Trumps plan is workable AND popular

Immigration polls at 3% on "the most important" issues facing the nation normally.

Don't have time to waste on your drivel, but you're lying:

One in Six Say Immigration Most Important U.S. Problem

American Public Opinion and Immigration


From your source:

For one thing, we know that immigration is not seen as the top problem facing the nation today by most Americans, but it is perceived as an important issue.

  • Seven percent of Americans say immigration is the most important problem facing the country today. That may not seem like a high number, but at the moment there is no one dominant problem in the minds of American, and immigration actually comes in as the fourth-most-frequently mentioned problem, behind the economy, dissatisfaction with government and race relations. This month, immigration is mentioned as the top problem by one percentage point more Americans than is unemployment/jobs. Immigration flares up from time to time on this most important problem measure. Last July it was at 17% of all mentions, for example. Republicans are only slightly more likely than Democrats to mention immigration as the nation's top problem.
  • In March, we gave Americans a list of 15 problems and asked how much they personally worry about each. "Illegal immigration" was ninth on the list, with 39% saying they worried about it "a great deal." That contrasts with the top problems -- healthcare and the economy -- about which 54% and 53%, respectively, of the public said they worried about a great deal.
Love it when RWNJ's don't even read their own sources. It just re-enforces the fact that conservatism is what happens to you when you stop trying....
Drivel? From your source:

Yes, drivel. You claimed that THREE PERCENT said it was their major concern, every recent poll shows much higher numbers, including the 2 that I linked. Keep changing the goal posts, really helps your total lack of credibility.

Immigration Now Top Concern For U.S., Poll Shows

"That's up sharply since June, when just 5 percent said immigration topped their list of concerns."

Is that clear enough for you, disphit?
Last edited:
Drivel? From your source:

Yes, drivel. You claimed that THREE PERCENT said it was their major concern, every recent poll shows much higher numbers, including the 2 that I linked. Keep changing the goal posts, really helps your total lack of credibility.

Immigration Now Top Concern For U.S., Poll Shows

"That's up sharply since June, when just 5 percent said immigration topped their list of concerns."

Is that clear enough for you, disphit?

Gee so you found a poll that shows it was at a less dismal 5% instead of 3%. that rate the topic may become actually important someday. You? I wouldn't hold my breath
Gee so you found a poll that shows it was at a less dismal 5% instead of 3%. that rate the topic may become actually important someday. You? I wouldn't hold my breath

You may not have been a math major, but 1/6 = 16.6667%.

And talk about not reading the link - something you attacked me for, the poll showed the trend that in just a few months, the issue went from single digits to 17%. I guess reading was not fundamental in your background.
Gee so you found a poll that shows it was at a less dismal 5% instead of 3%. that rate the topic may become actually important someday. You? I wouldn't hold my breath

You may not have been a math major, but 1/6 = 16.6667%.

And talk about not reading the link - something you attacked me for, the poll showed the trend that in just a few months, the issue went from single digits to 17%. I guess reading was not fundamental in your background.

Wow dumbass. Why do you think that was. I suppose if you had polled America about it's largest problem on 9/12/01, terrorism may have been polling higher than it was on 9/10/01.

Mr. Trump is running around accusing women of being on their period, calling other candidates "losers" (what has he ever won BTW), insulting Mexicans, and preying on the simple minded (i.e. you) and telling you some kid being born somewhere is the reason the economy is in the dumper; not that we spend billions more than necessary on both welfare and defense and leave billions moe than necesary on the table in the form of loopholes for businesses that do not need those tax breaks.

Again, I can't wait for him to go down in flames. I only hope it happens later rather than sooner; after the nomination preferably when idiots like you can no longer say "He wasn't my candidate."
Nahhhhh... 99.99% of the people who would ordinarily cross the Southern Border do not have the resources to get to Canada the long way or hard way, to try to cross there.

But... in the long run... a wall isn't the answer.

We need to make it impossible for Illegal Aliens to find jobs or housing or medical help or education or automobiles or welfare or banking and financial services, and we need to put teeth into those laws, so that any American caught violating those laws gets crucified - metaphorically - but spanked very damned hard.

