Twitter Files- FBI Paid Twitter To Censor Unapproved News


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
So it turns out that the Twits employees were not only illegally taking marching orders from Feds on censorship, they were also paid to do so.
It would be bad enough to learn that the Intelligence Community was just partnering up with fellow Ministry of Truth minions on social media but now we now Twits even charged them for the service & was reimbursed.
This is a clear violation of our 1A rights to free speech.

When asked for a comment about clear govt controlled interference in suppressing the factual reporting on his son Hunters laptop & other illegal censorship by the govt, Biden may have stared at the camera with a confused look, opened his eyes really wide and said "Oopsy poopsy" right before the press briefing suddenly erupted in a shower of projectile vomit & reporters scrambling to exit the room after a presumed biological attack.

The Supreme Court needs to hear this and issue a decision.

Meanwhile all eyes should be focused on the lying pile of smoking manure that resides on the seventh floor of the FBI Headquarters that directed and led this blatant violation of our Constitution and First Amendment.
Regretfully Wray will not be charged with the felony of sedition and violation of Constitutional law. Wray will continue, retire with accolades and sail into the sunset.
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Simply, Political Corruption!
Look, I have repeatedly explained to folks, Americans possess one thing, and that one thing only which the fascist's fear, and it ain't our votes, and it sure as shit ain't the court system, they are the court system!

When Americans resolve to shoulder arms and then turn those arms mercilessly upon these evil bastards, then the evil will come to an end, and if Americans continue on in this disgusting display of apathy, they soon will exchange that one thing for obedience collars....
We all knew this... we knew the FBI was helping democrats and didn't want Trump to win... the question is why?....
They weren't just helping Dems, they were helping the whole UNiparty & their globalist puppet masters.

The why is obvious- status quo. They have been steadily moving us to the reset for decades & DT threatened those plans.
They have accelerated now because they are under pressure from the America First movement DT represented
Oh, and do what, exactly??? They possess absolutely no enforcement mechanism, that would be what the DOJ/FBI are supposed to be, and "uhh" they clearly no longer see themselves as working for either the high court, or the American people!

Indeed, that is tyranny. Both the DoJ and FBI are using tactics developed by the Russian NKVD, KGB, FSB and the Stasi of East Germany.
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So it turns out that the Twits employees were not only illegally taking marching orders from Feds on censorship, they were also paid to do so.
It would be bad enough to learn that the Intelligence Community was just partnering up with fellow Ministry of Truth minions on social media but now we now Twits even charged them for the service & was reimbursed.
This is a clear violation of our 1A rights to free speech.

When asked for a comment about clear govt controlled interference in suppressing the factual reporting on his son Hunters laptop & other illegal censorship by the govt, Biden may have stared at the camera with a confused look, opened his eyes really wide and said "Oopsy poopsy" right before the press briefing suddenly erupted in a shower of projectile vomit & reporters scrambling to exit the room after a presumed biological attack.

Gateway Fuck Nuts. Reich Wing Propaganda. Find a less bias source rather than a pay -by-the-word bullshit site.
Indeed, that is tyranny. Both the DoJ and FNI are using tactics developed by the Russian NKVD, KGB, FSB and the Stasi of East Germany.
I am entirely spot on in my observations and belief, Americans outgun the entire apparatus of government which includes DoD, combined, by hundreds to one, they are revealed to be utterly alien and criminal, no pretense of serving the American people, none!

There is only one way this ends, the choice is by our guns, or theirs, the clock ticks, the evil has become so bold that it now advertises openly of adult child sex, with the evil's propaganda corps now openly refusing to side against even pedophiles!

Its in our faces, this would be exactly why the founders ratified the 2nd amendment, exactly why!
So it turns out that the Twits employees were not only illegally taking marching orders from Feds on censorship, they were also paid to do so.
It would be bad enough to learn that the Intelligence Community was just partnering up with fellow Ministry of Truth minions on social media but now we now Twits even charged them for the service & was reimbursed.
This is a clear violation of our 1A rights to free speech.

When asked for a comment about clear govt controlled interference in suppressing the factual reporting on his son Hunters laptop & other illegal censorship by the govt, Biden may have stared at the camera with a confused look, opened his eyes really wide and said "Oopsy poopsy" right before the press briefing suddenly erupted in a shower of projectile vomit & reporters scrambling to exit the room after a presumed biological attack.

The Deep State will justify its actions as necessary for national security

And gullible libs will believe them
We all knew this... we knew the FBI was helping democrats and didn't want Trump to win... the question is why?....

Probably the same reason that JFK was knocked off: both ran on a platform of curbing our out-of-control intel agencies!

'Cept it was still rather easy to dust a prez in 1963 and make it look like an outside job. Now they have to use lots of lawyers and hearings.
The Deep State will justify its actions as necessary for national security

And gullible libs will believe them
When you have a delusional savior complex combined with an ends justify the means mentality, literally everything is permissible. This covers about 1/2 the progbot base.

cslewis-robber baron.png

The rest are just wanna-be tyrants without morals who will do anything to ensure they have total control
Twitter is the source you stupid fucking idiot.

Is that why TGP along with the NY Post were banned from Twitter?
Actually the source was the FBI dictating and those ex-FBI agents like Baker et al., working within Twitter.
Elvis Chan is the messenger Wray is giving the orders
Look, I have repeatedly explained to folks, Americans possess one thing, and that one thing only which the fascist's fear, and it ain't our votes, and it sure as shit ain't the court system, they are the court system!

When Americans resolve to shoulder arms and then turn those arms mercilessly upon these evil bastards, then the evil will come to an end, and if Americans continue on in this disgusting display of apathy, they soon will exchange that one thing for obedience collars....
I totally agree with you.
BTW in your spare time pick up and read the fictional novel The Turner Diaries.
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