States beginning to refuse to offer the J&J vaccine as bad side effects arise/US stops shots

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

So blood clots in the brains eh?

But you gotta get vaccinated RIGHT NOW!
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So blood clots in the brains eh?

But you gotta get vaccinated RIGHT NOW!
Thats why the Dims are so gung ho to get the place for the clots to go.
Astrazeneca also shut down due to blood clots. A 27 year old doctor died three months out in chicago after his second shot from phizer I believe. My wife's friend called last night and her boss just died after taking his second moderna shot, three months ago. These drugs are extremely dangerous.
J&J and AstraZeneca are the same kind of vaccine -- I'm not clear on what their differences are with the Pfizer and Moderna, but there are two types. Which actually makes a little sense of why the Baltimore types were just throwing together ingredients from J&J and AstraZeneca, but that's ------------ that's pretty awful and a disgrace to Baltimore.

The CDC cited 6 cases only for why they shut down the J&J as of this morning, Tuesday 4/13. HOWEVER, note on the OP the 8 cases in Georgia that provoked that state to shut J&J shots down. So the numbers are not adding up: there are a LOT more cases than they are admitting. They may not all be the same: there is some fainting after the shots, in large numbers of people, which has shut down whole clinics in several states in the last few days. That could be mass hysteria by people worried about these shots -------- or something worse.

I'm hoping this stops the "vaccine passports" business and all the calls to require everyone to carry smartphones with all their health data on them, and all the other proposed government atrocities we are hearing about from the leftists.

I'd like to see them make the vaccines voluntary (and the masks, and the lockdowns, and all the other orders against us) and let everyone just go back to business as normal. They can't stop this epidemic -- duh.
Phizer and moderna need to be halted also. Thousands of deaths, hundreds of thousand of adverse reactions. Thats just from the govt reporting site, VAERS, which historically only accounts for 1 percent of adverse reactions and deaths.
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Now it seems the US Government has halted the shot.
You had better fucking be right about this. I'm about to go receive mine.
It's all over our local news this morning. We had a big shot clinic planned for today with the J&J shot and it has been pulled.

As I stated MONTHS ago. No way in hell I'm taking a shot who's long term effects are unknown.
Now it seems the US Government has halted the shot.
You had better fucking be right about this. I'm about to go receive mine.

Now it seems the US Government has halted the shot.
You had better fucking be right about this. I'm about to go receive mine.

I saw that the first time.
Now it seems the US Government has halted the shot.
You had better fucking be right about this. I'm about to go receive mine.
It's all over our local news this morning. We had a big shot clinic planned for today with the J&J shot and it has been pulled.

As I stated MONTHS ago. No way in hell I'm taking a shot who's long term effects are unknown.
The pharmacy called me and told me. Sorry i was short with you but I never know what to believe here.

So blood clots in the brains eh?

But you gotta get vaccinated RIGHT NOW!
Who knew that developing a vaccine at "Warp Speed" might have some hiccups..........................
Geez...the Xiden/Harris regime can f-up a wet dream...they get handed the vaccine, and a smoothly operating and this is what happens.

You have to wonder if Xiden and Harris are doing this intentionally at this point

So blood clots in the brains eh?

But you gotta get vaccinated RIGHT NOW!
My husband (had covid dec/jan) has had some issues (his lungs--he had glass lungs thanks to the doctors f'ing up in december) since----He just got back from his pulmonary doctor this morning. My husband is now allowed to get the vaccine if he wants but the pulmonary doctor absolutely f'ing not on the J and J brand as it would likely cause blood clots in his lungs.

So blood clots in the brains eh?

But you gotta get vaccinated RIGHT NOW!
Who knew that developing a vaccine at "Warp Speed" might have some hiccups..........................

Yep, only thing Biden can do at "Warp Speed" is screw things up.

So blood clots in the brains eh?

But you gotta get vaccinated RIGHT NOW!
Who knew that developing a vaccine at "Warp Speed" might have some hiccups..........................

When you're pushing a new technology never before tested on humans..............yeah. There was a reason it never made it to human trials after all the mice, cats, and ferrets died. But, the pharmas got what they wanted. Human guinea pigs. The ones taking the shot are the experiment while the ones refusing are the control.

So blood clots in the brains eh?

But you gotta get vaccinated RIGHT NOW!
Who knew that developing a vaccine at "Warp Speed" might have some hiccups..........................
And there it is....the blame Trump route has been discovered lol.
But wait, I thought Trump couldn't take credit for the vaccines? Make up your damn narratives and stick to it would ya!

So blood clots in the brains eh?

But you gotta get vaccinated RIGHT NOW!
Who knew that developing a vaccine at "Warp Speed" might have some hiccups..........................
And there it is....the blame Trump route has been discovered lol.
But wait, I thought Trump couldn't take credit for the vaccines? Make up your damn narratives and stick to it would ya!
NOW J&J can be Trump's vaccine by Dim logic right??

So blood clots in the brains eh?

But you gotta get vaccinated RIGHT NOW!
Who knew that developing a vaccine at "Warp Speed" might have some hiccups..........................
And there it is....the blame Trump route has been discovered lol.
But wait, I thought Trump couldn't take credit for the vaccines? Make up your damn narratives and stick to it would ya!

He had nothing to do with their development, but he sure has hell pushed them to get the vaccines out quickly, and tried to force them into taking shortcuts, now didn't he.

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