Having done so, the 12,000,000 -strong Plague of Locusts will SELF-DEPORT at the speed of light, falling all over each other to get back across the border as quickly as possible, at their own expense, and without the US having to left a finger or spend one dime, to physically deport anybody.

It has been reported that some of these people pay thousands to coyote "guides" who occasionally rape crossers, or leave them for dead in the desert wilderness. A plane ticket to Vancouver couldn't cost much more.

I pretty much agree with you on everything else. Although I would make an exception for those who have assimilated to a decent degree and have been self reliant without any criminal activity.

If they can just fly to Canada and walk in why arent they saving the money and the bypassing the violence, for that matter if they can fly to Canada why not just fly to US.........
Gee so you found a poll that shows it was at a less dismal 5% instead of 3%. that rate the topic may become actually important someday. You? I wouldn't hold my breath

You may not have been a math major, but 1/6 = 16.6667%.

And talk about not reading the link - something you attacked me for, the poll showed the trend that in just a few months, the issue went from single digits to 17%. I guess reading was not fundamental in your background.

Wow dumbass. Why do you think that was. I suppose if you had polled America about it's largest problem on 9/12/01, terrorism may have been polling higher than it was on 9/10/01.

Mr. Trump is running around accusing women of being on their period, calling other candidates "losers" (what has he ever won BTW), insulting Mexicans, and preying on the simple minded (i.e. you) and telling you some kid being born somewhere is the reason the economy is in the dumper; not that we spend billions more than necessary on both welfare and defense and leave billions moe than necesary on the table in the form of loopholes for businesses that do not need those tax breaks.

Again, I can't wait for him to go down in flames. I only hope it happens later rather than sooner; after the nomination preferably when idiots like you can no longer say "He wasn't my candidate."
Sounds like someone is seriously concerned Trump may be next President
Gee so you found a poll that shows it was at a less dismal 5% instead of 3%. that rate the topic may become actually important someday. You? I wouldn't hold my breath

You may not have been a math major, but 1/6 = 16.6667%.

And talk about not reading the link - something you attacked me for, the poll showed the trend that in just a few months, the issue went from single digits to 17%. I guess reading was not fundamental in your background.

Wow dumbass. Why do you think that was. I suppose if you had polled America about it's largest problem on 9/12/01, terrorism may have been polling higher than it was on 9/10/01.

Mr. Trump is running around accusing women of being on their period, calling other candidates "losers" (what has he ever won BTW), insulting Mexicans, and preying on the simple minded (i.e. you) and telling you some kid being born somewhere is the reason the economy is in the dumper; not that we spend billions more than necessary on both welfare and defense and leave billions moe than necesary on the table in the form of loopholes for businesses that do not need those tax breaks.

Again, I can't wait for him to go down in flames. I only hope it happens later rather than sooner; after the nomination preferably when idiots like you can no longer say "He wasn't my candidate."
Sounds like someone is seriously concerned Trump may be next President

Glad you brought it up.

If everything plays out logically, he doesn't have a shot. Romney got nearly 60% of the white vote and got his ass handed to him because he didn't get many votes from the Ethinic minorities.

Clinton will do better with women and Trump is sending Hispanics over to the Democrats by the busload. Blacks will be a dependable voting block. College educated voters scoff at Trump's "plan" as do everyone who can see beyond the charisma and bluster. If this was him putting "his best foot forward", we needn't worry about any other plans since they will be as (if not more) undoubtedly moronic.

That having been said, in our binary system, you're guaranteed nearly 40% of the vote if you are one of the two candidates. Hillary could stumble and fall at any moment if she stops playing her game. So the crown defacto goes to the runner up...the GOP nominee.

As a liberal, it doesn't really bother me since Trump is about as conservative as Teddy Kennedy. As an American, his classlessness and penchant for insulting people will take us back to the bad old days of W. Our country doesn't need that.

