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Story Highlights
Police say "explosive device" found during routine traffic stop for speeding
U.S. Highway 176 closed Saturday evening but "no immediate threat"
Police won't describe what bomb technicians blew up Sunday morning
Happened near Goose Creek, home to the Naval Weapons Station
Goose Creek, South Carolina, is home to the Naval Weapons Station, which houses the U.S. Naval Consolidated Brig, a military prison where enemy combatants have been held.
Full Story and an awesome Picture of the Bomb Detination Robot.........
Concidence? I think not. It's funny how they wont release the names or nationality. The FBI is going to release a statement today. The FBI doesn't come involved on a routine bomb arrest. There has to be more to this then is being said.
Police say "explosive device" found during routine traffic stop for speeding
U.S. Highway 176 closed Saturday evening but "no immediate threat"
Police won't describe what bomb technicians blew up Sunday morning
Happened near Goose Creek, home to the Naval Weapons Station
Goose Creek, South Carolina, is home to the Naval Weapons Station, which houses the U.S. Naval Consolidated Brig, a military prison where enemy combatants have been held.
Full Story and an awesome Picture of the Bomb Detination Robot.........
Concidence? I think not. It's funny how they wont release the names or nationality. The FBI is going to release a statement today. The FBI doesn't come involved on a routine bomb arrest. There has to be more to this then is being said.