Twoofer Strategy


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
And I use the term in the title loosely...very loosely.

Well kids it's been 9 years and you've gotten nowhere. Less than nowhere actually because you morons can't even agree on a central set of "facts" (I'm using the quotes because what you idiots call facts are usually nothing more than opinions from people with an agenda).

So I'm curious, where are you going to go from here? We realized Rome wasn't built in a day but they had some blueprints drawn up in 9 years I betcha. Put another way; some GOP dipshit somewhere will end up as his party's standard bearer in 2012 to face President Obama. At this point, that man/woman has not filed. They have only an outline of an election machine at best. A staff of thousands has not been hired. Advertising has not been bought. There is no organization in place. Yet somehow in the next 647 days, all of that will come to pass from literally nothing in place today. You guys have had 3,427 days and you can't come up with a single "fact" or actual FACT to prop up your claims.

Whats next?
the agent troll is at it again.since you spend your life on the computer going to dozens of message boards everywhere,wonder how many others you have gone to today and posted the same thing.
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the agent troll is at it again.since you spend your life on the computer going to dozens of message boards everywhere,wonder how many others you have gone to today and posted the same thing.

the agent troll is at it again.since you spend your life on the computer going to dozens of message boards everywhere,wonder how many others you have gone to today and posted the same thing.

Poor baby; can't face the truth. Well, the library will close in a little while and you'll be back to your empty FEMA trailer to spend the rest of your pathetic life watching basic cable. Pissant.
I see Terral hasn't posted a thread about 9/11 in months...he's on to silver or something....I do believe he has thrown in the towel.
So, OP, I take it you dont believe in ANY conspiracy theories? You thought the JFK assassination was legit?

In other words you believe everything our government tells you as truth? Without even questioning it? Without even WANTING an unbiased impartial investigation?

If so, then you need to seriously get a new hobby besides messing around in politics...
So, OP, I take it you dont believe in ANY conspiracy theories? You thought the JFK assassination was legit?

In other words you believe everything our government tells you as truth? Without even questioning it? Without even WANTING an unbiased impartial investigation?

If so, then you need to seriously get a new hobby besides messing around in politics...

Gulf of tonkin - It doesn't bother them
Able Danger - It doesnt matter
Operation Northwoods - Insignificant to them
9/11 Commission and NIST fraud - They just ignore it.

It's depressing. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth
So, OP, I take it you dont believe in ANY conspiracy theories? You thought the JFK assassination was legit?

In other words you believe everything our government tells you as truth? Without even questioning it? Without even WANTING an unbiased impartial investigation?

If so, then you need to seriously get a new hobby besides messing around in politics...

What agency or agencies, that both sides would agree on, can perform a new investigation?

Would you accept their findings if they confirm the original investigation's findings?
So, OP, I take it you dont believe in ANY conspiracy theories? You thought the JFK assassination was legit?

In other words you believe everything our government tells you as truth? Without even questioning it? Without even WANTING an unbiased impartial investigation?

If so, then you need to seriously get a new hobby besides messing around in politics...

You know nothing; actually less than nothing about what I think because you make incorrect assumptions.

But when the twoofers spend 9 years and are unable to establish a sense of credibility even in place of legitimate credibility; we have to ask ourselves if it isn't time for new strategies.

I believe the 9/11 Commission Report on the major points. It makes perfect sense, you can't quote a single inaccuracy in the report, and you cannot supplant the report with a version of the events that makes as much sense or any sense for that matter. If I'm wrong, please point out what doesn't make sense, quote an inaccuracy in the report, or furnish a companion piece that passes the smell test.

You can't.

You won't.

The challenge is made; be a man and take me up on it or shut the fuck up.
So, OP, I take it you dont believe in ANY conspiracy theories? You thought the JFK assassination was legit?

In other words you believe everything our government tells you as truth? Without even questioning it? Without even WANTING an unbiased impartial investigation?

If so, then you need to seriously get a new hobby besides messing around in politics...

You know nothing; actually less than nothing about what I think because you make incorrect assumptions.

But when the twoofers spend 9 years and are unable to establish a sense of credibility even in place of legitimate credibility; we have to ask ourselves if it isn't time for new strategies.

