Uber, Lyft, DC restaurants to ban 'Unite the Right' rally participants; Twitter suspends accounts


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Uber, Lyft, DC restaurants to ban 'Unite the Right' rally participants; Twitter suspends numerous far-right accounts

White supremacists and white nationalists heading to Washington, D.C., for Sunday’s second Unite the Right rally may have trouble finding a way to get there or a place to eat, according to reports.

The rally comes on the one year anniversary of white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, where on Saturday, police blocked off streets and mobilized hundreds of officers downtown as a precaution.

Early Saturday afternoon, a group of 20 Antifa protestors with fists in the air marched through downtown Charlottsville holding a flag saying “Antifascist action.”

Meanwhile, in preparation for the rally near the White House, Uber and Lyft told drivers they have a right to kick a passenger out of car if they are harassed or threatened, The Washington Post reported.

At the same time, the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington sent out a toolkit informing restaurateurs of their legal rights to refuse service to white nationalists and other political fringe groups, The Washingtonian reported.

Meantime, Twitter suspended numerous accounts associated with the Proud Boys, a controversial group of right-wing chauvinists on Friday on the eve of the anniversary of the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, the Guardian reported.
Uber, Lyft, DC restaurants to ban 'Unite the Right' rally participants; Twitter suspends numerous far-right accounts

White supremacists and white nationalists heading to Washington, D.C., for Sunday’s second Unite the Right rally may have trouble finding a way to get there or a place to eat, according to reports.

The rally comes on the one year anniversary of white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, where on Saturday, police blocked off streets and mobilized hundreds of officers downtown as a precaution.

Early Saturday afternoon, a group of 20 Antifa protestors with fists in the air marched through downtown Charlottsville holding a flag saying “Antifascist action.”

Meanwhile, in preparation for the rally near the White House, Uber and Lyft told drivers they have a right to kick a passenger out of car if they are harassed or threatened, The Washington Post reported.

At the same time, the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington sent out a toolkit informing restaurateurs of their legal rights to refuse service to white nationalists and other political fringe groups, The Washingtonian reported.

Meantime, Twitter suspended numerous accounts associated with the Proud Boys, a controversial group of right-wing chauvinists on Friday on the eve of the anniversary of the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, the Guardian reported.
They won’t have a problem. If you think these people will turn down a fare, you are insane.
The far left always cries freedom speech, yet not one here to claim that..
The loony lefts as the far right is comprised of idiots. Unfortunately for the left it is more previlent.
But BLM and the Black Panthers is OK.


WHITE people are the new target for discrimination and hate by the fascist democrat party, just ask the NYT and their new WHITE HATER RACIST writer, Jeong. But they're not alone, youtube, twitter, facebook and the like are all in on banning conservative WHITE people.
Well... Lets just see if I bake their cake...

So much for public accommodation law. :auiqs.jpg:
Kicking out a fare for harassment or threatening? That's really an issue for you?
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
Uber, Lyft, DC restaurants to ban 'Unite the Right' rally participants; Twitter suspends numerous far-right accounts

White supremacists and white nationalists heading to Washington, D.C., for Sunday’s second Unite the Right rally may have trouble finding a way to get there or a place to eat, according to reports.

The rally comes on the one year anniversary of white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, where on Saturday, police blocked off streets and mobilized hundreds of officers downtown as a precaution.

Early Saturday afternoon, a group of 20 Antifa protestors with fists in the air marched through downtown Charlottsville holding a flag saying “Antifascist action.”

Meanwhile, in preparation for the rally near the White House, Uber and Lyft told drivers they have a right to kick a passenger out of car if they are harassed or threatened, The Washington Post reported.

At the same time, the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington sent out a toolkit informing restaurateurs of their legal rights to refuse service to white nationalists and other political fringe groups, The Washingtonian reported.

Meantime, Twitter suspended numerous accounts associated with the Proud Boys, a controversial group of right-wing chauvinists on Friday on the eve of the anniversary of the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, the Guardian reported.

Sounds like SEVERAL Acts of War against the Rightwibg community. Time to start going armed at all times and be prepared to do whatever is necessary to protect ourselves and our way of life.
So much for public accommodation law. :auiqs.jpg:
Kicking out a fare for harassment or threatening? That's really an issue for you?
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
Did you look at the OP at all? The Uber/Lyft drivers were instructed they could kick out a fare for being threatening or harassing them. That is not banning the Unite the Right participants from their vehicles.
So much for public accommodation law. :auiqs.jpg:
Kicking out a fare for harassment or threatening? That's really an issue for you?
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
You will not replace us... light those torches, bring to mind the Fuhrer's rallies.

If only the Nazi's had been allowed to have their rallies in peace, what might have happened?
Anyone catch the NBC Nightly News segment on the White Supremacist who now attends a nearly all Black church through an invitation by the pastor? That is how you end hate, not by giving people more reasons to hate.
So much for public accommodation law. :auiqs.jpg:
Kicking out a fare for harassment or threatening? That's really an issue for you?
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
Did you look at the OP at all? The Uber/Lyft drivers were instructed they could kick out a fare for being threatening or harassing them. That is not banning the Unite the Right participants from their vehicles.
Yes, but as you have been told in the other thread, and you conveniently forgot, Liberals think disagreeing with them is a threat to them.
Uber, Lyft, DC restaurants to ban 'Unite the Right' rally participants; Twitter suspends numerous far-right accounts

White supremacists and white nationalists heading to Washington, D.C., for Sunday’s second Unite the Right rally may have trouble finding a way to get there or a place to eat, according to reports.

The rally comes on the one year anniversary of white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, where on Saturday, police blocked off streets and mobilized hundreds of officers downtown as a precaution.

Early Saturday afternoon, a group of 20 Antifa protestors with fists in the air marched through downtown Charlottsville holding a flag saying “Antifascist action.”

Meanwhile, in preparation for the rally near the White House, Uber and Lyft told drivers they have a right to kick a passenger out of car if they are harassed or threatened, The Washington Post reported.

At the same time, the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington sent out a toolkit informing restaurateurs of their legal rights to refuse service to white nationalists and other political fringe groups, The Washingtonian reported.

Meantime, Twitter suspended numerous accounts associated with the Proud Boys, a controversial group of right-wing chauvinists on Friday on the eve of the anniversary of the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, the Guardian reported.
/----/ Imagine if Little Rock Arkansas did the same thing to Black Lives Matter rallies.
intolerant lib.jpg
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Uber, Lyft, DC restaurants to ban 'Unite the Right' rally participants; Twitter suspends numerous far-right accounts

White supremacists and white nationalists heading to Washington, D.C., for Sunday’s second Unite the Right rally may have trouble finding a way to get there or a place to eat, according to reports.

The rally comes on the one year anniversary of white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, where on Saturday, police blocked off streets and mobilized hundreds of officers downtown as a precaution.

Early Saturday afternoon, a group of 20 Antifa protestors with fists in the air marched through downtown Charlottsville holding a flag saying “Antifascist action.”

Meanwhile, in preparation for the rally near the White House, Uber and Lyft told drivers they have a right to kick a passenger out of car if they are harassed or threatened, The Washington Post reported.

At the same time, the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington sent out a toolkit informing restaurateurs of their legal rights to refuse service to white nationalists and other political fringe groups, The Washingtonian reported.

Meantime, Twitter suspended numerous accounts associated with the Proud Boys, a controversial group of right-wing chauvinists on Friday on the eve of the anniversary of the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, the Guardian reported.
Not saying I agree, but be careful how you treat others. Things change and have a way of coming back on you.

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