U.K. government is interested in joining NAFTA, or whatever it becomes, Brexit leader says


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
What this really means is, Big Brother England realizes that if NAFTA ends, British ability to influence, steal and spy on U.S companies via Canada will be drastically reduced. Therefore, "hey, here's an idea, why don't we join you guys and save NAFTA!?"

Canada can't be trusted. The British security apparatus is far too intertwined with Canada to trust in such an agreement, and just as neo-communist. Though their healthcare system makes our look comical.

To me, the U,S should be looking at a trade deal with Japan. A bi-lateral deal that would bring together a great deal of innovation.

U.K. government is interested in joining NAFTA, or whatever it becomes, Brexit leader says

BRUSSELS — A British politician who pushed for Brexit says he believes the U.K. government is interested in joining NAFTA, or whatever becomes of it.

Daniel Hannan spoke to the Post in Brussels about the prospect of a cross-Atlantic free trade zone even as a fourth round of North American Free Trade Agreement talks ramps up in the United States.

The member of European Parliament and British Conservative said he senses openness to trade deals from both the American and Canadian administrations. Despite growing protectionism south of the border, which Hannah says “needs to be rebutted,” President Donald Trump seems keenly interested in working with Britain.

“(The administration is) hesitant on trade but weirdly enthusiastic about trade with the U.K. It’s the one positive in this administration,” he said. “Donald Trump misses no opportunity to say, you know, he puts it always in his language, ‘it’s going to be a great, beautiful, fantastic, amazing trade deal with the U.K.’”

Meanwhile, Canada seems positive towards a free trade deal with Britain. Following a recent meeting between Prime Ministers Justin Trudeau and Theresa May in Ottawa, the leaders shared optimism the Canada-EU free trade deal, CETA, could morph into a bilateral agreement post-Brexit.
The UK is desperately flailing after the Brexit debacle. It's no wonder they're begging for new friends.

Brexit was about sovereignty and immigration control in particular. The failure to keep Britain in the E.U is solely on the shoulders of Germany.

Can you blame Britain for wanting to go it's own way? How arrogant was the E.U to dictate to one of the greatest empire in history, and a proud people.

Regardless. Economically BREXIT can't be a good thing, at least in the short term.
The U.K. will always have U.S. support, no matter how much they grumble, snipe, and condescend to us. Trump is gaga for the U.K. because somehow, Americans have been trained to love the English, despite the English hating them by and large. It's kind of an abusive long-distance relationship we have going on.

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