U.S. Catholic Leaders to Hold Meeting on Denying Biden Communion Over Anti-Catholic Actions

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Red State ^ | 06/14/2021 | Brandon Morse
Posted on 6/14/2021, 10:25:50 PM by SeekAndFind

Biden likes to talk a big Catholic game when he’s campaigning, but like most Democrats, the moment power is achieved is the moment that Catholicism gets tossed out of the window. As a result, American bishops are going to have a meeting to discuss whether or not he should be denied Holy Communion.

According to Fox News, the meeting between the bishops will take place virtually and talk about, not only Biden but any politician who embraces any stances that run contrary to Catholicism’s teachings:

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) will hold their annual meeting, virtually, from Wednesday through Friday, during which they will decided whether or not to ask the Committee on Doctrine to draft a teaching document on the topic of Communion, Reuters reported.
Some leaders in the church believe that Biden should not be allowed to receive the sacrament, which is central to the Catholic faith. Other high-profile politicians could suffer a similar punishment over their political stances if the debate should go in favor of such a strict move.
One big issue that Biden has given the church is his stances and actions on abortion access. Biden’s Catholicism doesn’t seem to be playing a part in his decision-making when he decided to lift federal restrictions on human fetal tissue and allowing abortion clinics to receive federal grants.

“How can he say he’s a devout Catholic and he’s doing these things that are contrary to the church’s teaching?” asked Archbishop Joseph Naumann according to The Guardian.

Naumann chairs the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ committee on pro-life activities, and commented that Biden’s stances and actions on abortion underline a “grave moral evil.”

Cardinal Raymond Burke said that politicians who “publicly and obstinately” support abortion are “apostates” who should be excommunicated, not just denied communion.

Biden’s defense of his actions is a very “have your cake and eat it to” excuse. He says that he’s a devout Catholic who believes life starts at conception but says that since others may not believe this that it’s not something he’s going to force on others.

“What I’m not prepared to do is impose a precise view that is borne out of my faith on other people,” he said in 2015.

Oddly, he doesn’t share this same midset about federal funding for abortions and is more than willing to use taxpayer dollars to help fund abortions whether taxpayers like it or not.

Other Catholic leaders have risen to Biden’s defense.

“The proposal to exclude Biden and all election officials who support legal abortion from communion is an effort on the part of conservative bishops to shore up their base of regular Mass-goers who are the lifeblood of the church,” said Andrew Chesnut, professor of religious studies at Virginia Commonwealth University. “But exclusionary ecclesial policies will only lead to greater defection from the pews, especially among Millennials and Generation Z.”

This is a backward take on how Christianity works. Christianity is immovable and maintains principles based on words handed down from God. It doesn’t conform to younger generations in order to get them interested.

According to The Hill, the Vatican has already warned these bishops not to deny Biden communion over abortion.

“The concern in the Vatican is not to use access to the Eucharist as a political weapon,” Antonio Spadaro, Jesuit priest, and ally of the pope told the New York Times.

An argument can be made that it’s not being used as a weapon, so much as making sure that the church not punishing this actual act against Catholic teachings isn’t seen as a tacit endorsement. The church could lead on the issue by seeing to it that when the question is asked how the church feels about abortion, the answer is clear and present.

However, it seems the church is currently more concerned about giving off a certain look in today’s political climate than anything else.


Of course if it happens watch for large Catholic churches in major cities to be burned to the ground.
According to the story, the Vatican has already told these bishops that its fine for political leaders to back the Abortion Rackets.

Unless Francis has a change of heart on the matter, guys like Cardinal Burke are likely to get excommed themselves if they took action on this.
Biden will funnel millions to Catholic charities to place all the illegal aliens he is enticing to come here. That'll entitle him to kill as many babies as he wants. Just don't let that money stream dry up.
This is a perfect demonstration of why I left the RCC. I will never accept authoritarianism and rule by a small group of hand-picked males.

My mother used to tell me to stay with it, but she was wrong. I have never seen any movement toward change. It just got its claws into her young. Fortunately, my father knew the score. Before I was old enough to drive, he was happy to drive me any place that I wanted to go on Sunday morning. He said that he was happy that I had an interest in spiritual matters and had to make up my mind for myself.

I am very pleased that Biden, whatever his personal beliefs may be, knows that he has no right to impose them on others by abusing his official powers.
This is a perfect demonstration of why I left the RCC. I will never accept authoritarianism and rule by a small group of hand-picked males.

My mother used to tell me to stay with it, but she was wrong. I have never seen any movement toward change. It just got its claws into her young. Fortunately, my father knew the score. Before I was old enough to drive, he was happy to drive me any place that I wanted to go on Sunday morning. He said that he was happy that I had an interest in spiritual matters and had to make up my mind for myself.

I am very pleased that Biden, whatever his personal beliefs may be, knows that he has no right to impose them on others by abusing his official powers.

Shouldn't Biden leave the Catholic Church, if he doesn't agree with the Sanctity of Life and other key dogmas?

