Twitter user calls for Trump's assassination


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
48 hours later, the tweet has been deleted but the Twitter user's account remains active. I suspect if someone had tweeted the same about Obama, it would have taken Twitter 15 minutes to BAN the user.


Austin Cruse aka Tony Gunk (@aus101990) | Twitter
BANNED??? He would be in federal custody awaiting indictment for threatening a President's life!
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
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BANNED??? He would be in federal custody awaiting indictment for threatening a President's life!

Of course, as it should be, but Twitter doesn't have the power to do that, but they most certainly would have BANNED the user. They banned me because they said I was "hateful". I didn't threaten violence against anyone, I was just a big meanie and they banned me. But threaten the life of the Republican president and it's all good at Twitter.
Of course, as it should be, but Twitter doesn't have the power to do that, but they most certainly would have BANNED the user.
If this had been a threat against Obama, the SS would have already arrested this guy. That was my point. What does that say about our federal law enforcement?
This could be in contention for Dumb Thread of the Week
" Verizon Twitter Infiltrated By Fictional Ishmaelism Adherents "

* Bluffing Ton Boast Hisbah Establishment *

I was able to get in touch with a bluffing ton post administrator and discovered that it is governed by the ahmadiyya institution of psychopaths , which are seeking a different route to implement the sectarian supremacy of fictional ishmealism .

The twit administrators will not take a stand against those who defend the dementia it espouses .

Ahmadiyya - Wikipedia
Ahmadi thought emphasizes the belief that Islam is the final dispensation for humanity as revealed to Muhammad and the necessity of restoring it to its true intent and pristine form, which had been lost through the centuries.[4] Its adherents consider Ahmad to have appeared as the Mahdi—bearing the qualities of Jesus in accordance with their reading of scriptural prophecies—to revitalize Islam and set in motion its moral system that would bring about lasting peace.[18][19][20] They believe that upon divine guidance he purged Islam of foreign accretions in belief and practice by championing what is, in their view, Islam’s original precepts as practised by Muhammad and the early Muslim community.[21][22] Ahmadis thus view themselves as leading the propagation and renaissance of Islam.[23][24]

Censorship From Private Despots How Long Before Hisbah
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" Sound Reason Absent From Social Constructs "

* Political Science Deprivation *
^ uh oh PC police faggot
The concept of politically correct is often far removed from the concept of non aggression principles .

Either the statement constitutes a threat for , or action of , illegitimate aggression against which self defense is entitled to the object of the threats .

To state that trump should face legal prosecution , or be voted out of office , or that his private assets should be seized for violating law , that due process be followed , does not constitute illegitimate aggression , presuming reasonably of course that the laws are based within non aggression principles .

The statements appear to violate non aggression principles and criminal prosecution is a legitimate measure of self defense .

Politically correct is one not being able to use profanity , or not being able to levy disparaging opinions about perceptions of another , or not being able to express oneself in a manner that does not constitute an illegitimate threat of , or an act of , physical force against the person or property of another .
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