This is the worry I have. It's a massive longshot but it is a possible scenario.
Donald Trump outlines immigration specifics -

A GIGANTIC FUCK YOU to Frank Sharry, whoever that turd pos is, along with the bottom-feeding trash CNN writers of this article. Mass expulsion of illegals and a 20-year time-out/termination of legal immigration to give this country a chance to try to begin the healing of the middle and poor black working classes, is absolutely necessary and is literally the only way to do it.

When I see scumbags like Sharry, who do not work in a real job, running interference for the la raza filth/illegal alien advocacy crowd, my blood boils over these whore bastards. Yes, I am angry because these people are knowingly destroying this country, and are trying to do so in the most vile of ways, pretending that they are "human rights" supporters or some other crap - but they are absolute frauds. How any sane human could be against repairing the mis-reading / mis-interpretation of the 14th amendment I cannot fathom - unless of course there is an agenda involved, which there most certainly is.

Many times in the past this country took a long timeout from even legal immigration, to give the economy a chance to absorb large numbers of immigrants.

The general public has finally, finally come to understand how harmful and costly the illegal alien invasion and overabundant legal immigration framework has been for the country, and those who complain about $25 BBN to build a wall are remarkably silent when stats are brought up to show that the welfare and support of illegal aliens dwarfs that by a wide margin.

Trump is #1 in the polls because the public has had it, and if these fucking dogs in office do not start fixing this problem the right way - mass deportation, build a wall, strong E-verify with massive punishment for employers hiring illegals, termination of the H1-B visa scam, there is going to be an uprising not seen since 1861.

You are no "Rhodes Scholar"...

This post is rife with cretin ignorance.

What REAL scholars have to say...

Immigrants stimulate the U.S. economy

The legalization of the nation’s estimated 12 million undocumented workers will raise wages, increase consumption, create new jobs and generate new tax revenue. Furthermore, it would raise the wage floor for native-born workers and naturalized immigrants alike.

All told, legalization would add about $1.5 trillion to the U.S. gross domestic product over the next 10 years. It’s a ready-made economic stimulus plan.

Another recent study, this one by the Fiscal Policy Institute, examines the effect of immigrant workers on the economies of the 25 largest metropolitan areas in the United States, collectively responsible for half of the country’s total GDP. These cities contain 66 percent of the nation’s immigrant population overall and a majority of the estimated 12 million undocumented workers. The findings show that between 1990 and 2006, the fastest-growing of these economies also were those with the largest increase in immigrant workers. These migrants are young, eager to work and highly productive.

By contrast, maintaining the enforcement-only approach drains the economy. The budget for Immigration and Customs Enforcement has increased 82 percent in only six years, growing from $3.3 billion to $5.9 billion and counting. The burdensome cost of enforcement-only policies extends into the legal system, as large numbers of immigrant workers continue to be rounded up, crowded into detention centers and jamming the federal courts.

According to ICE estimates, 442,000 immigrants were incarcerated in 2009. This represents a doubling of the rate since 2003, with most detainees charged with only minor immigration violations.

At the state and local level, the costs of enforcement-only tactics are also sopping up resources, at a time when state governments are dealing with crippling budgetary shortfalls.

Keeping millions of productive workers in the shadows and off government records is costly, has failed to curtail immigration, lowers the wage threshold for all workers and minimizes immigrant contributions to the economy.

As then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff admitted in 2006, “When you try to fight economic reality, it is at best an expensive and very, very difficult process and almost always doomed to failure.”
Donald Trump outlines immigration specifics -

A GIGANTIC FUCK YOU to Frank Sharry, whoever that turd pos is, along with the bottom-feeding trash CNN writers of this article. Mass expulsion of illegals and a 20-year time-out/termination of legal immigration to give this country a chance to try to begin the healing of the middle and poor black working classes, is absolutely necessary and is literally the only way to do it.

