Two Trump-appointed judges laugh the Jan 6/Street Riots comparison out of court

Not to mention that Biden will not even be the POUTUS in 2023, let alone run again in 2024.
I dont have a crystal ball so I wont attempt such a bold prediction

if you are right his handling of afghanistan will be part of the reason

However being the incumbent carries a lot of weight

particularly when the lib news media is in your corner

so i’ll just wait and see
I dont have a crystal ball so I wont attempt such a bold prediction

if you are right his handling of afghanistan will be part of the reason

However being the incumbent carries a lot of weight

particularly when the lib news media is in your corner

so i’ll just wait and see

Nobody cares any more about Afghanistan excpet for people like you that would not vote for Biden if he was running against Satan himself.

That is why he will be out by 2023 so that someone else will be the incumbent.
Nobody cares any more about Afghanistan excpet for people like you that would not vote for Biden if he was running against Satan himself.
If trump had executed a perfect pullout I would still criticize him for the decision

it was strategically stupid

biden doesent get a pass either

because he didnt even leave without making fool of himself
If trump had executed a perfect pullout I would still criticize him for the decision

it was strategically stupid

No, what was strategically stupid was staying there for almost 20 years wasting more than a trillion dollars and far too many American lives in a shit hole that no invading army has ever held.

We should have left more than 10 years ago
No, what was strategically stupid was staying there for almost 20 years

but after all the lives and expense now we should pull out and turn afghanistan over to our enemies in beijing?

thats is even more stupid

but after all the lives and expense now we should pull out and turn afghanistan over to our enemies in beijing?

thats is even more stupid

you are falling for the sunk cost fallacy. The outcome was going to be this way whether we left now or stayed 10 more years. We are not willing to let the Taliban be the Taliban in order to get what we want out of the country, China is.
You are walking back what you wrote, you can't even use the same words.

lol ... bullshit. you are trying to use semantics to make yourself look like you know wtf you are talking about.


it's still not working.
Yes we do. When Biden exte ded the deadline, Trump spoke out publicly against it. He told the world what he would have done.

And extending the deadline is what caused most of the problems. Biden wanted a made-for-tv moment of leaving on 9/11 and that cost 13 Americans their lives
lol ... bullshit. you are trying to use semantics to make yourself look like you know wtf you are talking about.


it's still not working.
semantics? You went from, "trump signed" to, "the state dept signed on trump's behalf".
i argued that trump had his full stamp of approval on that there document. mike pompeo is trump's stand in ... no matter how much you want to slice & dice the semantics - donny signed off on it.

you are flailing & you know it.
Semantics? Trump did not sign, you said they did, now you attempt to say anyone's signature is the same as Trump's? Mike Pompeo's signature is the same? Ok, for arguments sake, you are right, Mike Pompeo is the same as Trump. Except of course we must ignore the fact that just as Trump did not sign the document, Pompeo did not sign the document. Semantics aside? You simply do not know anything about this document you continue to make claims about..

playtime states I am trying to make myself look good, well, I must thank playtime for all the help, I could not do it without playtime.

Screenshot from 2021-12-31 23-31-29.png
he finally did what no other prez had the balls to do. he got us out of a 20 year quagmire.
And it only cost woman and children dead, it only cost creating a terrorists country, it only cost billions in thee most modern military equipment man has ever known.

It only cost the human rights of woman

All the democrats had to do, was leave americans behind

All we had to do, is ignore that it does take decades to educate and change the history, the culture of a region that is very much stuck in the 15th century.

All we had to do was throw away the progress we had made.

All we had to do was lie to ourselves, that is was a quagmire, when in fact we had brought peace and hope to thee most oppressed women in the world.
And extending the deadline is what caused most of the problems. Biden wanted a made-for-tv moment of leaving on 9/11 and that cost 13 Americans their lives
Ah, so ISIS-K would not have done anything, if it were 12 days earlier...? "Interesting" theory.

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