UN, Nato and United States


Active Member
Nov 7, 2003
Houston, TX
To those who do not want to face up to hard and brutal choices in a nuclear age, the magic formula is to turn to something called "the international community" -- or, more concretely, the United Nations or "our European allies." As with so many rhetorical solutions to hard problems, the specific realities behind the rhetoric get very little attention.

What is the actual track record of the UN or Europe? Is it something to rely on, in life and death decisions?

The UN stood idly by in Rwanda while mass slaughters went on. The UN passed resolution after resolution on Iraq for years, without taking any action to enforce them. Indeed, the UN was part of the massive corruption in the oil-for-food program, which enabled Saddam Hussein to divert money intended to feed the Iraqi people into buying weapons and palaces for himself.

When the UN seated Libya on its human rights committee, that was a sign of its moral bankruptcy. So was its conference on racism, which featured anti-Semitic propaganda by Arab countries.

What of our European allies, who are automatically assumed to be so much wiser and more sophisticated than American "cowboy" presidents, whether Reagan or Bush?

Europe's track record throughout the 20th century was one unbelievable disaster after another. European countries blundered their way into two world wars -- from which every country involved emerged worse off than before, with a continent devastated and its people hungry amid the rubble. Both times American food fed them.

The two biggest ideological disasters of the 20th century -- Communism and Fascism -- were both created in Europe. Both of these blind fanaticisms led to innocent civilians being killed by the millions, during peacetime as well as in wars.

For more than half a century, Western Europe has not had to defend itself because it has been protected by the American nuclear umbrella. Without that, there was nothing to stop the Soviet army from marching right across the continent to the Atlantic Ocean.

American protection enabled Western Europe to neglect its own military defenses, and in some cases use their armed forces as another government featherbedding program. NATO's forces include unionized soldiers who absorb a much higher share of Europe's military spending than do American soldiers in the U.S. That leaves less money for NATO to buy up-to-date equipment.

NATO's troops get generous vacations and light enough schedules that many of them have part-time civilian jobs. The average age of soldiers in Belgium is 40, compared to 28 for American soldiers.

No country could afford to have to fight a war with over-age soldiers and obsolete equipment, unless its military defense was left to someone else. That someone else is the United States.

Like so many people who have been sheltered from the harsh realities of life and not forced to stand on their own two feet, Western Europeans have been able to indulge themselves in illusions. The most unrealistic of these illusions has been that we can just talk our way out of international threats with "negotiations," treaties and UN resolutions.

That approach was tried for two decades after the First World War. That is what led to the Second World War.

France was the worst. In the 1920s, its foreign minister Aristide Briand negotiated much-ballyhooed agreements renouncing war -- agreements that won him the Nobel Prize but did nothing to deter war. In fact, such things lulled peaceful countries into a dangerous complacency that emboldened aggressor nations.

France's record of cowardice and betrayal of its allies during the
1930s, was climaxed by its own surrender to Hitler after just six weeks of fighting in 1940. At the 11th hour, France appealed to the United States, which was not in the war at that point, for military equipment -- that is, for the kind of "unilateral" American intervention at which the French would sneer so often in later years.

Are these the people to whom we should defer on life-and-death questions? Are our actions to be limited to what is acceptable to the lowest common denominator at the UN or in Europe? Are the lofty rhetoric and condescending airs of foreigners to impress us more than their dismal track records?
And then they had the nerve to leave the Israeli/ Palsetinian issue so confusing that they are still fighting about it over 50 years later !
Originally posted by dilloduck

And then they had the nerve to leave the Israeli/ Palsetinian issue so confusing that they are still fighting about it over 50 years later !

Dill refers to 'THEM' the United Nations whom he feels left the issue of who gets what confusing. The United Nations simply voted on a partition of the land Israel which had already declared this as their historical Jewish land which they defended over and over again.

The Arabs disagreed vehemently. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem told all the Muslims Arabs and Christian Arabs to leave Israel while the powerful surrounding Arab countries could go in and finish off Hitler's job of wiping the Jewish people off the face of the earth.

The Muslim and Christian Arabs did as they were told and moved out of the way of the Arab armies for ethnic cleansing and to finish the earlier destruction of the Jewish people from Israel.

Dill thinks that there was some confusion about who gets to stay in the land of Israel and who should have rightly been wiped off the face of the earth. Well, the Mufti was wrong, DEAD WRONG.

Israel not only remained a democratic country but eventually retook their whole land. The land that the Arab Muslim and Christian Muslims refused to accept as a part but only all or nothing.

The arabs got their alternative, NOTHING. Now they want to start back at sqaure one and destroy Israel.

There is no confusion here. There is only a very confused Dilloduck....

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