When I see scumbags like Sharry, who do not work in a real job, running interference for the la raza filth/illegal alien advocacy crowd, my blood boils over these whore bastards. Yes, I am angry because these people are knowingly destroying this country, and are trying to do so in the most vile of ways, pretending that they are "human rights" supporters or some other crap - but they are absolute frauds. How any sane human could be against repairing the mis-reading / mis-interpretation of the 14th amendment I cannot fathom - unless of course there is an agenda involved, which there most certainly is.

Many times in the past this country took a long timeout from even legal immigration, to give the economy a chance to absorb large numbers of immigrants.

The general public has finally, finally come to understand how harmful and costly the illegal alien invasion and overabundant legal immigration framework has been for the country, and those who complain about $25 BBN to build a wall are remarkably silent when stats are brought up to show that the welfare and support of illegal aliens dwarfs that by a wide margin.

Trump is #1 in the polls because the public has had it, and if these fucking dogs in office do not start fixing this problem the right way - mass deportation, build a wall, strong E-verify with massive punishment for employers hiring illegals, termination of the H1-B visa scam, there is going to be an uprising not seen since 1861.

You are no "Rhodes Scholar"...

This post is rife with cretin ignorance.

What REAL scholars have to say...

Immigrants stimulate the U.S. economy

The legalization of the nation’s estimated 12 million undocumented workers will raise wages, increase consumption, create new jobs and generate new tax revenue. Furthermore, it would raise the wage floor for native-born workers and naturalized immigrants alike.

All told, legalization would add about $1.5 trillion to the U.S. gross domestic product over the next 10 years. It’s a ready-made economic stimulus plan.

Another recent study, this one by the Fiscal Policy Institute, examines the effect of immigrant workers on the economies of the 25 largest metropolitan areas in the United States, collectively responsible for half of the country’s total GDP. These cities contain 66 percent of the nation’s immigrant population overall and a majority of the estimated 12 million undocumented workers. The findings show that between 1990 and 2006, the fastest-growing of these economies also were those with the largest increase in immigrant workers. These migrants are young, eager to work and highly productive.

By contrast, maintaining the enforcement-only approach drains the economy. The budget for Immigration and Customs Enforcement has increased 82 percent in only six years, growing from $3.3 billion to $5.9 billion and counting. The burdensome cost of enforcement-only policies extends into the legal system, as large numbers of immigrant workers continue to be rounded up, crowded into detention centers and jamming the federal courts.

According to ICE estimates, 442,000 immigrants were incarcerated in 2009. This represents a doubling of the rate since 2003, with most detainees charged with only minor immigration violations.

At the state and local level, the costs of enforcement-only tactics are also sopping up resources, at a time when state governments are dealing with crippling budgetary shortfalls.

Keeping millions of productive workers in the shadows and off government records is costly, has failed to curtail immigration, lowers the wage threshold for all workers and minimizes immigrant contributions to the economy.

As then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff admitted in 2006, “When you try to fight economic reality, it is at best an expensive and very, very difficult process and almost always doomed to failure.”
Making them legal isnt going to magically raise still have the same oversupply of low skill labor
Donald Trump outlines immigration specifics -

A GIGANTIC FUCK YOU to Frank Sharry, whoever that turd pos is, along with the bottom-feeding trash CNN writers of this article. Mass expulsion of illegals and a 20-year time-out/termination of legal immigration to give this country a chance to try to begin the healing of the middle and poor black working classes, is absolutely necessary and is literally the only way to do it.

When I see scumbags like Sharry, who do not work in a real job, running interference for the la raza filth/illegal alien advocacy crowd, my blood boils over these whore bastards. Yes, I am angry because these people are knowingly destroying this country, and are trying to do so in the most vile of ways, pretending that they are "human rights" supporters or some other crap - but they are absolute frauds. How any sane human could be against repairing the mis-reading / mis-interpretation of the 14th amendment I cannot fathom - unless of course there is an agenda involved, which there most certainly is.

Many times in the past this country took a long timeout from even legal immigration, to give the economy a chance to absorb large numbers of immigrants.

