Trump's Failures Continue

President Trump failures? Man you have some serious issues that President Trump is no longer in office, but Brandon has so fucked up this country, that an Eichmann like you would shove your head way up Uranus.

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DJT is the World's Biggest Loser

He lost to Sleepy Joe Biden

when the economy is in ruins this summer, the biden idiots will blame trump. They will never accept the fact that Trump was and still is an enemy of the Deep State that the Democrats love so much.
Let's be honest. Trump can't win as he can't get moderates and centerist anymore. That is why he lost in 2020. He is losing and bleeding hard rightwingers too and he is completely screwed if Desantist jumps in.
The congress is being run by MAGA Trump endorsements.... McCarthy... MTG... JD Vance... etc etc etc look them all up...
And when you fools shut the government down, cut the safetynet and attack peoples retirement about a dozen democrats in 2024 will be elected to remove that little majority of yours.
And when you fools shut the government down, cut the safetynet and attack peoples retirement about a dozen democrats in 2024 will be elected to remove that little majority of yours.
Biden has ruined a great economy in less than 3 years.... Biden is spending us into permanent debt..... if the government gets shut down until Joe wakes up it may be a good thing....
We Are Broke.....
Biden has ruined a great economy in less than 3 years.... Biden is spending us into permanent debt..... if the government gets shut down until Joe wakes up it may be a good thing....
We Are Broke.....
This same behavior is why 2018 happened and could happen again at some scale in 2024. Americans do not want what you liberterians want and never will. I'll admit that we do want police, laws and do care at least a little about the border and that is why you won your tiny little dick majority but that could easily go bye bye in a few years.
Creepy looking picture. Does it tend to increase the enjoyment of the hate trip? With all that's happening to the Country and the old fool in the W.H. these days, why in the world would the GOP co-chair look like an important issue?
This same behavior is why 2018 happened and could happen again at some scale in 2024. Americans do not want what you liberterians want and never will. I'll admit that we do want police, laws and do care at least a little about the border and that is why you won your tiny little dick majority but that could easily go bye bye in a few years.
Nunes was on Fox the other day crying because TS is about to go belly up & of course it's the Fed's fault.
Interesting how you applaud an American business failing. I guess you don't care about the American workers who will be laid off.
Interesting how you applaud an American business failing. I guess you don't care about the American workers who will be laid off.
Tell it to Trump. He's the one who's going to leave everyone holding the bag. And it won't be the first time. The guy is a professional deadbeat.

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