Ukrainian commanders asking the recruitment office to stop sending them men who don't want to or are too scared to fight. They are just a burden

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Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Ukraine war: Deserters risk death fleeing to Romania

"The Tisa was shallower than I expected, just up to my chest," said George. "So I didn't need to swim. I just waded across the river."

When he reached the Romanian shore, a Ukrainian patrol spotted him.

"I heard shots first, then a string of insults. But I wasn't afraid. When you've spent time at the front, you know the difference between bullets fired in the air, and bullets fired at you."

George is a big man with a soft face and a wounded look. As a deserter from the Ukrainian army, he would face 10 years in jail if he were caught.

George is not his real name. His and the names of other Ukrainians in this piece have been changed to protect their identities.

His first night in the trenches was the worst. That was in March last year, a month after the war started.

"We had 27 dead and 57 injured." He flicks through images on his phone of his former comrades. His forehead crumples as he does so and his big hands shake.

"All these people are dead, except me and that one" - he points to a woman in camouflage fatigues.

It took him several weeks and thousands of euros paid to a network of "guides", to cross the whole of Ukraine from the eastern war zone to this green and peaceful western border.
Map showing Romania border crossing area

Enforcing the draft in Ukraine can be difficult and corruption is recognised as a major problem by the authorities. Reliable sources in western Ukraine speak of the existence of a "monthly rate" - a payment made to keep someone out of the army.

There are also reports from the Ukrainian frontlines, of commanders asking the recruitment office to stop sending them men who don't want to or are too scared to fight. They are just a burden in battle.

But many men see fleeing to another country illegally as their only chance of avoiding combat.

The Ukrainian army stops cars and buses every dozen kilometres on the road beside the Tisa river, looking for draft dodgers. Their database, chaotic at the start of the war, is improving.

The Ukrainian Border Police recently reported that they are detaining up to 20 men a day. The BBC has approached the Armed Forces of Ukraine for comment on rates of desertion and draft dodging.

But according to the Romanian immigration authority, 6,200 Ukrainian men of military age have crossed the 600 km (373 mile) border into Romania illegally since Russia's full-scale invasion last year and been granted temporary protection.

Some 20,000 others made it there legally, armed with exemptions - sometimes paid for, sometimes not - and chose not to return.

And according to unofficial Ukrainian figures, 90 men have died on the journey to Romania - either drowned in the Tisa, or frozen to death in the mountains - in the past 15 months.
JUST look at the last sentence if you cannot wade through the rest -- I know many of you get very tired after three long ones .

Ukrainian sources write that the Office of the President agreed with the plans and methods of a new wave of mobilization requested by the General Staff. During the fall, 200,000 Ukrainians should be drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and another 300,000 people are planned to be caught in the winter-spring.
According to the above, they will have a target of drafting 200k men for the fall and upwards of another 300k for the winter. Keep in mind, as mentioned last time, there are repeated reports that Ukraine is currently bleeding 10k men per month. So just to break even, they need to scrounge up 10k from the streets.

How is that? Well, for instance, we have new reports from Ukrainian sources like the following which states that Ukraine is losing 200-500 dead and 500-1500 wounded per day
. Reportedly this was in reference only to the Rabotino front, it doesn’t even count the losses from other fronts like Kharkov:

Granted this was posted on August 18th when perhaps things were slightly more high-intensity, but 500 dead per day x 30 days = 15,000 per month. Split the difference but add other fronts and you can start to understand the earlier 10k monthly replenishment cost. Thus to get 200k or even 300k they’d have to really push mobilization to new heights.

For those who may doubt such numbers from the Rabotino front, here’s also a little primer on what forces are arrayed there:

💥💥💥The number of troops that the Ukrainian army attracted in three months to capture half of Rabotino village:
33rd Independent Mechanised Brigade (OMBr)
47th UMBR
65th UMBR
78th Independent Material Support Battalion
73rd Maritime Special Operations Centre
10th Army Corps:
116th OMbr
117th UMBR
118th UMBR
Maroon Tactical Group:
46th Independent Airmobile Brigade
71st Independent Jaeger Brigade
82nd Independent Airborne Assault Brigade
132nd Independent Reconnaissance Battalion
14th UMBR
15th UMBR
3rd Operational Brigade of the National Guard
Foreign mercenaries and NATO special forces.
Thus, 60,000 personnel were involved in the capture of one village, of which half were lost, along with hundreds of pieces of equipment.

60,000 personnel were involved in the capture of one village, of which half were lost, along with hundreds of pieces of equipment.
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