Two Yale Classmates: "Brett was a Sloppy Drunk"

I think it's important to note the second woman mentioned (Lynne Brookes) is a Republican who was Supporting Kavanagh for the SC... until she saw him Lying about his Drinking.
When did she claim she supported Kavanaugh? I haven't seen any such thing.

So now heavy drinking on high school and college is a show stopper for the Supreme Court? Who will be eligible if that rule applies? The first thing republicans are going to do with a Democrat nominee is dig up anyone who knew the nominee in college and quiz them about their drinking.

Democrats lost their right to poo-poo anyone's drinking habits after keeping Teddy "Not to be used as a flotation device" Kennedy in office for decades.

Did you know they buried him next to JFK so the could use the alcohol in Teddy' body as fuel for the eternal flame on JFK's grave?
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

The Dems REALLY looked like the New Puritans when they held up the giant picture of his yearbook.

Great move, Dems. The Repubs won't make hay of that but, even if out of office, Trump will. You will live to regret that. And I cannot wait. I can't wait.
Define the Renate Alumni, "Have you tried boofing yet?" and the Five F's and then explain how Kavanaugh was as "clean" as he insists he was.
Democrats lie.
It's one of the few things they're good at.
What does "classmate" mean in this context? From what I can tell, all it means is that they went to Yale in the same years as Kavanaugh. It doesn't mean they knew Kavanaugh, were friends with Kavanaugh or ever talked to Kavanaugh.

When my daughter graduated from college a few years back, she graduated with nearly 600 other students. They were all her "classmates". How many of those students at that graduation did she know? Two!
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

The Dems REALLY looked like the New Puritans when they held up the giant picture of his yearbook.

Great move, Dems. The Repubs won't make hay of that but, even if out of office, Trump will. You will live to regret that. And I cannot wait. I can't wait.
Define the Renate Alumni, "Have you tried boofing yet?" and the Five F's and then explain how Kavanaugh was as "clean" as he insists he was.

I'm sorry. Are you back to his HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK???

I'm going to ask you something before you go on. Is this a standard you want set for EVERYONE? Cory Booker has ADMITTED to sexually assaulting a girl in high school, you know. Kav has not. Maybe this was stupid and dumb high school talk; maybe it was not. It was high school.

Is this the standard for all, Old Lady? Do let us know....your people, we don't even have to go back to high school.
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

The Dems REALLY looked like the New Puritans when they held up the giant picture of his yearbook.

Great move, Dems. The Repubs won't make hay of that but, even if out of office, Trump will. You will live to regret that. And I cannot wait. I can't wait.
Define the Renate Alumni, "Have you tried boofing yet?" and the Five F's and then explain how Kavanaugh was as "clean" as he insists he was.

You obviously have never read or watched his testimony, you hack!
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

The Dems REALLY looked like the New Puritans when they held up the giant picture of his yearbook.

Great move, Dems. The Repubs won't make hay of that but, even if out of office, Trump will. You will live to regret that. And I cannot wait. I can't wait.
Define the Renate Alumni, "Have you tried boofing yet?" and the Five F's and then explain how Kavanaugh was as "clean" as he insists he was.

You obviously have never read or watched his testimony, you hack!

Go check out what she's saying on the other thread. She's thinks he's an asshole because she didn't like his "demeanor"! This is what we're dealing with!

If Trump OK's A FBI Investigation Will Kavanaugh Withdraw?
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.

Boy howdy but ain't that the truth.

I understand that most people are not as adept as I am at spotting deception signals but, good lord, Kavanaugh was screaming them. And the FBI investigation is going to focus on some key inconsistencies in his testimony. Perhaps the most critical, his constant parroting of the statement that "all four witnesses who were alleged to be at the event said it did not happen". That is not what they said, the three that have made public statements all said they did not RECALL the event. Not a single one made the claim that it did not happen.

Then there is his calendar. Am I the only one that thinks it is ironic, that the same people that refuse to believe Dr. Ford actually believe a Yale graduate would keep a handwritten calendar from high school for almost forty years? But taking that calendar at face values reveals a day when the incident could have occurred, July 1. It was a weekday, Thursday, and it indicated that three of the people Mrs. Ford claimed were at the party, were at the social gathering documented.

"I like beer". How many times did he say it? While watching it reminded me of that old country song, "I like beer". But to me, well "I like beer" is not an appropriate response to someone questioning you about rather you have drank to excess.

