U.S. weighs special forces in Syria, helicopters in Iraq

No one has yet defined the problem. So how can there be a solution.
We don't need to be involved with a solution. Let them kill one another.


Unfortunately, the entities which seek to topple Assad are close US allies : Israhell and Saudi Arabia.

contum---------where is the arena of war between Syria and Saudi arabia?

Punishing Assad and friends

Proponents of this theory point to a Sept. 11 meeting between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Saudi King Abdullah at his palace on the Red Sea. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, it was during that meeting that a deal was hammered out between Kerry and Abdullah. In it, the Saudis would support Syrian airstrikes against Islamic State (ISIS), in exchange for Washington backing the Saudis in toppling Assad.

If in fact a deal was struck, it would make sense, considering the long-simmering rivalry between Saudi Arabia and its chief rival in the region: Iran. By opposing Syria, Abdullah grabs the opportunity to strike a blow against Iran, which he sees as a powerful regional rival due to its nuclear ambitions, its support for militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah, and its alliance with Syria, which it provides with weapons and funding. The two nations are also divided by religion, with the majority of Saudis following the Sunni version of Islam, and most Iranians considering themselves Shi’ites.

“The conflict is now a full-blown proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which is playing out across the region,” Reuters reported on Dec. 15. “Both sides increasingly see their rivalry as a winner-take-all conflict: if the Shi’ite Hezbollah gains an upper hand in Lebanon, then the Sunnis of Lebanon—and by extension, their Saudi patrons—lose a round to Iran. If a Shi’ite-led government solidifies its control of Iraq, then Iran will have won another round.”

The Saudis know the Iranians are vulnerable on the oil price. Experts say the country needs $140 a barrel oil to balance its budget; at sub-$60 prices, the Saudis succeed in pressuring Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamanei, possibly containing its nuclear ambitions and making the country more pliable to the West, which has the power to reduce or lift sanctions if Iran cooperates.

Adding credence to this theory, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told a Cabinet meeting earlier this month that the fall in oil prices was “politically motivated” and a “conspiracy against the interests of the region, the Muslim people and the Muslim world.”

you have anything new? You certainly left out lots. Iran is-----for the past several years and right now-------building forces in Yemen-----for the PURPOSE
OF INVADING SAUDI ARABIA -----an agenda that the ASSADS enthusiastically
support. That agenda is not theoretical Yemen has been swimming in blood
drawn by IRANIAN PROXIES for years------well armed and well supported ----thosuands of Yemenis lie dead in the streets -----all in preparation for an invasion
of Saudi arabia ------endorsed by the assads------you expect Saudi arabia to kiss
their asses? As to ROUHANI's comment-------it is typical mosque chit chat-----
all non muslims are the ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM and in constant
conspiracy against ISLAM AND ALLAH. I heard all about in mosques before
the police had them under surveillance------ie long before 9-11-01. The Christians do it----the joooos do it and even the HINDOOOOS do it
No one has yet defined the problem. So how can there be a solution.

I will define the problem-------The problem in Syria is BAATHISM. Baathism
is an ultra-nationalistic of the arab hue ---ideology -----which is
"REVOLUTIONARY" in the sense that its proposed agenda is a rejection
ruled -----according to Baathists----it is socialist and intensely arab nationalist---
which is supposed to lead to an entirely ARAB -----levant with mutual help and
understanding and copperative military------it claims itself "secular"---despite
the fact that "ARAB CULTURE" is must not only be dominant but-----THE ONLY WAY TO GO. Based on the concept of "revolution" and "socialist" it has
had the support of Russia since its inception. Prominent examples of Baathists
have been Gamel Abdul Nasser and Saddam Hussein and Papa and Baby
Assad. Baathism is a totalitarian utopian ideology and-----genocidal
You have defined part of the problem in parts of Syria. What about Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Egypt, Palestine Etc?

Iraq SHIITE MAJORITY------Shiite is IRAN PRONE-----they even consider
farsi something like an almost holy language and believe that their messiah
will come from Iran

Iran----intensely Imperialistic ------convinced that it is leader of the MUSLIM WORLD which means THE WHOLE WORLD-------achmadinijad said so in
the UN It is important to listen to what world leaders SAY------we did not
listen to adolf hitler either.

