Ukraine Plague Is H1N1 Swine11 Biological Weapon Upgrade


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

The current front line battle of the H1N1 Swine11 Bio-Terror Attack (my Topic) is taking place right now in Ukraine where more than 1 million people have been infected with the upgraded virus. << Bookmark and check for daily updates

[ame=]Update Ukraine Plague[/ame]

Sherrie has her hand on the pulse of what is going on right now in Ukraine with what appears to be Pneumonic Plague.

[ame=""]Ukraine Pnemonic Plague Update Nov 8[/ame]

I found out about the information from the Truther Girls and this recent Nov. 8 Update Video (my recent Swine11 Update Post #553). Our problem is that real Pneumonic Plague (Wiki) is a bacterial infection that spreads much slower than what is happening in Ukraine. The big red flags are popping up everywhere over the extreme 'silence' from the News Media Outlets simply looking the other way, while the situation in Ukraine is exploding like a powder keg. Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling has concluded that the Ukraine "Pneumonic Plague" is a Viral Bioweapon:

Ukraine "Pneumonic Plague" Viral BioWeapon Updates From Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling

Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling Blog:

Belarus closes schools to contain “Swine Flu” ~ link ~ Ukrainian Plague, whatever that really is, has spread to Belarus (as I reported a couple days ago) and they are very concerned. [we will know what it "really is" if and when the WHO releases the unadulterated gene sequence data - which SHOULD have been made public DAYS ago. -ed]

WHO continues to deceive: Assumes that Ukrainian Plague is H1N1 Swine Flu ~ link [this is NOT "swine flu" aka H1N1. the behavior of this new viral strain indicates it is FAR more lethal, contagious, and quick-acting. -ed]

1918 Spanish Flu Polymorphsm in Ukrainian Plague/H1N1? ~ link [a very high likelihood. -ed]

Total Destruction of Lungs ~ link

Over 2000 healthcare workers sick in Ukraine – Data on virus still not released ~ link [nope because the WHO knows releasing the gene sequences will instantly prove this new bioweapon is not H1N1 -ed]

1,000,000 cases ~ link [growing at 200,000 new infections per day. now in poland, hungary, and moving through europe. I honestly think it's just a matter of a few days before it makes it's debut somewhere here in the US. -ed]

H1N1 Genetic Changes – Pandemic Concerns ~ link [yeah, if anyone knows it'll be Niman, who is making money hand over fist on these outbreaks. -ed]

Latest figures – Poland reporting lots of children sick ~ link ~ All of Europe is now at grave risk and so is the rest of the world as air travel has not been shut down.
When the experts conclude that this Ukraine Plague is 'not' the H1N1 Biological Weapon, they mean this new strain is not the H1N1 "Herald/Carrier Wave" Strain that produces mild symptoms and no symptoms at all in a majority of the global population. (link) reports that the Ukrain 'Pneumonic Plague" Is a Viral Bioweapon Outbreak from Baxter Labs: Story

Recombinomics: Reported Ukraine "Pneumonic Plague" Viral Bioweapon Outbreak from Baxter Labs: Fatalities Increase To 155

November 9, 2009 at 12:11 pm (Uncategorized)

[Dr Henry Niman is making money off these bioweapon outbreaks with his Recombinomics company. He knows way more than he is disclosing. -ed]
Reported Ukraine Fatalities Increase To 155

Recombinomics Commentary 02:08

November 9, 2009

969,247 Influenza/ARI
48,972 Hospitalized
155 Dead

The above numbers represent the latest figures from Ukraine. The increases over the weekend have slowed, but it is unclear if this reduction in the rate of increases is due to an improving situation, or just fewer reports received because of the weekend. Although Lviv still has a wide lead in all categories (see map), including 155,895 cases, the city of Kiev is now up to 60,366 and when combined with the 47,802 cases in the Kiev Oblast, the Kiev city/oblast has increased to more than 100,000 cases, which is higher than any oblast, other than Lviv. The low number of deaths there, 5, may just be a trailing number, since the largest increases in Kiev were in the past few days.

