Ukraine Was Investigating Hunter Biden Before Trump’s Phone Call: A revelation alters the timeline

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Frontpage Mag ^ | 10/15/2019


Officials in Ukraine reportedly opened an investigation into an energy company that employed former Vice President Joe Biden’s son long before President Donald Trump’s July 25 nothing-burger of a telephone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that spurred the Democrats’ haphazard, increasingly Kafkaesque impeachment inquiry.

The time element of the revelation, devastating as it is to the 2016-election-nullification push disguised as an impeachment process, has been largely ignored by the mainstream media which is overly preoccupied –as usual— attacking President Trump.

The information came last week from investigative reporter John Solomon, who recently was hired as a Fox News contributor, after Ukraine’s new prosecutor general, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, said Oct. 4 he plans to review previous corruption investigations into Hunter Biden and his former employer, Ukraine-based Burisma Holdings. Hunter got the job in 2014 while his father was the Obama administration’s point man on Ukraine.

Solomon’s growing prominence in the media ecosystem means that leftist journalists –when they’re not busy making excuses for the secretive un-American Star Chamber-like impeachment process initiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi– now feel obligated to engage in character-assassination efforts against him.

For example, Casey Michel, who boasts about being a former Peace Corps volunteer in Kazakhstan and supposedly a former “investigative reporter” at failed George Soros-funded media outlet ThinkProgress, launched a venomous, lie-packed Media Matters-style hit piece against Solomon as he moved to Fox.

In the sleazy, tabloid-like Daily Beast, Michel mocked the respected veteran newsman from the Washington Times and The Hill as “the self-proclaimed journalist at the heart of the unfolding scandal involving Ukraine, Rudy Giuliani, and the impending impeachment of Donald Trump.”

Solomon’s work “has underpinned the entire cascade of lies the White House and Trump in particular have pushed over the past few weeks,” and is “drenched in innuendo and mischaracterizations, all in service of attacking Trump’s political opponents,” he wrote.

Meanwhile, more information is beginning to emerge about the charmed life of ne’er-do-well Hunter Biden who throughout his adult life has kept blundering into highly lucrative job opportunities because his father was famous and politically powerful.

A handful of media outlets reminded readers of the August 2008 news story –when Joe Biden was still a U.S. senator representing Delaware— about Hunter Biden being paid “an undisclosed amount of money as a consultant by MBNA, the largest employer in Delaware, during the years the senator supported legislation that was promoted by the credit card industry and opposed by consumer groups.”

That law, opposed by left-wing activists, made it more difficult for consumers to obtain bankruptcy protection in the federal courts. Then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) opposed the 2005 bankruptcy legislation at the time.

The Bidens’ obvious intergenerational corruption is beginning to worry some left-wing journalists like Ryan Grim at The Intercept who argues in a paywalled article that Democrats need to come clean about the Bidens if they are to salvage the 2020 presidential election.

“The problem for Democrats is that a review of Hunter Biden’s career shows clearly that he, along with Joe Biden’s brother James, has been trading on their family name for decades, cashing in on the implication — and sometimes the explicit argument — that giving money to a member of Joe Biden’s family wins the favor of Joe Biden.”

Grim cannot resist being childish and petty, referring to presidential son Eric Trump by the awkward neologism “failson,” whatever that means.

But leftists are going to find it hard to ignore the mountain of evidence accumulating about the Bidens.

On Sean Hannity’s television show Solomon said the U.S. government knew the government of Ukraine intended to examine the activities of Burisma Holdings, which employed Hunter Biden and paid him a spectacularly generous salary even though the younger Biden lacked expertise in the energy field.

The report is important because it mothballs Trump-hating Democrats’ false talking point that the president threatened during the storied phone call to withhold foreign aid to Ukraine if its new president failed to launch a probe into Burisma and Hunter Biden’s role there.

“The U.S. government had open-source intelligence and was aware as early as February of 2019 that the Ukrainian government was planning to reopen the Burisma investigation,” Solomon said. “This is long before the president ever imagined having a call with President Zelensky,” he added, noting Petro Poroshenko was still the president of Ukraine at that time.