Yemen----damn primitive and now over run with Iranian proxies---it was easy---

Afghanistan----also primitive and over run withTALIBAN NUTS----Pakistani
islamicists of the sunni variety

Libya-----loose Islamic cannon with lots of oil

Egypt----islamicist infected

Palestine----if you do not know by now----your situation is hopeless
Let's see, we had troops in Iraq and with the cooperation of the Iraqis they had stabilized the region. Then Obama declared victory and abandoned the region to ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Now Obama wants to send troops back?


Just fucking 100 IQ wow
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






Silly boy, Muslims have killed more of their own and those they disagree with than any other... By the way they don't record the numbers of their own they kill, never have and never will.
Killing is the major part of their cult...
Last edited:
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






Silly boy, Muslims have killed more of their and those they disagree with than any other... By the way they record the numbers of their own they kill, never have and never will.
Killing is the major part of their cult...
Your historical ignorance is mind boggling.
No one has yet defined the problem. So how can there be a solution.
We don't need to be involved with a solution. Let them kill one another.


Unfortunately, the entities which seek to topple Assad are close US allies : Israhell and Saudi Arabia.

contum---------where is the arena of war between Syria and Saudi arabia?

Punishing Assad and friends

Proponents of this theory point to a Sept. 11 meeting between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Saudi King Abdullah at his palace on the Red Sea. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, it was during that meeting that a deal was hammered out between Kerry and Abdullah. In it, the Saudis would support Syrian airstrikes against Islamic State (ISIS), in exchange for Washington backing the Saudis in toppling Assad.

If in fact a deal was struck, it would make sense, considering the long-simmering rivalry between Saudi Arabia and its chief rival in the region: Iran. By opposing Syria, Abdullah grabs the opportunity to strike a blow against Iran, which he sees as a powerful regional rival due to its nuclear ambitions, its support for militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah, and its alliance with Syria, which it provides with weapons and funding. The two nations are also divided by religion, with the majority of Saudis following the Sunni version of Islam, and most Iranians considering themselves Shi’ites.

“The conflict is now a full-blown proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which is playing out across the region,” Reuters reported on Dec. 15. “Both sides increasingly see their rivalry as a winner-take-all conflict: if the Shi’ite Hezbollah gains an upper hand in Lebanon, then the Sunnis of Lebanon—and by extension, their Saudi patrons—lose a round to Iran. If a Shi’ite-led government solidifies its control of Iraq, then Iran will have won another round.”

The Saudis know the Iranians are vulnerable on the oil price. Experts say the country needs $140 a barrel oil to balance its budget; at sub-$60 prices, the Saudis succeed in pressuring Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamanei, possibly containing its nuclear ambitions and making the country more pliable to the West, which has the power to reduce or lift sanctions if Iran cooperates.

Adding credence to this theory, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told a Cabinet meeting earlier this month that the fall in oil prices was “politically motivated” and a “conspiracy against the interests of the region, the Muslim people and the Muslim world.”

you have anything new? You certainly left out lots. Iran is-----for the past several years and right now-------building forces in Yemen-----for the PURPOSE
OF INVADING SAUDI ARABIA -----an agenda that the ASSADS enthusiastically
support. That agenda is not theoretical Yemen has been swimming in blood
drawn by IRANIAN PROXIES for years------well armed and well supported ----thosuands of Yemenis lie dead in the streets -----all in preparation for an invasion
of Saudi arabia ------endorsed by the assads------you expect Saudi arabia to kiss
their asses? As to ROUHANI's comment-------it is typical mosque chit chat-----
all non muslims are the ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM and in constant
conspiracy against ISLAM AND ALLAH. I heard all about in mosques before
the police had them under surveillance------ie long before 9-11-01. The Christians do it----the joooos do it and even the HINDOOOOS do it


Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country. They don't like shiites. They want Syria to be governed by a SUNNI MUSLIM.

Let's see, we had troops in Iraq and with the cooperation of the Iraqis they had stabilized the region. Then Obama declared victory and abandoned the region to ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Now Obama wants to send troops back?