Poland is now reporting schools with high absenteeism, although media reports and government comments continue to cite contributions from seasonal flu, even though all countries in Europe are reporting seasonal flu levels at less that 1% of flu positives. Worldwide, seasonal H1N1 has been crowded out, and low levels of H3N2 in eastern Asia are rapidly declining, suggesting the H1N1 swine flu will be the dominant influenza A in humans for years or decades.

The lack of a more detailed report on the sequences generated by Mill Hill continues to cause concern. Initial reports suggested there was no reassortment or anti-viral resistance markers identified, but reports did not exclude small changes, including acquisition of receptor binding domain changes such as polymorphisms at HA position 225 (D225E, D225G, and D225N). D225N was linked to the global expansion of amantadine resistant H3N2, and D225G was isolated from lungs of fatal cases in Sau Paulo, Brazil, as well as pandemic isolates from 1918 (A/New York/1/1918) and 1919 (A/London/1/1919).
Dr. Bill Deagle and his guests are providing the latest information on the Ukraine Bioweapon Recombination of the H1N1/H5N1/H3N1 Virus on this edition of the Nutrimedical Report:


Nutrimedical Report Nov. 9, 2009 Hour 1

Nutrimedical Report Nov. 9, 2009 Hour 3

Dr. Bill gives people living in the USA between two and three weeks to prepare for a 'much' more lethal strain of this Upgraded Bioweapon to begin spreading like wildfire right here in America. The virus HAS CHANGED (mutated), which means you have 'no' immunity and no vaccine on earth can save you.

Remember from my Survival Topic (here) that more people will perish from the chaos and mayhem from the panic and hysteria than from the H1N1 Biological Weapon itself. One day you will wake up to the News that Obama has declared Medical Martial Law (my Topic). The store shelves will be empty in just hours and the world as you know it will indeed "Change." Right now is the time to gather your survival supplies and make ready for the crap to hit the fan . . .


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Greetings to All:

The current front line battle of the H1N1 Swine11 Bio-Terror Attack (my Topic) is taking place right now in Ukraine where more than 1 million people have been infected with the upgraded virus. << Bookmark and check for daily updates

Update Ukraine Plague

Sherrie has her hand on the pulse of what is going on right now in Ukraine with what appears to be Pneumonic Plague.

Ukraine Pnemonic Plague Update Nov 8

I found out about the information from the Truther Girls and this recent Nov. 8 Update Video (my recent Swine11 Update Post #553). Our problem is that real Pneumonic Plague (Wiki) is a bacterial infection that spreads much slower than what is happening in Ukraine. The big red flags are popping up everywhere over the extreme 'silence' from the News Media Outlets simply looking the other way, while the situation in Ukraine is exploding like a powder keg. Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling has concluded that the Ukraine "Pneumonic Plague" is a Viral Bioweapon:

Ukraine "Pneumonic Plague" Viral BioWeapon Updates From Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling

Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling Blog:

Belarus closes schools to contain “Swine Flu” ~ link ~ Ukrainian Plague, whatever that really is, has spread to Belarus (as I reported a couple days ago) and they are very concerned. [we will know what it "really is" if and when the WHO releases the unadulterated gene sequence data - which SHOULD have been made public DAYS ago. -ed]

WHO continues to deceive: Assumes that Ukrainian Plague is H1N1 Swine Flu ~ link [this is NOT "swine flu" aka H1N1. the behavior of this new viral strain indicates it is FAR more lethal, contagious, and quick-acting. -ed]

1918 Spanish Flu Polymorphsm in Ukrainian Plague/H1N1? ~ link [a very high likelihood. -ed]

Total Destruction of Lungs ~ link

Over 2000 healthcare workers sick in Ukraine – Data on virus still not released ~ link [nope because the WHO knows releasing the gene sequences will instantly prove this new bioweapon is not H1N1 -ed]

1,000,000 cases ~ link [growing at 200,000 new infections per day. now in poland, hungary, and moving through europe. I honestly think it's just a matter of a few days before it makes it's debut somewhere here in the US. -ed]

H1N1 Genetic Changes – Pandemic Concerns ~ link [yeah, if anyone knows it'll be Niman, who is making money hand over fist on these outbreaks. -ed]

