Twitter Files- FBI Paid Twitter To Censor Unapproved News

So in summary the FBI under Biden was paying Twitter to censor material and people that were problematic for Bidens?

Please confirm or correct me
Now we know. The 2020 election was really stolen.
The typical fascist street walker knows the election was stolen, the problem is they are all uniformly good with it, no that actually does no justice to their approval, more aptly they loved it, and you can easily see that in them right here in these forums as they troll it, in effect the entire election at every conceivable level, was a fraud and about 45-million street level fascist toe suckers greatly approved of the theft!

The entire federal government was involved, to include both houses of the congress, definitely leadership in both party's, especially Mitch Mcconnell and then Speaker Paul Ryan, not to mention AG William Barr, most of the Trump cabinet, the National Security Council, CIA/NSA, DOJ/FBI, probably the high court, the United States Postal Service, and of course google, youtube, facebook/instagram, twitter, and the usual legacy media apparatus as it is, which are run in near total by the nations security/spy services...

We have one thing they fear and that one thing only, if not now, then never! :wink:
So in summary the FBI under Biden was paying Twitter to censor material and people that were problematic for Bidens?

Please confirm or correct me

Next question. Were ex-FBI agents working at Twitter also being paid by the FBI?
So in summary the FBI under Biden was paying Twitter to censor material and people that were problematic for Bidens?

Please confirm or correct me
Correct but the FBI & feds in general have been doing this since at least the Obama years.
Much longer in MSM with Operation Mockingbird.
They do it for the entire UNiparty since they all work for the same masters.
These are blatantly illegal actions in direct opposition to their oaths to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign & domestic.

What do you do when those charged with enforcing the Constitution or holding those in charge accountable have all turned into the ones actively violating our rights?
Do we sit back & hope the courts do the right thing or does this call for more active measures?
So it turns out that the Twits employees were not only illegally taking marching orders from Feds on censorship, they were also paid to do so.
It would be bad enough to learn that the Intelligence Community was just partnering up with fellow Ministry of Truth minions on social media but now we now Twits even charged them for the service & was reimbursed.
This is a clear violation of our 1A rights to free speech.

When asked for a comment about clear govt controlled interference in suppressing the factual reporting on his son Hunters laptop & other illegal censorship by the govt, Biden may have stared at the camera with a confused look, opened his eyes really wide and said "Oopsy poopsy" right before the press briefing suddenly erupted in a shower of projectile vomit & reporters scrambling to exit the room after a presumed biological attack.

Lol, you poor thing.

The FBI was following the law when these payments were made.

Do you know how to fact check anything so you can protect yourself from being duped?
So it turns out that the Twits employees were not only illegally taking marching orders from Feds on censorship, they were also paid to do so.
It would be bad enough to learn that the Intelligence Community was just partnering up with fellow Ministry of Truth minions on social media but now we now Twits even charged them for the service & was reimbursed.
This is a clear violation of our 1A rights to free speech.

When asked for a comment about clear govt controlled interference in suppressing the factual reporting on his son Hunters laptop & other illegal censorship by the govt, Biden may have stared at the camera with a confused look, opened his eyes really wide and said "Oopsy poopsy" right before the press briefing suddenly erupted in a shower of projectile vomit & reporters scrambling to exit the room after a presumed biological attack.

This makes Twitter an arm of the FBI, and thus guilty of violating the First Amendment rights of all those they censored.

Wray needs to be locked up.
Holy shit you are stupid.
You and others in this thread are easy marks for propaganda because if you read something you want to hear you accept it outright.

Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c), a governmental entity obtaining the contents of communications, records, or other information under section 2702, 2703, or 2704 of this title shall pay to the person or entity assembling or providing such information a fee for reimbursement for such costs as are reasonably necessary and which have been directly incurred in searching for, assembling, reproducing, or otherwise providing such information. Such reimbursable costs shall include any costs due to necessary disruption of normal operations of any electronic communication service or remote computing service in which such information may be stored.

We thank many Twitterists for elucidating aspects of the communist virus, SARS2, which can only intelligently be called a communist virus (even with US assistance). The Hunter Biden inquiry should continue, because of Anne Rimoin, UC Davis, and Metabiota. All three are linked to (not publishing [italics]) monkeypox sequences of the African swamp rat, Malacomys, which also vectors a coronavirus. Thus, the Chinese military's virus posted on Dr. Quay's Twitter page (24 Aug 2022) is neurotropic in rats. It goes for the brain of the host. Yes, there is a cover-up.
Lol, you poor thing.

The FBI was following the law when these payments were made.

Do you know how to fact check anything so you can protect yourself from being duped?
Really Einstein? Please show us all this law that says the FBI can pay private companies to violate our 1A rights to freedom of speech?
Twits became a govt contractor by doing this so they are guilty as well.

This isn't rocket surgery, even a bunch of cats in sweaters should be able to follow along.
I don't have a coloring book so maybe ya'll should stick to licking your crotches on the scratching post
Really Einstein? Please show us all this law that says the FBI can pay private companies to violate our 1A rights to freedom of speech?
Twits became a govt contractor by doing this so they are guilty as well.

I just did, but first amendment rights were not violated. That is a different, and yet another false narrative you believe.

This isn't rocket surgery, even a bunch of cats in sweaters should be able to follow along.
I don't have a coloring book so maybe ya'll should stick to licking your crotches on the scratching post
Trump's FBI payed Twitter for legal processes in accordance with the law.
I just did, but first amendment rights were not violated. That is a different, and yet another false narrative you believe.

Trump's FBI payed Twitter for legal processes in accordance with the law.
Sorry, but the government taking proactive steps to contract with a private company to block American’s free speech IS a violation of the First Amendment.
Contract with company? Can you elaborate?
Yes, they used taxpayer money to pay Twitter for blocking Republican posters and posts that it, the government, didn’t want out. Thus, Twitter became a government contractor, carrying out its instructions to block free speech.

Sort of like Communist-run news.
Yes, they used taxpayer money to pay Twitter for blocking Republican posters and posts that it, the government, didn’t want out. Thus, Twitter became a government contractor, carrying out its instructions to block free speech.

Sort of like Communist-run news.
What is this contract thing you were talking about before?

No, they used the money for reimbursement for legal processes.

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