Types of Gun Grabbers (by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms):

Did you find these JPFO descriptions to be accurate and inclusive of all gun Grabbers?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
I read this article today, and I thought to re-order the named 'types' of gun grabbers not in the order of their malicious intent, but in the order of their share of the gun grabbing population, from greatest to least (in the United States).

Type One: THE DYSFUNCTIONALLY UNWORLDLY (the ones the Gruber-esque politicians target) ~
They comprise of approximately 90% of the gun grabbing population in the United States (but the LEAST in ravaged failed states who have been ruined by criminal governments).

However, there are no USMB gun grabbers that fall under this category, USMB gun grabbers all admit that the world is a terrible place. People like hazlnut might be an exception. However, they are generally regarded as trolls (at worst or pitiful morons (at best), since they fly the Flag of Islam with gay pride colors.

The following definition is likely an accurate description of most gun grabbers you know in real life (like a friend or family member, or just some random person in Starbucks). Sometime these people are so sheltered that it's even risky to discuss the topic with them and or you even FAKE that you agree with them, because they will become verbally abusive in order to retain their own virgin image of the world among their own mind.

Just as a limb will weaken and atrophy if not used, so will aspects of the mind fail to develop if nothing in one’s environment exists to challenge them. People who have led excessively sheltered lives tend to have a difficult time understanding certain cause and effect relationships and an even harder time appreciating just how cruel the world can be. These dysfunctionally unworldly types are truly perplexed at the very notion of firearms ownership with regard to defense. To them, tyranny and crime are things that happen in other places far removed from their "civilized" universe. Also, they do not understand the value of private property and why some people would fight for theirs since they never had to work hard to acquire what they possess...

... It is what permits the other nine Amendments in the Bill of Rights to be more than mere hollow phrases on a piece of paper. Its free exercise is the antithesis of serfdom and the only meaningful form of holocaust insurance known to man.

However, there is great news about this type of person. When SHTF, they won't matter. Whether they agree with the government, the new local warlord or even you, they don't matter. They don't actually get involved for any side, even the the side they privately agree with. They just go with the flow, whether its Jesus Christ or Adolf Hitler.


These make up about 5% of the population (if overlap with Type One is not included). However, they make up nearly 2/3 of the USMB gun grabbing population. They are cowards, but IRONICALLY those who side with the most powerful ARMED group...which is the Federal Government. They have no principles or morals, but they do desire safety...safety from the most powerfully armed group. To achieve this safety they conform and comply with them, and act as their AGENTS (voluntarily) to eliminate opposition. Noomi is a classic example of this type on USMB and theDoctorisIn

There is also terrible news about this type of person, when SHTF, they matter the most, even more than armed federal mercenaries. They are the eyes and ears of the Tyranny during SHTF. Pre-SHTF (like right now), they think that being loyal internet warriors for the elite will grant them immunity from the tyrants during and after SHTF, and for the most part, they will indeed be rewarded with immunity, so long as they comply with One Child Policies (forced abortions 'for the environment!') and choking on smog (not so environmental huh?) like in Red China. They might even be pardoned for very minor offenses if they demonstrate their unwavering loyalty towards the Party of the Great Society.

Cowards by definition are easily or excessively frightened by things and situations that are recognized as dangerous, difficult, or painful. It therefore stands to reason that the mere thought of guns and the circumstances in which they are employed causes them abnormal amounts of stress. Rather than admit their weakness to themselves or others, some fearful types jump on the anti-gun bandwagon and purport moral superiority to those "barbaric"enough to employ lethal force against armed assailants by claiming various humanitarian and pragmatic motives for allowing evil to remain unchecked. In reality, many of these individuals harbor an envy induced resentment toward anyone with the means, skill, and will to successfully stand up to criminal aggression.


This is actually the least represented group in REALITY, but there are many Authoritarians and Elites that pretend to be in this category. In fact, I have a hard believing that any person wielding political power (such as a political office or media person) falls into this category, which by definition would mean that this group is an empty set. However, many RHINOS would fall into this group since we can't prove that they are actually aware of the consequences of gun control. The same applies to RHINO USMB members (although I considered them liberals in actuality, and since I believe this is an EMPTY SET in reality, there's no pointing in naming them, because they will use chameleon skills of deception and evasion to deny they are gun grabbers).