Latest figures – Poland reporting lots of children sick ~ link ~ All of Europe is now at grave risk and so is the rest of the world as air travel has not been shut down.
When the experts conclude that this Ukraine Plague is 'not' the H1N1 Biological Weapon, they mean this new strain is not the H1N1 "Herald/Carrier Wave" Strain that produces mild symptoms and no symptoms at all in a majority of the global population. (link) reports that the Ukrain 'Pneumonic Plague" Is a Viral Bioweapon Outbreak from Baxter Labs: Story

Recombinomics: Reported Ukraine "Pneumonic Plague" Viral Bioweapon Outbreak from Baxter Labs: Fatalities Increase To 155

November 9, 2009 at 12:11 pm (Uncategorized)

[Dr Henry Niman is making money off these bioweapon outbreaks with his Recombinomics company. He knows way more than he is disclosing. -ed]
Reported Ukraine Fatalities Increase To 155

Recombinomics Commentary 02:08

November 9, 2009

969,247 Influenza/ARI
48,972 Hospitalized
155 Dead

The above numbers represent the latest figures from Ukraine. The increases over the weekend have slowed, but it is unclear if this reduction in the rate of increases is due to an improving situation, or just fewer reports received because of the weekend. Although Lviv still has a wide lead in all categories (see map), including 155,895 cases, the city of Kiev is now up to 60,366 and when combined with the 47,802 cases in the Kiev Oblast, the Kiev city/oblast has increased to more than 100,000 cases, which is higher than any oblast, other than Lviv. The low number of deaths there, 5, may just be a trailing number, since the largest increases in Kiev were in the past few days.

Poland is now reporting schools with high absenteeism, although media reports and government comments continue to cite contributions from seasonal flu, even though all countries in Europe are reporting seasonal flu levels at less that 1% of flu positives. Worldwide, seasonal H1N1 has been crowded out, and low levels of H3N2 in eastern Asia are rapidly declining, suggesting the H1N1 swine flu will be the dominant influenza A in humans for years or decades.

The lack of a more detailed report on the sequences generated by Mill Hill continues to cause concern. Initial reports suggested there was no reassortment or anti-viral resistance markers identified, but reports did not exclude small changes, including acquisition of receptor binding domain changes such as polymorphisms at HA position 225 (D225E, D225G, and D225N). D225N was linked to the global expansion of amantadine resistant H3N2, and D225G was isolated from lungs of fatal cases in Sau Paulo, Brazil, as well as pandemic isolates from 1918 (A/New York/1/1918) and 1919 (A/London/1/1919).
Dr. Bill Deagle and his guests are providing the latest information on the Ukraine Bioweapon Recombination of the H1N1/H5N1/H3N1 Virus on this edition of the Nutrimedical Report:


Nutrimedical Report Nov. 9, 2009 Hour 1

Dr. Bill gives people living in the USA between two and three weeks to prepare for a 'much' more lethal strain of this Upgraded Bioweapon to begin spreading like wildfire right here in America. The virus HAS CHANGED (mutated), which means you have 'no' immunity and no vaccine on earth can save you.

Remember from my Survival Topic (here) that more people will perish from the chaos and mayhem from the panic and hysteria than from the H1N1 Biological Weapon itself. One day you will wake up to the News that Obama has declared Medical Martial Law (my Topic). The store shelves will be empty in just hours and the world as you know it will indeed "Change." Right now is the time to gather your survival supplies and make ready for the crap to hit the fan . . .



Last edited by Terral; Today at 04:35 PM. Reason: fix link

Thanks for fixing that link Terral.

Your post just didn't make sense until that link was fixed.
Greetings to All:

The current front line battle of the H1N1 Swine11 Bio-Terror Attack (my Topic) is taking place right now in Ukraine where more than 1 million people have been infected with the upgraded virus. << Bookmark and check for daily updates

Update Ukraine Plague

Sherrie has her hand on the pulse of what is going on right now in Ukraine with what appears to be Pneumonic Plague.

