Tucker called it in June...Trump lost voters as he became a bit too GOP-ish


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

No. He lost the election because of the blown response to COVID-19. For three months he did nothing except golf, tweet, and hold his pep rallies. Then on March 11th, he gives a disasterous address to the nation and after a stock market collapse the next day, he's on the sidelines..temporarily. There were a lot of missteps over the first three years but because things were good economically and quiet internationally, none of them were fatal...until the pandemic. Fast forward to November and almost 250K dead, rising infection rates, 7% unemployment. That's what the legacy of his presidency will be remembered primarily for. He fucked up the response to the virus. And the voters showed him the door.
In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

Of course Tucker is wrong, very wrong in fact. I don't watch him anymore, my Spidey Senses tingle a little too often when watching him. Once I get that impression it's hard to roll back. I may return to watch his show once in awhile, but not anytime soon. My interest in politics has to change, as he did.

Trump had 73M votes, he had 30k+ at his rallies for weeks. Nothing in the history of politics, certainly nothing in GOP politics when they have zero MSM support. He had protesters and people in the 10's of thousand march for him after he apparently lost. Does he think the "tough on crime", far right approach of people like peculiar Ann Coulter would have increased his voters much if he just preached to the choir? He lost due to the mail-out votes and some interesting Election Night activities.

Tucker likes Big Police. He suggests he doesn't, but his antics and arguments suggest otherwise. A pity, because there is a vast difference between supporting good honest policing, and the type of policing that unfettered support brings. As we have in Canada. A nation being wrecked domestically by police and via global sources who understand how self serving and creepy our police are.

I've learned to cut through the compromised, converted and otherwise. I stand by my gut instinct when I stated that of all the tv characters, Hannity was the most patriotic. He doesn't just repeat platitudes, he genuinely believes in American Values, traditions and the Rule of Law. Principles that made America so dominant for so long.

Hannity doesn't like Big Power, he prefers the constitution for all men. Any means necessary isn't valid to him if it doesn't defend the individual and basic principles. As time goes on, it's clear that more and more he is alone.

I do hope that if Dems win the Georgia Senate that the first people to get impacted are those making more than $400k. Maybe then Tucker will have some skin in the game for his positions...
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In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

The governors have the final say.
In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

Of course Tucker is wrong, very wrong in fact. I don't watch him anymore, my Spidey Senses tingle a little too often when watching him. Once I get that impression it's hard to roll back.

Trump had 73M votes, he had 30k+ at his rallies for weeks. Nothing in the history of politics, certainly nothing in GOP politics when they have zero MSM support. He had protesters and people in the 10's of thousand march for him after he apparently lost. Does he think THAT would have increased his voters that much if he just preached to the choir?

Tucker likes Big Police. He suggests he doesn't, but his antics and arguments suggest otherwise. A pity, because there is a vast difference between supporting good honest policing, and the type of policing that unfettered support brings. As we have in Canada. A nation being wrecked domestically by police and via global sources who understand how self serving and creepy our police are.

I've learned to cut through the compromised, converted and otherwise. I stand by my gut instinct when I stated that of all the tv characters, Hannity was the most patriotic. He doesn't just repeat platitudes, he genuinely believes in American Values, traditions and the Rule of Law. Principles that made America so dominant for so long.

Hannity doesn't like Big Power, he prefers the constitution for all men. Any means necessary isn't valid to him if it defends the individual. As time goes on, it's clear that more and more he is alone.

Each side has it's choir and everyone already knew who they were voting for, rallies or not.
In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

No. He lost the election because of the blown response to COVID-19. For three months he did nothing except golf, tweet, and hold his pep rallies. Then on March 11th, he gives a disasterous address to the nation and after a stock market collapse the next day, he's on the sidelines..temporarily. There were a lot of missteps over the first three years but because things were good economically and quiet internationally, none of them were fatal...until the pandemic. Fast forward to November and almost 250K dead, rising infection rates, 7% unemployment. That's what the legacy of his presidency will be remembered primarily for. He fucked up the response to the virus. And the voters showed him the door.