Solomon said that earlier this year NABU, the Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, asked to reopen an investigation into Burisma and owner Mykola Zlochevsky, and the probe began. It led to a 15-page “Notice of Suspicion” being lodged that alleged that “illicit funds” were moving through Burisma, he said.

This information was left out of the U.S. intelligence community whistleblower’s complaint, itself a bungled report on the July 25 phone call, against President Trump that was filed in September, Solomon said.

Solomon noted this allegation of “illicit funds” partly coincides with Hunter Biden’s service on Burisma’s board, which reportedly brought him up to $1 million a year. He added that Ukrainian investigators filed the Notice of Suspicion stating they were “looking at the possibility that the $3.4 million paid to Hunter Biden’s firm may have been part of the illicit funds that were moving through the company.”

“A month later, in April, the prosecutor’s office -- open-source intelligence, again -- the U.S. government officials confirming they were aware of this -- made a request of another investigative agency in Ukraine for assistance in going through these bank records,” Solomon said.

“That is a significant change in the timeline -- it was omitted from the whistleblower’s complaint, and the question is did he not know it or did he exclude it because it didn’t fit the narrative he was trying to write,” he said.

“That’s a question for Congress to answer.”

Indeed it is!!!


What?! You mean he was investigating corruption JUST BECAUSE IT WAS A CAMPAIGN PROMISE?! Another subversive. I won’t believe it. No no no no. It can’t be true. It’s just a conspiracy to get Joe Biden because he’d otherwise beat Trump like a drum! It’s true! It has to be true! GNASH! SNARL!/that’s how you do parody, Schiff.

“What do you think about graft, your excellency?”
“It’s a living.”

People with no morals always get caught in the end. Too bad we have a real AG who will look to enforce the law. Hunter would do anything right about now to have Holder or Lynch in there.
Billy the Bagman is NOT a "real AG"...he's Trump's Roy Cohn.

Look it up
This is just another 'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine Addition' Democrat Coup Attempt 2.0 Killer, but they, with help from the Deep State Media, will not let it even slow them down with continuing to push their 'cover story'.

Biased, Deep State, specially trained CIA spy who worked for Biden under Obama sent into the WH on a temp basis to spy....submits a 2nd-hand account Whistle Blower complaint ....

The Deep State ICIG changes the rule and form to expedite sending it to the Dems in the House...even after DOJ investigators ruled there was nothing to it...

The WBwr was already in contact with Adam Schiff before they went to the ICIG...and Schiff lied his ass about it to Congress and the American people...

The transcript debunked the false accusation

The Ukraine PM debunked the false accusation

Volker destroyed the false narrative...

The facts destroyed the narrative...

The existence of the Mutual Assistance Law Enforcement treaties that are initiated by leader-to-leader communication destroy the false narrative...

This whole thing is as lame as Schiff's personally authored 'SNL' skit he presented as 'evidence' during his committee hearing...
Frontpage Mag ^ | 10/15/2019


Officials in Ukraine reportedly opened an investigation into an energy company that employed former Vice President Joe Biden’s son long before President Donald Trump’s July 25 nothing-burger of a telephone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that spurred the Democrats’ haphazard, increasingly Kafkaesque impeachment inquiry.

The time element of the revelation, devastating as it is to the 2016-election-nullification push disguised as an impeachment process, has been largely ignored by the mainstream media which is overly preoccupied –as usual— attacking President Trump.

The information came last week from investigative reporter John Solomon, who recently was hired as a Fox News contributor, after Ukraine’s new prosecutor general, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, said Oct. 4 he plans to review previous corruption investigations into Hunter Biden and his former employer, Ukraine-based Burisma Holdings. Hunter got the job in 2014 while his father was the Obama administration’s point man on Ukraine.

Solomon’s growing prominence in the media ecosystem means that leftist journalists –when they’re not busy making excuses for the secretive un-American Star Chamber-like impeachment process initiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi– now feel obligated to engage in character-assassination efforts against him.

For example, Casey Michel, who boasts about being a former Peace Corps volunteer in Kazakhstan and supposedly a former “investigative reporter” at failed George Soros-funded media outlet ThinkProgress, launched a venomous, lie-packed Media Matters-style hit piece against Solomon as he moved to Fox.