The general public has finally, finally come to understand how harmful and costly the illegal alien invasion and overabundant legal immigration framework has been for the country, and those who complain about $25 BBN to build a wall are remarkably silent when stats are brought up to show that the welfare and support of illegal aliens dwarfs that by a wide margin.

Trump is #1 in the polls because the public has had it, and if these fucking dogs in office do not start fixing this problem the right way - mass deportation, build a wall, strong E-verify with massive punishment for employers hiring illegals, termination of the H1-B visa scam, there is going to be an uprising not seen since 1861.

America is an island of relative sanity in a world devolving into chaos. The two natural responses to that situation are economic patriotism (decoupling from globalism) and taking a sober look at managing immigration. The American people are known for having common sense, and the reality of the situation is staring us right in the face. In his awkward manner, Trump is the only candidate to even acknowledge those truths.

Immigration is like rain. You need it in times of drought. In times of flood, it's the last thing you need. Immigration is what made the Roman Empire great. It's also partially what destroyed the Roman Empire, which in the end became too convoluted and unfocused and lost all sense of nationality and charter.
BTW there isnt much enforcement now....which is why Trump wasnt allowed to meet with the union


Obama Administration Has Deported A Record Number Of Undocumented Immigrants
ICE Removed A "Record High" Number Of Individuals In 2012. In fiscal year 2012, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) "removed 409,849 individuals. Ninety-six percent of these removals fell into one of ICE's enforcement priorities, a record high." [, accessed 1/30/13]

NPR: Obama Administration Has Increased Deportations Of Those Convicted Of A Crime. As NPR reported, the Obama administration has prioritized the deportation of undocumented immigrants who have been convicted of a crime, with priority cases including "felons, repeat violators of immigration laws, people who have recently crossed U.S. borders illegally and those who pose a national security threat." According to the report, roughly "55 percent, or more than 225,000 people, deported in the past year were convicted of crimes such as drug offenses and driving under the influence." NPR

America is an island of relative sanity in a world devolving into chaos. The two natural responses to that situation are economic patriotism (decoupling from globalism) and taking a sober look at managing immigration. The American people are known for having common sense, and the reality of the situation is staring us right in the face. In his awkward manner, Trump is the only candidate to even acknowledge those truths.

Immigration is like rain. You need it in times of drought. In times of flood, it's the last thing you need. Immigration is what made the Roman Empire great. It's also partially what destroyed the Roman Empire, which in the end became too convoluted and unfocused and lost all sense of nationality and charter.

We are a nation OF immigrants...
Donald Trump outlines immigration specifics -

A GIGANTIC FUCK YOU to Frank Sharry, whoever that turd pos is, along with the bottom-feeding trash CNN writers of this article. Mass expulsion of illegals and a 20-year time-out/termination of legal immigration to give this country a chance to try to begin the healing of the middle and poor black working classes, is absolutely necessary and is literally the only way to do it.

When I see scumbags like Sharry, who do not work in a real job, running interference for the la raza filth/illegal alien advocacy crowd, my blood boils over these whore bastards. Yes, I am angry because these people are knowingly destroying this country, and are trying to do so in the most vile of ways, pretending that they are "human rights" supporters or some other crap - but they are absolute frauds. How any sane human could be against repairing the mis-reading / mis-interpretation of the 14th amendment I cannot fathom - unless of course there is an agenda involved, which there most certainly is.

Many times in the past this country took a long timeout from even legal immigration, to give the economy a chance to absorb large numbers of immigrants.

The general public has finally, finally come to understand how harmful and costly the illegal alien invasion and overabundant legal immigration framework has been for the country, and those who complain about $25 BBN to build a wall are remarkably silent when stats are brought up to show that the welfare and support of illegal aliens dwarfs that by a wide margin.

Trump is #1 in the polls because the public has had it, and if these fucking dogs in office do not start fixing this problem the right way - mass deportation, build a wall, strong E-verify with massive punishment for employers hiring illegals, termination of the H1-B visa scam, there is going to be an uprising not seen since 1861.

The problem is, once they've got rid of the illegal immigrants etc people would expect to see improvements in society. But they just wouldn't happen.

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