Negative....nobody even half sane holds the plandemic / Chinese Virus against Trump...NOBODY.
Leftist Tards have no credibility on the matter as they haven’t said a damn thing about the performance of serial killers Cuomo, Newsom and the rest of the governors in Dem run shitholes.
In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

No. He lost the election because of the blown response to COVID-19. For three months he did nothing except golf, tweet, and hold his pep rallies. Then on March 11th, he gives a disasterous address to the nation and after a stock market collapse the next day, he's on the sidelines..temporarily. There were a lot of missteps over the first three years but because things were good economically and quiet internationally, none of them were fatal...until the pandemic. Fast forward to November and almost 250K dead, rising infection rates, 7% unemployment. That's what the legacy of his presidency will be remembered primarily for. He fucked up the response to the virus. And the voters showed him the door.

Negative....nobody even half sane holds the plandemic / Chinese Virus against Trump...NOBODY.
Leftist Tards have no credibility on the matter as they haven’t said a damn thing about the performance of serial killers Cuomo, Newsom and the rest of the governors in Dem run shitholes.

Tell that to the families of the over 260K dead. See what kind of response you get. And there were over 80 million voters who DID hold his response to the pandemic against him..along with a lot of other things. Like it or not, response to a pandemic like this begins at the top. But, the result should have been expected with the competence of the in-over-his-head reality TV star that backed into the presidency. :) For three years, he coasted. Then, the first minute his presidency is tested, he fails spectacularly. So the voters showed him the door...because of his response to the virus. Nobody blames him for the virus making its way to our shores. As far as the constant distractions to Cuomo, et all...if the voters of their states decide they are culpable in their handling of the virus, then they will pass judgement on them at the voting booth...just like 80 million people did against Trump this past November 3rd.
In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

Of course Tucker is wrong, very wrong in fact. I don't watch him anymore, my Spidey Senses tingle a little too often when watching him. Once I get that impression it's hard to roll back. I may return to watch his show once in awhile, but not anytime soon. My interest in politics has to change, as he did.

Trump had 73M votes, he had 30k+ at his rallies for weeks. Nothing in the history of politics, certainly nothing in GOP politics when they have zero MSM support. He had protesters and people in the 10's of thousand march for him after he apparently lost. Does he think the "tough on crime", far right approach of people like peculiar Ann Coulter would have increased his voters much if he just preached to the choir? He lost due to the mail-out votes and some interesting Election Night activities.

Tucker likes Big Police. He suggests he doesn't, but his antics and arguments suggest otherwise. A pity, because there is a vast difference between supporting good honest policing, and the type of policing that unfettered support brings. As we have in Canada. A nation being wrecked domestically by police and via global sources who understand how self serving and creepy our police are.

I've learned to cut through the compromised, converted and otherwise. I stand by my gut instinct when I stated that of all the tv characters, Hannity was the most patriotic. He doesn't just repeat platitudes, he genuinely believes in American Values, traditions and the Rule of Law. Principles that made America so dominant for so long.

Hannity doesn't like Big Power, he prefers the constitution for all men. Any means necessary isn't valid to him if it doesn't defend the individual and basic principles. As time goes on, it's clear that more and more he is alone.

I do hope that if Dems win the Georgia Senate that the first people to get impacted are those making more than $400k. Maybe then Tucker will have some skin in the game for his positions...

We couldn’t be further apart on this.... Tucker still is what Trump was leading into the 2016 election. Clearly, Trump took advice from too many establishment pussies as he backed the tone and action down to appease the PC police / the Left.

Further, Tucker is dead on with his opinion with regard to this nations need for a hardcore police state...UNFORTUNATELY.
We are no longer a nation comprised of high quality human beings....with 20-50 million illegal aliens, millions of anchor babies on stolen citizenships, angry mobs of woke white guilt whackos and an empowered population of black savages now is the time to crank up the police state.
In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

Of course Tucker is wrong, very wrong in fact. I don't watch him anymore, my Spidey Senses tingle a little too often when watching him. Once I get that impression it's hard to roll back. I may return to watch his show once in awhile, but not anytime soon. My interest in politics has to change, as he did.

Trump had 73M votes, he had 30k+ at his rallies for weeks. Nothing in the history of politics, certainly nothing in GOP politics when they have zero MSM support. He had protesters and people in the 10's of thousand march for him after he apparently lost. Does he think the "tough on crime", far right approach of people like peculiar Ann Coulter would have increased his voters much if he just preached to the choir? He lost due to the mail-out votes and some interesting Election Night activities.