I don't really know what the FBI investigation is going to turn up but I can guarantee one think, it will show that Kavanaugh is a LIAR, which is probably why the Republicans fought so hard to keep it from happening.

Disagree. No one besides the "professor" can put Kavanaugh with her. There's nothing here. The fact Judge Kavanaugh likes beer is meaningless. The only thing that matters here is did he sexually assault the "professor". No one says he did except for the "professor". She looks a lot worse for wear than the Judge. Let's do an investigation on her drinking habits.

Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.

Boy howdy but ain't that the truth.

I understand that most people are not as adept as I am at spotting deception signals but, good lord, Kavanaugh was screaming them. And the FBI investigation is going to focus on some key inconsistencies in his testimony. Perhaps the most critical, his constant parroting of the statement that "all four witnesses who were alleged to be at the event said it did not happen". That is not what they said, the three that have made public statements all said they did not RECALL the event. Not a single one made the claim that it did not happen.

Then there is his calendar. Am I the only one that thinks it is ironic, that the same people that refuse to believe Dr. Ford actually believe a Yale graduate would keep a handwritten calendar from high school for almost forty years? But taking that calendar at face values reveals a day when the incident could have occurred, July 1. It was a weekday, Thursday, and it indicated that three of the people Mrs. Ford claimed were at the party, were at the social gathering documented.

"I like beer". How many times did he say it? While watching it reminded me of that old country song, "I like beer". But to me, well "I like beer" is not an appropriate response to someone questioning you about rather you have drank to excess.

I don't really know what the FBI investigation is going to turn up but I can guarantee one think, it will show that Kavanaugh is a LIAR, which is probably why the Republicans fought so hard to keep it from happening.

Disagree. No one besides the "professor" can put Kavanaugh with her. There's nothing here. The fact Judge Kavanaugh likes beer is meaningless. The only thing that matters here is did he sexually assault the "professor". No one says he did except for the "professor". She looks a lot worse for wear than the Judge. Let's do an investigation on her drinking habits.

His friend could place him there. He has not been questioned, only made a statement, a terse one and asked not to be questioned further. That in and of itself is a red flag considering the same person had no problem writing two books about his drinking and partying. And his calendar may very well place him at the party. But you are wrong, the sexual assault is not the only thing that matters. Kavanaugh LIES. He did in previous testimony and he most certainly did Thursday. That is an immediate disqualification for a SCOTUS judge.

If “lying” in itself disqualifies someone from the Supreme Court, based on the liberal standard to go back 35 or more years, you would be hard pressed to find a Supreme Court Justice that fits that standard.

You say Kavanaugh lies, in his testimony however you have no evidence nor testimony that involves him having committed a crime. None. As I consistently have to educate progressives - Our nation’s court system is built around an individual being innocent until PROVEN guilty without any reasonable doubt. The burden of proof lies on the prosecution to show, through collaborated testimony and/or evidence is enough to show that a crime has even been committed. Simply saying “he lied” is not enough to disqualify someone from
The Supreme Court. Now feel free to show me where in our nation’s Constitution that it says otherwise.
You [Windparadox] are giving others a bad impression of yourself because you ramble in an incoherent way with a whole lot of fancy sounding words.
Really? I'd thought her vocabulary adequate and her use of it accurate, while I hadn't noticed any incoherency in her posts. Perhaps you could point out a couple of examples.
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

Who gives a fuck if he drank in college? We all fucking did. It was the thing to do.

The only thing that matters is did he put it him like most of us or is he still getting drunk like some 50 somethings that I know.

You people are fucking pathetic.
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

The Dems REALLY looked like the New Puritans when they held up the giant picture of his yearbook.

Great move, Dems. The Repubs won't make hay of that but, even if out of office, Trump will. You will live to regret that. And I cannot wait. I can't wait.
Define the Renate Alumni, "Have you tried boofing yet?" and the Five F's and then explain how Kavanaugh was as "clean" as he insists he was.

I'm sorry. Are you back to his HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK???

I'm going to ask you something before you go on. Is this a standard you want set for EVERYONE? Cory Booker has ADMITTED to sexually assaulting a girl in high school, you know. Kav has not. Maybe this was stupid and dumb high school talk; maybe it was not. It was high school.