Ideological chameleons follow the simple social strategy of avoiding controversy and confrontation by espousing the beliefs of the people in their immediate vicinity or advocating the philosophy of those who scream the loudest in a debate. Quite a few supposedly pro Second Amendment public officials have shown themselves to be ideological chameleons when they supported restrictions on the private possession of military style semiautomatic rifles following recent atrocities in which such firearms were employed. Like their reptilian namesake, people who merely blend in with the ambient philosophical foliage seem to have little insight into the moral and social ramifications of their actions. Political and/or economic gain along with avoidance of confrontation are their only goals.

Type Four: Elitists (Authoritarians, Criminals and Security Monopolists).

And finally, I consider the following and final types to all be ONE TYPE in REALITY, and they make up the remaining 1/3 of the USMB Gun Grabbing population (like JoeB131 and PaintMyHouse and Lakhota )

First, Authoritarians are a subset of Elitists, name one real-world Authoritarians that wasn't an elitist...?
Second, Security Monopolists are a subset of Elitists. They seek to be the Elite of Security, and will trample on the rights of others to Secure their Elite.

Third: Outlaws (criminals). Outlaws are simply elite groups that do not ANSWER to the Law (the rules of the Elite). Outlaws follow their own Law (by their own Elite). They are simply a parallel but smaller group. So long as they don't make war on the Government (biggest armed group), they'll be left alone...mostly. This is because Outlaws carry guns. Therefore Outlaws are also a subset of the Elite.

Outlaws are (in mathematical terms) the Disjoint Set. Let Set A be the group comprising of persons in every elite on Earth. Let Set B be the group of all persons in every Government Elite on Earth. Let Set C be the group A - B (all persons in every non-government elite on Earth).

So let's just call them ... ELITISTS

The bad news about this type is that they are the ones pulling the strings, even if they are acting through paid agents (like in USMB). The good news is that they are the least threatening if Type Two Gun Grabbers (Loyalists) can be neutralized (like during the American Revolution). This is mostly accomplished by an Armed Citizenry displaying that they are the Superior Armed Group (moreso than the federal government). This is why a disarmed a population is permanently enslaved, because they can never peacefully (or violently) neutralized Type Two Gun Grabbers.

In fact, when an Armed Citizenry displays that they are the Superior Armed Force when Restoring the Rule of Law (like in Athens, Tennessee) the Type Two Gun Grabbers are the ones most likely to publicly proclaim support for their cause (they are the Real Chameleons) in order to escape punishment for their treason against the People.

The quickest way to neutralize Type Two Gun Grabbers is start a revolution with a BIG EVENT where you UNQUESTIONABLY have the moral high-ground. The Battle of Athens, Tennessee is a good example. In the future (for the United States) this moral high-ground will come from a major slug fest with federal or state law enforcement when a local police department decides NOT to take the local people's houses and businesses for eminent domain (on behalf of a private corporation) or for a failure to pay ludicrous and unreasonable taxes. The Bundy Ranch is a good example here. To all those Type Two Gun Grabbers on USMB, the only reason the feds didn't "do a Waco/Ruby Ridge" on the Bundy Ranch, was because slaughtering Americans for the collection of "desert tortoise taxes" would have gone over 100x worse than the murder and choking of Eric Garner for the collection of "tobacco taxes."

Many of those in favor of oppressive firearms legislation are are best classed as elitists. Elitists frequently identify with a peer group based on wealth, power, rank, social status, occupation, education, ethnic group, etc. and perceive themselves and their peers as inherently superior to and more responsible than the "common people", thus more deserving of certain rights. Since elitists practically consider those outside their class or caste as members of another species, that most anti-elitist list of laws, the Bill of Rights is viewed by them as anathema. Naturally, the Second Amendment is their first target as it serves as the supporting structure for other nine amendments.

