90% Vaxxed Iceland goes on Lockdown...again!


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Oops, there goes the narrative that if we all get Vaxxed we can return to normal life. At least that’s what I keep getting told by government paid ads on YouTube every few minutes.

Iceland has over 90% of their population vaccinated, yet Corona is “spiking” again. Lockdowns are being forced yet again.

Why do lefties keep lying to us that these vaccines are effective and if we get them we can go back to “normal”?

Yeah, they are freaking Dog Determined to get that unknown shit in everyone's arm.
When you see the Elites and their entourage take the VAX, it's most likely not what they're selling to the peasants.
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Aren't they all supposed to already be dead from the vaccine? It killed me pretty quick.
This again is the results of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine..the one that has no chance of being accepted in America.

You pays your money and takes your chances....I know that the Government there was desperate to get ahold of anything...but this is the result of that choice.

The lack of emergency approval should have been a huge clue as to effectiveness and possible side effects.

Same thing with the Sinovus (Chinese) vaccine and the one from India and the one from Russia. These four ALL are made by the same formula with very slight variations...

And they all seen the same research that shows that this formula is highly risky with poor effectiveness and possible side effects.

Just saying that the mRNA vaccines are a better technology and formula for this virus. There have been no reported side effects that were in the concern cloud of possibilities.
It’s a partial lockdown.

And it’s 90 percent of individuals over 16; not 90 percent of the entire population.

This in no manner undermines the appropriateness or necessity of vaccinations.

That most conservatives are this dishonest is what makes them indeed reprehensible.

Nobody in Iceland has died of Covid in 2 months!
The trump Nazis chosen ignorance concerning all aspects of the COVID pandemic has them unable to understand the benefits and, limitations of the current vaccines.

As seen in hospitals, when an unvaccinated trump Nazis lies in its deathbed, they most often beg for the shot, only to be told it's too late.

The vaccine can slow the spread of the disease, but even the vaccinated can and do contract it. However, those who have been vaccinated experience a much less severe case and rarely suffer the long-term issues as in the past. And yes, some do die, just as some people that receive a flu shot each year also die from the flu.

The trump Nazis' chosen ignorance does provide benefits to the nation though, and those benefits are a gift that keeps on giving. The deadly nature of COVID0-19 and its developing variants, are reducing the number of trump Nazis each and every day.

How it goes in Iceland is something to keep an eye on. In news today they are saying this Delta variant is spreading despite vaccinations and that the country now has a total of two people in the hospital due to COVID-19.

Oops, there goes the narrative that if we all get Vaxxed we can return to normal life. At least that’s what I keep getting told by government paid ads on YouTube every few minutes.

Iceland has over 90% of their population vaccinated, yet Corona is “spiking” again. Lockdowns are being forced yet again.

Why do lefties keep lying to us that these vaccines are effective and if we get them we can go back to “normal”?

Is Fauci a "leftie"? Do you have the political party registration for all the American members of the CDC and the local doctors pushing this "all is well with the vaccines" guff? Just curious....and mind you, I'm not "blaming the right wing" for anything.
It’s a partial lockdown.

And it’s 90 percent of individuals over 16; not 90 percent of the entire population.

This in no manner undermines the appropriateness or necessity of vaccinations.

That most conservatives are this dishonest is what makes them indeed reprehensible.

Actually, it totally undermines the need and necessity of vaccinations.
How it goes in Iceland is something to keep an eye on. In news today they are saying this Delta variant is spreading despite vaccinations and that the country now has a total of two people in the hospital due to COVID-19.

A total of two people. In the entire country.
Why do darkies from Africa as in the pic above think Adidas is cool? :dunno:

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