U.S. Energy Dept. Lab leak most likely source of Covid.

Doesn't mean he put the leadership in place did he? It's all part of a coverup anyway, this stuff most likely started in Ukraine with Fauci and then went to China
I really do try to keep up the the RW conspiracy thingies, but it aint easy.
Fauci: No scientific evidence the coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab

That was Fauci saying it didn't come from a lab.

I'm not a RWer but I've noted the facts we know in these threads more than once. We know emplyee's of the labs are among the very first people to get hospitalized. We know now despite Fauci's lies, this is what the lab was doing.

Why would Fauci initially lie about this?
Why would he not? The department he has headed for decades provided funding to the Wuhan Laboratory.
The report, however, reaffirmed an existing consensus between that Covid-19 wasn’t the result of a Chinese biological-weapons programme, sources told WSJ

I do think it was just incompetence, but I will call Bullshit that they weren't running a bio-warfare lab there by the prison.
One more time. Quit saying Fauci said the virus was not from the lab. Because now you know it is not true.
Come on. There isn't a position out there that Fauci did not take. Initially, he said that masks were useless against COVID-19. He did an excellent job for many years but maybe he was too old to handle Covid. In the sunset of his career, suddenly he was in the limelight and, like President Biden, wasn't up to the task.
A tragic error is a reasonable explanation

The claim that China intentionally developed COVID to release it on the world makes no sense
Of the superpowers I think China is the only one that always attempts to act in its own best interest. China takes the long view. Russia and US go all crazy sometimes and do things to satiate the citizens politically. The Chinese just run over theirs with tanks and do what they think is best for the Communist Party or country. Covid accomplished nothing for the Chinese. I don't think even the right wingers can come up with some conspiracy the explain the intentional release of the virus.
Of the superpowers I think China is the only one that always attempts to act in its own best interest. China takes the long view. Russia and US go all crazy sometimes and do things to satiate the citizens politically. The Chinese just run over theirs with tanks and do what they think is best for the Communist Party or country. Covid accomplished nothing for the Chinese. I don't think even the right wingers can come up with some conspiracy the explain the intentional release of the virus.
China’s Government just like the U.S. and Russia would use its, own people, in a Control Experiment and would explain how the virus went wrong and spread.
Of the superpowers I think China is the only one that always attempts to act in its own best interest. China takes the long view. Russia and US go all crazy sometimes and do things to satiate the citizens politically. The Chinese just run over theirs with tanks and do what they think is best for the Communist Party or country. Covid accomplished nothing for the Chinese. I don't think even the right wingers can come up with some conspiracy the explain the intentional release of the virus.

I can see China researching the virus

But to intentionally release it when your own people face the worst consequences makes no sense
Why do you think the Chinese would intentionally create a virus that kills more in their country than anywhere in the world?
Don’t you think they would have had a vaccine ready before it was released?
^^ “wHy wOuLd cOmMuNiStS wAnT to mUrDeR tHeiR oWn pEoPLe? tHaT hAs nEvEr hApPeNeD bEfOrE!”

Zheng-li Shi took the WIV database offline in Sept 2019, virus targeting elderly and obese.
I doubt it was a leak and more likely a control test that went wrong.

That would be a leak, but yes they simply lost control. For all the noise about their alleged
brains' they rely almost totally on western research and tech for 'progress'. We shut down their spying here, start prosecuting corporations for giving away militarily useful tech and selling them satellites and other gear, and they go back to stagnating and atavistic dumbassery.
Masks don't work, the vaccine kills, Democrats cheated in the election in 2020, and 2022
Masks do work, and were the best science at the time, the vaccine is safe and effective, and Trump lost. I am sure in your reality there really is a Santa Clause.
Most are unaware that Zheng-li Shi made a Worobey connection in Sept 2019, nor even why that's significant. That HPV vaccine links to The Elf's crony Offit and the DOE, or that both the DOE and Yong-Zhen Zhang, first to sequence SARS2, is also significant for HPV vaccine. So it was decided that these concepts be posted to a DOE thread to help keep the prisoners in the dark.
I believe the department of Energy, i don't trust anything the Biden team says, or you for that matter. You are a Democrat, and by default can't be trusted to say or do anything honestly, that enough for you. See if you just had an opinion it would be one thing, but you have swallowed the democrat hook, line, and sinker, and run with it, you are a danger to good and decent society.
Who the fuck do you think appointed the head of the dept of Energy? God? LOL

While we are on the subject... who do you think appointed Fauci to the Coronavirus task force in 2020?

So, back to my question, which you still have not answered... Do you idiots believe Biden's team over your orange fuhrer's team? Yes or No?

Answer the question. Prove to me you are not a cowardly retard. I'll bet you won't because you are a coward. But hey, prove me wrong. Go.
Truthfully I think we knew this from the beginning and even then we will still refuse to look at the big picture and ask questions surrounding the entire mess.

WSJ News Exclusive | Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, U.S. Agency Now Says
Well, there certainly were suspicions but the wall of resistance the government put in place basically shouted people down and then ruined their lives if they wouldn't buy the propaganda. The next pandemic that pops up, that same government is going to find that unless their citizens PERSONALLY witness friends and neighbors dropping dead around them, they are going to resist by ignoring these power hungry scum.

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