Tucker likes Big Police. He suggests he doesn't, but his antics and arguments suggest otherwise. A pity, because there is a vast difference between supporting good honest policing, and the type of policing that unfettered support brings. As we have in Canada. A nation being wrecked domestically by police and via global sources who understand how self serving and creepy our police are.

I've learned to cut through the compromised, converted and otherwise. I stand by my gut instinct when I stated that of all the tv characters, Hannity was the most patriotic. He doesn't just repeat platitudes, he genuinely believes in American Values, traditions and the Rule of Law. Principles that made America so dominant for so long.

Hannity doesn't like Big Power, he prefers the constitution for all men. Any means necessary isn't valid to him if it doesn't defend the individual and basic principles. As time goes on, it's clear that more and more he is alone.

I do hope that if Dems win the Georgia Senate that the first people to get impacted are those making more than $400k. Maybe then Tucker will have some skin in the game for his positions...

We couldn’t be further apart on this.... Tucker still is what Trump was leading into the 2016 election. Clearly, Trump took advice from too many establishment pussies as he backed the tone and action down to appease the PC police / the Left.

Further, Tucker is dead on with his opinion with regard to this nations need for a hardcore police state...UNFORTUNATELY.
We are no longer a nation comprised of high quality human beings....with 20-50 million illegal aliens, millions of anchor babies on stolen citizenships, angry mobs of woke white guilt whackos and an empowered population of black savages now is the time to crank up the police state.

So, you're just confirming here that you and the rest of Trump Nation want to see a dictatorship in this country? And thanks for confirming for the class that support for Trump falls largely under the heading of Make America White Again. :)
No, Trump did not lose voters. More people voted for Trump this election than last. It’s a combination of cheating by the Democrats and getting out the idiots to vote for dems. Last election, many dems didn’t vote at all for two reasons: they assumed that Hillary had it won and they didn’t like her.
In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

Of course Tucker is wrong, very wrong in fact. I don't watch him anymore, my Spidey Senses tingle a little too often when watching him. Once I get that impression it's hard to roll back. I may return to watch his show once in awhile, but not anytime soon. My interest in politics has to change, as he did.

Trump had 73M votes, he had 30k+ at his rallies for weeks. Nothing in the history of politics, certainly nothing in GOP politics when they have zero MSM support. He had protesters and people in the 10's of thousand march for him after he apparently lost. Does he think the "tough on crime", far right approach of people like peculiar Ann Coulter would have increased his voters much if he just preached to the choir? He lost due to the mail-out votes and some interesting Election Night activities.

Tucker likes Big Police. He suggests he doesn't, but his antics and arguments suggest otherwise. A pity, because there is a vast difference between supporting good honest policing, and the type of policing that unfettered support brings. As we have in Canada. A nation being wrecked domestically by police and via global sources who understand how self serving and creepy our police are.

I've learned to cut through the compromised, converted and otherwise. I stand by my gut instinct when I stated that of all the tv characters, Hannity was the most patriotic. He doesn't just repeat platitudes, he genuinely believes in American Values, traditions and the Rule of Law. Principles that made America so dominant for so long.

Hannity doesn't like Big Power, he prefers the constitution for all men. Any means necessary isn't valid to him if it doesn't defend the individual and basic principles. As time goes on, it's clear that more and more he is alone.

I do hope that if Dems win the Georgia Senate that the first people to get impacted are those making more than $400k. Maybe then Tucker will have some skin in the game for his positions...

We couldn’t be further apart on this.... Tucker still is what Trump was leading into the 2016 election. Clearly, Trump took advice from too many establishment pussies as he backed the tone and action down to appease the PC police / the Left.

Further, Tucker is dead on with his opinion with regard to this nations need for a hardcore police state...UNFORTUNATELY.
We are no longer a nation comprised of high quality human beings....with 20-50 million illegal aliens, millions of anchor babies on stolen citizenships, angry mobs of woke white guilt whackos and an empowered population of black savages now is the time to crank up the police state.

So, you're just confirming here that you and the rest of Trump Nation want to see a dictatorship in this country? And thanks for confirming for the class that support for Trump falls largely under the heading of Make America White Again. :)

Police state does not equal dictatorship.
Mayor Giuliani showed you that in NYC in the late 90’s
While nobody sane could dispute it and as all the racist data proves it...a white America is a FAR better America BUT I realize that pipe dream is long gone. I prefer Make America Behave Like Whites Again.
Does hearing this make you want to piss yourself?
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Trump told his supporters to vote twice. If there was any fraud it was Pro-Trump voters that did it. Probably 25% of the votes for Trump were fraud.

