tucker carlson laughs at Cap Police as they tell their story

Still trying to figure out which of those badasses was so scared he had to shoot an unarmed woman.
You mean the crazy woman that was trying to stop the electoral votes being counted...all for the treasonous SOB who is flying around the country speaking the "Big Lie."

Yeah, was she part of the love fest that trump talks about.
I'm sure foreign terrorists thought 9/11 was funny too. Now we have our domestic terrorists laughing.
Which Domestic Terrorists?

ANTIFA and BLM who are the most dangerous of domestic terrorists ? Or Libertarians who are not domestic terroritsts at all.
Of course the FBi disagrees. But they have lost all semblance of competance or professionalism
You have to wonder what trump fluffers get in return for selling their soul, their humanity, to that cult.
Betting one's political future on a Short-Fingered Vulgarian is bad strategery.
They'll all be finding this out as soon as the indictments fly and they desperately attempt to jettison his fat ass.
It'll be too late at that point. :cool-45:
Which Domestic Terrorists?

ANTIFA and BLM who are the most dangerous of domestic terrorists ? Or Libertarians who are not domestic terroritsts at all.
Of course the FBi disagrees. But they have lost all semblance of competance or professionalism
Not one government agency has any credibility. They do what they want and are never held accountable.
Betting one's political future on a Short-Fingered Vulgarian is bad strategery.
They'll all be finding this out as soon as the indictments fly and they desperately attempt to jettison his fat ass.
It'll be too late at that point. :cool-45:
In 2022 the power of these fascists ( you and yours) will be cut off at the knees, if not sooner.
AZ was won illegally. That is how it worked out. GA. will find the same thing out shortly.
You're a true believer Lasty - I'll give ya that! ;)

Yeah, i do. You retarded mother fuckers ruin everything.
I talk shit about captain clorox all the time. Make fun of his most ardent followers. Bashed his many of his policies etc
but i dont tow the auhtoritarian lefts line, so i am a secret trump fluffer.
PERFECT example of you guys ruining everything.. with your binary bullshit.
Grow up dude. Shit.
You fucks are just as immature as his fat ass.
Oh what bullshit. You've been critical of Captain Clorox about one in every 300 posts.
Kiss Kiss! :D

No, most of the world is laughing at Kevin and Matt and Marge and their little demonstrations yesterday. Fuck these people like Kev, Lindsay and Mitch who came out hard against Rump the day of and the day after, only to become compliant cucks in the days following. They are pathetic.
Of course you fascists applaud shutting down a press conference. You can’t even let the opposition speak you are so afraid.
Oh what bullshit. You've been critical of Captain Clorox about one in every 300 posts.
Kiss Kiss! :D

Got it! Since im not a TDS, trump obsessive, authoritarian who cant post about gardening without mentioning a trump tweet from 4 years ago, I*m a trump fluffer! :D

Carlson is scum....these brave people saved our democracy from fascist trying to stop the electoral voter count. They bleed and some died....Carlson IS SCUM!

Like this fucking clown?

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