Ukraine Needs To Watch Its Behavior In This War!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
On the Ukrainian War, the Ukrainiians are doing a great job their leaders are leading them well and their soldiers on the battlefield show the courage and capability that is simply impressive. America should continue to support Ukraine in this war for the alone compelling reason that if the Ukrainians win they will save America from having to take part in a NATO war in ten years as Vladimir Putin pursues his declared ambition to make most of Europe part of a Russian Empire which Mr. Putin believes such territorial control for Russia is just giving effect to what should be the natural order of things because the Russian people are a superior people. Today the American people don't think that the reason to help Ukraine in order to help a people with a forty plus million population preserve their Democracy and their society that respects human and civil rights is sufficient to justify providing military and non-military help to Ukraine but in generations past it would have; unfortunately today too many of America's politicians use these international issues as opportunities to gain political advantage by doing things like scaring people by saying America is getting into an endless war or we have our own national security matters like America cannot have two mutually exclusive issues on this subject! In any event to our nation's great credit it is supporting Ukraine in a major way!

Four things I think the Ukrainian government should be careful to avoid doing because it could cause the loss or jeopardize victory for them in this war. Don't be involved in bombing civilians or civilian infrastructure in Russia you provide propaganda aid to the Kremlin helping them garnish domestic support for the war when you do this plus you diminish the infuriating war crimes Russia is committing in Ukraine in targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine; there was a report in the media around this past week that Ukraine was responsible for destroying four homes in Russia amongst some other minor non-military targets. The Ukrainian government should only bomb military targets in Ukraine; drone strikes on the Kremlin is counterproductive it provides propaganda aid to Russia. The Ukrainian government should pass its law mandating at minimum three months of training for Ukrainian soldiers before they are sent into battle a recent media report about a Ukrainian unit who had like nine days of training was sent into the battle in Bakhmut the first time they were bombed the unit fell apart most of the unit was killed and captured. The international community hears this and they think things like the Ukrainian people's resolve for the war will far apart with this trend and the country of Ukraine can't possibly win the war if this is how the Ukrainian military command is acting! Lastly, Ukrainian's intelligence service should stop assassinating Russia's societal leaders promoting the war for one it is morally questionable such killing and second it helps the Russian government in its propaganda effort claiming Ukraine is a proxy for the West that wants to take down the current Russian government. This undercuts Ukraine's strong angle for moving Russia to end this unjust war specifically if Ukraine in taking back its territory can cause major losses to the Russian army in terms of killed and wounded soldiers Russian families will be moved to say we don't want this to happen to our loved ones in the Russian army there is no reason for this dying and being wounded, Kremlin end this unnecessary war; Ukraine must not give Russia a justification to continue this war!
Yews, we must fight to the very last Ukrainian to keep the coffers full for the Bidens & the rest of the elites profiting from this massively corrupt country full of Nazis.
No sacrifice is too great for Pedo Joe & his partners.

We have always been at war with Eurasia- Big Brother
On the Ukrainian War, the Ukrainiians are doing a great job their leaders are leading them well and their soldiers on the battlefield show the courage and capability that is simply impressive. America should continue to support Ukraine in this war for the alone compelling reason that if the Ukrainians win they will save America from having to take part in a NATO war in ten years as Vladimir Putin pursues his declared ambition to make most of Europe part of a Russian Empire which Mr. Putin believes such territorial control for Russia is just giving effect to what should be the natural order of things because the Russian people are a superior people. Today the American people don't think that the reason to help Ukraine in order to help a people with a forty plus million population preserve their Democracy and their society that respects human and civil rights is sufficient to justify providing military and non-military help to Ukraine but in generations past it would have; unfortunately today too many of America's politicians use these international issues as opportunities to gain political advantage by doing things like scaring people by saying America is getting into an endless war or we have our own national security matters like America cannot have two mutually exclusive issues on this subject! In any event to our nation's great credit it is supporting Ukraine in a major way!

Four things I think the Ukrainian government should be careful to avoid doing because it could cause the loss or jeopardize victory for them in this war. Don't be involved in bombing civilians or civilian infrastructure in Russia you provide propaganda aid to the Kremlin helping them garnish domestic support for the war when you do this plus you diminish the infuriating war crimes Russia is committing in Ukraine in targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine; there was a report in the media around this past week that Ukraine was responsible for destroying four homes in Russia amongst some other minor non-military targets. The Ukrainian government should only bomb military targets in Ukraine; drone strikes on the Kremlin is counterproductive it provides propaganda aid to Russia. The Ukrainian government should pass its law mandating at minimum three months of training for Ukrainian soldiers before they are sent into battle a recent media report about a Ukrainian unit who had like nine days of training was sent into the battle in Bakhmut the first time they were bombed the unit fell apart most of the unit was killed and captured. The international community hears this and they think things like the Ukrainian people's resolve for the war will far apart with this trend and the country of Ukraine can't possibly win the war if this is how the Ukrainian military command is acting! Lastly, Ukrainian's intelligence service should stop assassinating Russia's societal leaders promoting the war for one it is morally questionable such killing and second it helps the Russian government in its propaganda effort claiming Ukraine is a proxy for the West that wants to take down the current Russian government. This undercuts Ukraine's strong angle for moving Russia to end this unjust war specifically if Ukraine in taking back its territory can cause major losses to the Russian army in terms of killed and wounded soldiers Russian families will be moved to say we don't want this to happen to our loved ones in the Russian army there is no reason for this dying and being wounded, Kremlin end this unnecessary war; Ukraine must not give Russia a justification to continue this war!
I got a really good idea. Close our border, stop the illegal invasion into the United States, then i will think of sending more money to Ukraine. Until then, not a dime more....
Yews, we must fight to the very last Ukrainian to keep the coffers full for the Bidens & the rest of the elites profiting from this massively corrupt country full of Nazis.
No sacrifice is too great for Pedo Joe & his partners.
When you read things like this, remember the infallibility of the "Every Republican accusation is a confession" rule. Then be afraid, and keep all children and pets far away from any BDS sufferers.