I believe the 9/11 Commission Report on the major points. It makes perfect sense, you can't quote a single inaccuracy in the report, and you cannot supplant the report with a version of the events that makes as much sense or any sense for that matter. If I'm wrong, please point out what doesn't make sense, quote an inaccuracy in the report, or furnish a companion piece that passes the smell test.

You can't.

You won't.

The challenge is made; be a man and take me up on it or shut the fuck up.

since when did the 911 commission determine the cause of the collapse ?
So, OP, I take it you dont believe in ANY conspiracy theories? You thought the JFK assassination was legit?

In other words you believe everything our government tells you as truth? Without even questioning it? Without even WANTING an unbiased impartial investigation?

If so, then you need to seriously get a new hobby besides messing around in politics...

What agency or agencies, that both sides would agree on, can perform a new investigation?

Would you accept their findings if they confirm the original investigation's findings?

the family steering commitee would be acceptable as those that approved the board designated to investigate
I see Terral hasn't posted a thread about 9/11 in months...he's on to silver or something....I do believe he has thrown in the towel.

No he has just gotten smart like myself and realised this site has been penetrated by agent trolls like candycorn ect and that so many people here only want to listen to those agents cause he knows they are in denial so he doesnt bother with you Bush dupes anymore just like I dont.
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the agent troll is at it again.since you spend your life on the computer going to dozens of message boards everywhere,wonder how many others you have gone to today and posted the same thing.


great video,:clap2:

thanks for posting it.too bad the bush dupes wont watch it so they can get educated.
So, OP, I take it you dont believe in ANY conspiracy theories? You thought the JFK assassination was legit?

In other words you believe everything our government tells you as truth? Without even questioning it? Without even WANTING an unbiased impartial investigation?

If so, then you need to seriously get a new hobby besides messing around in politics...

this is a disinformation agent troll you are talking with.he defends ANY version of the governments no matter how absurd it is such as the jfk assassination as you just pointed out.thats what he is paid to do.thats why he goes to dozens of message boards everywhere posting his lies and propaganda and evades facts and evidence by changing the subject all the time.
And I use the term in the title loosely...very loosely.

Well kids it's been 9 years and you've gotten nowhere. Less than nowhere actually because you morons can't even agree on a central set of "facts" (I'm using the quotes because what you idiots call facts are usually nothing more than opinions from people with an agenda).

So I'm curious, where are you going to go from here? We realized Rome wasn't built in a day but they had some blueprints drawn up in 9 years I betcha. Put another way; some GOP dipshit somewhere will end up as his party's standard bearer in 2012 to face President Obama. At this point, that man/woman has not filed. They have only an outline of an election machine at best. A staff of thousands has not been hired. Advertising has not been bought. There is no organization in place. Yet somehow in the next 647 days, all of that will come to pass from literally nothing in place today. You guys have had 3,427 days and you can't come up with a single "fact" or actual FACT to prop up your claims.

Whats next?

I just like bumping my own stuff. Now a message about something I take seriously; gun control.

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And I use the term in the title loosely...very loosely.

Well kids it's been 9 years and you've gotten nowhere. Less than nowhere actually because you morons can't even agree on a central set of "facts" (I'm using the quotes because what you idiots call facts are usually nothing more than opinions from people with an agenda).

So I'm curious, where are you going to go from here? We realized Rome wasn't built in a day but they had some blueprints drawn up in 9 years I betcha. Put another way; some GOP dipshit somewhere will end up as his party's standard bearer in 2012 to face President Obama. At this point, that man/woman has not filed. They have only an outline of an election machine at best. A staff of thousands has not been hired. Advertising has not been bought. There is no organization in place. Yet somehow in the next 647 days, all of that will come to pass from literally nothing in place today. You guys have had 3,427 days and you can't come up with a single "fact" or actual FACT to prop up your claims.

Whats next?

I just like bumping my own stuff. Now a message about something I take seriously; gun control.

[ame=]YouTube - PSA: Guns[/ame]

This is funny:

Let's Roll Forums - View Single Post - 911 and Child Psychology

The Laws of Physics are incapable of giving a damn about Conspiracy Theories.

In fact the Laws of Physics are incapable of giving a damn about the human race.

So when is an engineering school going to build a physical model that can be completely destroyed by the fall of its top 15% or less?


The fact that you don't actually understand structural design isn't anyone's fault but your own.

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