Another type of individual who favors the restriction of private gun ownership is the authoritarian. Authoritarian personalities are characterized by their belief in unquestioning obedience to an authority figure or group and a disdain for individual freedom of action, expression, and judgement. Those with authoritarian personalities function well in symbiosis with elitists occupying positions of power. Because authoritarians repress their desires for autonomy
they harbor a deep resentment toward free and independent thinkers. Of course authoritarians do not want firearms in the hands of the general population as this constitutes a major obstacle to fulfilling their pathological and obsessive desire to control people.[/quote]

Security monopolists are those members and representatives of public and private security providing concerns who want the means of self protection out of private hands so that they can command high fees for protecting the citizenry against the rising tide of crime. These profiteers stand to loose a great deal of capital if citizens can efficiently defend themselves. To the security monopolist, each criminal who enters and exits the revolving door of justice is a renewable source of revenue providing jobs for police, social workers, victim counsellors, judges, prison employees, security guards, burglar alarm installers, locksmiths, and others employed by the security monopolies or their satellite organizations.
No wonder it is so common for an honest citizen to be more ruthlessly hounded by the authorities when he shoots a criminal in self defense than a criminal who shoots honest citizens.

It goes without saying that career criminals would like to see the public disarmed for obvious reasons. A well-armed population makes crimes such as assault, robbery, and burglary hazardous for the perpetrator and this is bad for "business." Also, it would seem that even non-violent or "white collar" criminals live in constant fear of retribution from the public that they financially bleed and would therefore prefer that the public be disarmed. Evidence supporting this hypothesis can be gathered by studying the Second Amendment voting records of those legislators who have been convicted of willful misconduct.
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So what brought you to that conclusion?

I'm curious.

It's simple, if SHTF and the Patriots won the revolution, you'd change your tune very quickly and support us, in fear of being punished for your previous support of the tyrants.

At the current moment, you think the Feds will win if SHTF, that is why you were against Bundy (and you were against him long before his remarks on blacks came about, and those remarks actually had nothing to do with the Bundy Ranch and taxes for desert tortoises)).

You don't side with the people who are right, you side with those who are strongest. And not because you're foolish enough to think that you'll be a part of their elite, but because you fear them. You're too smart to be a Type One Gun Grabber.

People like myself know that every time we make an internet post against the Federal Tyranny gripping this nation, we add one more nail to our coffins (if we lose a SHTF scenario). Even if were were to "sit it out" and "not get involved" in the fight against the Tyranny of the United States, the NSA would quickly locate all internet posters like myself, and round us up and kill us. In fact, we'd probably live longer fighting than we would "sitting it out."

Who lived longest? The Jews in ghettos, who decided to "sit it out" or the armed Jews that escaped into the forests?
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So what brought you to that conclusion?

I'm curious.

It's simple, if SHTF and the Patriots won the revolution, you'd change your tune very quickly and support us, in fear of being punished for your previous support of the tyrants.

At the current moment, you think the Feds will win if SHTF, that is why you were against Bundy (and you were against him long before his remarks on blacks came about, and those remarks actually had nothing to do with the Bundy Ranch and taxes for desert tortoises)).

You don't side with the people who are right, you side with those who are strongest. And not because you're foolish enough to think that you'll be a part of their elite, but because you fear them. You're too smart to be a Type One Gun Grabber.

People like myself know that every time we make an internet post against the Federal Tyranny gripping this nation, we add one more nail to our coffins (if we lose a SHTF scenario). Even if were were to "sit it out" and "not get involved" in the fight against the Tyranny of the United States, the NSA would quickly locate all internet posters like myself, and round us up and kill us. In fact, we'd probably live longer fighting than we would "sitting it out."

Who lived longest? The Jews in ghettos, who decided to "sit it out" or the armed Jews that escaped into the forests?


This is what I meant, by the way.

Let me give you a little reality check:


Not a single person in the government gives the slightest little shit about you. No one is going to come for you, no one is tracking you, no one is going to kill you. You're really not important enough.

The "revolution" you dream about will never happen. The "sides" you see exist only in your head. Your entire view of reality is twisted to fit a narrative worthy of a shitty summer blockbuster that exists only in your head.

Needless to say, your weird fantasies of what my mindset is are just silly.
Not a single person in the government gives the slightest little shit about you.

