of them.

Clinton and Obama guilty of international war crimes in Libya. Those NeoCons took Libya by sponsoring a coup and destabilized it and now we have a chaotic wasteland where Jihadists flourish and lawful order does not.
Thank you Madame Secretary Killary Clinton...you came, you interfered, you fucked everything up.

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