Turkiye News

* Three Dutch tourists who had been lost during the nature trip, found stranded on steep cliffs and rescued by Turkish Coast Guard Air Rescue units.
* Turkish Counter-Terrorism Teams caught three bombers walkind on the street simultaneously who were planning to set up bombs in Mosques.
* Three Dutch tourists who had been lost during the nature trip, found stranded on steep cliffs and rescued by Turkish Coast Guard Air Rescue units.

Oh my goodness, the other week the Search
* Three Dutch tourists who had been lost during the nature trip, found stranded on steep cliffs and rescued by Turkish Coast Guard Air Rescue units.

Oh my goodness, hikers get lost all the time around the world. There were some lost in Malibu Creek State Park the other week; and because the weather was bad, it took the rescuers a long time to get them to safety.

Long Beach hikers trapped by waters at Malibu Creek State Park rescued
* Turkish person performed hara-kiri in a bank branch.

(Do not worry, we will ban all interest banking systems in Turkiye soon.)
* Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz: "Turkiye is the center of Europe-Africa-Asia and they will continue to rise."
turkey will do fine so long as it does not continue on its present
path to transformation into a shariah shit hole
* Turkish Special Forces may perform another operation in Syria to rescue two Japanese hostages kept by ISIS who were threatened with being beheaded within 3 days.
turkey will do fine so long as it does not continue on its present
path to transformation into a shariah shit hole
* Turkish ORKA HOLDING will buy 11 Italian global companies.

I think our little Tovarich needs a vacation. She should leave Turkey for a while to see what is going on in the Gulf States with regard, not only to tourism, but to foreign investments and different industries building up. She is too focused only on companies in Turkey and nothing else. My goodness, even her enemies, the Israelis, are doing loads of business with others around the world. the same as many other countries. If it really were that interesting, we could spend all day long here giving what is happening in tons of countries with regard to trade and investments. Instead of giving us things like she does, how about she give us all the important inventions and medical advances that are coming out of Turkey which will benefit humanity as a whole. This is the important stuff.

First off on Miss Tovarich's itinerary will be a stay at this resort for some rest and relaxation.

Times of Oman News Oman tourism The View offers luxury amid nature?

I am sure that the resort serves lots of delicious Brazilian meat in their dining room.

Arab consumption of Brazilian beef reaches USD 907 million in 2014 WAM?

And then after dinner she can go to the Opera House to have a glorious evening of listening to the music.

Times of Oman News Warm tango rhythms reverberate at Royal Opera House Muscat?
* Turkish Special Forces may perform another operation in Syria to rescue two Japanese hostages kept by ISIS who were threatened with being beheaded within 3 days.

that would be very good, Minerva. I hope they do it
right----once they pay a ransom once----the islam-Nazis
"hold they by the balls" (I am actually a very genteel lady---
but-----I am acting "out")
right----once they pay a ransom once----the islam-Nazis
"hold they by the balls" (I am actually a very genteel lady---
but-----I am acting "out")

I wonder if some top ISIS leaders can be kidnapped and held for ransom. Will the head honcho, the one who calls himself the Caliph, even care if they were rescued or not? Too bad the ones in charge of Internet usage who are trying to publicize how wonderful ISIS is in order to recruit new members couldn't be taken hostage.
right----once they pay a ransom once----the islam-Nazis
"hold they by the balls" (I am actually a very genteel lady---
but-----I am acting "out")

I wonder if some top ISIS leaders can be kidnapped and held for ransom. Will the head honcho, the one who calls himself the Caliph, even care if they were rescued or not? Too bad the ones in charge of Internet usage who are trying to publicize how wonderful ISIS is in order to recruit new members couldn't be taken hostage.

I would be delighted-----but keep in mind-----no one could find
Adolf to put a bullet in his head. No one could find Idi Amin,
no one could find SADAAM ----no one could find Kadaffy-duck,
no one could get to ASSAD and no one can get to any of those
elusive islamo Nazi dogs -----the operation against Osama was
something like a miracle
* According to Turkish intelligence service MIT, Germany is behind the Cizre street conflicts.
* According to Turkish intelligence service MIT, Germany is behind the Cizre street conflicts.

according to Turkish ""intelligence" a few million Armenians
committed "suicide" in 1915-16 because martians told them
to do it. and this year German technology was galvanized
to remotely control Turkish military animals and force them to shoot Kurdish children

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