Trump's Tariffs Slam Maine Lobstermen


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
There will be more of these stories coming.

Donald Trump has upended global trade relationships, promising that temporary disruption will end in better terms for American businesses. Tell that to the Maine lobster industry that his policies are putting at a major disadvantage in Europe and China.

These should be halcyon days in lobstertown. Maine harvests more lobster than any other U.S. state or Canadian province. Last year it landed nearly 111 million pounds—its fourth-largest annual haul—which it sold for $450 million. The lobster industry accounts for 2% of Maine’s economy. ...

In 2017 the U.S. exported more than $137 million in lobsters to China, up from $52 million in 2015.

Yet Mr. Trump’s unilateral tariffs are about to erode the price advantage of American lobsters. After the U.S. announced on June 15 plans to impose a 25% tariff on $50 billion in Chinese goods, Beijing retaliated with a new 25% tariff on American seafood, farm products and autos, effective July 6. That’s on top of the 10% to 15% tariffs China already imposes on U.S. and Canadian lobster. ...

“What happens if we lose 30%, 40%, even 50% of our market share?” he says. “We have to keep paying the bank for that borrowed money. If we do have an impact in sales, it’s going to have a direct impact on jobs. That’s the only way we reduce our expenses. I hope that doesn’t happen. And to date we haven’t laid anyone off.” Mr. Adams adds that if the trade tensions don’t abate, he would consider moving some of his operations to Canada.

Trump Boils Maine Lobstermen

Trade wars hurt more people than they help. That's why economists almost unilaterally believe in free trade and oppose trade wars and tariffs, i.e. trade taxes.
There will be more of these stories coming.

Donald Trump has upended global trade relationships, promising that temporary disruption will end in better terms for American businesses. Tell that to the Maine lobster industry that his policies are putting at a major disadvantage in Europe and China.

These should be halcyon days in lobstertown. Maine harvests more lobster than any other U.S. state or Canadian province. Last year it landed nearly 111 million pounds—its fourth-largest annual haul—which it sold for $450 million. The lobster industry accounts for 2% of Maine’s economy. ...

In 2017 the U.S. exported more than $137 million in lobsters to China, up from $52 million in 2015.

Yet Mr. Trump’s unilateral tariffs are about to erode the price advantage of American lobsters. After the U.S. announced on June 15 plans to impose a 25% tariff on $50 billion in Chinese goods, Beijing retaliated with a new 25% tariff on American seafood, farm products and autos, effective July 6. That’s on top of the 10% to 15% tariffs China already imposes on U.S. and Canadian lobster. ...

“What happens if we lose 30%, 40%, even 50% of our market share?” he says. “We have to keep paying the bank for that borrowed money. If we do have an impact in sales, it’s going to have a direct impact on jobs. That’s the only way we reduce our expenses. I hope that doesn’t happen. And to date we haven’t laid anyone off.” Mr. Adams adds that if the trade tensions don’t abate, he would consider moving some of his operations to Canada.

Trump Boils Maine Lobstermen

Trade wars hurt more people than they help. That's why economists almost unilaterally believe in free trade and oppose trade wars and tariffs, i.e. trade taxes.

Every action by our trade "partners" to protect their trade surpluses,

validates Trump's policy.
There will be more of these stories coming.

Mr. Adams adds that if the trade tensions don’t abate, he would consider moving some of his operations to Canada.

Then maybe Mr Adams should move his entire operation, including his Citizenship to Canada.
There will be more of these stories coming.

Donald Trump has upended global trade relationships, promising that temporary disruption will end in better terms for American businesses. Tell that to the Maine lobster industry that his policies are putting at a major disadvantage in Europe and China.

These should be halcyon days in lobstertown. Maine harvests more lobster than any other U.S. state or Canadian province. Last year it landed nearly 111 million pounds—its fourth-largest annual haul—which it sold for $450 million. The lobster industry accounts for 2% of Maine’s economy. ...

In 2017 the U.S. exported more than $137 million in lobsters to China, up from $52 million in 2015.

Yet Mr. Trump’s unilateral tariffs are about to erode the price advantage of American lobsters. After the U.S. announced on June 15 plans to impose a 25% tariff on $50 billion in Chinese goods, Beijing retaliated with a new 25% tariff on American seafood, farm products and autos, effective July 6. That’s on top of the 10% to 15% tariffs China already imposes on U.S. and Canadian lobster. ...

“What happens if we lose 30%, 40%, even 50% of our market share?” he says. “We have to keep paying the bank for that borrowed money. If we do have an impact in sales, it’s going to have a direct impact on jobs. That’s the only way we reduce our expenses. I hope that doesn’t happen. And to date we haven’t laid anyone off.” Mr. Adams adds that if the trade tensions don’t abate, he would consider moving some of his operations to Canada.