In the sleazy, tabloid-like Daily Beast, Michel mocked the respected veteran newsman from the Washington Times and The Hill as “the self-proclaimed journalist at the heart of the unfolding scandal involving Ukraine, Rudy Giuliani, and the impending impeachment of Donald Trump.”

Solomon’s work “has underpinned the entire cascade of lies the White House and Trump in particular have pushed over the past few weeks,” and is “drenched in innuendo and mischaracterizations, all in service of attacking Trump’s political opponents,” he wrote.

Meanwhile, more information is beginning to emerge about the charmed life of ne’er-do-well Hunter Biden who throughout his adult life has kept blundering into highly lucrative job opportunities because his father was famous and politically powerful.

A handful of media outlets reminded readers of the August 2008 news story –when Joe Biden was still a U.S. senator representing Delaware— about Hunter Biden being paid “an undisclosed amount of money as a consultant by MBNA, the largest employer in Delaware, during the years the senator supported legislation that was promoted by the credit card industry and opposed by consumer groups.”

That law, opposed by left-wing activists, made it more difficult for consumers to obtain bankruptcy protection in the federal courts. Then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) opposed the 2005 bankruptcy legislation at the time.

The Bidens’ obvious intergenerational corruption is beginning to worry some left-wing journalists like Ryan Grim at The Intercept who argues in a paywalled article that Democrats need to come clean about the Bidens if they are to salvage the 2020 presidential election.

“The problem for Democrats is that a review of Hunter Biden’s career shows clearly that he, along with Joe Biden’s brother James, has been trading on their family name for decades, cashing in on the implication — and sometimes the explicit argument — that giving money to a member of Joe Biden’s family wins the favor of Joe Biden.”

Grim cannot resist being childish and petty, referring to presidential son Eric Trump by the awkward neologism “failson,” whatever that means.

But leftists are going to find it hard to ignore the mountain of evidence accumulating about the Bidens.

On Sean Hannity’s television show Solomon said the U.S. government knew the government of Ukraine intended to examine the activities of Burisma Holdings, which employed Hunter Biden and paid him a spectacularly generous salary even though the younger Biden lacked expertise in the energy field.

The report is important because it mothballs Trump-hating Democrats’ false talking point that the president threatened during the storied phone call to withhold foreign aid to Ukraine if its new president failed to launch a probe into Burisma and Hunter Biden’s role there.

“The U.S. government had open-source intelligence and was aware as early as February of 2019 that the Ukrainian government was planning to reopen the Burisma investigation,” Solomon said. “This is long before the president ever imagined having a call with President Zelensky,” he added, noting Petro Poroshenko was still the president of Ukraine at that time.

Solomon said that earlier this year NABU, the Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, asked to reopen an investigation into Burisma and owner Mykola Zlochevsky, and the probe began. It led to a 15-page “Notice of Suspicion” being lodged that alleged that “illicit funds” were moving through Burisma, he said.

This information was left out of the U.S. intelligence community whistleblower’s complaint, itself a bungled report on the July 25 phone call, against President Trump that was filed in September, Solomon said.

Solomon noted this allegation of “illicit funds” partly coincides with Hunter Biden’s service on Burisma’s board, which reportedly brought him up to $1 million a year. He added that Ukrainian investigators filed the Notice of Suspicion stating they were “looking at the possibility that the $3.4 million paid to Hunter Biden’s firm may have been part of the illicit funds that were moving through the company.”

“A month later, in April, the prosecutor’s office -- open-source intelligence, again -- the U.S. government officials confirming they were aware of this -- made a request of another investigative agency in Ukraine for assistance in going through these bank records,” Solomon said.

“That is a significant change in the timeline -- it was omitted from the whistleblower’s complaint, and the question is did he not know it or did he exclude it because it didn’t fit the narrative he was trying to write,” he said.

“That’s a question for Congress to answer.”

Indeed it is!!!


What?! You mean he was investigating corruption JUST BECAUSE IT WAS A CAMPAIGN PROMISE?! Another subversive. I won’t believe it. No no no no. It can’t be true. It’s just a conspiracy to get Joe Biden because he’d otherwise beat Trump like a drum! It’s true! It has to be true! GNASH! SNARL!/that’s how you do parody, Schiff.

