Uk bans unvaccinated to soccer games

Oz and the Orchestra
Right ?? It was a barren wasteland before Jews returned !!
1/2 of the Jews from Israel came from the Middle East from places like Morocco, Iraq and others
the Palestinians who have worked that land for centuries off, Can only be compared with the Holocaust in that they were both crimes against humanity.
The Palestinians are totally in control of the Jewish state. For all that I despise about the state of Israel, that is the fault of the Palestinians in control of it, not the Jews who live there but have no say in how the country's pro-Palestinian armed forces and intelligence agencies are run.
Oz and the Orchestra
The Palestinians were never exterminated
They’re still there
Yea in a living hell!
And you had no right to bring the Holocaust into it.
The Holocaust was essentially the fault of the Nazis but a conference was held before the war in Paris to get the nations of the world to sign up to taking Jews desperately trying to flee. The conference failed with only The Dominican Republic agreeing to take 4000 Jews. The world failed them in particular the USA who put so many hurdles in place it was virtually impossible for Jews to emigrate there. At least Britain behind the scenes took many Jews and in particular Jewish children now known as the 'kinder transports'.
Now in the USA : many Jews are intermarrying and they look like you lol
That's better than being inbred and getting certain diseases such as Tay-Sachs.

Although I don't believe in rare diseases.

Consanguinity may be measured by blood quantum. If for instance your parents are second cousins by blood, then you have a blood quantum defect of 1/8, and your ancestry is only 7/8 diversified, because out of 16 great-great-grandparents there is a couple who appears twice leaving only 14 unique ancestors out of 16 possible of that generation.
As usual with Johnson this measure does not go far enough. It should include all gatherings that cause folk to crowd together. Rugby, racing and so on. I also think that businesses should be made to get ll of their staff who deal with the public vaxxed.
These people should be allowed to not get vaxxed but they should not be allowed to mix with clean people.

The UK has become such a worthless nation it’s beyond amazing
Home of the mini Carta

Soccer is pretty goddam boring, so I don't see this as a point of negativity.

Even if I had the shot, I'd be tempted to say I didn't if I was in England so I wouldn't have to watch that crap.
What if he has immune issues and can not get the shot?
You're nit picking now sweetlips. I suppose there might be some legitimate medical reason a tiny amount of the anti-vaxers don't get vaccinated. Are you trying to tell me that is the main reason ALL those nut bags are refusing the shot?

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