Trump Boils Maine Lobstermen

Trade wars hurt more people than they help. That's why economists almost unilaterally believe in free trade and oppose trade wars and tariffs, i.e. trade taxes.
and you are only considering any side against trump as evidence.

There will be more of these stories coming.

Mr. Adams adds that if the trade tensions don’t abate, he would consider moving some of his operations to Canada.

Then maybe Mr Adams should move his entire operation, including his Citizenship to Canada.

And employs Canadians instead of Americans.

I thought trade deficits didn't matter.

Do they only matter when Trump is President?
There will be more of these stories coming.

Donald Trump has upended global trade relationships, promising that temporary disruption will end in better terms for American businesses. Tell that to the Maine lobster industry that his policies are putting at a major disadvantage in Europe and China.

These should be halcyon days in lobstertown. Maine harvests more lobster than any other U.S. state or Canadian province. Last year it landed nearly 111 million pounds—its fourth-largest annual haul—which it sold for $450 million. The lobster industry accounts for 2% of Maine’s economy. ...

In 2017 the U.S. exported more than $137 million in lobsters to China, up from $52 million in 2015.

Yet Mr. Trump’s unilateral tariffs are about to erode the price advantage of American lobsters. After the U.S. announced on June 15 plans to impose a 25% tariff on $50 billion in Chinese goods, Beijing retaliated with a new 25% tariff on American seafood, farm products and autos, effective July 6. That’s on top of the 10% to 15% tariffs China already imposes on U.S. and Canadian lobster. ...

“What happens if we lose 30%, 40%, even 50% of our market share?” he says. “We have to keep paying the bank for that borrowed money. If we do have an impact in sales, it’s going to have a direct impact on jobs. That’s the only way we reduce our expenses. I hope that doesn’t happen. And to date we haven’t laid anyone off.” Mr. Adams adds that if the trade tensions don’t abate, he would consider moving some of his operations to Canada.

Trump Boils Maine Lobstermen

Trade wars hurt more people than they help. That's why economists almost unilaterally believe in free trade and oppose trade wars and tariffs, i.e. trade taxes.

2% of Maine's economy. National disaster I tell ya.

You're such a sycophant for the libtarded left you should buy a Chinese car to protest.

Libtardos have been railing against Wal Mart for decades for selling cheap Chinese shit here and now they're railing about not getting their cheap Chinese shit any more.

Yes, they are truly libtarded.
All they have to do is sell their lobster to a Canadian company who will export the lobster to China. Do the Chinese have tariffs on Canada also?

I'm not sure it works like that.

Do you think China's not going to know what's happening? They'll still put tariffs on the goods from Canada as if they came from the US, because they'll know they came from the US first.
All they have to do is sell their lobster to a Canadian company who will export the lobster to China. Do the Chinese have tariffs on Canada also?

I'm not sure it works like that.

Do you think China's not going to know what's happening? They'll still put tariffs on the goods from Canada as if they came from the US, because they'll know they came from the US first.

Last time I checked, lobsters do not come out of the ocean with "Made in the USA" stamped on their backsides. Dumbass!
All they have to do is sell their lobster to a Canadian company who will export the lobster to China. Do the Chinese have tariffs on Canada also?

I'm not sure it works like that.

Do you think China's not going to know what's happening? They'll still put tariffs on the goods from Canada as if they came from the US, because they'll know they came from the US first.

Last time I checked, lobsters do not come out of the ocean with "Made in the USA" stamped on their backsides. Dumbass!

COOL standards dictate that if fish comes out of US Waters, it must be labeled as such from the suppliers.
There will be more of these stories coming.

Donald Trump has upended global trade relationships, promising that temporary disruption will end in better terms for American businesses. Tell that to the Maine lobster industry that his policies are putting at a major disadvantage in Europe and China.

These should be halcyon days in lobstertown. Maine harvests more lobster than any other U.S. state or Canadian province. Last year it landed nearly 111 million pounds—its fourth-largest annual haul—which it sold for $450 million. The lobster industry accounts for 2% of Maine’s economy. ...

In 2017 the U.S. exported more than $137 million in lobsters to China, up from $52 million in 2015.

Yet Mr. Trump’s unilateral tariffs are about to erode the price advantage of American lobsters. After the U.S. announced on June 15 plans to impose a 25% tariff on $50 billion in Chinese goods, Beijing retaliated with a new 25% tariff on American seafood, farm products and autos, effective July 6. That’s on top of the 10% to 15% tariffs China already imposes on U.S. and Canadian lobster. ...

“What happens if we lose 30%, 40%, even 50% of our market share?” he says. “We have to keep paying the bank for that borrowed money. If we do have an impact in sales, it’s going to have a direct impact on jobs. That’s the only way we reduce our expenses. I hope that doesn’t happen. And to date we haven’t laid anyone off.” Mr. Adams adds that if the trade tensions don’t abate, he would consider moving some of his operations to Canada.