Ukraine Pnemonic Plague Update Nov 8

I found out about the information from the Truther Girls and this recent Nov. 8 Update Video (my recent Swine11 Update Post #553). Our problem is that real Pneumonic Plague (Wiki) is a bacterial infection that spreads much slower than what is happening in Ukraine. The big red flags are popping up everywhere over the extreme 'silence' from the News Media Outlets simply looking the other way, while the situation in Ukraine is exploding like a powder keg. Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling has concluded that the Ukraine "Pneumonic Plague" is a Viral Bioweapon:

Ukraine "Pneumonic Plague" Viral BioWeapon Updates From Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling

Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling Blog:

Belarus closes schools to contain &#8220;Swine Flu&#8221; ~ link ~ Ukrainian Plague, whatever that really is, has spread to Belarus (as I reported a couple days ago) and they are very concerned. [we will know what it "really is" if and when the WHO releases the unadulterated gene sequence data - which SHOULD have been made public DAYS ago. -ed]

WHO continues to deceive: Assumes that Ukrainian Plague is H1N1 Swine Flu ~ link [this is NOT "swine flu" aka H1N1. the behavior of this new viral strain indicates it is FAR more lethal, contagious, and quick-acting. -ed]

1918 Spanish Flu Polymorphsm in Ukrainian Plague/H1N1? ~ link [a very high likelihood. -ed]

Total Destruction of Lungs ~ link

Over 2000 healthcare workers sick in Ukraine &#8211; Data on virus still not released ~ link [nope because the WHO knows releasing the gene sequences will instantly prove this new bioweapon is not H1N1 -ed]

1,000,000 cases ~ link [growing at 200,000 new infections per day. now in poland, hungary, and moving through europe. I honestly think it's just a matter of a few days before it makes it's debut somewhere here in the US. -ed]

H1N1 Genetic Changes &#8211; Pandemic Concerns ~ link [yeah, if anyone knows it'll be Niman, who is making money hand over fist on these outbreaks. -ed]

Latest figures &#8211; Poland reporting lots of children sick ~ link ~ All of Europe is now at grave risk and so is the rest of the world as air travel has not been shut down.
When the experts conclude that this Ukraine Plague is 'not' the H1N1 Biological Weapon, they mean this new strain is not the H1N1 "Herald/Carrier Wave" Strain that produces mild symptoms and no symptoms at all in a majority of the global population. (link) reports that the Ukrain 'Pneumonic Plague" Is a Viral Bioweapon Outbreak from Baxter Labs: Story

Dr. Bill Deagle and his guests are providing the latest information on the Ukraine Bioweapon Recombination of the H1N1/H5N1/H3N1 Virus on this edition of the Nutrimedical Report:


Nutrimedical Report Nov. 9, 2009 Hour 1

Dr. Bill gives people living in the USA between two and three weeks to prepare for a 'much' more lethal strain of this Upgraded Bioweapon to begin spreading like wildfire right here in America. The virus HAS CHANGED (mutated), which means you have 'no' immunity and no vaccine on earth can save you.

Remember from my Survival Topic (here) that more people will perish from the chaos and mayhem from the panic and hysteria than from the H1N1 Biological Weapon itself. One day you will wake up to the News that Obama has declared Medical Martial Law (my Topic). The store shelves will be empty in just hours and the world as you know it will indeed "Change." Right now is the time to gather your survival supplies and make ready for the crap to hit the fan . . .



Last edited by Terral; Today at 04:35 PM. Reason: fix link

Thanks for fixing that link Terral.

Your post just didn't make sense until that link was fixed.

Have you ever noticed how Terral never seems to take his own advice? He'll be here in a month talking about the "next big thing" which will be anthrax laced Christmas trees or something even more bizarre. Wind him up and let him walk away. Don't run after him.
  • Thread starter
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  • #5
Hi Candy:

Have you ever noticed how Terral never seems to take his own advice? He'll be here in a month talking about the "next big thing" which will be anthrax laced Christmas trees or something even more bizarre. Wind him up and let him walk away. Don't run after him.