Have you ever seen what happens to Chinese peons that speak against their government online?]

In a SHTF and post-SHTF (if feds win) scenario, the NSA logs and lists will identify us all with ease.

You don't really think that Utah Data Center was built for foreign terrorists, do you?
Not a single person in the government gives the slightest little shit about you.

Have you ever seen what happens to Chinese peons that speak against their government online?]

In a SHTF and post-SHTF (if feds win) scenario, the NSA logs and lists will identify us all with ease.

You don't really think that Utah Data Center was built for foreign terrorists, do you?

The "SHTF scenario" is a figment of your imagination. It's never going to happen, no matter how much you hope and dream.
The myth of the 'gun grabber' is among the more bizarre lies most conservatives seek to propagate.

The sad thing is that so many conservatives have been lying about so many things for such a long time now that they've forgotten what the truth actually is.
The myth of the 'gun grabber' is among the more bizarre lies most conservatives seek to propagate.

The sad thing is that so many conservatives have been lying about so many things for such a long time now that they've forgotten what the truth actually is.
It's no myth, twinkle toes.
Look at NY and CA. Esp NY. They first registered "assault weapons" and then moved to confiscate. That is always the pattern.
I read this article today, and I thought to re-order the named 'types' of gun grabbers not in the order of their malicious intent, but in the order of their share of the gun grabbing population, from greatest to least (in the United States).

Type One: THE DYSFUNCTIONALLY UNWORLDLY (the ones the Gruber-esque politicians target) ~
They comprise of approximately 90% of the gun grabbing population in the United States (but the LEAST in ravaged failed states who have been ruined by criminal governments).

However, there are no USMB gun grabbers that fall under this category, USMB gun grabbers all admit that the world is a terrible place. People like hazlnut might be an exception. However, they are generally regarded as trolls (at worst or pitiful morons (at best), since they fly the Flag of Islam with gay pride colors.

The following definition is likely an accurate description of most gun grabbers you know in real life (like a friend or family member, or just some random person in Starbucks). Sometime these people are so sheltered that it's even risky to discuss the topic with them and or you even FAKE that you agree with them, because they will become verbally abusive in order to retain their own virgin image of the world among their own mind.

Just as a limb will weaken and atrophy if not used, so will aspects of the mind fail to develop if nothing in one’s environment exists to challenge them. People who have led excessively sheltered lives tend to have a difficult time understanding certain cause and effect relationships and an even harder time appreciating just how cruel the world can be. These dysfunctionally unworldly types are truly perplexed at the very notion of firearms ownership with regard to defense. To them, tyranny and crime are things that happen in other places far removed from their "civilized" universe. Also, they do not understand the value of private property and why some people would fight for theirs since they never had to work hard to acquire what they possess...

... It is what permits the other nine Amendments in the Bill of Rights to be more than mere hollow phrases on a piece of paper. Its free exercise is the antithesis of serfdom and the only meaningful form of holocaust insurance known to man.

However, there is great news about this type of person. When SHTF, they won't matter. Whether they agree with the government, the new local warlord or even you, they don't matter. They don't actually get involved for any side, even the the side they privately agree with. They just go with the flow, whether its Jesus Christ or Adolf Hitler.


These make up about 5% of the population (if overlap with Type One is not included). However, they make up nearly 2/3 of the USMB gun grabbing population. They are cowards, but IRONICALLY those who side with the most powerful ARMED group...which is the Federal Government. They have no principles or morals, but they do desire safety...safety from the most powerfully armed group. To achieve this safety they conform and comply with them, and act as their AGENTS (voluntarily) to eliminate opposition. Noomi is a classic example of this type on USMB and theDoctorisIn

There is also terrible news about this type of person, when SHTF, they matter the most, even more than armed federal mercenaries. They are the eyes and ears of the Tyranny during SHTF. Pre-SHTF (like right now), they think that being loyal internet warriors for the elite will grant them immunity from the tyrants during and after SHTF, and for the most part, they will indeed be rewarded with immunity, so long as they comply with One Child Policies (forced abortions 'for the environment!') and choking on smog (not so environmental huh?) like in Red China. They might even be pardoned for very minor offenses if they demonstrate their unwavering loyalty towards the Party of the Great Society.