Good for you that you quit, but why is Sleepy Joe staying if he thinks Abortion and Gay Marriage are so hunkydory?

If someone changes their mind and decides Gun Control is tremendous, should they quit the NRA or stay and try and change the organization's views?
Joe Biden is a bad Catholic who is going to hell. Denying him Communion would be a public acknowledgement of that fact.
In other news, the Vatican said it was wrong to withhold communion from Himmler and his death-camp operatives.
It is always curious as to why people complain that the church won't change and become more modern and accepting. The entire point of the Catholic church is that it won't change.
G.I. JOE BIDEN - the newborn infant slayer is a murderer and a thief

however, it is the local Catholic Church where he attends here in the USA that is considering denying him communion.

The Vatican / Rome will never deny G.I. JOE BIDEN - the newborn infant slayer

In fact, they support all Democrat politicians and encourage all Catholics to vote for these perverted politicians.

The Vatican has warned conservative American bishops to hit the brakes on their push to deny communion to politicians supportive of abortion rights — including President Biden.

Vatican Warns U.S. Bishops: Don’t Deny Biden Communion Over Abortion

Conservative American Catholic bishops are pressing for a debate over whether Catholics who support the right to an abortion should be allowed to take Communion.
Red State ^ | 06/14/2021 | Brandon Morse
Posted on 6/14/2021, 10:25:50 PM by SeekAndFind

Biden likes to talk a big Catholic game when he’s campaigning, but like most Democrats, the moment power is achieved is the moment that Catholicism gets tossed out of the window. As a result, American bishops are going to have a meeting to discuss whether or not he should be denied Holy Communion.

According to Fox News, the meeting between the bishops will take place virtually and talk about, not only Biden but any politician who embraces any stances that run contrary to Catholicism’s teachings:

One big issue that Biden has given the church is his stances and actions on abortion access. Biden’s Catholicism doesn’t seem to be playing a part in his decision-making when he decided to lift federal restrictions on human fetal tissue and allowing abortion clinics to receive federal grants.

“How can he say he’s a devout Catholic and he’s doing these things that are contrary to the church’s teaching?” asked Archbishop Joseph Naumann according to The Guardian.

Naumann chairs the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ committee on pro-life activities, and commented that Biden’s stances and actions on abortion underline a “grave moral evil.”

Cardinal Raymond Burke said that politicians who “publicly and obstinately” support abortion are “apostates” who should be excommunicated, not just denied communion.

Biden’s defense of his actions is a very “have your cake and eat it to” excuse. He says that he’s a devout Catholic who believes life starts at conception but says that since others may not believe this that it’s not something he’s going to force on others.

“What I’m not prepared to do is impose a precise view that is borne out of my faith on other people,” he said in 2015.

Oddly, he doesn’t share this same midset about federal funding for abortions and is more than willing to use taxpayer dollars to help fund abortions whether taxpayers like it or not.

Other Catholic leaders have risen to Biden’s defense.

“The proposal to exclude Biden and all election officials who support legal abortion from communion is an effort on the part of conservative bishops to shore up their base of regular Mass-goers who are the lifeblood of the church,” said Andrew Chesnut, professor of religious studies at Virginia Commonwealth University. “But exclusionary ecclesial policies will only lead to greater defection from the pews, especially among Millennials and Generation Z.”

This is a backward take on how Christianity works. Christianity is immovable and maintains principles based on words handed down from God. It doesn’t conform to younger generations in order to get them interested.

According to The Hill, the Vatican has already warned these bishops not to deny Biden communion over abortion.

“The concern in the Vatican is not to use access to the Eucharist as a political weapon,” Antonio Spadaro, Jesuit priest, and ally of the pope told the New York Times.

An argument can be made that it’s not being used as a weapon, so much as making sure that the church not punishing this actual act against Catholic teachings isn’t seen as a tacit endorsement. The church could lead on the issue by seeing to it that when the question is asked how the church feels about abortion, the answer is clear and present.

However, it seems the church is currently more concerned about giving off a certain look in today’s political climate than anything else.


Of course if it happens watch for large Catholic churches in major cities to be burned to the ground.
Church is not Holy. Doesn't the Pope know what a Blasphemer is? Jesus is the Father, not the Pope. The Pope wants people to be born for two reasons. 1l. To eventually bring in money, and 2. Have a choice in baby sacrifices in the vatican in rituals, keeping the traditions of the truth less Canaanites, and other nations that were against Israel. Nuns are used to make the sacrifices, had they run out of them. What we see is one evil person, saying how evil another person is. The church brought mammon. That made people to not do good to God and his children. The church causes whatever to be, and then says bad, bad, bad, being the one who caused bad to happen.
Blackrook has nothing to do with the Holy Catholic Church nor with the Christian religion (=rebound in god). He's exclusivelly only a political agitator.
To make something clear here: It's not president Joe Biden who aborts babies - it's you: the people of the USA. You have to change this - with or without the help of your president Joe Biden.

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