Just fucking 100 IQ wow
You did not do well in college, obviously, if that is your take on what happened. You are nothing more than a homer for the far right reactionary side. The facts in the objective totality do not support your conclusion.
Last edited:
We don't need to be involved with a solution. Let them kill one another.


Unfortunately, the entities which seek to topple Assad are close US allies : Israhell and Saudi Arabia.

contum---------where is the arena of war between Syria and Saudi arabia?

Punishing Assad and friends

Proponents of this theory point to a Sept. 11 meeting between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Saudi King Abdullah at his palace on the Red Sea. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, it was during that meeting that a deal was hammered out between Kerry and Abdullah. In it, the Saudis would support Syrian airstrikes against Islamic State (ISIS), in exchange for Washington backing the Saudis in toppling Assad.

If in fact a deal was struck, it would make sense, considering the long-simmering rivalry between Saudi Arabia and its chief rival in the region: Iran. By opposing Syria, Abdullah grabs the opportunity to strike a blow against Iran, which he sees as a powerful regional rival due to its nuclear ambitions, its support for militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah, and its alliance with Syria, which it provides with weapons and funding. The two nations are also divided by religion, with the majority of Saudis following the Sunni version of Islam, and most Iranians considering themselves Shi’ites.

“The conflict is now a full-blown proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which is playing out across the region,” Reuters reported on Dec. 15. “Both sides increasingly see their rivalry as a winner-take-all conflict: if the Shi’ite Hezbollah gains an upper hand in Lebanon, then the Sunnis of Lebanon—and by extension, their Saudi patrons—lose a round to Iran. If a Shi’ite-led government solidifies its control of Iraq, then Iran will have won another round.”

The Saudis know the Iranians are vulnerable on the oil price. Experts say the country needs $140 a barrel oil to balance its budget; at sub-$60 prices, the Saudis succeed in pressuring Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamanei, possibly containing its nuclear ambitions and making the country more pliable to the West, which has the power to reduce or lift sanctions if Iran cooperates.

Adding credence to this theory, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told a Cabinet meeting earlier this month that the fall in oil prices was “politically motivated” and a “conspiracy against the interests of the region, the Muslim people and the Muslim world.”

you have anything new? You certainly left out lots. Iran is-----for the past several years and right now-------building forces in Yemen-----for the PURPOSE
OF INVADING SAUDI ARABIA -----an agenda that the ASSADS enthusiastically
support. That agenda is not theoretical Yemen has been swimming in blood
drawn by IRANIAN PROXIES for years------well armed and well supported ----thosuands of Yemenis lie dead in the streets -----all in preparation for an invasion
of Saudi arabia ------endorsed by the assads------you expect Saudi arabia to kiss
their asses? As to ROUHANI's comment-------it is typical mosque chit chat-----
all non muslims are the ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM and in constant
conspiracy against ISLAM AND ALLAH. I heard all about in mosques before
the police had them under surveillance------ie long before 9-11-01. The Christians do it----the joooos do it and even the HINDOOOOS do it


Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country. They don't like shiites. They want Syria to be governed by a SUNNI MUSLIM.


actually-----Baathists are generally SUNNIS----------your comment is just silly----
ALAWITE is a Shiite sorta sect. but Syria is -----mostly sunni------how do YOU
know what Saudi arabia wants? Saudi arabia was very close with BAATHIST
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






Silly boy, Muslims have killed more of their and those they disagree with than any other... By the way they record the numbers of their own they kill, never have and never will.
Killing is the major part of their cult...
Your historical ignorance is mind boggling.
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






Silly boy, Muslims have killed more of their and those they disagree with than any other... By the way they record the numbers of their own they kill, never have and never will.
Killing is the major part of their cult...
Your historical ignorance is mind boggling.
So ok, you say you know.
How many Christians have been killed by Muslims to date?
How many Muslims have killed by other Muslims to date?
How many Hindus Buddhists and other cults been killed by Muslims to date?