Cowards by definition are easily or excessively frightened by things and situations that are recognized as dangerous, difficult, or painful. It therefore stands to reason that the mere thought of guns and the circumstances in which they are employed causes them abnormal amounts of stress. Rather than admit their weakness to themselves or others, some fearful types jump on the anti-gun bandwagon and purport moral superiority to those "barbaric"enough to employ lethal force against armed assailants by claiming various humanitarian and pragmatic motives for allowing evil to remain unchecked. In reality, many of these individuals harbor an envy induced resentment toward anyone with the means, skill, and will to successfully stand up to criminal aggression.


This is actually the least represented group in REALITY, but there are many Authoritarians and Elites that pretend to be in this category. In fact, I have a hard believing that any person wielding political power (such as a political office or media person) falls into this category, which by definition would mean that this group is an empty set. However, many RHINOS would fall into this group since we can't prove that they are actually aware of the consequences of gun control. The same applies to RHINO USMB members (although I considered them liberals in actuality, and since I believe this is an EMPTY SET in reality, there's no pointing in naming them, because they will use chameleon skills of deception and evasion to deny they are gun grabbers).

Ideological chameleons follow the simple social strategy of avoiding controversy and confrontation by espousing the beliefs of the people in their immediate vicinity or advocating the philosophy of those who scream the loudest in a debate. Quite a few supposedly pro Second Amendment public officials have shown themselves to be ideological chameleons when they supported restrictions on the private possession of military style semiautomatic rifles following recent atrocities in which such firearms were employed. Like their reptilian namesake, people who merely blend in with the ambient philosophical foliage seem to have little insight into the moral and social ramifications of their actions. Political and/or economic gain along with avoidance of confrontation are their only goals.

Type Four: Elitists (Authoritarians, Criminals and Security Monopolists).

And finally, I consider the following and final types to all be ONE TYPE in REALITY, and they make up the remaining 1/3 of the USMB Gun Grabbing population (like JoeB131 and PaintMyHouse and Lakhota )

First, Authoritarians are a subset of Elitists, name one real-world Authoritarians that wasn't an elitist...?
Second, Security Monopolists are a subset of Elitists. They seek to be the Elite of Security, and will trample on the rights of others to Secure their Elite.

Third: Outlaws (criminals). Outlaws are simply elite groups that do not ANSWER to the Law (the rules of the Elite). Outlaws follow their own Law (by their own Elite). They are simply a parallel but smaller group. So long as they don't make war on the Government (biggest armed group), they'll be left alone...mostly. This is because Outlaws carry guns. Therefore Outlaws are also a subset of the Elite.

Outlaws are (in mathematical terms) the Disjoint Set. Let Set A be the group comprising of persons in every elite on Earth. Let Set B be the group of all persons in every Government Elite on Earth. Let Set C be the group A - B (all persons in every non-government elite on Earth).

So let's just call them ... ELITISTS

The bad news about this type is that they are the ones pulling the strings, even if they are acting through paid agents (like in USMB). The good news is that they are the least threatening if Type Two Gun Grabbers (Loyalists) can be neutralized (like during the American Revolution). This is mostly accomplished by an Armed Citizenry displaying that they are the Superior Armed Group (moreso than the federal government). This is why a disarmed a population is permanently enslaved, because they can never peacefully (or violently) neutralized Type Two Gun Grabbers.

In fact, when an Armed Citizenry displays that they are the Superior Armed Force when Restoring the Rule of Law (like in Athens, Tennessee) the Type Two Gun Grabbers are the ones most likely to publicly proclaim support for their cause (they are the Real Chameleons) in order to escape punishment for their treason against the People.

The quickest way to neutralize Type Two Gun Grabbers is start a revolution with a BIG EVENT where you UNQUESTIONABLY have the moral high-ground. The Battle of Athens, Tennessee is a good example. In the future (for the United States) this moral high-ground will come from a major slug fest with federal or state law enforcement when a local police department decides NOT to take the local people's houses and businesses for eminent domain (on behalf of a private corporation) or for a failure to pay ludicrous and unreasonable taxes. The Bundy Ranch is a good example here. To all those Type Two Gun Grabbers on USMB, the only reason the feds didn't "do a Waco/Ruby Ridge" on the Bundy Ranch, was because slaughtering Americans for the collection of "desert tortoise taxes" would have gone over 100x worse than the murder and choking of Eric Garner for the collection of "tobacco taxes."

