Tucker Carlson: Tony Blinken’s Statement Is an Admission the US Was Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Bombings (VIDEO)

Carlson is a rich boy Russian shill. Your brain should be ashamed for watching him.

I won't speak for anyone else, but I've never personally found your input to be of any value to functional dialogue whatsoever. You're more of a detriment.

Someone exercised extremely poor judgment with you. Clearly.

You're really only encouraging the same brand of ad-hom you're displaying. But you know that already. Right? Of course, you do. You know what you're doing. And they are a loyal bunch in following your lead. Same crowd every time.

I'll give the thread a few more hours and you'll likely have succeeded in setting the table to justify shoving it in the hole some place. That's what you're doing. Right? Setting a precedent for the usual low-value thread wrecking balls to show up and follow your lead as to what is deemed acceptable dialogue in accommodating your intent?
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Russia is mafia run petro state with a dictator running it and you're batshit
Still better than the democrat asylum of wokeism they made this country into. I wish I could do something to help end the asylum.
What...like raid the Capitol again?
This time really do it. There was about 60,000 people at the Capitol that day. A handful were invited into the building. If those 60,000 meant business the Jan 6 hearings would be skewering democrat traitors.

If the Russians mean business it would not be a panty raid.
Carlson is a moron

True, but who else except the US could likely have been able to target a deep ocean pipeline?
Who could even find it?

The Russians and Germans certainly did not, since clearly they were secretly using the pipeline.
Otherwise it would not have been under pressure.
Right dumbass...the US would blow up a gas pipeline that feeds Europe because what...they want LESS support for Ukraine?

That is silly.
The US was demanding everyone else obey the illegal economic sanctions against Russian gas and oil.
And Germany can't do that, it would be too expensive.
They need Russian gas.
So they were buying it secretly.
The US likely found out, so then blew up the pipeline.
That the Neo-GOP Philosophy in a nutshell.

Vote them out ladies, we don't need to be Russia to tell the woke, nope.

I have been pro-Russia since Castro, Vietnam, Korea, etc.
Russia got nothing out of helping those countries that the US was trying to force dictators on.
Its pretty clear that Russia has always been the good guy because they don't need colonial imperialism to make profits, the US does.

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