What is happening right now in Ukraine 'is' coming to the USA in the very near future. Dr. Bill Deagle says that the Ukraine Plague (Upgraded H1N1 Bioweapon) is already here!

Nutrimedical Report Nov. 9, 2009 Hour 3

Just imagine how stupid :)cuckoo:) you guys will look when Americans start dropping like flies 'and' Obama comes on the TV declaring Medical Martial Law 'and' Mandatory H1N1 Vaccinations. Only then will video information like this . . .

[ame=""]. . . Begin Making Perfect Sense . . .[/ame]

[ame=""]Coming To Your Town Very Soon[/ame]

[ame=""]Ready? Set? Here Comes US/Global Genocide[/ame]


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  • Thread starter
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  • #7
Hi Candy:

I see that DiveBomb has competition in the Village Idiot :)confused:) Department . . .

[ame=""]The Truther Girls Genocide Update[/ame]

[ame=]Pneumonic Plague Outbreak Concealed ...[/ame]


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I hope that FEMA makes mass graves.

Because then when the large oil fields that they recently found under the Rockies and under North Dakota are all dried up, the human remains in the FEMA mass graves will likely have been turned into oil.
Terral. You're wasting your time.
You're preaching to brainwashed sheep.
They'll be in denial until the last moment. Then they'll be suicidal.:eusa_pray:

My inlaws were in denial until the last moment. My MIL watched her parents and grandmother drug out and killed in the front yard. They hauled her 18 year old ass off to "camp" after reaming it out a bit.She's Ukranian.
In "camp" she met my FIL who had the same scenario with his family in Poland.
He was allowed to live due to his abilities as a master cobbler.
The old lady is still alive, 88. We left with their blessings, words of encouragement and the old man thanked me for not "letting his daughter see what he saw"
No idiots Not like peach cobbler.He was a shoe maker/leather man.
I could hear CNTR TAB Wiki all the way down here.:confused::confused:

Their parents were sheep that caused their children to experience Hell. They had plenty of chance to get out but greed kept them sitting still like deer in the headlights.

I sold 2 farms that were profiting me a bit over 1/2 million a year. I left EVERYTHING.
I burned trophies, photo albums, high school year books.I gave away$6000 worth of parrots, $20K worth of Japanese Koi and a Honda accord LS with 20K miles on it. I even left most of my clothes in the closet since the guy that bought the main house was my size.

I left with a backpack and a bulldog. Converted my money to Euro's and mining stocks/copper futures etc:cool: The rest is in assets you can walk on, swim in, or grow and harvest food on.:cool:

There would be no reason to preach to older Europeans, Argentinians, Chileans or even Japanese since they KNOW what is awaiting the flag waving, burger chomping idiots in the Idiocracy formerly known as The United States of America.
Now known as Amurkastan..Empire turned Mpyre.

Terral. Go tend to your preps.


  • $murkastan.gif
    74.6 KB · Views: 131
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Terral. You're wasting your time.
You're preaching to brainwashed sheep.
They'll be in denial until the last moment. Then they'll be suicidal.:eusa_pray:

My inlaws were in denial until the last moment. My MIL watched her parents and grandmother drug out and killed in the front yard. They hauled her 18 year old ass off to "camp" after reaming it out a bit.She's Ukranian.
In "camp" she met my FIL who had the same scenario with his family in Poland.
He was allowed to live due to his abilities as a master cobbler.
The old lady is still alive, 88. We left with their blessings, words of encouragement and the old man thanked me for not "letting his daughter see what he saw"
No idiots Not like peach cobbler.He was a shoe maker/leather man.
I could hear CNTR TAB Wiki all the way down here.:confused::confused:

Their parents were sheep that caused their children to experience Hell. They had plenty of chance to get out but greed kept them sitting still like deer in the headlights.

I sold 2 farms that were profiting me a bit over 1/2 million a year. I left EVERYTHING.
I burned trophies, photo albums, high school year books.I gave away$6000 worth of parrots, $20K worth of Japanese Koi and a Honda accord LS with 20K miles on it. I even left most of my clothes in the closet since the guy that bought the main house was my size.