Many of those in favor of oppressive firearms legislation are are best classed as elitists. Elitists frequently identify with a peer group based on wealth, power, rank, social status, occupation, education, ethnic group, etc. and perceive themselves and their peers as inherently superior to and more responsible than the "common people", thus more deserving of certain rights. Since elitists practically consider those outside their class or caste as members of another species, that most anti-elitist list of laws, the Bill of Rights is viewed by them as anathema. Naturally, the Second Amendment is their first target as it serves as the supporting structure for other nine amendments.

Another type of individual who favors the restriction of private gun ownership is the authoritarian. Authoritarian personalities are characterized by their belief in unquestioning obedience to an authority figure or group and a disdain for individual freedom of action, expression, and judgement. Those with authoritarian personalities function well in symbiosis with elitists occupying positions of power. Because authoritarians repress their desires for autonomy
they harbor a deep resentment toward free and independent thinkers. Of course authoritarians do not want firearms in the hands of the general population as this constitutes a major obstacle to fulfilling their pathological and obsessive desire to control people.[/quote]

Security monopolists are those members and representatives of public and private security providing concerns who want the means of self protection out of private hands so that they can command high fees for protecting the citizenry against the rising tide of crime. These profiteers stand to loose a great deal of capital if citizens can efficiently defend themselves. To the security monopolist, each criminal who enters and exits the revolving door of justice is a renewable source of revenue providing jobs for police, social workers, victim counsellors, judges, prison employees, security guards, burglar alarm installers, locksmiths, and others employed by the security monopolies or their satellite organizations.
No wonder it is so common for an honest citizen to be more ruthlessly hounded by the authorities when he shoots a criminal in self defense than a criminal who shoots honest citizens.

It goes without saying that career criminals would like to see the public disarmed for obvious reasons. A well-armed population makes crimes such as assault, robbery, and burglary hazardous for the perpetrator and this is bad for "business." Also, it would seem that even non-violent or "white collar" criminals live in constant fear of retribution from the public that they financially bleed and would therefore prefer that the public be disarmed. Evidence supporting this hypothesis can be gathered by studying the Second Amendment voting records of those legislators who have been convicted of willful misconduct.
lol nice
The myth of the 'gun grabber' is among the more bizarre lies most conservatives seek to propagate.

The sad thing is that so many conservatives have been lying about so many things for such a long time now that they've forgotten what the truth actually is.
It's no myth, twinkle toes.
Look at NY and CA. Esp NY. They first registered "assault weapons" and then moved to confiscate. That is always the pattern.

And when people possess guns they use those guns for crime and murder. That is always the pattern.

Weeeee, isn't over-generalizing fun!!!

So what brought you to that conclusion?

I'm curious.

It's simple, if SHTF and the Patriots won the revolution, you'd change your tune very quickly and support us, in fear of being punished for your previous support of the tyrants.

At the current moment, you think the Feds will win if SHTF, that is why you were against Bundy (and you were against him long before his remarks on blacks came about, and those remarks actually had nothing to do with the Bundy Ranch and taxes for desert tortoises)).

You don't side with the people who are right, you side with those who are strongest. And not because you're foolish enough to think that you'll be a part of their elite, but because you fear them. You're too smart to be a Type One Gun Grabber.

People like myself know that every time we make an internet post against the Federal Tyranny gripping this nation, we add one more nail to our coffins (if we lose a SHTF scenario). Even if were were to "sit it out" and "not get involved" in the fight against the Tyranny of the United States, the NSA would quickly locate all internet posters like myself, and round us up and kill us. In fact, we'd probably live longer fighting than we would "sitting it out."

Who lived longest? The Jews in ghettos, who decided to "sit it out" or the armed Jews that escaped into the forests?

Hey Eddie, Your tinfoil hat is showing.

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