“What do you think about graft, your excellency?”
“It’s a living.”


So Front Page Mag citing John Solomon.

Its another alt-right circle jerk.
Not one snowflake has been able to explain why a notorious Ukrainian criminal - owning a corrupt Ukraine energy company - and known for working with Putin AND who stood to significantly gain financially from annexing Crimea would actively seek out a NO-NAME average AMERICAN lawyer who had no knowledge of or experience with Energy companies and who was kicked out of the US military for drug use to come to the Ukraine, not to be an EMPLOYEE - one of their lawyers - but to immediately join as a BOARD MEMBER making 6-figures per month....

That is what snowflakes are demanding we believe happened by laughably claiming that the fact that Hunter's last name was BIDEN, that is daddy being the VP of the United States - Obama's new Point Man on all things 'Ukraine'...who happened to be getting money himself from a Ukraine supporter / donor....


Thanks for sharing Judicial Watch's careful following of the Constitution about what is illegal about Nancy Pelosi's "impeachment hearing." It is an unlawful process. They're doing things in secrecy, often from people on the same committee as Chairman Adam Schiff.

Adam Schiff should be in jail for his role in this. He knows it's all a lie, and it's harassment of the President and everyone around him. They're buying time for the inspection of actions of Obama, Clinton, and Biden that were not lawful, just a power grab.

Tom Fitton likened this to an Alice in Wonderland operation. And it has nothing to do with keeping the law and observe people's fundamental rights whom they are corruptly pursuing.
Democrats have the enviable lack of shame to be able to claim President Trump was withholding US military weapons, preventing them from defending themselves from Russia, who Barry and Biden had already let invade and annex Crimea without lifting a finger to help.

Barry and Unca Joe refused to sell Ukraine weapons to defend themself from Russia's invasion. Barry didn't even offer his half-assed 'Red Line' warning he gave al-Assad ... Before denying it was HIS and claiming it was the entire world's 'Red Line'...

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Not one snowflake has been able to explain why a notorious Ukrainian criminal - owning a corrupt Ukraine energy company - and known for working with Putin AND who stood to significantly gain financially from annexing Crimea would actively seek out a NO-NAME average AMERICAN lawyer who had no knowledge of or experience with Energy companies and who was kicked out of the US military for drug use to come to the Ukraine, not to be an EMPLOYEE - one of their lawyers - but to immediately join as a BOARD MEMBER making 6-figures per month....

That is what snowflakes are demanding we believe happened by laughably claiming that the fact that Hunter's last name was BIDEN, that is daddy being the VP of the United States - Obama's new Point Man on all things 'Ukraine'...who happened to be getting money himself from a Ukraine supporter / donor....


You're honestly arguing that Hunter Biden was a 'no-name' average American lawyer?

Are 'average' American lawyers VPs MBNA Holding company, the world's largest independent credit card issuer, worth 1.9 billion dollars. And that's 'average' to you?

'Average' American lawyers ALSO serve in the Commerce Departmeent of the United States?

'Average' American lawyers co-found their own lobbying firms?

'Average' America lawyers are on the Board of Directors of Amtrak?

'Average' American lawyers are founders and co-owners of Rosemont Seneca, a $2.4 billion private equity firm?

I don't think 'average' means what you think it means. Or that you have the slightest clue what you're talking about, my little Russian stooge.

Remember, the conspiracy that John Solomon has made up is one of the stupidest on record. As the prosecutor in question has already said that Hunter Biden commited no crime in Ukraine. And Joe Biden has no authority to cut any funding to anyone....its simply not a power the VP has.

So your working conspiracy is that Joe Biden DIDN'T cut funding to the order to help save his son, who hadn't commited any crimes.

Ah, my little never thought this through, did you?
Democrats the enviable lack of shame to be able to claim President Trump was withholding US military weapons, preventing them from defending themselves from Russia, who Barry and Biden had already let invade and annex Crimea without lifting a finger to help.

That Trump personally held up Ukrainian military aid isn't really in doubt. It was held up inexplicably by Trump before his call with the Ukrainian president and in a manner so egregious that the Pentagon was concerned it was illegal.

