Trump's respect for service members.

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Come back when they have a real story not one backed by UN NAMED SOURCES
The Atlantic is a leftist rag and using un-named sources to make such scurrilous un-proven charges
is typical of the left. It won't change one single mind.
It just confirms what people already think of the media.
Exactly....they are getting more and more desperate....making up false stories aka fake news.

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?
He also shot 14 kittens at that meeting, then he ritualistically drank their blood in order to merge his soul with a demon.

Which demon?
Trump said the same thing about senator John McCain, so I believe the report. Bone spurs draft dodger president too cowardly to defend his country and passing off his duty to others has no problem insulting the war records of honorable America soldiers. Trump dodged the draft three times because he had a rich daddy. No wonder Trump did not care when Russia placed bounties on U.S sevicemen heads.

You probably haven't gotten the memo, but the Marxist Daily Wipe has put out talking points to STAY AWAY FROM THE DRAFT DEFERMENT ISSUE!!!

The reason for this is obviously because Beijing Biden received.... wait for it.......5 draft deferments!!!

The reason listed each time...... wait for it..... wait....... "childhood asthma".

OMG what a cowardly twat. Do you see why you're not in sync with your masters? Get it together shitstain!! Quit embarrassing the party bosses!!
Did biden call our heroes losers and suckers like your AH trump did? You support a pos Good for you

Pretty good except Trump never said any such thing. That post is put up by "anonymous." If it were true then they would have given their names and been proud to do so.

Never trust anything "anonymous" has to say because whatever they are saying is a lie.
Claude That's so much BS It wasn't just one speaking of trump vomit coming from his mouth it was 4 AND IF they gave their names you'd still say it wasn't true I'll go with the AH's record of bullying and disparaging all who speak out about him

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?
He also shot 14 kittens at that meeting, then he ritualistically drank their blood in order to merge his soul with a demon.

Which demon?
That celebrity demon that got a role in the Exorcist movie.
Trump just does not have the understanding of human suffering and human sacrifice or serving a cause larger than himself

if you love our troops, vote Biden on Nov 3

Yep, ya gotta be a Democrat and live in a Democrat run city to fully understand human suffering and human sacrifice.

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?

Let's see...we're about two months out from the cue the Democratic Smear Machine!

It's sad that rather than run on their plans to make America great...they're pulling this shit!

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?
Trump supporters should demand the truth of this as a condition for their vote – but instead they’ll hide from it.

Some disgruntled ex-employee makes an unfounded accusation and Trump voters should demand the President explain it?

Sorry, but that's not how this works...

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?
Trump supporters should demand the truth of this as a condition for their vote – but instead they’ll hide from it.

You are fucking moron......joe biden digitally raped a woman and you asshats don't care.....joe biden and his family got 1.5 billion dollars from the Chinese government and you don't spare us your opinion on what we should do, you moron.

4 unnamed sources...hmmmmmm...let's see......hilary clinton, barak obama, joe biden, kamala harris.........sound about right?
The sources are solid sources, people who were there when he spoke to the General whose son laid dead in the cemetery, and you have his Niece as another source...

No one is upset about your bull crud lies about Biden raping Tara, because Tara was never happened. Why would anyone be upset, with something that was fabricated, and never happened?

Who are afraid to give their names..............are they the same sources that gave us the Russian dossier?

How do you know Tara was lying? #metoo "believe all women"...unless the woman is accusing a democrat party politician who you guys still need.......right?
I think the witness who was there next to Gen Kelly, when Trump said it, gave his name.

Plus you have Trump himself wearing his emotions on his coat sleeve....

McCain was not a hero, The gold star Kahn family abuse by him....

McCain was an asshole who broke his word when he voted to protect obamacare........he attacked President Trump, then helped spread the fake Russian dossier...he was a loser at the end. The gold star family entered the political arena.........they opened themselves up to criticism..........
Neocon John hated President Trump deeply because he refused to take orders from him on Foreign Policy and wouldn't enter into more wars like he wanted. :smoke:

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?

