What has the UN ever done to prevent REAL genocides?

  • Bangladesh Genocide of 1971 by Islamic Pakistan: 3,000,000* ;

  • Cambodia, Pol Pot: 1975 to 1979: between 1.7 million to 3 million. Cambodian Genocide: 1975-1979 ;
  • Syria, 1982: Arabs on Arab 40,000 in Hama nassacre* ;

  • Rwanda 1994: 500,000 to 800,000;

  • Or on Arab Islamist attempted genocide (since 1920s with al Husseini coining "itbakh [Adbakh] al yahud" and intensified in 1947), while everyone knows the tactics of "Palestinian" or Hezbollah to bring about their civilian deaths - beginning with Arafat's methods in early 1980s.
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