Uh Oh, A Liberal Talks About Violent Muslims

^^^ Retard can't back up his bullshit that Liberals support the subjugation of women. Of course, retard doesn't know what subjugation means.
I didn't say you support it, dickwad. I said you don't condemn it. Post a link where you condemned it or STFU.
Do I also have to post links where I condemn torturing puppies?

How about pouring old paint and household chemicals into the lake? Do I need to post links condemning that, too?

Like I said, you're a retard.
If you had a history on this board of defending those who torture puppies, then yes. Any more red herrings you want to throw out there, douche bag?
You think I have a history on this or any board of defending Islam, or Muslims?

Come up with one post - just one.

You're an ignorant retard.
Stop deflecting and post a link of any of you liberal pus pockets condemning Islam for it's treatment of women (or anything else).

The far left can not do such things as they admire these extremists as they live vicariously through them..
I didn't say you support it, dickwad. I said you don't condemn it. Post a link where you condemned it or STFU.
Do I also have to post links where I condemn torturing puppies?

How about pouring old paint and household chemicals into the lake? Do I need to post links condemning that, too?

Like I said, you're a retard.
If you had a history on this board of defending those who torture puppies, then yes. Any more red herrings you want to throw out there, douche bag?
You think I have a history on this or any board of defending Islam, or Muslims?

Come up with one post - just one.

You're an ignorant retard.
Stop deflecting and post a link of any of you liberal pus pockets condemning Islam for it's treatment of women (or anything else).

The far left can not do such things as they admire these extremists as they live vicariously through them..

it is almost too much to comprehend

the way libs call conservatives homophobes

while defending islam
"Uh Oh, A Liberal Talks About Violent Muslims"

And is just as wrong as conservatives accordingly.

I see. You are pretending that violence is rare among Muslims.

The Muslim world has a serious problem with militant Islamic terrorists. They do nothing to stop it and we only get rare condemnations of radical Muslims. For the most part, they look the other way because they don't fear being beheaded for not conforming to Sharia law. It's only a problem for other people so it doesn't affect them.

Pakistan protected Osama bin laden. Turkey isn't doing anything as ISIS advances near their border. Too many Muslim countries do nothing to stop radical Muslims. ISIS and other Muslim terrorist organizations would not exist if the Muslim world didn't allow them to carry on with their violence. When they take no action as countries, it can only mean they don't see anything wrong with it.

While liberals still claim that the Christians are dangerous because of an abortion doctor being shot back in the 80s, they turn a blind eye to the beheadings last week and will continue to defend Muslims as more prisoners are beheaded.

Looking at the polls of average Muslims, it's startling to see how many believe that Sharia law should rule the day. Sharia law is strict. With Muslims, there is no difference between religion and government. This is why they don't tolerate other religions. Because of their rules, it is illegal to be a non-Muslim. The polls indicate that the majority believe that insulting Islam is a crime that should be prosecuted. Clearly, they don't feel that way with other religions. These are not terrorists answering poll questions, but the typical Muslims. How can we coexist with people who believe that their government/religion should rule and that being against that is considered a serious crime? When the peaceful ones side with the radicals over non-Muslims, they are just as dangerous as the useful idiots who helped Hitler rise. Of course, the more radical ones believe that insulting or even rejecting Islam is a crime punishable by death. Freedom of religion cannot exist with people who believe that their religion is the only way for all people to live and they cannot separate their religion from law or government. It's all one and the same.

Does anyone believe we would still have freedoms in this country if Muslims became the majority?

The only answer here is for the peaceful Muslims we always hear about to swiftly condemn terrorism and radicals who want people to convert or die. If they will not stop the killers among them, how can we trust them?

There is no question that Islam breeds radicals and that the vast majority of terrorist attacks have been committed in the name of Allah. Muslims have a big problem. If they don't do anything about it, then they are all part of the problem.

If governments in Muslim countries continue to sympathize with al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas and other groups, we should not trust any of them.

Muslims were polled and asked if they want Sharia law. A majority believe that their religion should dictate how society lives.

The results were eye-opening: Afghanistan 99%, Pakistan 84%, Iraq 91%, Egypt 74% and Jordan 71%.
Even in Great Britain, a recent poll found that 78% of British Muslims believe that criticism of the prophet Mohammed should be a prosecutable offense.
Everything Affleck said was true. We've killed more Muslims over the years than they have killed us yet we are the heroes and they are the bad guys?
"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." Barack Obama

By the way, the political winds shifted some time ago and Obama has been standing with the Muslims the entire time. The terrorist organization, Muslim Brotherhood, has been heavily armed and funded by the American tax payers. ISIS was ignored long enough to get a good head start and are stronger for it. Obama bashed Israel yet again today. Yup, for once they weren't just words. He really meant it and kept his promise to the Muslims.
Do I also have to post links where I condemn torturing puppies?

How about pouring old paint and household chemicals into the lake? Do I need to post links condemning that, too?

Like I said, you're a retard.
If you had a history on this board of defending those who torture puppies, then yes. Any more red herrings you want to throw out there, douche bag?
You think I have a history on this or any board of defending Islam, or Muslims?

Come up with one post - just one.

You're an ignorant retard.
Stop deflecting and post a link of any of you liberal pus pockets condemning Islam for it's treatment of women (or anything else).