Let's see...we're about two months out from the cue the Democratic Smear Machine!

It's sad that rather than run on their plans to make America great...they're pulling this shit!

They have no intention of making America great.

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?
Trump supporters should demand the truth of this as a condition for their vote – but instead they’ll hide from it.

You are fucking moron......joe biden digitally raped a woman and you asshats don't care.....joe biden and his family got 1.5 billion dollars from the Chinese government and you don't spare us your opinion on what we should do, you moron.

4 unnamed sources...hmmmmmm...let's see......hilary clinton, barak obama, joe biden, kamala harris.........sound about right?
The sources are solid sources, people who were there when he spoke to the General whose son laid dead in the cemetery, and you have his Niece as another source...

No one is upset about your bull crud lies about Biden raping Tara, because Tara was never happened. Why would anyone be upset, with something that was fabricated, and never happened?

Who are afraid to give their names..............are they the same sources that gave us the Russian dossier?

How do you know Tara was lying? #metoo "believe all women"...unless the woman is accusing a democrat party politician who you guys still need.......right?
I think the witness who was there next to Gen Kelly, when Trump said it, gave his name.

Plus you have Trump himself wearing his emotions on his coat sleeve....

McCain was not a hero, The gold star Kahn family abuse by him....

McCain was an asshole who broke his word when he voted to protect obamacare........he attacked President Trump, then helped spread the fake Russian dossier...he was a loser at the end. The gold star family entered the political arena.........they opened themselves up to criticism..........
Neocon John hated President Trump deeply because he refused to take orders from him on Foreign Policy and wouldn't enter into more wars like he wanted. :smoke:

And all of that was already baked into the 2016 election.
This is the least likely to hurt The President of all the shenanigans yet.
"The Atlantic Magazine is dying, like most magazines, so they make up a fake story in order to gain some relevance. Story already refuted, but this is what we are up against. Just like the Fake Dossier. You fight and and fight, and then people realize it was a total fraud!" - Trump just tweeted

One day -

President Trump wants to have a military parade to honor military
Left freaks out.

another day -

Rumor - President Trump said bad thing about same military
Left freaks out.

You all aren't at all good at this.
Yep, ya gotta be a Democrat and live in a Democrat run city to fully understand human suffering and human sacrifice.


Hey "thinker" I've got a newsflash for you: well before Trump was running as a Republican he was a Democrat living in the NYC.

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?

Let's see...we're about two months out from the cue the Democratic Smear Machine!

It's sad that rather than run on their plans to make America great...they're pulling this shit!

They have no intention of making America great.
They have no plan to make America great! It's why they're going with the smear campaign!

Did you notice in all of the Biden ads he talks about how when he was Vice President he "saved" a million jobs? It that same old bullshit with the "jobs created or saved" they came up with when the Obama Stimulus failed to create even close to the jobs they said it would! So now Joe's going to "save" jobs again? What about the millions that have LOST their jobs, Joe! Are you going to create jobs for them? You couldn't do it when you were part of the Obama Administration...what would make anyone think you could do it now? You'll increase taxes and push the Green New Deal and America will get another of the same slow, grinding recovery that we got under Obama!

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?

Let's see...we're about two months out from the cue the Democratic Smear Machine!

It's sad that rather than run on their plans to make America great...they're pulling this shit!

They have no intention of making America great.
They have no plan to make America great! It's why they're going with the smear campaign!

Did you notice in all of the Biden ads he talks about how when he was Vice President he "saved" a million jobs? It that same old bullshit with the "jobs created or saved" they came up with when the Obama Stimulus failed to create even close to the jobs they said it would! So now Joe's going to "save" jobs again? What about the millions that have LOST their jobs, Joe! Are you going to create jobs for them? You couldn't do it when you were part of the Obama Administration...what would make anyone think you could do it now? You'll increase taxes and push the Green New Deal and America will get another of the same slow, grinding recovery that we got under Obama!

We agree -

Given the choice of making America Great, or making it Venezuela -

Their choice would be Venezuela.
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