Two 70+ Year-Old Pro-Life Activists Convicted for Blocking Entrance to Abortion Clinic – Now Face 11 Years in Prison

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
This is absolutely outrageous.
These are in addition to 5 convicted two weeks ago. They are rounding up Christians and putting them into prison.

This is absolutely outrageous.
These are in addition to 5 convicted two weeks ago. They are rounding up Christians and putting them into prison.

Adios meemaw
We now have a government that imprisons people for expressing opinions that differ from The Official State Narrative.
Didn’t you read the thread title?

Convicted for Blocking Entrance to Abortion Clinic​

This is absolutely outrageous.
These are in addition to 5 convicted two weeks ago. They are rounding up Christians and putting them into prison.

First of all, they have not been sentenced yet. The crime of which they were convicted carries a maximum of 11 years. Wait until they are actually sentenced before you clutch your pearls.

Second of all, they forced their way into a clinic and barricaded to doors "...using their bodies, furniture, chains and ropes.". That violates the Face Act. So they were arrested.

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