The far left can not do such things as they admire these extremists as they live vicariously through them..

it is almost too much to comprehend

the way libs call conservatives homophobes

while defending islam
Find one post where I have defended Islam. Or Christianity. Or any religion.

Maybe you can step up where SJ only derps.
Just out of curiosity, if Muslims became the majority here and rendered our constitution null and void in favor of Sharia law, how many of you could live with that? Since the majority of Muslims polled think Sharia law should be the law of the land, I have no doubt it would be in a Muslim dominated country. Look at the other hell holes that they leave.
If you had a history on this board of defending those who torture puppies, then yes. Any more red herrings you want to throw out there, douche bag?
You think I have a history on this or any board of defending Islam, or Muslims?

Come up with one post - just one.

You're an ignorant retard.
Stop deflecting and post a link of any of you liberal pus pockets condemning Islam for it's treatment of women (or anything else).

The far left can not do such things as they admire these extremists as they live vicariously through them..

it is almost too much to comprehend

the way libs call conservatives homophobes

while defending islam
Find one post where I have defended Islam. Or Christianity. Or any religion.

Maybe you can step up where SJ only derps.
Still deflecting, and we're still waiting to see any hint of you ever condemning Islam for anything, douche bag.
You think I have a history on this or any board of defending Islam, or Muslims?

Come up with one post - just one.

You're an ignorant retard.
Stop deflecting and post a link of any of you liberal pus pockets condemning Islam for it's treatment of women (or anything else).

The far left can not do such things as they admire these extremists as they live vicariously through them..

it is almost too much to comprehend

the way libs call conservatives homophobes

while defending islam
Find one post where I have defended Islam. Or Christianity. Or any religion.

Maybe you can step up where SJ only derps.
Still deflecting, and we're still waiting to see any hint of you ever condemning Islam for anything, douche bag.

They never say anything bad about Islam. They only insist that we respect the religion. That is not the case when it's a group they hate.

If liberals were true to their stated convictions, they'd be outraged at the treatment of women, gays, atheists and others by Muslims. Genital mutilation of girls is commonplace. Marrying 6 year olds (waiting till age 9 before consummation of the marriage) is common. Allah himself was a misogynistic who married a child. Majority of Muslims feel that insulting their religion should be treated as a serious crime and that the person should be punished, hence no freedom of speech in a Muslim world. Woman can't even talk to a man she's not related to. Woman don't have rights in Muslim countries and are often beaten or stoned for stepping out of line and disobeying the men.

Human rights violations happen routinely across the globe, but the left is reticent to say anything lest they offend the guilty. The UN is often praised by liberals despite some the fact that many members are the worst offenders when it comes to human rights violations. Liberals should cringe at the thought of what many people endure on a regular basis, but not a peep from them on the atrocities. You'd think disagreeing with Obama is a worse offense than oppressing people, torturing people, denying people rights or beheading people. Look at what enrages them. I've heard more flap over insurance companies not covering all form of birth control than about the suffering of people because of cruel dictators.

They will bash Christians left and right for disapproving of abortion. They hate Christians because of their views, yet say nothing about Muslims who do horrendous things to people. Do liberals think that Muslims actually like them and approve of their lifestyle? For now, they are useful to them because they help spread propaganda, but in the long run they will have no use for any infidels.
Stop deflecting and post a link of any of you liberal pus pockets condemning Islam for it's treatment of women (or anything else).

The far left can not do such things as they admire these extremists as they live vicariously through them..

it is almost too much to comprehend

the way libs call conservatives homophobes

while defending islam
Find one post where I have defended Islam. Or Christianity. Or any religion.

Maybe you can step up where SJ only derps.
Still deflecting, and we're still waiting to see any hint of you ever condemning Islam for anything, douche bag.

They never say anything bad about Islam. They only insist that we respect the religion. That is not the case when it's a group they hate.

If liberals were true to their stated convictions, they'd be outraged at the treatment of women, gays, atheists and others by Muslims. Genital mutilation of girls is commonplace. Marrying 6 year olds (waiting till age 9 before consummation of the marriage) is common. Allah himself was a misogynistic who married a child. Majority of Muslims feel that insulting their religion should be treated as a serious crime and that the person should be punished, hence no freedom of speech in a Muslim world. Woman can't even talk to a man she's not related to. Woman don't have rights in Muslim countries and are often beaten or stoned for stepping out of line and disobeying the men.

Human rights violations happen routinely across the globe, but the left is reticent to say anything lest they offend the guilty. The UN is often praised by liberals despite some the fact that many members are the worst offenders when it comes to human rights violations. Liberals should cringe at the thought of what many people endure on a regular basis, but not a peep from them on the atrocities. You'd think disagreeing with Obama is a worse offense than oppressing people, torturing people, denying people rights or beheading people. Look at what enrages them. I've heard more flap over insurance companies not covering all form of birth control than about the suffering of people because of cruel dictators.

They will bash Christians left and right for disapproving of abortion. They hate Christians because of their views, yet say nothing about Muslims who do horrendous things to people. Do liberals think that Muslims actually like them and approve of their lifestyle? For now, they are useful to them because they help spread propaganda, but in the long run they will have no use for any infidels.

nice post too bad it will not even phase the libs

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