Is this the standard for all, Old Lady? Do let us know....your people, we don't even have to go back to high school.
It's about him taking responsibility for his actions, I think, Sue. I've said a few bazillion times in the past two weeks that based on what he is alleged to have done as a drunk teenager, I am not at all sure it should reflect on what he is like as an adult. But him taking responsibility for it, that's important if he's the boyscout he says he is.
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

The Dems REALLY looked like the New Puritans when they held up the giant picture of his yearbook.

Great move, Dems. The Repubs won't make hay of that but, even if out of office, Trump will. You will live to regret that. And I cannot wait. I can't wait.
Define the Renate Alumni, "Have you tried boofing yet?" and the Five F's and then explain how Kavanaugh was as "clean" as he insists he was.

I'm sorry. Are you back to his HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK???

I'm going to ask you something before you go on. Is this a standard you want set for EVERYONE? Cory Booker has ADMITTED to sexually assaulting a girl in high school, you know. Kav has not. Maybe this was stupid and dumb high school talk; maybe it was not. It was high school.

Is this the standard for all, Old Lady? Do let us know....your people, we don't even have to go back to high school.
It's about him taking responsibility for his actions, I think, Sue. I've said a few bazillion times in the past two weeks that based on what he is alleged to have done as a drunk teenager, I am not at all sure it should reflect on what he is like as an adult. But him taking responsibility for it, that's important if he's the boyscout he says he is.

Taking responsibility for WHAT?

He said he drank and went to parties. They asked him again and again if he drank, does he like beer (which was so stupid btw) and he said YES. What did you want him to explain? The stupid comments 16 yo made in his high school yearbooks? He has told the entire nation he was a VIRGIN beyond high school.

Can you think about that for just a minute? Because of the Democrats, this good and decent man had to tell the entire nation his sexual history. !!!

What more do you want from him about his high school years? That would satisfy you?
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

The Dems REALLY looked like the New Puritans when they held up the giant picture of his yearbook.

Great move, Dems. The Repubs won't make hay of that but, even if out of office, Trump will. You will live to regret that. And I cannot wait. I can't wait.
Define the Renate Alumni, "Have you tried boofing yet?" and the Five F's and then explain how Kavanaugh was as "clean" as he insists he was.

You obviously have never read or watched his testimony, you hack!

Go check out what she's saying on the other thread. She's thinks he's an asshole because she didn't like his "demeanor"! This is what we're dealing with!

If Trump OK's A FBI Investigation Will Kavanaugh Withdraw?
LOL That's what this was about, wasn't it? CHARACTER? So I watched the whole thing and I made my decision on his "character" based on what I saw. He has been wholly sucked into the partisan battle, which is a no no for SC Justices, and he was snide, combative and not entirely in possession of his emotions. Clearly.
He was unprofessional and disgusting.
Next nominee, please.
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

The Dems REALLY looked like the New Puritans when they held up the giant picture of his yearbook.

Great move, Dems. The Repubs won't make hay of that but, even if out of office, Trump will. You will live to regret that. And I cannot wait. I can't wait.
Define the Renate Alumni, "Have you tried boofing yet?" and the Five F's and then explain how Kavanaugh was as "clean" as he insists he was.

I'm sorry. Are you back to his HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK???

I'm going to ask you something before you go on. Is this a standard you want set for EVERYONE? Cory Booker has ADMITTED to sexually assaulting a girl in high school, you know. Kav has not. Maybe this was stupid and dumb high school talk; maybe it was not. It was high school.

Is this the standard for all, Old Lady? Do let us know....your people, we don't even have to go back to high school.
It's about him taking responsibility for his actions, I think, Sue. I've said a few bazillion times in the past two weeks that based on what he is alleged to have done as a drunk teenager, I am not at all sure it should reflect on what he is like as an adult. But him taking responsibility for it, that's important if he's the boyscout he says he is.

Taking responsibility for WHAT?

He said he drank and went to parties. They asked him again and again if he drank, does he like beer (which was so stupid btw) and he said YES. What did you want him to explain? The stupid comments 16 yo made in his high school yearbooks? He has told the entire nation he was a VIRGIN beyond high school.

Can you think about that for just a minute? Because of the Democrats, this good and decent man had to tell the entire nation his sexual history. !!!

What more do you want from him about his high school years? That would satisfy you?
Did you even watch the hearing, Sue?
Kavanaugh is my kind of guy...bring on the skis! Celebrate the end of Prohibition!
prohibition.jpg c6485f4cd1727e92885e1075989bad85.jpg patrick-schwarzenegger-grown-ups-2-family.jpg image1.JPG
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

The Dems REALLY looked like the New Puritans when they held up the giant picture of his yearbook.