Trumpbot's attempt to undermine Democracy failed!
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No, Trump did not lose voters. More people voted for Trump this election than last. It’s a combination of cheating by the Democrats and getting out the idiots to vote for dems. Last election, many dems didn’t vote at all for two reasons: they assumed that Hillary had it won and they didn’t like her.

Trump gained ground with dark folks and lost ground with white men and women across the spectrum.
In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

No. He lost the election because of the blown response to COVID-19. For three months he did nothing except golf, tweet, and hold his pep rallies. Then on March 11th, he gives a disasterous address to the nation and after a stock market collapse the next day, he's on the sidelines..temporarily. There were a lot of missteps over the first three years but because things were good economically and quiet internationally, none of them were fatal...until the pandemic. Fast forward to November and almost 250K dead, rising infection rates, 7% unemployment. That's what the legacy of his presidency will be remembered primarily for. He fucked up the response to the virus. And the voters showed him the door.

Negative....nobody even half sane holds the plandemic / Chinese Virus against Trump...NOBODY.
Leftist Tards have no credibility on the matter as they haven’t said a damn thing about the performance of serial killers Cuomo, Newsom and the rest of the governors in Dem run shitholes.

EVERYONE in the WORLD holds Trump's failure to lead an effective response to Covid19 against Donald Trump.

- ignored the virus for 3 months relying on restricting travel from China, while the virus came in on the east coast from Europe

- failed to restock or maintain the national stockpile of PPE or ventilators, and failed to properly co-ordinate or warn the medical establishment of the need to acquires stores of PPE and supplies they would need for the coming pandemic

- failed to come up with either effective tests for the virus or a national testing strategy - something you STILL don't have.

- highest rates of disease and death in the world, despite having what you have falsely claimed to be the "best healthcare system in the world".

- pandemic raging out of control and the President has been completed consumed by golf and fighting the will of the people
trump has no one to blame but himself for losing this thing,he should have won fairly easily.....

"No one to blame but himself." This is the mantra cops in Canada use after they entrap or groom some young, dumb poor kid. "Hey, don't blame us for framing him, he did it to himself". They certainly are always there with that lending hand though...(in some cases cop commit crimes, bring a youth to tag along with them, and charge the youth for being there!)

No. Trump had a record for votes by a GOP candidate and he doesn't have Cali, NY, or billionaires pushing for him from all across the globe.

Without mail out voting and other interesting circumstances, Trump wins the E.C fairly easily. In fact, this result is so shocking to the Dem Establishment that Obama was in Canada trying to explain how Trump received 73M votes. They won't say so publicly, but they view this as a loss. All of Trump votes were legitimate.

It's as if they see that the Dems had EVERY advantage, and God knows what working in their favor, and yet, Trump, the businessman, managed to get 73M votes. They can't get out of their bubbles that they are living in. Can't for the life of them understand when they look out over the ocean from their mansions and watch the "Made in China" imports come in, why anyone would vote for Trump.
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In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

Trump had way more votes than in 2016, not enough to overcome fraud and all security checks being removed, but enough to legitimately win an election against Biden (one of the worst candidates of all time) - without a doubt.
In an attempt to sell himself to brown people he backed off on the tone that got him elected in 2016. He was too slow to act against BurnLootMurder and Antifa, he allowed the mob to rule for too long.
In the end he became a little too pussified just like the rest of the GOP.

No. He lost the election because of the blown response to COVID-19. For three months he did nothing except golf, tweet, and hold his pep rallies. Then on March 11th, he gives a disasterous address to the nation and after a stock market collapse the next day, he's on the sidelines..temporarily. There were a lot of missteps over the first three years but because things were good economically and quiet internationally, none of them were fatal...until the pandemic. Fast forward to November and almost 250K dead, rising infection rates, 7% unemployment. That's what the legacy of his presidency will be remembered primarily for. He fucked up the response to the virus. And the voters showed him the door.

In no way was Trump's response botched, he did exactly what everyone else was doing.

This is just a myth.

Now if you want a botched response - Biden lockdowns get you there.

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