I left with a backpack and a bulldog. Converted my money to Euro's and mining stocks/copper futures etc:cool: The rest is in assets you can walk on, swim in, or grow and harvest food on.:cool:

There would be no reason to preach to older Europeans, Argentinians, Chileans or even Japanese since they KNOW what is awaiting the flag waving, burger chomping idiots in the Idiocracy formerly known as The United States of America.
Now known as Amurkastan..Empire turned Mpyre.

Terral. Go tend to your preps.

Hi Douger:

Terral. You're wasting your time.
You're preaching to brainwashed sheep.
They'll be in denial until the last moment. Then they'll be suicidal.:eusa_pray:

We agree (#1-10).

My inlaws were in denial until the last moment. My MIL watched her parents and grandmother drug out and killed in the front yard. They hauled her 18 year old ass off to "camp" after reaming it out a bit.She's Ukranian.
In "camp" she met my FIL who had the same scenario with his family in Poland.

In other words, all of my predictions (H1N1 Bioweapon = Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics, Medical Martial Law, Surviving the coming collapse) are coming true. The only differences between what is happening in Ukraine and the USA is 'time.' The 'Second Wave' is coming to America and very soon. Right now I am listening to Dr. Bill Deagle ( and his guests on the:

Nutrimedical Report Nov. 10, 2009 Hour 3

He was allowed to live due to his abilities as a master cobbler.
The old lady is still alive, 88. We left with their blessings, words of encouragement and the old man thanked me for not "letting his daughter see what he saw"
No idiots Not like peach cobbler. He was a shoe maker/leather man.
I could hear CNTR TAB Wiki all the way down here.:confused::confused:

The lethal Ukraine Plague 'Second Wave' is spreading like wildfire, so your old lady is in NO WAY out of the woods . . .

Their parents were sheep that caused their children to experience Hell. They had plenty of chance to get out but greed kept them sitting still like deer in the headlights.

Look at all the stupid Americans sitting in the stench of their ignorance like your deer frozen motionless in the headlights of the coming Ukraine Plague Holocaust! I am looking at News Stories like this ( Story).

I sold 2 farms that were profiting me a bit over 1/2 million a year. I left EVERYTHING.
I burned trophies, photo albums, high school year books.I gave away$6000 worth of parrots, $20K worth of Japanese Koi and a Honda accord LS with 20K miles on it. I even left most of my clothes in the closet since the guy that bought the main house was my size.

I left with a backpack and a bulldog. Converted my money to Euro's and mining stocks/copper futures etc:cool: The rest is in assets you can walk on, swim in, or grow and harvest food on.:cool:

There would be no reason to preach to older Europeans, Argentinians, Chileans or even Japanese since they KNOW what is awaiting the flag waving, burger chomping idiots in the Idiocracy formerly known as The United States of America.
Now known as Amurkastan..Empire turned Mpyre.

We agree that We The Sheeple are stupid and the coming Holocaust will catch them totally by surprise, even though some of us have been warning them since April, 2009!

Terral. Go tend to your preps.

All of my prepping is done (my Survival Topic). My duty to God, Bible Truth, the 911Truth and now the Swine11 Truth has been fulfilled and the vast majority chooses NOT to 'heed' (Acts 3:22-23) my word (my April 20, 2009 warning post). Everything will make perfect sense at the Judgment (Rev. 20:11-15) for those among you not 'judged already' (John 3:18).


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Dr. Ott and Dr. Deagle might be wrong. I need a third opinion.

What does Dr. Xotoxi think?
Greetings to All:

Police at Lincoln Prairie Elementary School are preparing for the coming Ukraine 'Second Wave' Plague:

NW Article
Police prepare drill for plague at school

By DAVID FITZGERALD - [email protected]Comments (2 comments) | Add Comments

LAKE IN THE HILLS &#8211; Citizens infected with a fictitious pneumonic plague will line up outside Lincoln Prairie Elementary School on Saturday to help test the site as a medication dispensary in case of an emergency.

The Lake in the Hills Police Department is carrying out the test as part of a grant from the McHenry County Department of Health for its emergency health plan. In case of a biological terrorist attack or widespread disease outbreak, the site would be able get medicine to the community, Lake in the Hills Chief of Patrol Services David Brey said.