Thankfully, the Pentagon has agreed to cooperate with the House inquiry fully, despite Trump's attempt to stop them.

The president has the power to hold up that aid. A vice president does not. Just exploding your silly little conspiracy that Joe Biden cut funding to anyone.

You need to go back to Pravda and get a better brand of batshit my little Russian stooge.
Not one snowflake has been able to explain why a notorious Ukrainian criminal - owning a corrupt Ukraine energy company - and known for working with Putin AND who stood to significantly gain financially from annexing Crimea would actively seek out a NO-NAME average AMERICAN lawyer who had no knowledge of or experience with Energy companies and who was kicked out of the US military for drug use to come to the Ukraine, not to be an EMPLOYEE - one of their lawyers - but to immediately join as a BOARD MEMBER making 6-figures per month....

That is what snowflakes are demanding we believe happened by laughably claiming that the fact that Hunter's last name was BIDEN, that is daddy being the VP of the United States - Obama's new Point Man on all things 'Ukraine'...who happened to be getting money himself from a Ukraine supporter / donor....


You're honestly arguing that Hunter Biden was a 'no-name' average American lawyer?

Are 'average' American lawyers VPs MBNA Holding company, the world's largest independent credit card issuer, worth 1.9 billion dollars. And that's 'average' to you?

'Average' American lawyers ALSO serve in the Commerce Departmeent of the United States?

'Average' American lawyers co-found their own lobbying firms?

'Average' America lawyers are on the Board of Directors of Amtrak?

'Average' American lawyers are founders and co-owners of Rosemont Seneca, a $2.4 billion private equity firm?

I don't think 'average' means what you think it means. Or that you have the slightest clue what you're talking about, my little Russian stooge.

Remember, the conspiracy that John Solomon has made up is one of the stupidest on record. As the prosecutor in question has already said that Hunter Biden commited no crime in Ukraine. And Joe Biden has no authority to cut any funding to anyone....its simply not a power the VP has.

So your working conspiracy is that Joe Biden DIDN'T cut funding to the order to help save his son, who hadn't commited any crimes.

Ah, my little never thought this through, did you?
Joe Biden admitted his crime on a televised snippet everyone here has seen. His son was a player in that crime and benefitted with a mega salary in an industry he knows nothing about, only a famous famous Vice President who was using his office for monetary gain. I'm sorry this came to a head. I thought Joe Biden was a decent man. Unfortunately, sources are finding that his misuse of public office goes way back into his years in the Senate as well. I wish it weren't the truth, but more just keeps coming up with each passing day. We broke away from royal privileges in 1776. Democrats want them. I'm horrified.
You're honestly arguing that Hunter Biden was a 'no-name' average American lawyer?
Of course not, but thank you for proving you are too stupid to keep up.

I am saying any American lawyer with everything equal as Hunter who was NOT the VP's son would not have been given the time of day by the criminal Ukrainian or China.

No infamous criminal Ukrainian who is significant enough to work with Putin would seek out an average American lawyer who was kicked out of the military for drug use to instantly become a BOARD MEMBER of his known corrupt energy company.

Such an American would have absolutely nothing to offer this rich criminal as an EMPLOYEE let alone s BOARD MEMBER...except maybe to launder money in the US...which would not require hiring them as a BOARD MEMBER.

This criminal Ukrainian deals in energy, and Crimea's significant importance has to do with European energy dependence and Putin's control on Europe's dependence on HIS energy....which required him having / controlling Crimea.

The Ukrainian, as mentioned, stood to make a large financial gain working with Putin once he annexed Crimea...nut both he and Putin needed to know if Barry and Biden had plans of helping defend Ukraine's sovereignty...

Gee, imagine how helpful it would be to have the VP's son - the don of the 2nd most powerful man in the world, the man who was just appointed Obama's Point Man on Ukraine, who would know the answer to the question of if Barry intended to protect Ukraine from Russia's Crimea invasion - as a Board Member on your Ukrainian Energy company....

Good thing Hunter promised that he NEVER spoke to his father about Ukraine, energy, US foreign policy, Russia, etc...



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