Trump Boils Maine Lobstermen

Trade wars hurt more people than they help. That's why economists almost unilaterally believe in free trade and oppose trade wars and tariffs, i.e. trade taxes.

Every action by our trade "partners" to protect their trade surpluses,

validates Trump's policy.

  1. Canada runs a trade deficit with the US
  2. The US runs a capital surplus with almost every nation on earth because we run trade deficits with most countries. That means foreigners invest more and thus create more jobs here than we do abroad because of the trade deficits.
  3. It doesn’t matter much anyways, as economists know.
There will be more of these stories coming.

Donald Trump has upended global trade relationships, promising that temporary disruption will end in better terms for American businesses. Tell that to the Maine lobster industry that his policies are putting at a major disadvantage in Europe and China.

These should be halcyon days in lobstertown. Maine harvests more lobster than any other U.S. state or Canadian province. Last year it landed nearly 111 million pounds—its fourth-largest annual haul—which it sold for $450 million. The lobster industry accounts for 2% of Maine’s economy. ...

In 2017 the U.S. exported more than $137 million in lobsters to China, up from $52 million in 2015.

Yet Mr. Trump’s unilateral tariffs are about to erode the price advantage of American lobsters. After the U.S. announced on June 15 plans to impose a 25% tariff on $50 billion in Chinese goods, Beijing retaliated with a new 25% tariff on American seafood, farm products and autos, effective July 6. That’s on top of the 10% to 15% tariffs China already imposes on U.S. and Canadian lobster. ...

“What happens if we lose 30%, 40%, even 50% of our market share?” he says. “We have to keep paying the bank for that borrowed money. If we do have an impact in sales, it’s going to have a direct impact on jobs. That’s the only way we reduce our expenses. I hope that doesn’t happen. And to date we haven’t laid anyone off.” Mr. Adams adds that if the trade tensions don’t abate, he would consider moving some of his operations to Canada.

Trump Boils Maine Lobstermen

Trade wars hurt more people than they help. That's why economists almost unilaterally believe in free trade and oppose trade wars and tariffs, i.e. trade taxes.

2% of Maine's economy. National disaster I tell ya.

You're such a sycophant for the libtarded left you should buy a Chinese car to protest.

Libtardos have been railing against Wal Mart for decades for selling cheap Chinese shit here and now they're railing about not getting their cheap Chinese shit any more.

Yes, they are truly libtarded.

You support

  1. Higher taxes
  2. More government interference in the economy
  3. Government picking winners and losers
  4. Ignorant economics
Yes you truly are a leftist libtardo.
There will be more of these stories coming.

Donald Trump has upended global trade relationships, promising that temporary disruption will end in better terms for American businesses. Tell that to the Maine lobster industry that his policies are putting at a major disadvantage in Europe and China.

These should be halcyon days in lobstertown. Maine harvests more lobster than any other U.S. state or Canadian province. Last year it landed nearly 111 million pounds—its fourth-largest annual haul—which it sold for $450 million. The lobster industry accounts for 2% of Maine’s economy. ...

In 2017 the U.S. exported more than $137 million in lobsters to China, up from $52 million in 2015.

Yet Mr. Trump’s unilateral tariffs are about to erode the price advantage of American lobsters. After the U.S. announced on June 15 plans to impose a 25% tariff on $50 billion in Chinese goods, Beijing retaliated with a new 25% tariff on American seafood, farm products and autos, effective July 6. That’s on top of the 10% to 15% tariffs China already imposes on U.S. and Canadian lobster. ...

“What happens if we lose 30%, 40%, even 50% of our market share?” he says. “We have to keep paying the bank for that borrowed money. If we do have an impact in sales, it’s going to have a direct impact on jobs. That’s the only way we reduce our expenses. I hope that doesn’t happen. And to date we haven’t laid anyone off.” Mr. Adams adds that if the trade tensions don’t abate, he would consider moving some of his operations to Canada.

Trump Boils Maine Lobstermen

Trade wars hurt more people than they help. That's why economists almost unilaterally believe in free trade and oppose trade wars and tariffs, i.e. trade taxes.

Every action by our trade "partners" to protect their trade surpluses,

validates Trump's policy.

  1. Canada runs a trade deficit with the US
  2. The US runs a capital surplus with almost every nation on earth because we run trade deficits with most countries. That means foreigners invest more and thus create more jobs here than we do abroad because of the trade deficits.
  3. It doesn’t matter much anyways, as economists know.

If it does not matter, than why are our trade partners pushing back so much?

If it does not matter, than why did you post this story as an attack on Trump?

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