We do know exactly why the BDS-losers tonguebathe Russia.

BDS losers are almost always white-supremacist christofascist filth.

Russia is seen by them as the white-supremacist christofascist utopia. BDS-losers want to turn the USA into the same kind of white-supremacist Christofascist hellhole, so they support Russia.

Yes, it is that obvious.
When you read things like this, remember the infallibility of the "Every Republican accusation is a confession" rule. Then be afraid, and keep all children and pets far away from any BDS sufferers.

We do know exactly why the BDS-losers tonguebathe Russia.

BDS losers are almost always white-supremacist christofascist filth.

Russia is seen by them as the white-supremacist christofascist utopia. BDS-losers want to turn the USA into the same kind of white-supremacist Christofascist hellhole, so they support Russia.

Yes, it is that obvious.

Russia is giving us a wealth of information, and education on their operations, capabilities, and signals intelligence. That alone is worth our support. The weakening, and depletion of their resources is a bonus.

The Christianists are traitors to the United States, and were already before the illegal invasion of Ukraine. They are also failing just as badly as Russia is. America, and Ukraine are both stronger than either of them.
When you read things like this, remember the infallibility of the "Every Republican accusation is a confession" rule. Then be afraid, and keep all children and pets far away from any BDS sufferers.

We do know exactly why the BDS-losers tonguebathe Russia.

BDS losers are almost always white-supremacist christofascist filth.

Russia is seen by them as the white-supremacist christofascist utopia. BDS-losers want to turn the USA into the same kind of white-supremacist Christofascist hellhole, so they support Russia.

Yes, it is that obvious.
On the Ukrainian War, the Ukrainiians are doing a great job their leaders are leading them well and their soldiers on the battlefield show the courage and capability that is simply impressive. America should continue to support Ukraine in this war for the alone compelling reason that if the Ukrainians win they will save America from having to take part in a NATO war in ten years as Vladimir Putin pursues his declared ambition to make most of Europe part of a Russian Empire which Mr. Putin believes such territorial control for Russia is just giving effect to what should be the natural order of things because the Russian people are a superior people. Today the American people don't think that the reason to help Ukraine in order to help a people with a forty plus million population preserve their Democracy and their society that respects human and civil rights is sufficient to justify providing military and non-military help to Ukraine but in generations past it would have; unfortunately today too many of America's politicians use these international issues as opportunities to gain political advantage by doing things like scaring people by saying America is getting into an endless war or we have our own national security matters like America cannot have two mutually exclusive issues on this subject! In any event to our nation's great credit it is supporting Ukraine in a major way!

Four things I think the Ukrainian government should be careful to avoid doing because it could cause the loss or jeopardize victory for them in this war. Don't be involved in bombing civilians or civilian infrastructure in Russia you provide propaganda aid to the Kremlin helping them garnish domestic support for the war when you do this plus you diminish the infuriating war crimes Russia is committing in Ukraine in targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine; there was a report in the media around this past week that Ukraine was responsible for destroying four homes in Russia amongst some other minor non-military targets. The Ukrainian government should only bomb military targets in Ukraine; drone strikes on the Kremlin is counterproductive it provides propaganda aid to Russia. The Ukrainian government should pass its law mandating at minimum three months of training for Ukrainian soldiers before they are sent into battle a recent media report about a Ukrainian unit who had like nine days of training was sent into the battle in Bakhmut the first time they were bombed the unit fell apart most of the unit was killed and captured. The international community hears this and they think things like the Ukrainian people's resolve for the war will far apart with this trend and the country of Ukraine can't possibly win the war if this is how the Ukrainian military command is acting! Lastly, Ukrainian's intelligence service should stop assassinating Russia's societal leaders promoting the war for one it is morally questionable such killing and second it helps the Russian government in its propaganda effort claiming Ukraine is a proxy for the West that wants to take down the current Russian government. This undercuts Ukraine's strong angle for moving Russia to end this unjust war specifically if Ukraine in taking back its territory can cause major losses to the Russian army in terms of killed and wounded soldiers Russian families will be moved to say we don't want this to happen to our loved ones in the Russian army there is no reason for this dying and being wounded, Kremlin end this unnecessary war; Ukraine must not give Russia a justification to continue this war!


Americans care about Ukraine because our rulers told us to, and we don't care about the countries the US destroys because they either told us they did it for a good reason, or nobody bothered to tell us what happened at all.

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