U.N. says Earth is too close to the Sun already

Get ready for mass executions via starvation. Ready? Well, ready or not, here it comes. We tried to warn everyone. The left will be gnashing their teeth.

They actually think they will be benefitting from this marxism they have ushered in.

Get ready.
And we'll pretend man-kind can do something about it for idiocy, profits & public debt, and they'll take our freedoms away in the process.

I am actually surprised the UN hasn't blamed Israel and the United States for this yet.
And we'll pretend man-kind can do something about it for idiocy, profits & public debt, and they'll take our freedoms away in the process.

Nowhere in this article does it say that the earth is moving closer to the sun.

You are a LYING BAG OF SHIT!!!!

And we'll pretend man-kind can do something about it for idiocy, profits & public debt, and they'll take our freedoms away in the process.

Nowhere in this article does it say that the earth is moving closer to the sun.

You are a LYING BAG OF SHIT!!!!


Poor baby, I never said it did but now you have your panties in a bunch anyway. You're approaching your complete sex change already, hormones are kicking in.

This is what we are dealing with.

How many know that the so called "HOLE IN THE OZONE" has been fixed?

Anyone know that it has been fixed. Yes, THEY claim the MONTREAL PROTOCOL fixed the hole that didn't exist. However THEY take credit for it.

That's how they do it and will do it. Blame capitalism for everything, which is code for war against FAITHFUL followers of Christ.

They will at some point, AFTER all executions are done, Christianity eliminated (capitalism) claim that cured THE global warming.
The problem with global leaders is their reputation is toast. It continues to slide aggressively since the Covid "leadership" lead by the W.H.O and the climate issue has been promoted for the last 50 years or more.

Another issue I keep raising, "What in the hell was the Paris Accord for?!?!?!" We were told that this would solve it all' "God bless all the worlds taxpayers, we are saved, thank you'! Then a week later they are demanding MORE?! If the Paris Accord doesn't solve it, then everyone should withdraw.

it's never enough. It's crooked. There may come a time Communist China will be respected more because they sometimes tell the global leaders "no". Think about that for a moment.

There may come a time Communist China will be respected more because they sometimes tell the global leaders "no". Think about that for a moment.

Oh absolutely....orientals and Asian people in particular will indeed inherit the earth....

And we'll pretend man-kind can do something about it for idiocy, profits & public debt, and they'll take our freedoms away in the process.

Ahhh...a slip of the truth comes out again. YES, the sun is what is actually warming us up---(well cement and asphalt raise local temperatures as well)...

They know their Carbon credit scam is all bullshit.
And we'll pretend man-kind can do something about it for idiocy, profits & public debt, and they'll take our freedoms away in the process.

I'm sure Biden will say "oh it's because of too many people driving gasoline cars at once and they are changing the rotation of the earth and spinning it towards the sun".

But seriously, keep temperature in check?

Does no one pick up a science book where we know earth has had a world wide drought and a ice age millions of years before man even showed up? Hell 350 million years ago Antarctica was a continent and not frozen. But our pollution effected the past somehow?
They're fucking playing their hand full of Jokers wild though right? Fuck, I paid $6 a gallon in Sac yesterday. Unbelievable.

Democrats are great, love me the Democracks
They're fucking playing their hand full of Jokers wild though right? Fuck, I paid $6 a gallon in Sac yesterday. Unbelievable.

Democrats are great, love me the Democracks
I lived in Modesto for near 50 years. Went back for a visit last week. It will be a loooooong time before I set foot in CA again.

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