U.S. Appeals Court In Chicago Again Upholds Cook County AWB


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘A federal appeals court on Thursday upheld Cook County, Ill., gun laws, including a ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, affirming a lower court decision that found the regulations to be constitutional.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held that two gun owners, who sued over the gun control measures in the county where Chicago is located, "have not come forward with a compelling reason to revisit" since the last time the same court examined a similar challenge — out of the Chicago suburb of Highland Park, which was also sued after passing an assault weapons ban.

In that case, the 7th Circuit said that the Second Amendment "does not imperil every law regulating firearms."

In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to consider the case. That meant the appeals court's decision that local governments have latitude in regulating firearms stayed in place, and on Thursday, the three-judge panel refused to revisit that decision.’

U.S. Appeals Court In Chicago Again Upholds Laws Banning Assault Weapons

As long as the appellate courts remain in agreement that AWBs do not violate the Second Amendment, no such case will make its way the Supreme Court, and Second Amendment jurisprudence will continue to exclude the possession of assault weapons from the scope of Second Amendment protections.
Well...you can thank the pavement apes for this. Still won't make a shit load of anything. Give those fuckers sticks and they would still kill each other in droves.
Read your own link bed wetter:

The case can be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which has become more conservative since the justices rejected the Highland Park case in 2015.

The 9th and 7th "Circus" courts full of moonbats may all agree, but the SCOTUS may still take up the case to settle the issue. The point of the 2nd Amendment is to ensure the citizens have ample weaponry to resist government gone awry, invasion by foreign governments or hordes of whatever enemies threaten the Constitutional Republic.It has been ruled in the US Vs. Miller and brought up in Heller that common equipment of military grade is covered by the 2nd A protections.

Furthermore, once Ginsburg and Breyer are gone, it's 7-2.

Put that in your glue bottle and huff it.

‘A federal appeals court on Thursday upheld Cook County, Ill., gun laws, including a ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, affirming a lower court decision that found the regulations to be constitutional.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held that two gun owners, who sued over the gun control measures in the county where Chicago is located, "have not come forward with a compelling reason to revisit" since the last time the same court examined a similar challenge — out of the Chicago suburb of Highland Park, which was also sued after passing an assault weapons ban.

In that case, the 7th Circuit said that the Second Amendment "does not imperil every law regulating firearms."

In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to consider the case. That meant the appeals court's decision that local governments have latitude in regulating firearms stayed in place, and on Thursday, the three-judge panel refused to revisit that decision.’

U.S. Appeals Court In Chicago Again Upholds Laws Banning Assault Weapons

As long as the appellate courts remain in agreement that AWBs do not violate the Second Amendment, no such case will make its way the Supreme Court, and Second Amendment jurisprudence will continue to exclude the possession of assault weapons from the scope of Second Amendment protections.

And next weekend boys and girls criminals will kill again in Chi-town while ignoring the law...

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