&#8220;This is just a functional test of the site,&#8221; he said.

The event will use volunteers pretending to have been stricken by the plague to help test the flow of the site, from initial triage through receiving proof of being medicated.

&#8220;We picked the plague on purpose so it would have nothing to do with the swine flu,&#8221; Brey said.

The test will start at 9 a.m. Saturday at Lincoln Prairie, 500 Harvest Gate, across from Lake in the Hills Village Hall.
[ame=""]Pneumonic Plague Training In Canada[/ame]

Pneumonic Plague = Cytokine Storm (wiki) immune system reaction to the lethal H1N1 Vaccines!!!


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Greetings to All:

[ame=]Updating The Plague[/ame]


Greetings to All:

This Ukraine Plague/Upgraded H1N1 Bio-weapon 'Second Wave' Virus is BY FAR the biggest story on the planet, but the US and European Media News Outlets continue to hide the Swine11 Truth from everyone. Story
"Ukraine Plague" Virus Bioweapon Updates form Tim Alexander Earl of Stirling - STILL THE BIGGEST STORY ON THE PLANET AND US/EUROPE MEDIA CONTINUE TO CENSOR IT

November 11, 2009 at 4:41 pm (Uncategorized)

As &#8216;Ukraine Plague&#8217; fatalities spike upwards the government warns of &#8216;battle&#8217; to control the disease&#8217;s spread ~ link

Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko, with over 1 million countrymen infected, warns nation must brace itself for a second wave ~ link ~ What does this neocon puppet know that we don&#8217;t?

Belarus now reporting almost a quarter of a million cases of &#8220;acute respiratory infections (ARI) and flu&#8221; ~ link ~ link ~ The Ukrainian Plague, whatever it is, is spreading throughout Eastern/Central Europe at a rapid pace; and still the western news media censers the story! See also: Pneumonia death of Belarus doctor near Ukrainian border ~ link

Latest figures from Ukraine: 1,122,188 ill, 57,286 hospitalized (I am not reporting &#8216;official deaths&#8217; as the figure is totally unreliable). WHO still not releasing sequences data! ~ link ~ link ~ If the official figures are correct, in the Ukraine alone we are seeing an increase of 100,000 per day, down about half from late last week. No doubt as people take extraordinary steps to self-quarantine themselves. Also see: Timeline on WHO Silence on Ukrainian H1N1 Sequences ~ link

WHO Appeals to Ukraine for help with Hemorrhagic Pneumonia ~ link ~ See also: Total Destruction of Lungs in fatal H1N1 Cases ~ link ~ Dr. Henry Niman is convinced that &#8216;Ukrainian Plague&#8217; is A/H1N1 Swine Flu that has undergone a small but deadly change. However, he does not have proof of this yet. He may well be correct, but he also could be totally wrong.

NutriMedical on-line database of nutritional supplements for Swine Flu and Ukrainian Plague ~ link ~ I recommend that my readers seriously consider purchasing some of Dr. Bill Deagle&#8217;s supplements. This is not a paid ad, just an attempt to do something to help my many readers worldwide.

Death in Romania near Ukraine border causes concern ~ link

What doctors say is going on in the Ukraine &#8211; Claim bodies are being cremated &#8211; Plague bacillus found at autopsies ~ link ~ The finding of plague bacillus is most important, if this is correct.

Widespread reports of Ukrainian bioterrorism ~ link ~ On October 29 people in Kiev and cities in western Ukraine reported that light planes and helicopters had been spraying something to protect people against swine flu. Business owners were told in advance to keep doors and windows shut and to stay inside. There were many reports to local newspapers and radio stations, but local officials would not let them be published.

Within hours people were feeling ill, some reporting red rashes on their arms. Within two days a dozen people had died of severe acute respiratory illness (reported by WHO October 30 on their website), some with their lungs full of blood, fevers up to 39C-40C, and lung temperatures as high as 55C. This severe hemorrhagic pneumonia has similar symptoms to the 1918 Spanish flu, pneumonic plague, pulmonary anthrax, SARS and avian flu (H5N1).