Great move, Dems. The Repubs won't make hay of that but, even if out of office, Trump will. You will live to regret that. And I cannot wait. I can't wait.
Define the Renate Alumni, "Have you tried boofing yet?" and the Five F's and then explain how Kavanaugh was as "clean" as he insists he was.

You obviously have never read or watched his testimony, you hack!

Go check out what she's saying on the other thread. She's thinks he's an asshole because she didn't like his "demeanor"! This is what we're dealing with!

If Trump OK's A FBI Investigation Will Kavanaugh Withdraw?
LOL That's what this was about, wasn't it? CHARACTER? So I watched the whole thing and I made my decision on his "character" based on what I saw. He has been wholly sucked into the partisan battle, which is a no no for SC Justices, and he was snide, combative and not entirely in possession of his emotions. Clearly.
He was unprofessional and disgusting.
Next nominee, please.

Then you are a very bad judge of character, and a bully too. You saw a man bullied by rape charges and then judged him lacking for defending his good honor.

So I have judged you very lacking. Next poster.
So glad the left will never get it. It is funny though watching the pet chimps of the democrat party post their bullshit as though people other than them actually care.

It was russians.....

It was not because the world is waking up to the political games.

Make sure to keep telling yourselves that.

The Dems REALLY looked like the New Puritans when they held up the giant picture of his yearbook.

Great move, Dems. The Repubs won't make hay of that but, even if out of office, Trump will. You will live to regret that. And I cannot wait. I can't wait.
Define the Renate Alumni, "Have you tried boofing yet?" and the Five F's and then explain how Kavanaugh was as "clean" as he insists he was.

I'm sorry. Are you back to his HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK???

I'm going to ask you something before you go on. Is this a standard you want set for EVERYONE? Cory Booker has ADMITTED to sexually assaulting a girl in high school, you know. Kav has not. Maybe this was stupid and dumb high school talk; maybe it was not. It was high school.

Is this the standard for all, Old Lady? Do let us know....your people, we don't even have to go back to high school.
It's about him taking responsibility for his actions, I think, Sue. I've said a few bazillion times in the past two weeks that based on what he is alleged to have done as a drunk teenager, I am not at all sure it should reflect on what he is like as an adult. But him taking responsibility for it, that's important if he's the boyscout he says he is.

Taking responsibility for WHAT?

He said he drank and went to parties. They asked him again and again if he drank, does he like beer (which was so stupid btw) and he said YES. What did you want him to explain? The stupid comments 16 yo made in his high school yearbooks? He has told the entire nation he was a VIRGIN beyond high school.

Can you think about that for just a minute? Because of the Democrats, this good and decent man had to tell the entire nation his sexual history. !!!

What more do you want from him about his high school years? That would satisfy you?
Did you even watch the hearing, Sue?

Yes I did. I saw her testimony and his. And I have judged you as lacking character. Next.
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

The Dems REALLY looked like the New Puritans when they held up the giant picture of his yearbook.

Great move, Dems. The Repubs won't make hay of that but, even if out of office, Trump will. You will live to regret that. And I cannot wait. I can't wait.
Define the Renate Alumni, "Have you tried boofing yet?" and the Five F's and then explain how Kavanaugh was as "clean" as he insists he was.

You obviously have never read or watched his testimony, you hack!

Go check out what she's saying on the other thread. She's thinks he's an asshole because she didn't like his "demeanor"! This is what we're dealing with!

If Trump OK's A FBI Investigation Will Kavanaugh Withdraw?
LOL That's what this was about, wasn't it? CHARACTER? So I watched the whole thing and I made my decision on his "character" based on what I saw. He has been wholly sucked into the partisan battle, which is a no no for SC Justices, and he was snide, combative and not entirely in possession of his emotions. Clearly.
He was unprofessional and disgusting.
Next nominee, please.

But of course the partisan battle is never a no no for the Notorious RBG, amirite?

I have judged you lacking in character. NEXT! (But this is really only effective after I have destroyed your name, watched your family weeping behind you, seen your name all over the national news, made you confess your sexual history to the entire nation, robbed you of your career and THEN, after all that, mocked you for your tears and "demeanor".

THEN I will judge you for your "lack of character". Yes, that seems fair. I mean...for a DEMOCRAT)

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