Trump’s Cable Cabinet: New texts reveal the influence of Fox hosts on previous White House


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
None of these people went through Senate confirmation. And it looks like they were more concerned with spinning their actions rather than the actions themselves.

Trump’s Cable Cabinet: New texts reveal the influence of Fox hosts on previous White House


A former senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share candid details of private discussions, said Trump would also sometimes dial Hannity and Lou Dobbs — whose Fox Business show was canceled in February — into Oval Office staff meetings.

“A lot of it was PR — what he should be saying and how he should be saying it; he should be going harder against wearing masks or whatever,” Grisham said. “And they all have different opinions, too.”

A Trump spokesman did not respond to a request for comment. A spokesperson for Fox News declined to comment.

Michael Pillsbury, an informal Trump adviser, said he realized how powerful Fox News was in Trump’s orbit when the former president began embracing Sidney Powell — an attorney promoting Trump’s false claims of widespread voter fraud — and other election fabulists after seeing them on Dobbs’s show. Pillsbury added that while it seemed obvious that many of the claims were patently false, Trump was inclined to believe them, in part because he was watching them on TV and had affection for Dobbs in particular.

“It taught me the power of the young producers at Fox, and Fox Business especially,” Pillsbury said. “These young producers who are in their mid-20s. They come out of the conservative movement, they‘ve never been in the government. They are presented with these reckless, fantastical accounts. And they believe them and put them on for ratings.”

Alyssa Farah, a former White House communications director, said the four most influential Fox hosts were Dobbs, Hannity, Igraham, and Pirro — and in the final year of the Trump administration, Hannity was the most influential. Other former top administration officials also mentioned Mark Levin, another Fox News host, and Maria Bartiromo, a Fox Business host, as two other network stars in regular touch with the White House.
None of these people went through Senate confirmation. And it looks like they were more concerned with spinning their actions rather than the actions themselves.

Trump’s Cable Cabinet: New texts reveal the influence of Fox hosts on previous White House

A former senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share candid details of private discussions, said Trump would also sometimes dial Hannity and Lou Dobbs — whose Fox Business show was canceled in February — into Oval Office staff meetings.

“A lot of it was PR — what he should be saying and how he should be saying it; he should be going harder against wearing masks or whatever,” Grisham said. “And they all have different opinions, too.”

A Trump spokesman did not respond to a request for comment. A spokesperson for Fox News declined to comment.

Michael Pillsbury, an informal Trump adviser, said he realized how powerful Fox News was in Trump’s orbit when the former president began embracing Sidney Powell — an attorney promoting Trump’s false claims of widespread voter fraud — and other election fabulists after seeing them on Dobbs’s show. Pillsbury added that while it seemed obvious that many of the claims were patently false, Trump was inclined to believe them, in part because he was watching them on TV and had affection for Dobbs in particular.

“It taught me the power of the young producers at Fox, and Fox Business especially,” Pillsbury said. “These young producers who are in their mid-20s. They come out of the conservative movement, they‘ve never been in the government. They are presented with these reckless, fantastical accounts. And they believe them and put them on for ratings.”

Alyssa Farah, a former White House communications director, said the four most influential Fox hosts were Dobbs, Hannity, Igraham, and Pirro — and in the final year of the Trump administration, Hannity was the most influential. Other former top administration officials also mentioned Mark Levin, another Fox News host, and Maria Bartiromo, a Fox Business host, as two other network stars in regular touch with the White House.
I read that earlier and I expect others knew this all along. What BS. And what he supposedly said to staffers doesn't amaze me one bit. The idea of including Lou Dobb's just goes to show you how much of a shit show master Trump was/is.
You guys act like this is the worst thing ever yet media in general has been lying for years. Minus the actual vote count, media manipulation by tv news and platforms like Twitter and Facebook is just is more of an insurrection than any Jan 6 tours.
You guys act like this is the worst thing ever yet media in general has been lying for years. Minus the actual vote count, media manipulation by tv news and platforms like Twitter and Facebook is just is more of an insurrection than any Jan 6 tours.
Do you think Fox news should be able to sit in during the peoples business?
None of these people went through Senate confirmation. And it looks like they were more concerned with spinning their actions rather than the actions themselves.

Trump’s Cable Cabinet: New texts reveal the influence of Fox hosts on previous White House


A former senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share candid details of private discussions, said Trump would also sometimes dial Hannity and Lou Dobbs — whose Fox Business show was canceled in February — into Oval Office staff meetings.

“A lot of it was PR — what he should be saying and how he should be saying it; he should be going harder against wearing masks or whatever,” Grisham said. “And they all have different opinions, too.”

A Trump spokesman did not respond to a request for comment. A spokesperson for Fox News declined to comment.

Michael Pillsbury, an informal Trump adviser, said he realized how powerful Fox News was in Trump’s orbit when the former president began embracing Sidney Powell — an attorney promoting Trump’s false claims of widespread voter fraud — and other election fabulists after seeing them on Dobbs’s show. Pillsbury added that while it seemed obvious that many of the claims were patently false, Trump was inclined to believe them, in part because he was watching them on TV and had affection for Dobbs in particular.

“It taught me the power of the young producers at Fox, and Fox Business especially,” Pillsbury said. “These young producers who are in their mid-20s. They come out of the conservative movement, they‘ve never been in the government. They are presented with these reckless, fantastical accounts. And they believe them and put them on for ratings.”

Alyssa Farah, a former White House communications director, said the four most influential Fox hosts were Dobbs, Hannity, Igraham, and Pirro — and in the final year of the Trump administration, Hannity was the most influential. Other former top administration officials also mentioned Mark Levin, another Fox News host, and Maria Bartiromo, a Fox Business host, as two other network stars in regular touch with the White House.
^ Garbage speculation & anonymous sources, all fueling deranged Democrat fascism.

Democrats: More dangerous than Nazis.
Lot better then npr, cnn and msnbcs influence over the white house directing everything to be about how evil white people are and firing up division.

Trump at least tried to bring people of different races together. But that is the last thing you democrats want. YOu want a genocide on white people one day as that is your dream.
How does any of this help the stuttering shit clown or his cackling slut monkey who are actually elected officials now?

I'm not following.

Sorry.... "elected" should be in quotes.
So you think no 'media' should be allowed to?
No doubt the media should be able to witness much of our government's deliberations, and ask questions about it, but they have no place joining those discussions.
No doubt the media should be able to witness much of our government's deliberations, and ask questions about it, but they have no place joining those discussions.
No. I meant be completely one sided and inaccurate despite the actual facts, which because of a free and open internet (for now) we actually can find. Even it it takes actual effort to find that information.
No. I meant be completely one sided and inaccurate despite the actual facts, which because of a free and open internet (for now) we actually can find. Even it it takes actual effort to find that information.
Completely inaccurate and one sided? You mean like fox?
What do you want from an old half-senile orange-tinted spoiled little rich-boy puff-adder like Rump who spent far too much time in front of a TV growing up?

I mean... what choice did little Rump have all those years ago? Daddy and Granddad were far too busy fleecing the populace and running their whorehouses.
Completely inaccurate and one sided? You mean like fox?
Nope. Meant like ABC, NBC, FOX, CNN, MSNBC, Twitter, Facebook. They are echo chambers. You need to actually do your research to find real information. It's a shame too. American's shouldn't have to work to find the truth . Most are too busy to do so. So they think the morons at places like ABC, Fox and MSNBC are accurate.

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