The Strange Case of Joseph Moshe &#8211; with video ~ link ~ also see &#8211; video ~ link

Is The Flu Shot The Pandemic &#8211; video ~ link

Health protection agency claims Crimes Against Humanity being committed ~ link ~ If you really believe that A/H1N1 and this Ukrainian Plague &#8220;just happened&#8221; naturally you are brain dead or totally lacking information on the subject. If you think that the silence of the news media is an accident, over the last almost two weeks, you are beyond brain dead.

UK doctors to receive large bonuses if they sign up large numbers of their patients for the Swine Flu &#8220;Vaccine&#8221; ~ link ~ Taking the usual corrupt practice of the pharmaceutical companies, of paying doctors to do a &#8220;study&#8221; (actually to prescribe select overprice drugs), to a whole new level. Paying them to get their patients to take the &#8217;soft kill&#8217; &#8220;vaccine&#8221;, which will leave them defenseless to what is really coming.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

[ame=""]US Airforce Operated Ukrainian Chem-Trail Planes[/ame]

Related Story

All of the evidence says the USA is engaged in Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics GENOCIDE (link) of the 'Global Population' . . .

[ame=""]Rothschild/Rockefeller 'Cytokine Storm' Genocide Explained[/ame]

Cytokine Storm (wiki) explained. << This reality is coming through an H1N1 Vaccine . . . just for you . . .

Dr. Bill Deagle is talking about the coming Global Genocide on a recent edition of the:

Nutrimedical Report Nov. 11, 2009 Hour 3 Story

[ame=]Ukraine Plague Update: The Final Solution[/ame]


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Hi CandyCornHolio:

CandyCornHolio is so brain dead :)confused:) that he cannot even provide these readers with any comment or contribution to the Topic whatsoever. Try to imagine being so completely DUPED by Official Govt Cover Stories that all you can type is this :)cuckoo:) . . . What a moron . . .

Everyone should be listening to Dr. Bill Deagle's daily updates on the Ukraine Plague (upgraded H1N1 Biological Weapon) on the GNC Live editions of the:

Nutrimedical Report Nov 12, 2009 Hour 3


what i continue to find interesting about all of this is how inept all these people are at taking over the world and killing all of us.....

KIEV &#8212; Ukraine's epidemic of flu and acute respiratory disorders has now affected more than a million people, the country's deputy health minister said on Tuesday.

hey look millions infected but only ....

On Monday the health ministry's previous bulletin on the epidemic, which began in mid-October, reported 969,000 infections, with 155 deaths and 65 cases of A(H1N1).

must be the is the only reasonable explination...

or vampires.....

Garlic is kept on doorsteps or in pockets to keep vampires away, and under babies' pillows to ensure a healthy and prosperous life. Serbs often consume garlic as a snack together with slivovitz, a strong plum brandy.

or rock and roll and weed........

These days, Serbian media often compare what happened at two popular music festivals as proof of the alleged medicinal virtues of garlic.

That's because Serbia's first swine flu cases were confirmed after the annual Exit rock music festival in July in the town of Novi Sad, where authorities say the mostly young audience indulged in beer and marijuana.

By contrast, the media say, no swine flu cases resulted from the equally popular folk music festival in Guca, central Serbia, where the generally older, more tradition audience gorged on meat dishes heavily spiced with garlic, and drank slivovitz.
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Hi CandyCornHolio:

CandyCornHolio is so brain dead :)confused:) that he cannot even provide these readers with any comment or contribution to the Topic whatsoever. Try to imagine being so completely DUPED by Official Govt Cover Stories that all you can type is this :)cuckoo:) . . . What a moron . . .

Everyone should be listening to Dr. Bill Deagle's daily updates on the Ukraine Plague (upgraded H1N1 Biological Weapon) on the GNC Live editions of the:

Nutrimedical Report Nov 12, 2009 Hour 3



I give your posts as much time as they deserve (very, very little).

Do you ever plan on being right about any of this stuff? Just let us know when you plan on being correct for once and we'll tune in. Until then shut the fuck up dope.

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