TrumpUSA: Mealtime Marksmanship


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Modernism hustle-and-bustle (i.e., Wall Street) creates a Rigor-mortis like obsession with market adaptation analysis.

We think of Leonardo da Vinci's drawing of the metaphysical profundity of the elegance of the human form in structural/design 'evolution' (the Vitruvian Man), and we think of the 'balancing act' of civilization 'gymnastics' (e.g., The Human Genome Project).

It's no wonder we make culturally-symbolic films such as Rogue Trader and The Wolf of Wall Street to assuage our instincts/passions regarding 'urban matrix ambitions,' or why we contemplate the profitability of becoming 'smarter' or 'designing sensitive brains' for this modern 'urbanization-labyrinth interface' (e.g., NASDAQ).

Maybe network-frailty films such as Virus and The Lawnmower Man signify our developed fear of complete 'systemic implosion' (e.g., 1992 Los Angeles Race Riots).

The new balancing act seems to be concerning 'physique absurdism' (e.g., Hackers).

Is President Trump 'intellectually fit' to deal with this sort of 'modernism prescription'?


TRUMP: I used to love looking at photos of skyscrapers when I was a kid...
CARTER: You've always loved the 'splendor' of commercial enterprise, Mr. President.
TRUMP: Enterprise is the hallmark of the American Dream, Carter!
CARTER: Thank you sir. Our challenge partially involves the 'ballet' with the European Union.
TRUMP: Globalization requires us to be 'inflation surgeons.'
CARTER: That sounds tricky, but I suppose the world needs America to 'captain' the World Bank.
TRUMP: Correct, and anti-Western sentiments must be addressed in terms of 'commercial fitness.'
CARTER: That's what the G7 Summit and NATO are all about...
TRUMP: The world must believe that, and that will require 'administrative dentistry.'
CARTER: Yes, anti-Industrialization sentiments in the modern age can feel like 'jawbreakers.'
TRUMP: Isn't that why we see 'urbanization-crime' (e.g., Son of Sam)?
CARTER: 'Pedestrianism' is challenged by 'pedestrian dissatisfaction.'
TRUMP: That's why this administration needs to remember the impact of the middle-class.
CARTER: Middle-class economics is not something the Republican Party is observing.
TRUMP: As long as the rest of the world thinks America is a 'pirate,' globalization will feel 'immature.'
CARTER: The trauma of 9/11 reminded the world that urbanization-destabilization disfigures networking.
TRUMP: We can't let patriotism dissolve...
CARTER: Maybe you and I should watch Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps on Netflix tonight...



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