What "religion" is doing the most killing of those they disagree with and of their own in the world today?
How do Muslims treat their women and children? Do they treat women equally? Is there not rape rooms all over their Muslim world for little boys and girls??
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






Silly boy, Muslims have killed more of their and those they disagree with than any other... By the way they record the numbers of their own they kill, never have and never will.
Killing is the major part of their cult...
Your historical ignorance is mind boggling.
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






Silly boy, Muslims have killed more of their and those they disagree with than any other... By the way they record the numbers of their own they kill, never have and never will.
Killing is the major part of their cult...
Your historical ignorance is mind boggling.
So ok, you say you know.
How many Christians have been killed by Muslims to date?
How many Muslims have killed by other Muslims to date?
How many Hindus Buddhists and other cults been killed by Muslims to date?

What "religion" is doing the most killing of those they disagree with and of their own in the world today?
How do Muslims treat their women and children? Do they treat women equally? Is there not rape rooms all over their Muslim world for little boys and girls??
You made the claim that Islam is the most violent religion "the planet has ever known".

Support that claim.
I am actually against this.

Let Russia clean that mess up, and just help with air support only.

All this will lead to is a conflict with Russia and Iran within the Iraq and Syrian border which could escalate into a bigger mess with regarding China too and the South China Sea.

Just hope the President and his advisers know what they are doing!
And that is my position too....and I've been saying it several times of the last few weeks while RW posters have been ranting about what a "pussy" Obama is for NOT sending troops.

Unfortunately, the entities which seek to topple Assad are close US allies : Israhell and Saudi Arabia.

contum---------where is the arena of war between Syria and Saudi arabia?

Punishing Assad and friends

Proponents of this theory point to a Sept. 11 meeting between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Saudi King Abdullah at his palace on the Red Sea. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, it was during that meeting that a deal was hammered out between Kerry and Abdullah. In it, the Saudis would support Syrian airstrikes against Islamic State (ISIS), in exchange for Washington backing the Saudis in toppling Assad.

If in fact a deal was struck, it would make sense, considering the long-simmering rivalry between Saudi Arabia and its chief rival in the region: Iran. By opposing Syria, Abdullah grabs the opportunity to strike a blow against Iran, which he sees as a powerful regional rival due to its nuclear ambitions, its support for militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah, and its alliance with Syria, which it provides with weapons and funding. The two nations are also divided by religion, with the majority of Saudis following the Sunni version of Islam, and most Iranians considering themselves Shi’ites.

“The conflict is now a full-blown proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which is playing out across the region,” Reuters reported on Dec. 15. “Both sides increasingly see their rivalry as a winner-take-all conflict: if the Shi’ite Hezbollah gains an upper hand in Lebanon, then the Sunnis of Lebanon—and by extension, their Saudi patrons—lose a round to Iran. If a Shi’ite-led government solidifies its control of Iraq, then Iran will have won another round.”

The Saudis know the Iranians are vulnerable on the oil price. Experts say the country needs $140 a barrel oil to balance its budget; at sub-$60 prices, the Saudis succeed in pressuring Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamanei, possibly containing its nuclear ambitions and making the country more pliable to the West, which has the power to reduce or lift sanctions if Iran cooperates.

Adding credence to this theory, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told a Cabinet meeting earlier this month that the fall in oil prices was “politically motivated” and a “conspiracy against the interests of the region, the Muslim people and the Muslim world.”

you have anything new? You certainly left out lots. Iran is-----for the past several years and right now-------building forces in Yemen-----for the PURPOSE
OF INVADING SAUDI ARABIA -----an agenda that the ASSADS enthusiastically
support. That agenda is not theoretical Yemen has been swimming in blood
drawn by IRANIAN PROXIES for years------well armed and well supported ----thosuands of Yemenis lie dead in the streets -----all in preparation for an invasion
of Saudi arabia ------endorsed by the assads------you expect Saudi arabia to kiss
their asses? As to ROUHANI's comment-------it is typical mosque chit chat-----
all non muslims are the ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM and in constant
conspiracy against ISLAM AND ALLAH. I heard all about in mosques before
the police had them under surveillance------ie long before 9-11-01. The Christians do it----the joooos do it and even the HINDOOOOS do it


Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country. They don't like shiites. They want Syria to be governed by a SUNNI MUSLIM.


actually-----Baathists are generally SUNNIS----------your comment is just silly----
ALAWITE is a Shiite sorta sect. but Syria is -----mostly sunni------how do YOU
know what Saudi arabia wants?
Saudi arabia was very close with BAATHIST

Syria: Who is Responsible for the Horrors?

