Trump's respect for service members.

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James LaPorta

· 12h
A senior Defense Department official I just spoke with confirmed this story by @JeffreyGoldberg in its entirety. Especially the grafs about the late Sen. John McCain and former Marine Gen. John Kelly, President @realDonaldTrump former chief of staff.…
Trump is beginning to look like a man without a moral compass.
I call B.S on this entire "report". All designed to hurt his support with the military. Desperation by the Never Trumpers and their allies.

You don't remember Trump calling McCain a loser for getting caught? "I like the ones who didn't get caught."
In Mary Trump's book, published last month, she relayed that Donald and Ivana threatened to disown Don Jr. if he joined the military.
I think The Atlantic and Jeffrey Goldberg vetted his story very thoroughly before releasing it.
Trump is a phony bastard who doesn't understand why someone would serve their country if there wasn't something in it for them.
He said so to John Kelly.
Ah the always reliable unnamed sources.

If you actually read a magazine or newspaper, journalists have to protect their sources if they are getting sensitive info. A source has the right to remain anonymous.
Goldberg's story was confirmed by not one but four separate people who were with Trump in Paris in 2018.
I bet John Kelly was one of them, too, since Trump disparaged Kelly's son's service and death.

I suppose when Trump won't name his sources for his lies, it doesn't bother you at all, hmmmm?
Draft dodgers often make fun of men and women who have served the nation and not stole from it as he has. Using veteran money for a painting was the worst instance. The man is a disgrace. And while his cult of followers follow, others must see him for what he is, a coward and a fake.

'Report: Trump Called U.S. WWI Veterans ‘Suckers’ And ‘Losers’'

"The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources tell The Atlantic." Jeffrey Goldberg

Added here too: Veterans for Trump
Trump said the same thing about senator John McCain, so I believe the report. Bone spurs draft dodger president too cowardly to defend his country and passing off his duty to others has no problem insulting the war records of honorable America soldiers. Trump dodged the draft three times because he had a rich daddy. No wonder Trump did not care when Russia placed bounties on U.S sevicemen heads.


This rumor was debunked days ago.

but go ahead and run the lies that are fed to you
I recall what Trump said about POW's 4 years ago which was enough for me. As for this other stuff coming out now just before the election, at least for me its timing has the effect of going in one ear and immediately out the other.
Ah the always reliable unnamed sources.

If you actually read a magazine or newspaper, journalists have to protect their sources if they are getting sensitive info. A source has the right to remain anonymous.
Goldberg's story was confirmed by not one but four separate people who were with Trump in Paris in 2018.
I bet John Kelly was one of them, too, since Trump disparaged Kelly's son's service and death.

I suppose when Trump won't name his sources for his lies, it doesn't bother you at all, hmmmm?
You are right, sources do have a right to remain anonymous.

Having said that, I have a source that says when biden was vp, he routinely would drop American flags on the floor and walk all over them. He also used to request that all the toilet paper in his bathroom have American flag printed on them, so he could wipe his butt with the american flag.

Wow, looks like we have to address these issues as well.
I recall what Trump said about POW's 4 years ago which was enough for me.
Yep. That should have been all it took to disqualify him, but it was too late. The adoration had already begun.

They damn well remember him saying that, so when they pretend that this couldn't have happened, it's just more dishonest, ugly, cult-like behavior.
I call B.S on this entire "report". All designed to hurt his support with the military. Desperation by the Never Trumpers and their allies.
Donald Trump Says John McCain Is No War Hero,

That's because he wasn't
He was a POW like thousands of others. He wasn't a hero he survived like thousands of others.

He used that so called hero status to catapult himself into politics and there he stayed. Sucking of the tax payer tit for decades. He was no hero.
Here's the full Atlantic piece.

Solid reporting and they had FOUR first hand witnesses. Of course, entirely unsurprising. This is a man who told his son Don Jr that if he enlisted, he'd be disinherited. Daddy Fred hated the military too. Donald doesn't understand service. The comment "What was in it for them?" as he looked over fields of little white crosses sums up his worldview perfectly. That unless you are making money you're a sucker and a loser.

One can only hope that this is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Anyone with a brain should know by now that Donald J Trump is unfit to be Commander in Chief.

I recall what Trump said about POW's 4 years ago which was enough for me.
Yep. That should have been all it took to disqualify him, but it was too late. The adoration had already begun.

They damn well remember him saying that, so when they pretend that this couldn't have happened, it's just more dishonest, ugly, cult-like behavior.
He was referring specifically to John "Songbird" McCain. I suggest you find out what his fellow captives at the Hanoi Hilton have to say about him. Yes, they did break his arms, and they broke him, as well. Probably conditioned him to be a sleeper agent.
Here's the full Atlantic piece.

Solid reporting and they had FOUR first hand witnesses. Of course, entirely unsurprising. This is a man who told his son Don Jr that if he enlisted, he'd be disinherited. Daddy Fred hated the military too. Donald doesn't understand service. The comment "What was in it for them?" as he looked over fields of little white crosses sums up his worldview perfectly. That unless you are making money you're a sucker and a loser.

One can only hope that this is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Anyone with a brain should know by now that Donald J Trump is unfit to be Commander in Chief.

You are fucking koo koo for Cocoa Puffs! :auiqs.jpg::cuckoo:
"solid reporting"
Since when did anonymous "He said, She said" become "solid reporting"? You fucking Mental Micron!
Did you pay somebody to make you that stupid, er wut! :uhh:
I recall what Trump said about POW's 4 years ago which was enough for me.
Yep. That should have been all it took to disqualify him, but it was too late. The adoration had already begun.

They damn well remember him saying that, so when they pretend that this couldn't have happened, it's just more dishonest, ugly, cult-like behavior.
He was referring specifically to John "Songbird" McCain. I suggest you find out what his fellow captives at the Hanoi Hilton have to say about him. Yes, they did break his arms, and they broke him, as well. Probably conditioned him to be a sleeper agent.
No, he wasn't. "I like people that weren't captured". Many were. And tortured. And maimed. And killed.

And you know it.

That you would lie on a topic like this says a lot about you.
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