The Bush administration, prompted by Israel, toyed with the idea of toppling Syria’s Assad regime but it backed down when a few smart minds in Washington asked who would the US get to replace the existing government? Syria’s main opposition came from the outlawed, underground Muslim Brotherhood that spoke for Syria’s long-repressed Sunni majority. Washington wanted no part of the Muslim Brothers. Better the Asads, who quietly cooperated with Washington in spite of being backed by Iran.

But in 2009-2010, Washington changed policy. As anti-Iranian war fever in the US mounted, the White House demanded that Damascus renounce its alliance with Iran, or else. The plan was to isolate Iran prior to its being attacked. But Syria refused to cut its vital ties to Tehran.

So Syria was marked for regime change. Washington was fed up with Arab leaders who defied the writ of the American Raj. The Assads would meet the same grisly fate as Saddam Hussein and Muammar Khadaffi.
Let's see, we had troops in Iraq and with the cooperation of the Iraqis they had stabilized the region. Then Obama declared victory and abandoned the region to ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Now Obama wants to send troops back?


Just fucking 100 IQ wow
You did not do well in college, obviously, if that is your take on what happened. You are nothing more than a homer for the far right reactionary side.

It's always funny to see Fakey NOT supporting his drivel.
Let's see, we had troops in Iraq and with the cooperation of the Iraqis they had stabilized the region. Then Obama declared victory and abandoned the region to ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Now Obama wants to send troops back?


Just fucking 100 IQ wow
You did not do well in college, obviously, if that is your take on what happened. You are nothing more than a homer for the far right reactionary side.

It's always funny to see Fakey NOT supporting his drivel.
Contum cited LEW ROCKWELL------professional Nazi, Iranian shill ------who does
propaganda for a living

Dingle Berry

Rebut and Refute if you can.

You are the professional nazi propaganda shill.


easy to do------lump of shit.
this statement written by Lew himself reveals him to be the liar and Iranian
shill that he is>>>>>

_++++++But in 2009-2010, Washington changed policy. As anti-Iranian war fever in the US mounted, the White House demanded that Damascus renounce its alliance with Iran, or else. The plan was to isolate Iran prior to its being attacked. But Syria refused to cut its vital ties to Tehran.********

pure fantasy on the part of Lew and his Iranian handlers. Somehow Bush
to told Lew Rockwell that he intended to attack Iran but needed to get
SYRIA out of the way first---------I am not surprised that you swallowed that shit.
Rockwell is a known Nazi for a long time

Why? Russia wants to be the big man in the ME, and as we near 90% energy independence, let's say "go, Putin, go."

The Arabs do not deserve American blood and treasure to be spilt on their behalf: they are not worthy.

I am inclined to agree. The Russian agenda is clear-----very imperialistic----
but once they WIN the Levant------they are kinda stuck with the mess which is
islamicism and Baathism

I agree.

Let the Russians have the ME. That shit hole always has been and always will be a mess.
Contum cited LEW ROCKWELL------professional Nazi, Iranian shill ------who does
propaganda for a living

Dingle Berry

Rebut and Refute if you can.

You are the professional nazi propaganda shill.


easy to do------lump of shit.
this statement written by Lew himself reveals him to be the liar and Iranian
shill that he is>>>>>

_++++++But in 2009-2010, Washington changed policy. As anti-Iranian war fever in the US mounted, the White House demanded that Damascus renounce its alliance with Iran, or else. The plan was to isolate Iran prior to its being attacked. But Syria refused to cut its vital ties to Tehran.********

pure fantasy on the part of Lew and his Iranian handlers. Somehow Bush
to told Lew Rockwell that he intended to attack Iran but needed to get
SYRIA out of the way first---------I am not surprised that you swallowed that shit.
Rockwell is a known Nazi for a long time

You are one of Bibi's internet disinformation operatives . So you are conflicted by interest.


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